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Everything posted by Andydigital

  1. Eaglesoft support should be able to help you with this issue, I seem to remember reading something similar a few years ago. I don't have this aircraft so cant help you personally, but the issue does sound familiar.
  2. It's most likely a problem in the registry, search Google for Saitek Throttle registry fix. Actually here it is. http://www.saitekforum.com/showthread.php?t=13342
  3. What do you mean something has gone wrong? it looks fine to me according to the logs you posted.
  4. Like Pete said does the command work when you test it with the TAB key while the green bar is still visible when you created the macro? If it doesn't work with the TAB key then I cant help you . You will need to wait for advise from Pete on his return from holiday, he may have some other ideas.
  5. Hi Pete, I sent Kiko here to ask for advice because its not a hardware fault, the panel works fine by default until VSPE is used then the user says that the COM button stops working with all aircraft even default ones, this I simply cannot understand, hence why I sent him to you for advice. I don't have FS9 either so I am not able to test this. Have a nice holiday though.
  6. That video was created by me many years ago for users of VRinsight hardware, who at the time had no way to assign buttons on the hardware directly in FSUIPC, so instead they used key presses sent from SerialFP2 (VRiSim) to action the mouse macro commands in FSUIPC. That step is no longer needed now with most VRi hardware because once setup properly with VSPE or similar its possible for FSUIPC to see the actual VRi panel buttons being pressed directly within FSUIPC itself, like a joystick does, so you no longer need SerialFP2 or VRiSim to send the key presses via its key mapping system. You still haven't answered Pete's questions from earlier posts about what you called your macro file set, i.e. in my video at about 24 seconds I call the set "md11". You need to tell Pete what the name is that you gave to your Mouse Macro set. He also wants you to open that file (*.MCRO) with Notepad and copy and paste its contents here to your next reply at the forum. Once he has that info he will be able to tell you exactly what to look for in the FS Controls drop down list.
  7. I don't unfortunately no, you would be better placed asking the user "W6KD" on the AVSIM forums about it as he is the person who wrote this dynamic script.
  8. Maybe this is just something so simple as "hide extensions for known file types" being enabled so the user is not seeing the full names? I note that no extensions are listed in the opening post in this thread. Simply go into "Folder Options" by typing that into the windows start button search box and click on the link called Folder Options, then remove the tick from the box labelled "hide extensions for known file types". Now you should find the files in question.
  9. Possibly because you have UAC switched on still and you also have FSX installed in the default location i.e. program files (x86) If that was the case then all file changes are thrown out at the end of your session and are not saved.
  10. You have VRinsight hardware right? Then in that case yes you have to assign to the press and to the release of the buttons, its a peculiarity to most VRinsight hardware apart from those devices that are seen as normal joysticks i.e. the TT and MS Panels.
  11. That version is well out of date now, try downloading the latest version and try again, there is a link below. http://fsuipc.simflight.com/beta/MakeRunways_4674.zip The link is taken from this post below which always has the latest version listed. http://forum.simflight.com/topic/66136-useful-additional-programs/
  12. The easiest thing to try is to change the changeover speed first, change the speed (red) in the line below to 20 or 25 and see if that helps. taxi_spd = 30 --changeover threshold in knots groundspeed
  13. Maybe he already marked FSUIPC as untrusted, try clearing out the FSUIPC entry in the [Trust] section of the FSX.cfg
  14. You most likely got part of it wrong then. The name, email address and key must be identical to the details you used when you purchased FSUIPC. Go to Simmarket where you bought the licence and log in to your account and look at your purchase history, the details you used will be in the record of the FSUIPC purchase.
  15. Yes the licence is in your name and can be used on as many computers as you want, as long as you personally own those PC's.
  16. No just copy the DynamicFriction.lua to the modules folder. You do not need the other frictions.lua file or any of the other files. To enable the lua every time you load the simulator you need to add the section below to the fsuip4.ini [Auto] 1=Lua DynamicFriction If you already have an [Auto] section in your fsuipc4.ini just add the numbered line only and choose the next free number, so it would look something like this. [Auto] 1=Lua Some Other File 2=Lua DynamicFriction
  17. Just open them with notepad, it is included in Windows. Or for a more professional editor try the freeware application Notepad++. http://notepad-plus-plus.org/
  18. If you look in the folder; *:\FSX\Modules\FSUIPC Documents You should find a zip file called "Example LUA plugins.zip", the files are inside this archive.
  19. Make sure you are using the latest installer, as that should be able to handle different email addresses for FSUIPC and WideFS. What the system won't allow though is different names, they must be identical for both licence types. If you have used different names then you need to contact Simmarket via a support ticket on their website and explain the situation to them and hopefully they will create a new key for you using the same name.
  20. The latest version of FSUIPC is always available in the thread below which is in the FSUIPC Download Links sub forum. http://forum.simflight.com/topic/66139-updated-modules/
  21. Soon I hope, I didn't get in the Beta believe it or not.
  22. You can delete it when FS is running but you have to press reload in one of the FSUIPC tabs to see the effect.
  23. Login to your Simmarket account and it will be in your purchase history.
  24. Why are you looking in the default controls assignment interface in FSX, you need to be looking inside FSUIPC in the Addons menu!!
  25. Very strange, I can't say I have ever heard of that before, sorry.
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