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Tower3D Voice Chart - Reference Sheet

The Computer Dood

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I am fairly new to Tower3d PRO - I have been reading the forums.  I pulled data from the tower3d.rec file, and put it in a chart. 

The advanced users will scoff, but I needed a guide so I could find all the commands that are recognized.  Hopefully it will help newbees like me.  I wanted to know how to "Vacate Runway".

If this list exists somewhere else, please let me know. 

Great Simulation - First and Best Voice Command SIM I have ever used.

I have Tower3d Pro and am on 6 DLC Airports



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3 hours ago, The Computer Dood said:

If this list exists somewhere else, please let me know.

Your list can't exist a second time! 😉
Actually, there are such lists (there may be other)..




..but they're not in plain text format. I can well imagine that there are several users who prefer your solution.

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