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Important notice:
My Tower!3D (Pro) and Tower! Simulator 3 tools/websites will be discontinued in March 2024. All related content and subdomains will be removed from the servers. Access to the tools/websites will no longer be possible.


Dear Community,

Enclosed are the tools I created for Tower!3D Pro. Maybe they are a help for one or the other.

Note: You can only download files in this forum if you are registered and logged in. Alternatively the downloads are available on my website.



Easy creation of schedules according to your specifications.

Schedule Builder Tool





Create real or fantasy schedules from scratch.

Schedule Creator Tool
https://creator.eligrim.de  (not optimized for mobile devices)



TOWER3D.REC MOD (reference card included)

Modified version with enhanced commands. (Latest update: July 03, 2021)

Tower3D.rec Mod





A (more or less) concise summary of all voice commands. (Latest update: July 03, 2021)

Voice Commands Reference Card





Overview of phonetic a/c identifiers GA pilots use if type "TYPE" is selected using Schedule Builder.


Schedule Builder_GA_type_cheatsheet_DIN-A4_VCv204.pdf




A quick graphical representation of schedules.

Schedule Information Tool

https://schedule.eligrim.de  (not optimized for mobile devices)




Search and display callsigns used in the schedule being played.

Callsign Information Tool

https://callsign.eligrim.de  (not optimized for mobile devices)




Predefine your frequently used commands and insert them into the game via copy & paste.
A little helper when no microphone can be used. (Latest update: Jan 15, 2020)





T3Dpathfinder v0.3 - for users of the STEAM VERSION ONLY

Get correct install paths for add-ons like Real Traffic or Real Color. (Latest update: Sep 05, 2020)






Generates a list of flight strips from schedules created with the Schedule Builder Tool.

Timetable Tool

https://timetable.eligrim.de  (not optimized for mobile devices)



Criticism is welcome.
Please let me know if you encounter any issues, errors, typos or strange use of the English language (I'm not a native speaker).
These are small projects from a player for other players. There are no advertisements to be seen, no cookies to be used, no personal information to be requested. If you notice anything like that, please let me know immediately.

Edited by EliGrim
termination announcement
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  • 3 weeks later...

T3Dpathfinder v0.1 added

Especially Steam users and especially Steam users who have not installed Steam in the path predetermined by the DLC installers report problems time and again. Therefore I have created a small batch file which checks the Windows Registry and SHOULD output the correct paths for the installation of Airport DLCs, Real Color Packs and Real Traffic.
A text file with the paths SHOULD be created, so you can copy and paste the needed path into the install path text field of the installer.

Since I can only test the file on my PC with my T!3D installation, this tool is considered untested! T3Dpathfinder is ONLY for Steam users having Tower!3D or Tower!3D Pro installed!

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Voice Commands - Reference Card updated (v2.02)

Corrections to the alphabet. Foxtrott is now Foxtrot and X-ray is now Xray.

Edit: I have not changed Juliett into Juliet with a single T. Although most of the sources I have found write it with a single T, I have stuck with the double T, as both Wikipedia and a document for educators, found on faa.gov, write it with a double T.


New domain

It appeared that the "Free Hoster" prohibits the search for certain callsigns (e.g. DHX).
With the now selected, paid service the site should be faster, encrypted transmissions are possible and of course the search now works error-free for all callsigns.
Even if now for domain and server space must be paid, the tools remain of course free of advertising and free of cookies.

The links in the first post have been updated.

Edited by EliGrim
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  • 2 months later...


Please clear your browser cache and try again. I think this is how it should work.

It will look a bit weird on high resolution monitors now but since something called design is rather non-existent, it should be fine. I guess the information is more important than the looks.

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Link to Timetable Tool added to first post.

With this tool you can generate a list of (interactive) flight strips from the schedules created with the Schedule Builder.

This way you get a list of all planned flights including (almost) all available information.

I did not come up with the idea for this. I stole it from @blacklabelbraai, who takes a similar approach with his Arrival & Departure board and I hope he's not angry with me. 😇
Therefore (not only but primarily) the Timetable Tool is exclusively designed for schedules from the Schedule Builder.

There might still be some bugs in it and therefore I would be very happy about your feedback.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
On 9/4/2020 at 10:40 PM, Sky King said:

Could this thread be stickied?

That'd be great! But I wouldn't bet on that!

FeelThere has made it clear to me that they will allow me to publish my "Tools-Posts", but will not support me whatsoever. A sticky thread is highly unrealistic! 😉

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On 11/1/2020 at 12:40 PM, andredragt said:

Things that can happen with the builder, illegal cloning in Seattle?  🙂

Correct! By the way, the Schedule Builder also tries to secretly take over the world! 😂

But in all seriousness:
Since you create schedules in T!3D for the airport and not for the individual airlines, something like this can happen with a partially randomized compilation.
If this should turn from an occasional, funny occurrence into an annoying regular thing, please contact me. Then I will have to think about a solution.

At the beginning I thought about generating loop and multi-destination routes in the background from which schedules are created. But I discarded that very quickly. The goal of the Schedule Builder should be, that even if you create many schedules for the same airport and the same hour, the schedules always feel new when you play them. If I would have chosen the first path, there would be no "illegal cloning", but the result would be an always similar schedule with only slight variations or significantly reduced setting options during creation.

Of course not everything is random in the Schedule Builder. For example, you have to prevent the Schedule Builder from creating 50 flights per hour for a terminal with 3 gates and the like. In fact, an awful lot and some quite complex calculations are necessary to create a schedule. (If I had guessed this at the beginning, I probably would not have started working on the Schedule Builder at all. 🤪)

Since it is another goal not to produce "white planes" and to be restricted to the contents of the corresponding Real Color pack to avoid presupposing all packs, "illegal cloning" may occur from time to time. Here, the freedom that the Schedule Builder has collides with the restrictions imposed by the content of the Real Color pack. Not exclusively, but especially if an airline only has liveries for one or two aircraft models available.

I hope the issue does not occur too often, so that you can overlook it with a winking eye and still have fun with the schedules from Schedule Builder. 😉

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  • 2 months later...
4 hours ago, fredehorn said:

Eli, thanks for this! Would it be possible to add change Airspeed commands?

To directly answer your question - no. @EliGrimcannot create new commands or phrases that the game doesn't already recognize. Although needed when we are handed off a plane 20 miles out, airspeed commands are not normally used by tower controllers and as such the developers did not include them. Hopefully, the next version will address this by either adding airspeed commands to our arsenal or making the tower's area of responsibility a little more realistic. 

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