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Ripskin last won the day on June 21 2022

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  1. So this thread was not created to say high game is releasing soon... It was to let the dedicated community know they have started development on the project. Sure dev likely started before they let us all know (based on the feed back and Wishlist threads) they had to sort that out, organize, plan and get started. The other threads showing off their progress detail they are / have been building the tools and systems to make the game work and are still in process on that. Since things are still in flight with building the tools and designing the systems and how things will work no point in setting a target date to crunch towards and release an incomplete or feature missing product. Or annoy the fans looking forward to it. Smaller team with a lot of work to get through. I do expect a release date to be something more tangible once they are closer to running an alpha test on their completed system and tools. Perhaps sooner, perhaps later. They are sharing some good info very early on in the process but have never said release is around the corner. IMO with zero knowledge of their roadmaps, true progress etc I would not expect the game until into 2024 at the earliest.
  2. How is this deployed? MAC / Linux box > Parallels VM > Windows 8.1 > game installed into default directory? Windows 8.1 chosen because you had a license or because of a specific requirement keeping you from upgrading it to 10? The game and DLC files pulled into the VM environment through a shared folder with the host or off the internet within the VM itself? Are there different user profiles set up on the 8.1 VM with different permission levels? When installing did the game or OS ask to install the game for the specific user or all users? Were the installers run under the admin launch option or just installed? Some of those are just clarity points. I've never heard of Parallels before but have used a few VM tools and environments. If you installed off of a shared folder from the host I could see the installer having some confusion but that seems far fetched. It sounds almost like different user accounts with different permissions to the game files or group policy issues but again not sure why unless you are not using the admin account up front, or if you have UAC interfering for safety reasons. I've only installed the game on Windows 7 and 10, probably hundreds of times by now and never had any problems with the installers or the end results outside of my error in directory selection.
  3. Appreciate the hard work on this and support getting it to this point for us to enjoy!
  4. The only benefit is if you buy airports through Steam they will auto download and install each time you reinstall the game. But you cannot shift licenses over from stand alone to Steam. Would be nice in the next version to either get it through the game or integrated with digital platforms across the board. Outside of that minor thing, as crbascott said, there is no advantage, especially if you already own it and DLC independently. For people with libraries in digital distribution platforms it makes more sense to keep things running that way but if you are used to / own the stand alone save your money.
  5. What resolution are you running? How many monitors? What mode are you playing in (windowed, borderless, full screen). I typically play on one monitor's native resolution in Windowed to make recording more simplistic and to fit on what most people can see online. I have not gone full screen in a while but last time it just stretched things out a bit but worked. Under the tower3d data folder is an output log, not sure if that will cover application problems or just schedule / asset loading ones. Trying to find it but I thought there was a debugging file to launch that would then output more log data but I'm sure someone will post the correct info.
  6. Happy holidays!
  7. @Salad is right, when planes arrive the camera will not look at them until they get closer and can actually be seen. At least my game always did that. Need some more context on the OP's issue to know if that is right.
  8. Did you try removing everything (uninstall RC, RT, Tower!3D, Reinstall Tower 3D, let DLC download, reinstall RT then RC packs) and try again? Have you checked the game log to see what may be causing the hold up?
  9. I only did it a few times when I started playing, I did not catch the clock issue but that is quite interesting. What I caught was a performance hit due to how the game is optimized. My resolution width is 5760 which is fun for having plenty of room to see things but was rough on the FPS. I think that was in SP2 or around that time frame so maybe things improved a bit with SP3... I think I had a different GPU then as well.
  10. Based on it trying to launch but failing I would be more inclined to look at direct x or something on the driver side (like WildCards Wifi option) / GPU first. Could be something in how the OS is handling the CPU thread. I would be surprised if Win11 ditched the compatibility mode options unless they integrated them more into the functions vs options.
  11. Since you are launching through steam the game could be getting the online / region details from there vs through the hosts file like a standalone app would. I recall in the past to get some games working having to go edit my steam location so it would allow me to get around region specifics. I'm not sure if there is a launch command that you can put in to force it offline but may be worth looking into. Also not sure if windows firewall can lock network connectivity down enough for it to work but worth a shot. If you have a VPN program that lets you specify applications that are allowed to use the internet or not you may also be able to shut it down that way without having to force steam offline overall or disconnecting from the network. I'm not sure if configuring a proxy from another region would work either but maybe.
  12. I voted no, but I don't think you are crazy. I also appreciate the support for the older game but personally will not put more cash into this version with its limitations and issues. It is still fun but I can live with it how it stands and play around those known limitations (white planes at times) and other issues waiting for the new version. If the new game is not coming for years (possible of course) maybe a subsequent pack but how many airlines will be coming or going in that span to make multiple releases and folks justify the cost for each release.
  13. As called out the game uses some factors (correctly or not is not in debate) to determine which route to send a plane along automatically. So if you do nothing the plane will at some point get off the runway. That may not be the earliest possible moment the plane "could" get off, or the direction that makes the most sense in relation to their assigned apron. My point was by specifying take next available left or right and if they can they will vs specifying a taxiway and having to repeat commands until you get one they think they can make but still may miss due to their roll. They certainly may not get off any earlier but at least that command makes it possible.
  14. I found using the take next available option typically gets the plane off earlier than it would normally if I need them to try but not always on the ideal place. This way it may work out more realistically as each landing is unique and anything can happen so pilots missing a turn as mentioned is not unheard of.
  15. If you need to download the installers again you'll need to go to your download URL's provided in the purchase process from BMT. You can contact them with your purchase information if you need them to create new URL's. If you have the installers then as crbascott said run the installer and during the process it will ask for your information & code. Just ensure you install them into the game folder within Steam.
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