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Pete Dowson

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Everything posted by Pete Dowson

  1. This looks like the usual problem caused by a corrupted weather file. FSUIPC requests weather data from Simconnect which reads the binary files (.wx files in your Documents folder, and wxstationlist.bin in the AppData folder). So, try deleting the wxstationlist.bin file in this folder: C:\Users\<yourusername>\AppData\Roaming\LockHeed Martin\Prepar3D v4 and also the .wx files in your Prepar3D documents folder (the folder where your saved flights are). If any of those are corrupted, possibly from a previous crash of FSX, then they can cause unpredictable errors when loaded. Unfortunately FSX's SimConnect doesn't check these files before use. Another test would be to insert "NoWeatherAtAll=Yes" into the [General] section of the FSUIPC4.INI file. That will stop FSUIPC asking for the weather data. Of course this will stop any FSUIPC applications you may have getting weather data, but perhaps you have none. Pete
  2. Same CTD as what? Please find the FSUIPC5.LOG file in the P3D Modules folder and paste that here, so we can see where things are at. Pete
  3. I don't know how you've done it, but you appear to have a lost or corrupted SimConnect install. You need to re-run the SimConnect installer. That will be an .msi file in the "Core Utilities" part of the FSX SDK. You must have had that somewhere if you started with FSX-SE. If you originally had FSX installed it would have installed with that. Pete
  4. That trim wheel is not even attached, and thee are no assignments to a wheel, either as L or K, so whether you keep those lines or delete them makes no difference. Delete them for tidiness. If you ever reconnect it you can make assignments then. Pete
  5. Right. I've analysed the files. I am glad to see that you were using Joy Letters as it makes it a lot easier. Here's what I think. I sorted the [JoyNames] section so that you can see more clearly what is happening: -------------------------------------------------- First, the Yoke is okay, still "C": C=Saitek Pro Flight Yoke C.GUID={28EBBAA0-829A-11E5-800D-444553540000} 0=Saitek Pro Flight Yoke 0.GUID={28EBBAA0-829A-11E5-800D-444553540000} ---------------------------------------------------- Possibly the 4 usb pads have been mixed up by the Windows update. Having the same name and probably the same version number, Windows cannot distinguish then except by the USB socket -- but that information is not transmitted over an update like that. You need to work out which is which (by testing one button on each) then re-letter the entries in the INI to match. In other words, if you find for example that a button which should show an assignment you made to device G but now shows as device E, make a note that G -> E. When you have a note of all 4 you can edit these lines accordingly. e.g. in the example I gave, change E= and E.GUID= to G= and G.GUID= respectively. E=usb pad E.GUID={28EBBAA0-829A-11E5-8002-444553540000} 1=usb pad 1.GUID={28EBBAA0-829A-11E5-8002-444553540000} F=usb pad F.GUID={28EBBAA0-829A-11E5-8003-444553540000} 2=usb pad 2.GUID={28EBBAA0-829A-11E5-8003-444553540000} G=usb pad G.GUID={28EBBAA0-829A-11E5-8004-444553540000} 3=usb pad 3.GUID={28EBBAA0-829A-11E5-8004-444553540000} H=usb pad H.GUID={28EBBAA0-829A-11E5-8001-444553540000} 4=usb pad 4.GUID={28EBBAA0-829A-11E5-8001-444553540000} --------------------------------------------------- For Rudder you have these assignments to "A" (which is still the Rudder) 61=AR,256,D,3,0,0,0 -{ DIRECT: Rudder }- 62=AU,256,D,4,0,0,0 -{ DIRECT: Throttle }- I don't understand why you have a single universal Throttle assigned to the Rudder??? The device A still appears to be correct, so that's not been reassigned. A=Saitek Pro Flight Rudder Pedals A.GUID={28EBBAA0-829A-11E5-800C-444553540000} 5=Saitek Pro Flight Rudder Pedals 5.GUID={28EBBAA0-829A-11E5-800C-444553540000} ---------------------------------------------------- The two throttle quadrants are still assigned as throttle quadrants, B and D. If those are the wrong way around now, just change the B=, B.GUID= etc accordingly. For one Throttle quadrant you have another two Universal Throttles. Don't you control each throttle separately? Why two Quadrants and only have multiple universal all-engine throttles 71=DY,256,D,4,0,0,0 -{ DIRECT: Throttle }- 72=DZ,256,D,4,0,0,0 -{ DIRECT: Throttle }- B=Saitek Pro Flight Quadrant B.GUID={28EBBAA0-829A-11E5-800E-444553540000} 6=Saitek Pro Flight Quadrant 6.GUID={28EBBAA0-829A-11E5-800E-444553540000} D=Saitek Pro Flight Quadrant D.GUID={28EBBAA0-829A-11E5-800F-444553540000} 7=Saitek Pro Flight Quadrant 7.GUID={28EBBAA0-829A-11E5-800F-444553540000} ---------------------------------------------------- Finally you have a disconnected Trim Wheel for which I found no assignments anyway: L=Pro Flight Cessna Trim Wheel L.GUID={4F45C0A0-7B6A-11E6-8001-444553540000} and I think this is a leftover from some previous setup, so you can delete it: K=<< MISSING JOYSTICK >> ------------------------------------ Hope you find this information sufficient. It isn't a difficult job, thanks to the JoyLetter assignment method! Pete
  6. The wherewithall has been supplied to SimMarket, but unfortunately this past weekend was a Holiday here in Europe (a Christian one called "Easter"), and unlike us dedicated and foolish developers they don't work over holidays. I'm sure it'll be ready soon enough. Most folks can't even download P3D5 at present because L-Ms servers are overloaded. In fact I'm not going to even bother to try until tomorrow night at the earliest (I have to leave it downloading overnight in any case, and tonight is certainly not the night! 😉 Pete
  7. I think you must mean WideFS7? There's no FSUIPC7. WideFS7 is built into FSUIPC4 for FSX & P3D1-3, into FSUIPC5 for P3D4 and, now, also FSUIPC6 for P3D4 and P3D5 going forward. That is the title bar you get from the client program, WideClient.EXE, which you run on the Client PC. On the P3D4 PC you must be running P3D4 with FSUIPC5 or FSUIPC6 installed and WideFS7 registered by the FSUIPC Installer. Pete
  8. Perhaps you need to read a little more of the post than the first section which you show here. I think you'll find John made things perfectly clear!
  9. Have you posted a "main question" recently? The last post before yours in this thread was in September 2018!!! You say "still not able" -- have you been trying something since 2018? Without more information we cannot really help. Can you go through what you do, step (key press/mouse-click) bt step? And please show us your settings (the FSUIPC5.INI file from the Modules folder). Is the slope graphic not being shown for any axis in the calibration section? Here they show even if the calibration hasn't been set or even has an assignment). The only previous time it was reported (by RMM above in 2018) we couldn't resolve it at all -- I don't know if he did. It isn't complex code and uses standard Windows facilities, so possibly it is some sort of incompatibity with some Windows or video driver version. With that in mind perhaps we also need to know the full details of your system installation, in case we can spot anything. To supply this, run DXDiag and, when it has collected all the information, select the "Save all information" button to save it as a text file, ZIP it up and attach it here. I can't guarantee any result from this but we can have a look. Pete
  10. Are you sure that UTLive can't make use of installed aircraft models for AI when nobetter match is found? After all you do say you have both installed. On this point: It is not safe to remove assignments in the sim. You should disable controllers. The sim has a habit of making auytomatic assignments if it ever thinks a controller is newly added. If you disable controllers you do not need to unassign everything, so it is much easier in any case. I'm afraid it is not possible to determine the source of controls arriving in the Sim -- except by a process of eliminating each possiblity in turn. Pete
  11. Actually, it was John who replied before. As John said, I think you have posted to the wrong Forum -- you are not a .NET DLL programmer I assume? The FSUIPC menu entry in the top bar is only there to take yuou to FSUIPC Options. Please do have a look at the documentation, which is in the FSUIPC Documents subfolder in the sim's Modules folder. It is not up to FSUIPC to connect to other programs. If a program wants to connect to FSUIPC then it does the job, not FSUIPC. I do not know IVAP but I never thought it had anything to do with FSUIPC. What does it need that connection for? Have you asked on the IVAP forums? If it needs to connect but isn't doing so then I'm afraid you need to ask there, not here. As for FSUIPC not appearing in your FSX-SE installation, if this is the very recent Beta edition then please re-read the above reply from John and follow the advice there. Pete
  12. If you want to assign in FSUIPC, for PMDG aircraft Send to FS as Normal Axis AND select the "Axis_" controls. And do not calibrate in FSUIPC no matter where you assign. As I have said clarly several tinmes already in this thread! You are simply being deliberately blind for some reason. This advice has been gleaned from actual PMDG aircraft users who have experimented with what works best. I am not a PMDG user and never have been. I am not in a position to test ways of doing things with every possible other product out there. What you seem to fail to realise is that FSUIPC is like a bag of tools. It is not a problem solver which needs no human involvement, it is a set of tools with many ways of being used. It has never been and never will be a simple load and go program which seems to be only the sort of program you might have any patience with. I'm closing this thread now because there's absolutely no point in continuing this repetition of the same advice, the same information, over and over. Pete
  13. Look in the bottom right section of the "Information" options, the section entitled "Miscellaneous Text". The entry called "Information Text" should be enabled or messages from many add-on programs (not just FSUIPC's plug-in facility) won't be seen. It's really only desirable to turn that off if you are redirecting them to another display, possible via WideFS. I don't understand how you would expend much effort re-enabling an option in P3D (which is actually on by default). You must have expended effort turning it off! Pete
  14. No. ipcready is only run when the system is ready for flight. so message displays should be visible -- if permitted. i think he must have disabled messages, as I do (because i redirect them to a display in my cockpit). The problem is, because ipc.ask can accept any answer type, word, name, or number, or whatever, it can't be displayed as a Simconnect menu (which would still be displayed as those are not suppressed bt the P3D option). Menus only accept 0-9 in answer. Pete
  15. No, it is more closely linked to that Opus DLL. FSUIPC is not even running or loaded when the error occurs. Something is causing some sort of corruption, or leaving a driver in some odd state. And this is happening since you introduced Opus. The latter made no difference, but the logging from FSUIPC indicated definite problems with devices. So have you yet done as I suggested, and tried disconnecting everyting, testing, and gradually adding things back. You need to find a way of narrowing it down, and the only clue at present that something bad is going on are the misbehaving USB devices. Collaboration means more than one party being involved. I cannot wave a magic want and fix an obscure problem on your system. You have to do something as well. I can suggest ways of trying to determine the cause. If you ignore those i cannot help further, can I? Pete
  16. Have you perhaps suppressed such displays in the P3D options? I think it's the last option on the right in the General options in P3D -- to suppress information text. This option is intended for use when the user (like me) has a cockpit and uses WideFS or similar to divert on-screen messages and menus to a screen on a client PC inside the cockpit. If that option is enabled you'd never see the question which you needed to answer. John, going forward, perhaps there should be some sort of timeout placed on responses to the ipc.ask waiting period? This is the first time i've heard of such an incident, but you never know. The mouse macro making facility uses the same mechanism. You can escape from that with ESC or ENTER, and i think you can from ipc.ask, but folks might not think of such obvius keypresses to try. Pete
  17. This is rather short of content. Are you talking about a Lua plug-in for FSUIPC, or sdome other application you are writing? As in all contexts, everywhere, the filename is not just a filename, it is a complete filepath, with is path and name, as in "C:\\MyTextFiles\\ .... .txt"). (Note the double \ needed in Lua like C C++ and other languages). Pete
  18. So, as it says, you have not yet completed a valid registration so there's no key to check. So why did you request the check? Try doing as John suggested and enter the three fields exactly correctly, using cut and paste to be sure not to make mistakes. You'd be amazed at how many ways folks have of spelling their own name! All parts much be exactly right! BTW it's a bit over the top taking three different screen pics just to tell us that you tried to check and it said there's nothing to check! A few words woulsd have done! Pete
  19. You posted the Install log again for some reason. I asked for the FSUIPC4.LOG. Was there none in that folder? John noticed something which i missed. The install log shows that you have TWO instalations of FAX0SE: Looking in registry for FSX install path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator\10.0 Parameter"SetupPath" ... >>> OK! FOUND FSX! <<< ... SetupPath=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\FSX Looking in registry for FSX-SE install path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\DovetailGames\FSX Parameter"Install_Path" ... >>> OK! FOUND FSX-SE! <<< ... SetupPath=C:\New folder\steamapps\common\FSX Did you not bother to uninstallbefore installing again? FSUIPC is installed to run in the copy in the first, C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\FSX Are you prehaps running the other one, from SetupPath=C:\New folder\steamapps\common\FSX If so then it is not surprising that it doesn't run! It would also explain the lack of an FSUIPC4.LOG file in the first installation. You need to uninstall one or other of the two installations, then start again. Pete
  20. No, it isn't the case for all switches. Itcould do it for some, for those aircraft with standard panels. For more sophisticated aircraft, ones you are actually more likely to use with sophisticated switching hardware, it is far less likely to know. And is all cases it cannot always relate the switch assignment to the variable representing the result of that switch position internally. The readouts it gets from the sim are values of variables relating to the state of flight and the aircraft's subsystems. Often those are a result of a switch setting, but there isn't always a one-to-one correspondence. Obviously there is with some, but I think a half-hearted attempt of doing what you want with some but not all panels on some aircraft could be less than helpful really. Pete
  21. Why? That's a bit pointless. Plese show me this file (wich I fear may be corrupted): C:\Users\passl\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\FSX\DLL.XML Also take a look in the FSX Modules folder. C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\FSX\ If there is an FSUIPC4.LOG file there, show me that. Pete
  22. It's really up to the software in the aircraft system you are using to save the state of the switches. It is the change in the state which tells it to do something. It is dynamic. You are asking for a static state to be established. I operate a full 737 cockpit. i always set the switches to match what i know has been saved for the cockpit state in the flight I am loaded. I suppose you could make a program or Lua pllug-in to do what you want, but it is beyond the scope of the ideas behind what FSUIPC is made to do. I can see one serious problem in implementing what you want in any case: many functions in cockpits are implemented in the sim or the panels as "toggles" -- i.e there's only one control to turn them on or off, alternately. No, I think it is much more reliable to just ensure you start with the switch settings as they were when you saved the flight being loaded. I think that should be easy and natural in any case. Pete
  23. Why doesn't he "investigate better"? It evidently is a problem peculiar to your system and their DLL after all. Tell him to investigate better! Really I think you need to identify the problems you evidently have with your devices. I already pointed out that you have a USB device coninually reconnecting. You have many USB devices connected and the driver for any on of them could be responsible. Start off by disconnecting everything. Test, then add one thing at a time, re-testing each time. Pete
  24. The facility is implemented via the SimConnect_Text function. That doesn't supply any background colour facility at all. The facilities to add lines to the SimConnect text window cannot be set with individual colours, and currently the colour is only set by the ipc.display function. I don't know if there's room for making more facilities available withon this rather restrictive SimConnect environmnret. In the future I would rather see any new display facilities use the windows functions directly, so that they can be more flexible, and perhaps even re-introduce the "setowndisplay" method for individual Lua displays. Future development is up to John Dowson (I've retired), but specific improvements willl probably take second place to more urgent needs like supporting MSFS and any future version of P3D. Pete
  25. Well, sorry, but either you are not reading the answers here (and in many other similar threads) or you are not understanding them -- in which case, apologies, but we do try to think of every possible way of explaining your choices. Of your two "environments" you can use whichever you want! If you want to assign anything at all in FSUIPC (for instance to use Profiles) you should certainly disable controllers in P3D and use FSUIPC exclusively, and vice versa. Do not mix -- that's asking for trouble.. The only thing peculiar about the PMDG aircraft and a few others is that you should only assign main control axes to the FS controls (in FSUIPC they are the ones beginning "AXIS ..."). Do not assign "direct" to FSUIPC calibration, and do not calibrate in FSUIPC. That's it. I explained the reasons for this in the message above. Pete
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