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Everything posted by JSkorna

  1. In how many different sub forums are you going to post the same?
  2. Hi, That is all correct.
  3. Hi, Looks like your firewall/AV is blocking the communications.
  4. Hi, Gauges must run on the same machine as FS.
  5. Why would anyone want to open a .dll with a text editor anyway?
  6. Hi, Start a flight in FSX. Sit in a cockpit at any airport. Press and hold the ALT button. At the top of the screen the Menu Bar will appear. At the very right should "Add-Ons". Click on that and in the drop down menu FSUIPC should appear.
  7. Hi, Your crashing has to do with your weather and not FSUIPC. Try this: start up FSX into a flight and go into FSUIPC and re-set that to Default Settings and Weather Settings Off and see what happens.
  8. I don't think it is March 14th yet.
  9. Hi, And what are the details of the fatal errors from FS?
  10. Firewalls on both computers allowing Wide FS access it needs?
  11. Hi, Re-register FSUIPC under the new .exe and you should be good.
  12. Hi, What is version number of your FSUIPC?
  13. Hi, Going to need to wait for Pete to return.
  14. Hi, Please copy and paste your FSUIPC Install Log here and we'll take a look.
  15. Your FSUIPC.ini file is that top file on that left side picture, the file with the little blue gear on it. You can open it using Notebook and your settings will be in there.
  16. Hi, When you unplugged and re-plugged in your USB hardware, Windows reassigned them new IDs. Look in the FSUIPC.ini file for your settings.
  17. http://www.xe.com/ucc/
  18. And just to add...ASE does not use WideFS to connect to FSX over a network, it just uses SimConnect. Thanks,
  19. Hi, It would have been super fast just to move the FSUIPC.ini file out and then run FSX and a new file would have been produced. That also would have given you a clean start.
  20. Hi, You should contact SimMarket about this and see what they say.
  21. Hi, Did you purchase a FSUIPC 4 key or FSUIPC 3 key? Yes, it will make a difference! Edit: Yes, I now see your other post about this.
  22. Part of the post at the RC Forum: "Please get FSUIPC version 4.634 or later" Note the "or later"!
  23. QB, If you process a flight plan in ASE, you can get the weather conditions for each waypoint, including destination airport.
  24. Hi, You can read here that we did provide a link to both the FSUIPC and WideFS downloads: http://www2.hifisim.com/node/1554 Thanks,
  25. What were your FPS in FSX in full screen/full window before FSUIPC?
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