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Pete Dowson

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Everything posted by Pete Dowson

  1. Yes please. Because if that has the same problem with DirectInput, then the problem is likely to be a Registry thing defining the device. The solution might be to uninstall the device and its driver completely, using the Windows Device Manager, then re-booting with it attached so that it gets re-registered. Did you ever install any software for it? If so, uninstall that too and try without. Pete
  2. Does the GSX menu open correctly? Are you using P3D 4.1 or 4.2? Pete
  3. That is very strange. FSUIPC requests DialogMode from SimConnect and it isn't supposed to open the dialogue until SimConnect tells it that the mode is operative. Can you tell me what other P3D programs or addons you have running? Are there other entries in the AddOns menu? Pete
  4. Can we revise what is going on please. After a three week gap I need a summary of exactly what you have: You have several devices, and all are working fine, with FSUIPC assignmets EXCEPT the Yoke. But the buttons on the Yoke are okay, it is only the two axes (for aileron and elevator). Is this correct? Can I have a fresh sight of the INI file, the LOG file and the Joyscan CSV file, please? FSUIPC actually reads one batch of data from each device at regulsr intervals (normally 20 times per second). That one batch of data includes all button sttes, all POV values, and all Axis values. They are never read separately. It is the nature of DirectInput. Note that P3D has two modes -- a normal DirectInput mode and a "direct mode" where it reads the USB ports itself and analyses the input (similar to the way the FSUIPC Lua plug-in "HID" functions can be used for non-Joystick devices as well as Joysticks). When you checked the Yoke in P3D which mode was it set to? Pete
  5. I cannot move backwards. If you are content to stay on an old version, then I simply cannot support your use of it. That is all. It is up to you. Pete
  6. FSUIPC uses the FS names for all the FS controls. The numbers are only the internal representation. You should assign to the names in the drop-down assignments list. The names (after the K:) are in fact those very ones you state. As a test, try using the Sim itself to assign keyboard presses to those entries in its list and test, because I'm pretty sure the K: part simple means "Key Event", which is what FS lists for assignment. Pete
  7. And those are the values you stated? Sorry, how do you mean, you can't write those values? How can you write some but not other values? Pete
  8. You'd need three macros all assigned to your switch with and added offset condition, with another assignment also to the same switch to cyclically increment that offset each time the switch was used. There are examples, maybe not quite like that, of such things in the Advanced User's manual for FSUIPC. Alternatively it can be done with a Lua plug-in instead. Pete
  9. P3D 4.2 has problems with SimConnect Menus. FSUIPC doesn't use any. The FSUIPC 5.123c intermittent problem was with the options dialogue. ProATC/X and GSX use the Menus, and appearently there's a problem with keypresses with those where the menu opens and closes unless you keep the key pressed. It is also processing any key even if not a menu entry. This is nothing to do with FSUIPC and appearently L-M are investigating. See their Forum. Pete
  10. Why are half the lines in your log crossed out? 5.123d is effectively now identical to 5.122 as far as Simconnect is concerned, and i already have several confirmations that it is fine. Can you try without Linda please? Also, there is a logging option to show me whether it is FSUIPC of SimConnect. Enable this by adding these two lines to the [General] section of the INI file: Debug=Please LogExtras=x8000 Pete
  11. By WideFS using a "SendKey" assignment in FSUIPC and a corresponding parameter in the WideClient.INI. For a program without focus you'd normally need to load it by WideClient so it has a handle for it. But there are other methods. See the WideFS documentation. Pete
  12. Then it is nothing to do with PMDG 747 as terrain is loaded before any aircraft. There's no point in posting something like this without any real information -- logs, Windows crash details. Pete
  13. The offsets you are using for Prop RPM are exactly that -- the Prop RPM as supplied by Simconnect with no interference by FSUIPC. It is NOT a "percent". Note that for a turboprop it's probably the shaft RPM -- see the comment about gear reduction ratio in my published offset list. However, the Torque offsets you are using ARE percents, using 16384 as 100%, and the SimConnect variable they are from says they are "Turb Eng Max Torque Percent"s. And I would have thought the way to get a % value using normal 0-100 range is to divide by 163.84 not 327.66 (dividing by 327.68 would give exactly half the actual % value provided). There are Engine Torque offsets in ft-lbs. Not sure where you "torque pressure" from in psi or anything else. what is "torque pressure"? Surely torque is always a force, not a pressure? Pete
  14. The parameter is any number. You can't have non-numerical values like strings or names etc. By the way, they are "L:Vars" not "list vars". The L stands for "Local", because they are specific to a particular gauge. Is this done by L:Vars? If you mean the PMDG737, then it uses custorm control numbers you can assign, and there are, indeed, numerical parameters for eft and righ mouse button actions. See the list in the PMDG737 SDK folder ".h" file. Pete
  15. Working on it. Expect 5.123d (just a replacement DLL) later today or tomorrow latest. Pete
  16. Sorry, I don't know what those are. Do you know their function in the aircraft? How are you seupposed to operate them? If there a keyboard shortcut? That is not an FSUIPC version, but the full version number of your P3D. Pete
  17. FSUIPC cannot stop you operating the parking brake via the on-screen action or the normal keyboard assignment. Is it with a specific aircraft? That seems to be an entirely separate matter and probably a result of not properly calibrating your toe brake axes. or having them assigned in both FSUIPC and P3D or FS2004 or FSX or FSX-SE (which ever you use -- you didn't bother to say!) Note that most toe brake axes need reversing ("REV") before calibration. Pete
  18. Working on it. Seems to be a problem of multiple SimConnect clients not working well together and especially messing up menus and displays. Expect 5.123d later -- tomorrow latest. Pete
  19. No way I know of. SimConnect allows me to intercept them, for logging, but there's no sender information at all. I agree, it would be very useful at times. I usually resort to a process of elimination, but for rare events that can take too long. Pete
  20. Are you using FSUIPC? If so, just for calibration, or for assignment too? There's really not enough information in your post. All I can gather is that you are running FSX-SE. Pete
  21. You seem to have posted this in another thread as well. I replied there. Pete
  22. Sorry, could you tell me what actual Option tab you are talking about, and what dialogue you expect? I also always need the version number of the FSUIPC you are using. You don't even mention whether you are using FS2004, FSX or P3D. Pete
  23. Working on it. Expect 5.123d later today or perhaps tomorrow. Pete
  24. Sorry, but I don't know any of the tools you list. If you can have keyboard going through some program which then emulates a joystick type device then of course FSUIPC wouyld be able to see it. Pete
  25. 0x0BDC is an offset for a program to write to or read from. it is not an "LVAR". #why the mixup there? L:Vars are variabled with names specific to a gauge. How do you know those are the correct values? Best to monitor that offset whilst operating the flaps using the mouse or normal flaps keyboard controls. Pete
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