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Everything posted by JSkorna

  1. Hi, You want this forum: http://forum.simflight.com/forum/75-fs-commander-support-forum/
  2. Use Flight Watch from ASE.
  3. She has passed away in real life.
  4. Sorry to hear about the problems, but it is a bit of good news to know that even removing ASE did not solve your issues.
  5. Hi, You need to check with the iFLY folks. This really doesn't have to do with FSUIPC at the moment.
  6. Try with this: http://fsuipc.simflight.com/beta/FSUIPC4726.zip
  7. Your last post before this one is from March 22. Are you sure it was posted?
  8. Wind gusts are handled through your weather program and should be adjusted through there!
  9. If you address FSX through SimConnect in a normal manner you will always get the flickering due to SimConnect. So FSX weather, ASv6.5 weather, REX weather, ASE in Standard Depiction Mode weather. We have used an enhanced mode of addressing SimConnect when ASE is in Smooth Cloud or DWC Depiction Mode and we are not going to share how that is done, sorry.
  10. Hi, Update your FSX to SP2 or Acceleration and then try.
  11. Hi, 1. Please make sure you purchased a FSUIPC 3 key and not a FSUIPC4 key. 2. All 3 pieces of information must be exactly the same from SimMarket to your registration. Please use Copy and Paste to do this.
  12. Hi, No, you won't need to re-purchase FSUIPC 3 or 4, but you might need to do some things with SimMarket to get everything matched up. Pete will be able to tell you more on what to do.
  13. Hi, You should have posted this and your other post in the FSUIPC forum. Maybe some kind mod. can move this so Pete will see it easier?
  14. Hi, You key information is all at SimMarket.com and you need to enter all 3 parts exactly the same, best to use Copy and paste for that.
  15. Hi, No, there is no FSUIPC.dll from Microsoft. There is an FSUI.dll from Microsoft and that stays. Search your FS directory for FSUIPC.dll and see how many instances show up.
  16. Hi Pete, Local Suppression prevents data updates within a certain radius around the plane. Example: you are flying over station ABCD and the weather is CAVOK. Now ASE downloads and updates and station ABCD now is reporting SCT clouds. Without local suppression those SCT clouds would pop into place immediately with no chance of a smooth transition. So AS continues to use the older data. Its the way we have been controlling weather changes due to new data being entered into the system. ASv6.5 has this as well.
  17. Pete, No, I cannot reproduce this and this is the only report of this. I didn't think it was a new problem because of the lack of any other reports. I'll keep an eye on this and will communicate anything to you. Thanks.
  18. All, RC Integration was in B638. SP2 is B642 so the RC things are in that. B646 in the RC forum is attempting to fix the calm wind situations and runway assignments in ASE/FSX/RC. There is even a B647 but that fixes another issue. We are trying to get these little fixes into place before releasing another full fledged SP.
  19. Hi, SimMarket handles most of the purchases and here is their payment information: http://secure.simmarket.com/paymentoptions.php If you download and install the free version all the supporting documentation will also be installed. Please note that there is a version for FS2004 and another version for FSX and would require 2 purchases if you go that route.
  20. Hi, One or both firewalls is blocking FSUIPC.
  21. Hi, All updates within the same version are free.
  22. Hi, The license for FSUIPC 4 will work with all builds of version 4. The license for FSUIPC 3 will work with all builds of version 3. Just install over the top and none of your assignments will be touched.
  23. Hi, Please post about this is Pete's forum a little bit further down the forum page. Thanks!
  24. Did you post about this in another forum and also included that this happened after you installed the IFly 747?
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