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Pete Dowson

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Everything posted by Pete Dowson

  1. Strange. There are no entries suggesting it is scanning the sound devices! I''ll do some checking here, tomorrow morning. Meanwhile, could you try deleting the complete sound list from the INI file and see if it is re-generated -- because at present it looks like that is not happening. BTW, not sure what you last pix were about? Pete
  2. Well, you could try assigning such a keypress, but the sim uses ALT to display its Menu bar. You could try though. You might be able to assign to 'null' (code 0) with the ALT and TAB as shifts. An assignment to: K0,20 See the Button Programming section of the Advanced User's guide. There's a table of keycodes and a list of shifts there. 0 is the keycode for "null" (i.e. do nothing) whilst 20 is 16 (for ALT) plus 4 (for TAB). Try it. I don't know if it will work. The other possibility would be to use the EXT library in WideClient's Lua facilities. you'd need a WideFS licence, and you'd need to ryun WideClient on the same PC with "classInstance=1" inits INI file. The EXT library has facilities to set focus on oher programs. Mostly it is easier to use the mouse. Pete
  3. It doesn't search at all. It simply lists all the DirectSound devices returned by Windows. That list should always be the same as that provided in the Sound applet in the control panel. Most of my sound devices are on USB sockets and those are listed. That was the point of adding those lines. Please, just paste the contents into a message here. It might be tomorrow now before I get to it though. Pete
  4. Very strange that FSUIPC doesn't see it. I've not seen a list that long before, so I wonder if it is just some limit FSUIPC is hitting. Checking now ... ... No, it isn't tht ... it allows up to 16. It is using a Windows facility to ennumerate sound devices. I've no idea what is odd about that one that it isn't being seen. Are any others missing? There is some logging which might help me. Please add these two lines to the [General] section of FSUIPC5.INI: Debug=Please LogExtras=32 Do that before running P3D, then after it loads up, terminate it. It won't log a lot of detail, but just the actual ennumeration calls. I might need to add more logging if that doesn't help. Pete
  5. Assignment in FSUIPC is totally separate to assignment in P3D. You can assign in P3D instead, and then that choice may affect some devices, but I'm not aware of any advantages one way or the other. And it doesn't affect FSUIPC calibration, which operates on the controls assigned to, not on the inputs themselves. Pete
  6. I moved your support question to the Support Forum. Please remember to always put support requests here, not into the Reference subforums. You put yours into the User Contributions subforum, where there title indicated that it was some osrt of tutorial on playing sounds. If it is not in that list then FSUIPC is not seeing it listed as a sound output device in Windows. What devices are listed in Windows sound app? Can you check there? compare that list with FSUIPC's. Pete
  7. The information you posted showed J G R A and B, and those same letters were present afterwards, as you posted. FSUIPC does NOT remove any letter assignments. If the device mentioned isn't attached, and that letter is addressed in a used Profile, then there will be a muissing device comment attached to it. The wrong action you did was deleting or replacing the number assignments. Those are essential, the lettering is the optional part. All you needed to do was make a complete copy of the list and there change the numbers into letters. Yes, that is good. It tells FSUIPC what device "J" is and allows it to associate it with the numerical ID it actually needs. I suppose could have had a syntax something like: J=3=VKBsim Black Box GF, {79A34CA0-5F35-11E7-8001-444553540000} which would have been more compact, but the object was clarity, which seems to have misfired for you. Also, if the device went missing (i.e. was not attached at this time), the "3=" part would not be valid -- next time the device appeared it might have a different ID in any case, and it certainly couldn't be addressed as "3" whilst not connected. I hope it is clearer for you by now. Pete
  8. FSUIPC doesn't read profiles unless and until they are called for. That would be wasteful. It will update them as you use them. No, no way. If there were messages queued up waiting for the Sim to process them at the time the other aircraft was ready, then it would just about be possible, but that is really extreme;y unlikely -- FSUIPC isn't processing the inputs duing the changeover time, and even if Windows was being very slow passing messages on, it would only affect things in the newly loaded aircraft whilst it was really still sorting itself out. PMDG do have a habit of blaming everything on FSUIPC. Pete
  9. You are evidently not understanding. The part with the letters assigns the LETTERS to the devices which are internally and in Windows represented by NUMBERS. The purpose of the [JoyNames] section is to relate the one to the other. FSUIPC will refer to that to translate one to the other. There can be times when you might need that information too. Why on Earth does it worry you in any case? If you want to understand I suggest you look at the Log file too, and of course read the Joy Letters section in the ser Guide! For further details you'd need to delve into the joy functions interface in Windows. Pete
  10. The numbers are the IDs used to address the devices via the Windows joystick interface. The letters are really just names you've given them. Pete
  11. And do you know of a programmatic solution to that which works with all firewalls and which doesn't need use intervention and/or special privileges? You don't need any reinstalling or command line changes to change WideFS's ports, though I've never known them to clash with anything. Pete
  12. The angles and distances are clearly defined, and indeed changeable, within limits, by parameters in the [General] section of the INI file, and explained in the Advanced User's guide -- early on, in fact. Just search for "zap". As it also explains there, you can have a parameter to the Zap control which will select a wider angle. But it must still be in front of you. And the "target" is the defined centre of the aircraft, which is normally somewhere under the wing line in the centre longitudinally. So, unless you opt to use cylindrical deletion, also described there, it is most unlikely you will have an AI aircraft "ZAPpable" next to you and certainly not behind you. You may instead delete one the other side of the terminal in fromnt of you! Pete
  13. FSUIPC4 is the same for both P3D and FSX. The FSUIPC version is compatible with the P3D version you are using. What does the FSUIPC4.LOG say -- no compatibility mesages near the beginning? These facilities had to be individually hacked for each FSX, FSX-SE and P3D update. Pete
  14. No mismatch. But the current WideFS download would give you WideClient 7.151, and both that and Wideclent on its own version 7.151 is available in the Download Links subforum here. WideServer isn't used separately from FSUIPC4 o FSUIPC5, only FSSUIPC3 (on FS9 and earlier). The version "7.974" comes mainly from the last real WideServer update in FSUIPC, which was in 4.974. Version 0 really indicates more a lack of connection. Where are you reading that? I can't help further without seeing both the WideServer.LOG and wideClient.LOG files. Pete
  15. I also doubt the "changed" them, but FSX came out 2005/6. There was this from way back (2010) Seems that SPAD was somehow programmed to handle that aircraft. Didn't LevelD release some sort of interface toolkit for it? And this post seems to show that the aircraft does indeed use L:Vars (which means it almost certainly wasn't programmed with C/C++ SDK-based gauges): Pete
  16. Not all add-on aircraft are amenable to mouse macros. The FSX/P3D method to do this depended on the aircraft's gaauges being written in C/C++ and following the rules of the FS2002 Gauge SK. That applied to a mojority of add-on aircraft in FS9 days (with the noticeable exception of the default aircraft!) but applied to fewer later aircraft as developers found new methods, and also it became possible to make gauges using only XML scripting. Possibly you will find L:Vars which will help you. Pete
  17. Is this on a new PC? Or have you installed a new version of Windows? Or have you unplugged your controllers and plugged them into different USB sockets? Your joystick IDs will change with any of those things. Oh, and you will need to update to the currently supported version of FSUIPC4. you are using 4.96 which is woefully out of date, unsupported, and which will not help sort your mess out. Is the INI file you posted the original or the current one? If it is the current one, after running the then these are the three devices recognised:with their current IDs. [JoyNames] AutoAssignLetters=No 0=CH PRO PEDALS USB 0.GUID={83F3A8D0-D38E-11E7-8007-444553540000} 1=CH THROTTLE QUADRANT 1.GUID={83F3A8D0-D38E-11E7-8008-444553540000} 2=CH FLIGHT SIM YOKE USB 2.GUID={83F52F70-D38E-11E7-8009-444553540000} What are they now? What Joystick number is shown in the Axis Assignments or Buttons & Switches tabs when you operate any of those? With the recent versions of FSUIPC4 (4.974 should be used), all you MAY need to do is change the entries above to match. The Joystick numbers are the 0, 1, and 2, as shown before the =. However, looking at the assignments to axes for the profile called "c172": [Axes.c172] RangeRepeatRate=10 0=0X,256,D,7,0,0,0 -{ DIRECT: LeftBrake }- 1=0Y,256,D,8,0,0,0 -{ DIRECT: RightBrake }- 2=0Z,256,D,3,0,0,0 -{ DIRECT: Rudder }- 3=0R,256,D,5,0,0,0 -{ DIRECT: PropPitch }- 4=0V,256,D,6,0,0,0 -{ DIRECT: Mixture }- 5=0P,0,F,66416,0,0,0 -{ TO SIM: PAN_VIEW }- 6=1X,256,D,7,0,0,0 -{ DIRECT: LeftBrake }- 7=1Y,256,D,8,0,0,0 -{ DIRECT: RightBrake }- 8=1Z,256,D,3,0,0,0 -{ DIRECT: Rudder }- 9=2X,256,D,1,0,0,0 -{ DIRECT: Aileron }- 10=2Y,256,D,2,0,0,0 -{ DIRECT: Elevator }- 11=2Z,256,D,4,0,0,0 -{ DIRECT: Throttle }- 12=2U,256,D,6,0,0,0 -{ DIRECT: Mixture }- 13=2V,256,D,5,0,0,0 -{ DIRECT: PropPitch }- you have rudder and toe brakes on device 0, which is the Pedals, okay, but also PropPitch and mixture. You also have rudder and toe brakes assigned to device 1, which is a throttle quadrant, whereas I'd guess that device 2 should be the throttle quadrant. Have you messed around assigning things AFTER getting the mess? It looks like it. I would deduce from the above that the pedals are Id 1, but the other two are currently mixed up completely. So, i'm guessing that this INI is after you've messed about before sorting it out. If so, go back to the original backup, copy it in THEN determine which ID is which, then CLOSE the Sim and edit those entries. Also, use Joy Letters so that FSUIPC can keep track of things for you -- not foolprrofly, but much better. There's a chapter in the User Guide about this. Oh, one last thing. The "lear 35" profile doesn't appear to be messed up yet. From these assignments: [Axes.lear 35] RangeRepeatRate=10 0=0X,256,D,1,0,0,0 -{ DIRECT: Aileron }- 1=0Y,256,D,2,0,0,0 -{ DIRECT: Elevator }- 2=0P,0,F,66416,0,0,0 -{ TO SIM: PAN_VIEW }- 3=1X,256,D,7,0,0,0 -{ DIRECT: LeftBrake }- 4=1Y,256,D,8,0,0,0 -{ DIRECT: RightBrake }- 5=1Z,256,D,3,0,0,0 -{ DIRECT: Rudder }- 6=2X,256,D,22,0,0,0 -{ DIRECT: Spoilers }- 7=2Z,256,D,9,0,0,0 -{ DIRECT: Throttle1 }- 8=2R,256,D,10,0,0,0 -{ DIRECT: Throttle2 }- 9=2U,256,D,23,0,0,0 -{ DIRECT: Flaps }- I can see that ID 0 should be theYoke, 1 the Pedals and 2 the Throttle Quadrant. If editing the INI file to do this doesn't fix the IDs (and it isn't guaranteed, as it's a Registry editing action), you can certainly do it using a utility called "JoyIDs". Download JoyIDs here http://airgroup51.ne...hp?topic=2435.0 Pete
  18. Are you going from FSX to P3D4, and so from FSUIPC4 to FSUIPC5? If so you just need to rename your INI file from FSUIPC4.INI to FSUIPC5.INI. If you are still using FSUIPC4 then the INI file will be fine. What is wrong? Pete
  19. Is this all to limit rudder movement altogether? It can't be for the lower DU display, which you said a couple of messages back was okay now. I assume you are now not using rudder for steering? In your Lua code: function ControlCheck(off, val) GS = val / 65536.0 * 1.94384 --groundspeed in knots if GS =< 1 then ipc.writeSD(0x3114, ipcParam * 1.0) ipc.writeSD(0X3110, 65696) end end function PedalSteer(off, val) GS = val / 65536.0 * 1.94384 --groundspeed in knots if 1 < GS <= 40 then ipc.writeSD(0x3114, ipcParam * 0.1) ipc.writeSD(0X3110, 65696) end end function RudderSteer(off, val) GS = val / 65536.0 * 1.94384 --groundspeed in knots if GS > 40 then ipc.writeSD(0x3114, ipcParam * 1.0) ipc.writeSD(0X3110, 65696) end end event.offset(0x02B4, "SD", "ControlCheck") event.offset(0x02B4, "SD", "PedalSteer") event.offset(0x02B4, "SD", "RudderSteer") why 3 functions all called at more or less the same time? Rather wasteful. better as follows unction ControlCheck(off, val) GS = val / 65536.0 * 1.94384 --groundspeed in knots if GS =< 1 or GS > 40 then ipc.writeSD(0x3114, ipcParam * 1.0) else ipc.writeSD(0x3114, ipcParam * 0.1) end ipc.writeSD(0X3110, 65696) end event.offset(0x02B4, "SD", "ControlCheck") But now please tell me what you think is in ipcPARAM. That normally would contain the value of the parameter of the control you've assigned to run this Lua plug-in -- most usually the axis value when assigned to an axis control. It looks like it should be the rudder axis input value, but where are you getting it from? No where! I think you are trying to make an axis-changing process operate as an event-driven plug-in based instead on the ground speed which you should be reading instead. i.e. val = ipc.readUD(0x02B4) GS = val / 65536.0 * 1.94384 --groundspeed in knots if GS =< 1 or GS > 40 then ipc.writeSD(0x3114, ipcParam * 1.0) else ipc.writeSD(0x3114, ipcParam * 0.1) end ipc.writeSD(0X3110, 65696) Then assign it Lua to yor rudder axis. i.e. instead of running it Auto. One more question. The control 65696 is "Rudder set". Is that the best control working with your aircraft? P3D/FSX would normally assign "Axis rudder set" (65764). Check, see which works best. Does the nose wheel steering control now provided use the rudder too? I didn't think so, but I don't know as I've never used it. I didn't think FSX ever had anything like "pedal blends" -- that's why I did it in FSUIPC. Pete
  20. The Ground Altitude is just a straight copy from the value supplied to FSUIPC by SimConnect. To check, go to the FSUIPC Options "Logging" tab. On the right-hand side enter 0020 as the offset and U32 at the type. Then check "Normal Log" below to get the values logged in FSUIPC's Log file as they change. You can also select FS Window to have it displayed in real time on screen, but the Log contains more details, such as exactly what Simconnect returns. Pete
  21. No! The F is for "Flag". You Control or Key goes at the end. See my example above. C followed by control number, parameter, or K followed by Keycode, shifts, depending on what you want it to do. I though you wanted PMDG custom controls like C70029,1? Controls 1003, 1004 and 1005 are to change other button flags. The button flag for the button you are using toggles automatically each time you press it -- as I said above. Pete
  22. The first picture you posted shows Joystick 30 button 7, so, yes, the 24= is one of the lines. If that's the button you want two actions on then just edit that line and add another. It would have been better for you to post the actual text from the file that a picture of the text. You want 24=CP(F+30,7)30,7,C70029,1 25=CP(F-30,7)30,7, ... where ... is whatever you wanted for the other action. Isn't that actually what I said in my previous reply? You only had to change the button details and add the controls you wanted! Please do also read the documentation. Pete
  23. Yes, there is. You would need to edit the INI file (the one saving your settings in the Modules folder). You'd use the button's flag to do this -- button flags toggle "on" or "off" on each press of the button. Full details are in the Advanced User's guide (section headed "compound button conditions"), but here's a basic example for a button number 6 on a joystick ID 3: 1=CP(F+3,6)3,6, .... 2=CP(F-3,6)3,6, ... where the ... parts are replaced by whatever action you want (C then control number, parameter, or K then keycode, shifts). Pete
  24. Uninstall any device showing as Saitek. If there's no option to remove driver too, don't worry -- I'm pretty sure I did say "if". Pete
  25. You'd have to read both the altitude of the aircraft and the ground and subtract the latter from the former. Pete
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