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Thomas Richter

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Everything posted by Thomas Richter

  1. Hi, did you run P3D once after installation as administrator, as requested from LM? Did you run the FSUIPC4 installer as administrator?
  2. Hi, this is the correct version from download area above Install complete FSUIPC version 4.939n Install_FSUIPC4.939n for FSX, FSX-SE and Prepar3D versions 1.4 and 2.0-2.5 If you want to register for full version you need to go to simMarket, http://secure.simmarket.com/pete-dowson-fsuipc4.phtml
  3. Hi, first of all use latest installer, FSUIPC4.939n. Also please post to main support forum instead, this is the Download section and not a good place for questions. The registration key contains three parts they have to be exactly: User Name eMail address Key All the above has to be correct, e.g. a different email address would fail, also a incorrect spelling e.g. capital letter where it shouldn't ... Best is always to copy and paste all three parts from your confirmation email.
  4. Hi, that question should go to LM because they created/ sell Prepar3D. If the standard scenery doesn't match real world then that's it, and my be a addon-scenery will do it correct. MakeRunways reads the active scenery files and gets those information from it, if it doesn't reflects to the real world it doesn't matter because the software (freeware) name 'MakeRunways' doesn't mean it makes any runway in FS, it only reads them and converts the information into readable files.
  5. Hi, you will have to convert the project magenta offset bits for cutoff to the fs ones listed in fsuipc offset doc. Just with a lua script.
  6. Hi, the Cockpitsonic throttle uses their own hardware/ IO board that is not seen by windows as a joystick card. FSUIPC gets joystick information from windows and so it cannot display anything. For the Cockpitsonic throttle you have to use their driver.
  7. Hi, you do the same for fsuipc in DLL.xml, set fsuipc to disabled.
  8. Hi, check if you find a new FSUIPC INI file that is used instead when you start in this migration mode. If so you need to copy the key file and rename it to the same as the new INI file.
  9. Hi, I have only P3D v2.5 installed with both hotfixes ,it runs ok and produces correct all files. Make Runways File: Version 4.678 by Pete Dowson Reading SCENERY.CFG ... CFG file being used is: "C:\ProgramData\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v2\SCENERY.CFG" ... and so on
  10. Hi, In Win8.1 you need to set Energy saving to OFF and in USB set Selective Energy saving to OFF. Well, some folks say this, but I really don't understand why it should make any difference, as FSUIPC uses similar methods, via DirectInput, as FSX and P3D. In theory they should both get the same results. Any hardware that does the same as Saitek does/ did, have a hardware defined 'dead zone' (not changeable in windows or their driver), so after some time in centre or no movement Win 8.1 (very strong on energy saving designed) thinks the device is no longer used and switches it off. In case FSX/ P3D don't poll the devices but get changes/ events windows doesn't get forced to read the device and keep it alive. As far as I know you (Pete) poll the devices (?) and so FSUIPC keeps them alive, with the correct energy saving options set in Win 8.1. Also people with old spiky controller will not face that problem because Windows will send continuous events to FSX/ P3D and doesn't switch the device off. Would that make sense?
  11. Hi, FSUIPC 4.939 DOES support P3D v2.5 because Pete added that just before he left for vacation. BUT the Hotfix for P3D v2.5 is not included because it was released later. So those special functions they use calls into P3D code will not work and P3D might even crash because they are in the wrong position. So if P3D v2.5 with hotfix doesn't crash that doesn't mean FSUIPC fully functional! It's only couple days and he is back to fix that again. Install complete FSUIPC version 4.939 Install FSUIPC4939 for FSX, FSX-SE and Prepar3D versions 1.4 and 2.0-2.5 -- See changes document for details up to 4.939 -- Adds Support for Prepar3D version 2.5 -- G3D fix as in FSX now also applies to FSX-SE -- Installer labels install problems more intelligently FSUIPC version 4.939 only FSUIPC 4.939 -- If you already installed 4.938-4.938h, you can just copy this DLL into the FSX Modules folder.
  12. Hi, as I said at that time SIOC needs to be installed on the PC where its hardware is connected to. The IOCPServer.dll is not needed, delete and remove its activation in DLL.XML file in ...\AppData\Roaming\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v2\DLL.XML And as you said already disable clients in sioc.ini file e.g. [************** IOCP CLIENT MODULE #0 ***************] [ Desactivar el módulo cliente IOCP ] [ Disable IOCP client module ] IOCPclient0_disable=Yes [************** FSUIPC MODULE ***************] [ Desabilitar lectura de las FSUIPC ] [ FSUIPC disable mode yes/no ] FSUipcdisable=No [ Refresco recepción FSUIPC ] [ FSUIPC refresh ] FSUipcRefresh=50 So it will use FSUIPC only.
  13. Hi, just try and see what happens. It might be that FSUIPC ignores just the profiles for not existing aircrafts and only look for a profile when the aircraft is actually selected. Just give it a go, FSUIPC will not do any changes to P3D or its settings anyway.
  14. Hi, just run the latest installer 4.939 (or higher). If the installed version in FSX is already latest the installer will not overwrite the existing DLL. If the Installer version is newer then it will replace the existing one with the new DLL file, but it will not change anything in your existing INI file (your settings). So no worry.
  15. Hi, normally you can do this as long it is the same PC and all controller are in the same place (USB connectors). And of course all aircrafts do exist in the new version. Don't forget to update to latest FSUIPC4 version that supports P3D v 2.5.
  16. Hi, does it physically switch the LUA logging on in FSUIPC Logging section, marked? If so, then a program that runs on the server or on a client is doing this! I found that e.g. Opencockpit software is doing that by using the Offset 3400 for that, for no reason of course. Just log the Offset 3400 (U16) in FSUIPC and check which program (thread number) is doing that. If it is not possible to stop a program doing that then just add this to [WideFS] section in FSUIPC Deny=3400,2 or on the client under [user] section Deny=3400,2 That prevents programs to activate or de-activate logging options via Offset 3400.
  17. Hi, you can write values direct to the throttle lever via Offset 089A for Thr_1 and 0932 for Thr_2. You need to convert of course the value from your Min and Max values to 0 to 16384. If the axis include Reverser then from -4096 (full Reverse) to 16384.
  18. Hi, do you see a chance also to get the heading of the FSstart position? Heading of Start position is simple the RWY heading, take care of Variation. RWY heading and Variation is included in the XML file.
  19. Hi, Pete didn't mean his FSUIPC4 for FSX/ P3D, he meant the P3D version you use. The FSUIPC4 version you bought is for FSX/ FSX SE/ P3D v1.x and P3D v2.x. The latest version of FSUIPC/ FSUIPC4 you will always find above under Download Links->Updated Modules Make sure you use latest installer from that link. Once you bought FSUIPC4 updates are free for FSUIPC4.
  20. Hi Jumachado, what you show and describe 'Works perfectly on Windows' might not be correct because the picture you show is not the Windows GameController software where you can check it will work it that way for FSUIPC, it is the driver from that Mad Catz controller. To check it works ok in Windows you need to go to systems and open GameController, there you will find your controller to check how it works raw in windows.
  21. Hi, I don't think this is neither an FSUIPC problem nor a LM problem. I had this long time ago and it was related to graphics card and driver (NVidia), the problem disappeared with a newer PC and newer graphics card. That doesn't mean you have an old PC or graphics card but may be the graphics driver version is not as good.
  22. Hi, check that in FS Controls setup for that controller no axis is defined automatic by FS, what FS does when you disconnect/ reconnect or change the USB port for that controller.
  23. Hi, the SDK is not the place to look for actual Offset status. The place to look at is \Moduls\FSUIPC Documents\ There you will find the latest FSUIPC4 Offsets Status.pdf that was installed with the latest Full Installation you did.
  24. Hi, I do have that [JoyNames] AutoAssignLetters=No 0=G940 0.GUID={1E55BA40-0D35-11E4-8001-444553540000} 1=Logitech G940 Joystick 1.GUID={1E562F70-0D35-11E4-8002-444553540000} 2=Logitech G940 Pedals 2.GUID={1E56F2C0-0D35-11E4-8004-444553540000} and I didnt actually know I could update it for free hehe silly me. anyways it is now up to date Do you then see in FSUIPC the controller axis you move on that joystick? Sometime you can face the problem that a 'nervous' axis from a different controller is seen only every time you press the Rescan button. So if you have that problem then best is to disconnect the other controller BUT remember their position in the USB sockets.
  25. Hi, why would you have an 'old' ford Mondeo if you can just get the latest one for FREE. Just use latest available FSUIPC4 as it is free to update anyway and Pete can only look into code, if needed, of latest available version. That's why there is 'no support' for any older version than the current one. Then follow precisely the manual to setup axes in FSUIPC. Any joystick controller that is seen in Windows - Game Controller is seen in FSX and also in FSUIPC. But the controller is not named in FSUIPC's UI, it has just a controller number instead. If you did run FSX or P3D then you will find in its Modules folder the FSUIPC4.ini file. It contains the section [JoyNames} where all connected (at that time) joystick controller are listed with its given number and GUID. Here is what it looks like in mine with a connected Logitech Extreme 3D and a PPM controller: [JoyNames] AutoAssignLetters=No 0=Logitech Extreme 3D 0.GUID={0667FA70-5979-11E4-8005-444553540000} 1=PPM 1.GUID={7B1FD020-6F65-11E4-8001-444553540000} So you should find your controller listed in yours, do you?
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