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Thomas Richter

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Everything posted by Thomas Richter

  1. Hi, I think you might not read it as Float64 (8 Byte length)?
  2. Hi, PFC driver you will find here under Download Links -> Updated Modules The HID driver is for PFC hardware with USB connection.
  3. Hi, this is copied from FSUIPC Lua Plug-Ins.pdf. As you can see on WideClient you just drop a Lua file into its folder and it will run as soon WideClient connects to FS. You also can run it before FS connects by naming it INITIAL.LUA . Can I run Lua plug-ins on a WideFS client PC? Yes. Such facilities have now been added. Since version 6.81, WideClient automatically runs any Lua programs it finds in its own folder (i.e. the folder containing the WideClient.exe being used). These are started only after WideClient is fully connected to FS on the server PC. Additionally, WideClient will look for a Lua program called "Initial.lua" when it first starts up. This will run immediately, before any access to FS and FSUIPC is obtained, so it should not be used for anything dependent upon valid offset values. It can run other Lua programs, using the "ipc.runlua" function, but they will need to be located elsewhere—not in the WideClient folder—or else they will be restarted when FS is connected. The INITIAL.LUA program is not re-run later and is the only exception. Note that the library support for Lua on WideClient is a subset of that provided in FSUIPC. The library document highlights those functions omitted in WideClient.
  4. Hi, once you did pay for FSUIPC4 there is no need to register/ pay again for updates, as long it is the same main version (4.xxx). It also installs automatic into FSX, P3D and P3dv2 if on that PC installed. Version 4.929 is an update to any older version of FSUIPC4. As you have version 4.90 installed you need to run the installer (as administrator, mouse right-click on it). You will find it under Download Links --> Updated modules You will not lose any settings!
  5. Hi, in that case all related file of FSX will be named as crisis as well, like FSX.cfg will be crisis.cfg and so on. FSUIPC4.ini will be FSUIPC4.crysis.ini. If you already had FSUIPC4 set up for FSX with special settings and may be controller settings then you can keep this by renaming the FSUIPC4.ini file to FSUIPC4.crysis.ini and the FSUIPC4.key file to FSUIPC4.crysis.key You will find already a new FSUIPC4.crysis.ini file in FSX moduls folder but that is a fresh created one you can just delete to then rename the old one.
  6. Hi, make sure you run your 'ATICrossfireExtension' tool in the same level as you run and installed FSX and FSUIPC, as Administrator.
  7. Hi, I don't think crashes are related to FSUIPC at all. After installing the update P3Dv2.1 doesn't work at all anymore, not able to load any aircraft already on startup (only their onwn installed ac's) and so it loadfs without an aircraft on default Airport/RWY. By 'trying' to select an aircraft in UI and loading you get a fatal error. You get already this fatal error by selecting an aircraft in UI and then selecting a different one. If you select a mission instead of an aircraft P3Dv2.1 doesn't find any of its own installed ones. I think something mayor wrong with this update at all. May be the full install of P3Dv2.1 wil work ... :oops: :evil:
  8. Hi Pete, yes internet explorer 11. There is a small box byside the address bar that indicates if the contents are blocked or not. By clicking on it the setting for this page can be changed. It is to secure back tracking. Or just using a different browser like you do, and mostly I as well :razz:
  9. Hi Pete and Colin, Well, the text from the files is just normal text. If you couldn't paste it into a message here then you cannot edit or write text here, it is all part of the same thing. But obviously that is not true. Tell me, can you not even read the files? Just open them with Notepad. If you can read them you can copy their contents and paste them. Ask your son how to select text, copy it and paste it. I just use the mouse to select and Ctrl+Insert to copy, Shift+Insert to paste. Works every time, without fail. That happened to me as well, I had to unlock contents in explorer for this page to get it work. Without you can write and answer but not paste anything into the message, that is related to this page only.
  10. Hi, the both files in your folder FSUIPC4 28/01/2014 20:31 Configuation Settings 1kb FSUIPC4 28/01/2014 20:32 Text Document 2kb are just created last time you started FSX and that was yesterday 28th. The other files are correct installed today 29th. That's why you see the old version number in FSUIPC4.log file (Text Document). As soon you start FSX and close you will see everything correct. The file 'List of FSX Controls' is an old version from an earlier installation, a new version of that file you will find in the subfolder 'FSUIPC Documents'.
  11. Hi, 1. your line shows the variable as FSUIPC_OUT, so it is declared in SIOC as an Offset where you have to write to and you will not be able to read the status of this Offset 2. did you check the FSUIPC documentation? It clearly describes the function of this Offset. 3340 36 This area is used for externally signalled “joystick button” control, a set of 288 "virtual buttons". Each DWORD or 32 bits represents one “joystick” with 32 buttons. If an external program sets or clears a bit in any of these 9 DWORDS the “Buttons” page in FSUIPC will register the change as a button operation on one of Joystick numbers 64 to 73 (corresponding to the 9 DWORDs). So, FSUIPC can be used to program whatever actions the user wants. See also offset 29F0
  12. Hi, it does use of course use SimConnect. There are two Offsets, 0x31F0 to see the status and 0x31F4 to control. 31F0 4 Pushback status 3=off, 0=pushing back, 1=pushing back, tail to swing to left (port), 2=pushing back, tail to swing to right (starboard) 31F4 4 Pushback control. Write 0–3 here to set pushback operation, as described for the status, above.
  13. Hi, add this line to FSUIPC4.ini in [General] section and it will work already. P3Dv2Fiddles=Yes
  14. Hi, just let WideClient run on its own or with something else if possible to see who forces the crash.
  15. Hi, what application is running on the WideClient PC?
  16. Hi, I don't see something wrong works as before in FSX, P3D and P3D v2 with latest versions 4.927b and also 4.927e.
  17. Hi, ups, I mean NOT write protected of course. Btw- can you show the dll.xml file to see what's in it?
  18. Hi, Do I have to disconnect the internet on my Laptop with WideFS client (Vista) and then reconnect the internet? Or do I have to do something on my FSX computer (win 7). No. It is just to know if you did the setup while having internet connection the same setup will not work proper when you start next time without a internet connection because Win change the Network type from private to public and block some stuff. My FSX computer is connected to my router through an ethernet cable while my laptop is through wireless. I do have both computers on the same network though because on FSX I have active sky next and on laptop I have PFPX and have them share some folders so I can use ASN weather with PFPX and then import the flight plans straight to my FSX. Make sure you have both in the same workgroup and the IP's are fixed set.
  19. Hi, make sure the DLL.XML file is write protected. It is located: C:\Users\YourUserName\AppData\Roaming\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v2\
  20. Hi, you will have to contact ProSim support because it seems they misread may be something. Works fine with other software.
  21. Hi, make sure you have in WideClient.ini file this line below [user] Log=Errors+ If you run Vista or Win7 you will face those problems when e.g. the network setup was done with internet connection because windows sees the network as Private but next time you disconnected from internet on PC start the network setup will change to Public and so many things are blocked. If you then connect internet and start again, everything is working fine (Windows magic).
  22. Hi, 1. make sure it is a FSUIPC4 key you use 2. use only the exactly like they have been written in the confirmation you got from simmarket 3. best way is to copy and paste the data instead of typing it in to avoid errors
  23. Hi, just write to the Elev Offset direct instead of the Control. There you can set the amount per click and also very important you can limit the upper and lower trim range. You will find this in the FSUIPC 4 User Guide on page 31. The example there shows already the needed Offset for that.
  24. Hi, the error message is already the answer - just install FSUIPC and the Saitek Pro Panels driver will be happy!
  25. Hi, make sure you use FSX because this is for FSX (P3D) only. If you just monitor in FSUIPC the Offset you should see it works ok as you can see below where the AC is placed in EGCC. 77970 Monitor IPC:0E80 (AsciiZ) = [4]"EGCC" 80310 Monitor IPC:0E80 (AsciiZ) = [4]"EGNM" 82634 Monitor IPC:0E80 (AsciiZ) = [4]"EGNE" 83804 Monitor IPC:0E80 (AsciiZ) = [4]"EGNX" 84974 Monitor IPC:0E80 (AsciiZ) = [4]"EGCC" 86144 Monitor IPC:0E80 (AsciiZ) = [4]"EGWC" 87314 Monitor IPC:0E80 (AsciiZ) = [4]"EGOS" 88453 Monitor IPC:0E80 (AsciiZ) = [4]"EGNR" 89623 Monitor IPC:0E80 (AsciiZ) = [4]"EGNH"
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