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Everything posted by FeelThere_Vic

  1. Thank you. On one computer we were able to reproduce at KSFO. An SP is due for the aiport, it will be also addressed. Thank you Vic
  2. Robert, Alex is the lead programmer on the Embraer projects at feelThere. He is the best qualified person to answer about these planes. He is just as feelThere as I'm :) Vic
  3. Could you please post your dll.xml content? Vic
  4. Dear Guys, While we are considering an SP for Tower!3D Pro regarding this speech issue; would you please try something and let me knw? We are testing it on our end but more information and various accents would help us too. Could you please speak faster than usual and let's say "F1" to be said as affone as one word? Thank you Vic
  5. Without log we can't really do too much. Vic
  6. Mecha, Please don't hijack a release post. If you have something to report, please open a new topic and provide your log. Thank you Vic
  7. Thank you for the report. Tower is a generic sim and to make it work with all airports (at least for now) would be impossible. We keep on learning and with each new version (yes we plan to make a new Tower version in every X years) we'll try to address these issues. Thank you Vic
  8. We are checking it. Thank you Vic
  9. It was a windows crash.
  10. We have one European, one Canadian and one Australian airport in the pipeline :) Vic
  11. Bjoern, Would you please PM me? Thank you Vic
  12. Dear Controllers, We just released San Francisco International for Tower!3D and Pro. It's available at atcsuite.com, feelthere.com and on Steam. Thank you Vic
  13. Dear Folks, We just quietly a SP for KJFK. We fixed lots of spinner gates, some fixes for better road calculation and added GA to the airport. As usual; existing customers can re-download the product and it's automatically updated on Steam. 3rd party partners will be notified soon. Thank you Vic
  14. Which product?
  15. Thank you for getting back to us. Vic
  16. Hi Richard, Thank you for the kind words. Interesting idea; how would it work? Sort of unlocking airports? Vic
  17. Got them thank you! Your voice engine is broken. Please follow each and every step in the sticky we posted. A while ago we worked with a user closely with the very same problem and we found out he had a broken Windows setup. The solution made into that sticky post too. Thank you Vic
  18. Arishtat, Now do you have the product or you requested a refund? Please let us know if we should spend time on this or you are no longer owner of the product. Thank you Vic
  19. Sure and thank you for asking! Vic
  20. This is highly unlikely and what I mean; it's impossible, It is possible your driver has some issue or your video card just died regardless of our software. As you can imagine if this would be possible we would see not one but so many reports and angry customers. Vic
  21. Please check out this topic too Vic
  22. Hi Skip. We are researching it however we are aware v2 has some problems that are affecting other developers product as well. Vic
  23. This could be caused by system complexity, model, etc. It's not a major drop. Vic
  24. According to your log it's a Windows crash. Vic
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