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Pete Dowson

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Everything posted by Pete Dowson

  1. Right. Found it and fixed it, thanks to you. All that it was -- the macros weren't being loaded before the comments were added, but only for the Axis assignments section. It was okay for buttons and keys. It's a one line fix, and i'll make a new release (probably with installer, to avoid the comments about it not liking P3D 3.3.5) tomorrow or monday. Meanwhile it doesn't do any harm. It just gives incrrent "missing2 comments in the Axes sections. Pete
  2. I'm looking now, but just scanning down you seem to be missing some other things. eg Lua plug in number 81 as listed here: 56=GS,B,-16384,-16253,L81:R,0 -{ Entering=Lua ERROR: unknown Lua! }- The PMDG ones it thinks are missing sre not in Key Strokes. Not sure what you mean by "mouse clicks2 -- you can't assign mouse clicks in FSUIPC. Did you mean buttons? In fact the only references to the PMDG macro are these, in axis assignments: 65=DX,256 66=DX,B,11776,16383,M24:38,1 -{ Entering=Macro PMDG: <unknown macro> !!! }- 67=DX,B,-9362,9856,M24:39,1 -{ Entering=Macro PMDG: <unknown macro> !!! }- 68=DX,B,-16384,-9882,M24:40,1 -{ Entering=Macro PMDG: <unknown macro> !!! }- Now I do see those entries (38, 39, 40) in the Macro file, so I'll investigate this now. Can you confirm that the Macro file is definitely in the Modules folder, not elsewhere? Why are there so few assignments to it when it contains 54 different macro names? Okay. Best delete that line, then, unless you have the macro somewhere. Pete
  3. Ah, thanks found it. Yes, they are hosting very old and unsupported versions of FSUIPC3 and FSUIPC4. I've tried to find an email for the organiser, or even a PM method, and failed, so I've just posted a general message for now. Very annoying. Pete
  4. Yes, 4.955 is okay for 3.3.5. The installer doesn't recognise the build number, but it is only a warning. It wasn't worth a complete re-build for this update and most folks won't need to reinstall FSUIPC in any case. Why did you? You shouldn't delete the Modules folder just to update P3D. This isn't FSUIPC4 then. You need to check why that's occurring. It's no use saying it here with no information whatsoever. Pete
  5. Just use a non-zero ClassInstance then, as I said. It's only external applications which cannot talk to WideClient with a different ClassInstance. Pete
  6. The whole point of WideClient is to look like FS or P3D, so FSUIPC applications will connect to it rather than to FS or P3D. You cannot have two programs running both looking like P3D, and that is why you get the error. After all, how would the applications know which to connect to? If you are only using WideClient for its contained facilities, like button transmission to FSUIPC or keysend actions from FSUIPC, or maybe for Lua plug-ins, then you can do that by setting the "ClassInstance" parameter in the INI file to something other than 0. FSUIPC applications will not be able to use it unless they have a parameter like this too, which most do not, so applications will try to connect to FSUIPC inside the local copy of P3D. Pete
  7. Hmmm. Tried that and it is never found. Maybe it does host pirate software and so blocked by some ISPs. I certainly can't get to it here, but I do see it with a Google search on "FSUIPC free". But the official one (the Schiratti site it first -- that site is not mine, by the way, but Mr. Schiratti's of Project Magenta fame. My only "site" is this one here, and the download links in the "Download Links" subforum here is my repository for all my stuff and other useful things. The Schiratti site links to files here too, so I can keep them up to date, but only Mr. Schiratti can change the text on his site. I really don't understand why folks would go anywhere but the official sites, unless they are trying to get pirated registered versions. Pete
  8. The macro file is one thing, the macros themselves are named within and assigned by sequence number. So, are they all there? When you press the button or key assigned to any of those which say "missing", does the correct name show in the assignment? If it looks wrong to you, I need to investigate, but I don't have your macros (nor for that matter your devices). You'll need to provide the new FSUIPC4.INI file containing the wrong "missing" comments, and the macro file which shows otherwise. If there are more than one, just one example will do. I'll hold off releasing 4.955b generally until this is resolved one way or the other. Pete
  9. I think I've found it. It's a missing Macro file, and my code for dealing with it wasn't checking sufficiently thoroughly. Please try FSUIPC4955b.zip and let me know. It's only the FSUIPC4.DLL -- copy into the FS modules folder. But please make sure you've run the 4.955 installer (again) first, otherwise your documentation and so on could be out of date. If this works okay, check the INI file -- search for entries marked with "<unknown macro> !!!". One or more of those were the problem. If you're no longer using those assignments, best to delete the line. Pete
  10. Thanks. Interesting that it hasn't got the new "Annotate=Yes" parameter -- and the assignments aren't annotated -- so it isn't getting that far. Good. That makes it a little easier to search for the problem. Leave it with me for now. Pete
  11. Oh, I wish you had reported the problem with 4.953. Version 4.955 was a major release, and its a lot more work to have rebuild everything. There's never going to be a fix for something that isn't reported -- I can't possibly test every scenario here. Those are INI files when using FSUIPC 4.948, so they aren't exactly relevant. I need the ones after the crashes, please. Also I see you use Profiles in Files. Does the default aircraft being loaded use one of those profiles? Because if so I'm afraid I need to see its file in its Profiles folder too, please. Pete
  12. What have you tried later than that, or is that the most recent other one you have? I think the problem is related to your FSUIPC4.INI file(s). Can you show me those please? Pete
  13. Yes. You are missing ALL of the default scenery, the stuff which provides most of the airports and underlays for the add-ons. I've sent you the SCENERY.CFG file from a default install of FS9. Where are all the equivalent layers in yours? The default scenery alone, when run with MakeRunways, gives 23760 airports and 53982 runways! Somehow you’ve destroyed your original scenery.cfg. Maybe FS9 will make another if you delete it. I don’t know. Or you can adapt mine. I don't know if your default layer names as in French? Yes, but not the thousands available by default? MakeRunways also makes database without error. Pete
  14. But that's what it finds! What does FS9 show in the Scenery Library when it is loaded -- in the Settings somewhere? Does it list all your scenery layers? Maybe you can ZIP up the Runways.txt file and your Scenery.CFG file and send them to me as attachments, to petedowson@btconnect.com. I really can't tell what you have wrong otherwise. Before you somehow corrupted your SCENERY.CFG file, you mean? Because MakeRunways has not changed its scanning method for a long long time. Pete
  15. Version 3.1 of P3D still? I no longer have that to test against. Why are you sticking with older buggy versions of P3D? I'll have a look, but I need to see the FSUIPC4.LOG file up to the point of the crash, both for FSX and P3D. It sounds like a corrupted weather file, but I can't tell without logs. I also need the crash info for the FSX one -- or is it EXACTLY the same? Pete
  16. The point of calibration is to eliminate differences in the end result. You are asking about FSUIPC now? As documented, that's in the Miscellaneous options. But that's only for spikes t max or min, not wobbles as you described. Pete
  17. Er, you contradict yourself. You say "they are correct" then "it does not read the data any more". It has read the data, look at the log, look at the entries, for example: Area.001 "Décor par défaut" (Layer=1) Path(Local/Remote)=Scenery\BASE ============================================================================= Scenery\BASE\scenery\DEL_LB1B.BGL What is an add-on scenery doing at layer 1, the lowest priority? The first layers MUST be FS default layers, they underpin it all. Really? Does MakeRunways finish and create the assorted files? It looks to me that your SCENERY.CFG is completely corrupted. MakeRunways does not write to ir at all of ocurse, it only reads it. I'm surprised if any of your scenery is working at all! Pete
  18. Offer? What do you mean? A pirated copy? And where is this, what is the URL? Pete
  19. Note sure why you are asking here -- you really need a hardware forum. However, here's what I (think I) know: Lots of such devices "wobble" a bit. They are usually based on a potentiometer -- a sliding contact on a resistive material so varying the resistance. This is then usually measured by timing a capacitor discharge through that resistance (or at least that's how it used to be done). Lots of things can interfere and give less than precisely fixed values: dirt, temperature variation, humidity, and voltages. When assigned in either FS or FSUIPC small variations are normally ignored. FSUIPC even allows you to set the threshold for this, which can be increased if necessary. It does have a spike removal option as well, but that's for extreme spikes to one end or the other, usually caused by bad connections or missing bits of the resistive surface. Pete
  20. Please ALWAYS post support questions to the support forum! It has been moved for you. MakeRunways does not invent scenery layers. Those are the ones you have listed! It is reading your scenery list from the SCENERY.CFG in the FS9 folder: which, for FS9, is certainly the correct place. So it will only operate on thjose sceneries which SCENERY.CFG lists, and so will FS9! Pete
  21. As Thomas says, it dates to April 2007 -- so where on Earth did you download it from in Decembrt 2014? Certainly no official place! Current at that time was 4.937d. As I explained earlier, those two further steps are used but they vary. You are misinterpreting things. If you want me to help you must SHOW me things, not read bits and quote out of context! But I am only interested in helping at all if you are using the currently supported version, 4.955. There's never ever been an "FSUIPC" folder. Whoever mentioned one? Pete
  22. What "installation page". Sorry, who said anything about any page? Oh, i see. My "Install log" got corrupted somehow into "Inst;; pg". Sorry, no idea how that happened. didn't it look wrong to you? What "readme" and a "doc about what can go wrong"? Sorry, you've lost me. They don't sound related to anything of mine. The current FSUIPC4.ZIP file contains the installer, Install FSUIPC.exe, and two documents, FSUIPC 4.955 Changes.docx (which should actually be a PDF -- I'll fix that now), and the Installing and Registering FSUIPC4.pdf, so I've no idea what you are looking at at all I'm afraid. However, the file I was asking you to show me is the one called FSUIPC4 Install.log, which is always produced when you run the Installer! There'll be a copy in the same place as the Installer, wherever you ran that, and also one in the FS Modules folder. There's no difference at all between "freeware" and anything else, only the Registration, that's all -- the Registration simply unlocks the user facilities. I cannot help you without seeing what the Installer is doing, and that is shown step by step, in every detail, in that Log file. Pete
  23. In that case there are none registered in the Registry, at least not where they should be. Try uninstalling the joysticks in device manager (drivers including), then re-booting so that they are re-detected and added. Does FS see them? Also, please see the FAQ subforum thread about non-detection of joysticks. That might be relevant. Pete
  24. Yes, that's correct. Those two parts are always added (but different for Prepar3D). No, that is wrong. My own FSX is in E:\FSX and my P3D is in E:\P3D. That's fine and good, and has nothing to do with where the DLL.XML is. I cannot help with the information you have provided. Please paste the contents of the Install log, which is always required with such inquiries. That is why it is produced .You can paste its contents into a message here, it is an ordinary text file. Pete
  25. So, not the cutoff/idle switches, used when starting the engines? I think those fuel valves automatically open when needed, but I may be corrected on that. Don't forget all of the offsets listed in my list are for default FS values, mostly populated and handled directly to FS via Simconnect. Add-on aircraft will often d things differently. Check things out with a default aircraft first. If it's okay there, then you need something from the add-on aircraft folks to help you. It may not use offsets. Pete
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