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Everything posted by Andydigital

  1. Are you sure that your viewpoint is not inside some of the cockpit geometry, such as the headrest behind you, if you are inside it some of the click spots stop working in the VC. It doesn't stop the mouse view facility working/moving though. Perhaps your description of the problem is not clear.
  2. LINDA has a facility built into it which will save your undocked window positions and restore them automatically the next time you undock them, it doesn't care what the saved flight has in it. It can even remove the window frames from the undocked panels (and the main FSX window if you want) too so it looks like they do in full screen mode. http://forum.avsim.net/forum/424-linda/
  3. If FSUIPC isn't enabled in the dll.xml then it will not load and thus it cant do anything.
  4. See post #12 in the thread below, I believe this method works well for some people. http://forum.simflight.com/topic/75193-pmdg-777-a2as-c172-and-fsuipc-492/
  5. What OS? What aircraft? Trim the aircraft before enabling the Auto Pilot that way you will not have any pressure on the yoke. Some aircraft will disconnect the AP if you move the yoke more than a certain amount after you have engaged it.
  6. Pete is away on holiday at the moment, see here. http://forum.simflight.com/topic/75211-pete-dowson-is-away-until-monday-september-23rd/ There are a lot of questions like this on the forum, please use the search facility and you will hopefully be able to find the answers to your questions before Pete returns.
  7. I forgot to add, that the linda support forum is located at the link below, you will find lots of information there about it. http://forum.avsim.net/forum/424-linda/ Take a look at the guide in the thread below for lots more info. http://forum.avsim.net/topic/376920-linda-beginners-guide-a-very-detailed-manual/
  8. Linda doesn't really allow you to assign anything that you can't do in FSUIPC directly, LINDA mainly just makes the process far easier for beginners and programmers alike. FSUIPC does have the controls you are looking for though, you just aren't looking the correct name, look in the PDF "list of FSX Controls" located in the FSUIPC documents folder, the items you want have the name "Alternator" in them.
  9. Don't send direct to FSUIPC nor can you calibrate the throttle axis, otherwise you will get that snapping problem and the override AT option set to NEVER won't work either. You must also make sure that you are not using any custom slopes for the throttles. Finally if you are using the script from the user contributions section of this forum that allows you to use the throttle levers as reverser's (after pressing a button) you must remove that too as that will also stop the throttles working correctly in the NGX. All the above is also true with the new 777 from PMDG. I do not have a set of these Jetmax quads, but the same is true for any throttle and the 777 or NGX.
  10. The two AT switches are not normally ever switched off, unless there is a problem, if you cannot control the throttles without them snapping back when these AT switches are switched on (UP) then you do have a problem in your FSUIPC4.ini file. Read through the thread again for details of the fix.
  11. Ah sorry I misunderstood the type of switch.
  12. Remove the 'when button released' command and the problem will go away. Or is GoFlight hardware like VRInsight gear which does not send a release command until the button is pressed again.
  13. If you want the 777 throttles to function properly you have no choice I am afraid , can't you just flip the wires for one of the pots and the problem should be solved, or are the pots different values too, if so you are stuck.
  14. The snapping back that Arnaldo speaks of probably isn't what it normally looks like i.e. dual assignment, in the case of the 777 its the calibration data in FSUIPC which is causing PMDG's throttle control to not function correctly. This is how it looks, the throttles will start to move forward as you push your hardware throttles then suddenly the throttles in the VC snap back to idle. It will only do this when the engines are running and both AT switches are armed, if either of those conditions is not true then the levers will appear to work perfectly. This is how I fixed it. Delete the lines mentioned below from the [JoystickCalibration.777] section of your 777 profile (my profile is called "777") and it will work perfectly as long as you have followed Pete's recommendations above and you choose send to FS as normal and choose Axisthrottleset or whatever the correct name is. Delete any lines like this; Throttle1=-16253,-512,512,16128/32 Throttle2=-16253,-512,512,16128/32 If you only have one throttle assigned it will be similar to this below, simply delete it; Throttle=-16253,-512,512,16128/32 And you must remove the slope entries too if you have set any, which will be something like; SlopeThrottle1=12 SlopeThrottle2=12 or this if you just have the one throttle; SlopeThrottle=12 Since doing this and setting the PMDG FMC menu option for the AT override to "NEVER" it has worked perfectly for me. PMDG must not like the calibration data or the slope data.
  15. Larry you can send different commands on both press and release of a button, so the best thing to do is add throttle_Cut on release that way you won't have to give a little nudge of power to get out of reverse then.
  16. Very true Pete. It also explains why those buttons can sometimes flicker, because if the pot is dirty it will look to the firmware like you have pushed the lever below the detent, when in fact it's just spurious voltage changes because of dirt. The pots once cleaned out with contact cleaner looked like new and work like new, I'm sure I could get at least another 3 years use out of them before they need cleaning again.
  17. Ironically the area below the detent isn't really a button, in reality it's a range on the pot that forces the firmware to press a virtual button. I took one apart a couple of weeks ago to clean the pots and there was no switch at the bottom of the range of movement, there was just a sprung ball and socket for the detent itself. I should have looked while it was open at how easy it would be to create some more detents say at 25%, getting two levers to match exactly would be the hardest part, I'd imagine drilling a divet for the ball would be quite simple. The range of movement below the existing detent is so small it would not be possible to use it as an axis, it's actually below what is output to Direct input, only the board itself can see this range, it's not seen externally by Windows.
  18. It's called WideFS which has nothing to do with widescreen, it's a communication protocol that allows you to run supported external applications on a non FS computer, things like moving maps and such. A read of the manual will explain more. But yes WideFS does have to paid for its not free, the program is built into FSUIPC4, it was a separate module in FSUIPC3 for FS9 and earlier.
  19. I'm sorry but that is completely incomprehensible to me, I think you need to use a better translator or ask a friend who speaks English to help you. All I can understand is that you has some kind of error, but without you copying that error here to your forum post there is no way we can even begin to help you.
  20. I have a problem with this statement; "order 3 or "R" Check items, advances one step and hangs the PC." This is not FSUIPC making the simulator hang, it must be whatever this addon Ultimate Checklist is doing when you send that key. I've still never heard of this addon and a quick Google search tells me its an application for Android devices, so I am still non the wiser. Like I've said repeatedly this hang and the app not working as expected can only be resolved by asking for support from the developer of Ultimate Checklist, it's highly unlikely that FSUIPC is hanging the sim. By the way Shift + 123456789 opens 2d panels in some aircraft, so you don't want to use those either, and CTRL + numbers also has something assigned if I remember correctly.
  21. You should never use the number buttons at the top of the keyboard for anything, as those keys are used extensively by many default systems in FS, one example is ATC uses these keys to allow you to quickly choose a option to select. They are used by dozens of features so its best not to use them at all. I disagree with you though, this is not an FSUIPC support issue, its an Ultimate Checklist problem, it sounds like the developer of it is just try to get you to go away and leave him alone.
  22. I'm sorry but what has this got to do with FSUIPC support? I've never heard of Ultimate Checklist and I dare say Pete hasn't either, it's the developer of that product you need to contact for help with using their product, not FSUIPC's developer which is what this forum is for.
  23. FSUIPC already warns you with an audible and repeating warning sound when FSX is running out of memory (the amount to trigger the warning is user selectable via the ini, see the manual for details), why not simply use that to tell you when to save your flight. Better yet turn off the addons you are not using during your flight and don't get the OOM's at all.
  24. Yes there is an application called Soundstream sold by Flight1 that keeps the sound playing when FS loses focus. Be aware that any aircraft that uses an external sound module to add extra sounds that wouldn't normally be possible in FSX (the PMDG NGX is one example) would find that those sounds will still be muted. The Sim Prepar3d has this facility built in by default, it just requires turning on.
  25. Press CTRL + V on your keyboard, this will force the paste.
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