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John Dowson

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Everything posted by John Dowson

  1. You could try reading the documentation on logging.... You need to select where to log the information. Check 'Normal log file' and the values will be written to your FSUIPC6.log file. You can attach that here so that I can see the values. I am only suggesting you check this for the values you need....maybe PMDG implement their own systems for this. However, if it was previoulsy working ok, O suspect that something else must have changed.... This is why I have suggested logging those offsets, so we can see what FSUIPC is holding for those values. Nor am I! How can SLC be displaying such values if its an unsigned int...only SLC can answer this question... But it will help if you can log those offset so we can actually see what the source of those values actually is... John
  2. You could start by taking a look at the PMDG 737NGXu offset document Offset Mapping for PMDG 737NGX and 737NGXu.pdf. You should also try with a different/stock aircraft/jet. John
  3. Using FSUIPC's offset monitoring facility. Take a look at the Logging tab. John
  4. The description for offset 0x0898 reads as follows: Engine 1 Jet N1 as 0 – 16384 (100%), or Prop RPM (derive RPM by multiplying this value by the RPM Scaler (see 08C8) and dividing by 65536). Note that Prop RPM is signed and negative for counter-rotating propellers. In FS2004 this also now gives the Robinson model’s RPM, when scaled by the RPM scaler. and simply holds the value of the indexed simvar TURB ENG N1:1. Therefore any values you see in this offset will be coming from P3D. So the readings used to be ok? What has changed on your system? You could try logging those offsets in FSUIPC to see if the values match those shown in SLC. Many complex add-ons implement their own subsytems and dont use the default P3D simvars. PMDG, for instance, provide their own SDK and have a dedicated offset area. Have you checked this to see if the information you need is available in the PMDG offset area? Also, as the offset description says 'as 0 – 16384 (100%)', I don't see how you can be getting a value of -33300000, as that is outside of the range of a short int (-32768 to 32767 unsigned or 0-65535 signed).... John
  5. No you haven't! Both zips you attached earlier only contain FSUIPC6.ini files, and both show that you still have NOT updated your ini file as suggested: Please change that to: And I am still waiting to see an FSUIPC6.log file with the appropriate logging added (Buttons and keypresses + Events) that shows me your issue. I cannot help you unless you show me this file. And also show me your updated FSUIPC6.ini file. John
  6. That image doesn't help me at all - I have no idea what that is! I need to know what offsets you are getting the data from. John
  7. Where are you reading this data from? From the PMDG offset area (via the PMDG SDK) or are you using standard offsets? Please let me know the offsets being used (or how you are getting these values) and I will take a look. John
  8. Any line starting with a semicolon (';') or double slash ('//') is ignored, so you can use these for full line comments. Hvars themselves cannot contain spaces, so the hvar name is read up to the first space, and anything after that is ignored. So you can add comments after a space. Probably a good idea to use your own designator though, e.g. '//' or '--'. John
  9. But Active Sky is not yet compatible with MSFS2020 is it? As Pete has said, once Active Sky release a version compatible with MSFS, we would then need to look into integrate this functionality back into FSUIPC7. John
  10. Keystrokes sent to MSFS (when that has the focus) should be forwarded to FSUIPC7 via SimConnect, so FSUIPC7 should also receive keystrokes when MSFS has the focus. If this is not happening, it could be that you are using keystrokes not accepted by SimConnect - not all key strikes are propogated. What key strokes are you using? But it must be a HID joystick type device if you are assigning to it in FSUIPC, as FSUIPC only recognises such device types for direct assignments. Are you sure it is not an XINPUT type device? Maybe you can show/attach your FSUIPC7.log and FSUIPC7.ini files. John
  11. You gave the title of your post as your user name. This does not help anyone - please give your posts an appropriate title relating to your actual issue. This helps others who may encounter the same issue. I have updated the title for you. The only problem with not being able to determine the location of your MSFS UserCfg.opt file is that the WASM module cannot be installed, and also the auto-start component. Both of these can be installed manually, if needed. As you have q steam install, your UserCfg.opt file should be installed under the following folder: [your user account]\AppData\Microsoft Flight Simulator\UserCfg.opt Can you check that it is there? If so, then the issue is that your $APPDATA environment variable isn't being set correctly. Can you check if this is set, and if so what value it has. It may need setting correctly - lots of info on google on how to do this, e.g. https://liquidwarelabs.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/210634163-How-To-Make-APPDATA-and-LOCALAPPDATA-Environment-Variables-Follow-The-Registry-Keys Again, sounds like this is due to your environment not being set-up correctly. But where do you see this message? John
  12. This occurs for XInput devices, such as the Xbox One and Xbox 360 controllers. Are you using one of these, or another XInput-type device? FSUIPC will only get input from such devices when it has the focus. To get around this, you can use a free conversion utility called XInput Plus. From the FSUIPC7 README.txt file: John
  13. What do you mean by 'deleted'? I understand that as being removed from your ini file, but this doesn't make sense... Do you mean that your assignments have no affect? If that is the case, I need to see a log file where you press the button assigned to flaps, and then press another button that has an assignment but has no affect, with logging for buttons and keypresses + events activated. Maybe that is what you have already done - I will take a look at your log files tomorrow, if I have time, but more likely on Sunday. Finishing now for the evening.... John
  14. But what am I looking for? Can you please clearly explain your issue...as I said: John
  15. I need to see your updated FSUIPC6.ini and a FSUIPC6.log file with appropriate logging added (Buttons and Key presses + Events). What exactly is happening when you do this? Could you please explain what your actual issue is. And this also seems like a different issue to your initial posts. I have no idea what your issue actually is at the moment.... Sorry, but I have no idea what you are asking here. FSUIPC profiles are stored in your FSUIPC ini file (or files, if using profiles in separate files). FSUIPC does nothing with your aircraft cfg file. No, just zip them. They are text files and compress pretty small. John
  16. Btw, could you please let me know your two WideFS7 order numbers. Just the order numbers please, no other details. John
  17. Dont contact Pete for this. You need to contact SimMarket. They will then contact Pete for approval. I will let him know to expect such a request. John P.S. I have just deleted your second post, as it was pretty much the same as this one....
  18. Yes! WideFS7 is compatible with FSUIPC4, FSUIPC5, FSUIPC6 and FSUIPC7. Unfortunately there is a no refunds policy on SimMarket. However, you could ask for a refund (as it is a duplicate purchase) and Pete may approve - WideFS7 is still with Pete so I cannot help with this. I'm not sure why your key would not validate via the installer though... Note that you can now also run FSUIPC7 on a client machine. This is different than running WideFS on a client machine, as it would maintain a seaparate and distinct offset are to that held by the FSUIPC7 running on the FS machine. Details on how to set this up are provided here: However, as you have a WideFS license (well, 2 now...!), you may as well continue with that. Regards, John
  19. As it says in the Advanced User guide: If you remove them, they will be added back unless you add that ini parameter I mentioned. You cannot selectively keep annotations, its all or nothing. If I were you, I would just add your additional comments AFTER (i.e. at the end of the line, as the documentation states) the annotations. But if you want to remove all annotations, go ahead and add that ini parameter. John
  20. Sorry, but I am not sure what you are asking...could you maybe rephrase? The annotations are automatically added. Looking at what you posted, the annotations on the first two entries don't look correct though - did you manually change these? They should be re-written the next time you run FSUIPC. If you do not want the ini file annotated, you can change the following ini parameter in the [General] section: Annotate=No although I don't understand why you would want to do this....! John
  21. Also, I have noticed that you have installed FSUIPC6 under your documents folder. This can cause issues. It is better to install outside of a windows protected folder, such as in c:\FSUIPC6 or C:\P3D Add-ons\FSUIPC6. To do this, re-run the installer and select a different folder. You do not need to re-register, but after you have installed copy cross your FSUPC6.ini and FSUIPC6.key files to the new location, together with any other files (e.g. *.lua, *.mcro, *.dll) that you are using. Maybe also try re-installing the P3Dv5 client and the QW 787. Once that is done, show me your log file with the recommended logging activated if you are still having issues. John
  22. You should also update your 787 profile to use substrings to match all the QW 787s, by changing to this:
  23. You have a strange error in your log: Not sure where this is coming from... What do you mean by 'another button'? Does this mean pressing any button? It is better to disable controllers completely in P3D if assigning in FSUIPC, as P3D has a tendency to automatically re-assign your controllers on occasion. Could you activate logging for Buttons and key presses as well as Events (non-axis controls) and produce another log file showing your issue. John
  24. Then I have no idea why the throttle isn't working when you first start, or why reloading your assignments would fix this, if you are not even using FSUIPC assignments.
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