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Everything posted by FeelThere_Vic

  1. Tower!3D comes with fictional airlines. Real Traffic adds real airliners, schedules and airlines. Real Color adds real textures. It wont be random, Nyerges Design use a real world schedule for the time table.
  2. It has to do with your video card driver (likely you have a G Force card). Please see in it's manual how to get rid of it; it doesn't comes from Tower!3D Pro.
  3. If you wish to add real airlines and liveries, yes you can buy it. However the software works without it as well.
  4. If the airplane's path on The ADIRS is blue then you have SP1 or SP1a.
  5. But please not in this topic. Folk, please let's stop hijacking posts. By doing that there are chances we'll miss these reports. We don't check announcement posts as often as we scan the forum for possible help requests.
  6. Dear Folks, We released a hotfix for some serious issue for SPa and now it's available for all Tower!3D Pro customers. Atcsuite.com and FeelThere.com customers can re-download it using the link they got at the purchase and Steam customers can update Tower!3D Pro using Steam's update feature. The list of fixes: -Undocked ADIRS crashed at some users -Selecting runways on undocked ADIRS weren't highlighted -we changed the colors on ADIRS for some functions for better visibility -double letter taxiways (such as KK on KJFK) should be preannounced correctly by the pilots now -on KLAX we fixed the houses on the runway -on KLAX we fixed some textures -on KPHL we aligned the runway centerlines -we optimized some rendering by making the game run faster on some systems. Since we locked the list of fixes of this SP we got some reports about new possible issues. Although they didn't make this SP it doesn't mean they will not be addressed in a next SP if necessary. Thank you Vic
  7. With some modifications users reported no problems with P3D.
  8. Do you have an extension folder within Tower!3D Pro?
  9. Did you receive a zip file with 2 installers?
  10. Where did you buy the airport add-ons?
  11. It's not editable, but it's 5 miles or less in T!3D already.
  12. Please address this question to Nyerges Design.
  13. You need to point the installer to the Steam installed folder.
  14. Gentlemen, Let us release SP1 which should address much more important issues (such as the crashing ADIRS) then we'll look into this wind issue. Even if it's a real thing (which by all means is possible) is a small annoyance compared for a crashing instrument. As always we'll release as much as SPs as needed so please don't think once we release and SP then we will abandon supporting T!3DP but our priority now is to release the SP1 asap. We locked the "development" of the SP1 and once we tested it we will release it for you Folks on ATCSuite, feelThere and now on Steam as well.
  15. You can do either ways. If you buy it on Steam you can buy add-ons from atcsuite.com or your can buy Tower!3D Pro from Atcsuite.com as well as the add-ons.
  16. Dear Folks, Our first DLC, KJFK is available on Steam now http://store.steampowered.com/app/607830/
  17. We fixed the house issues for the soon to be released SP.
  18. https://www.windfinder.com/windstatistics/san_diego_airport
  19. That is correct :) Please expect the T!2011 airports to arrive sooner or later to T!3D
  20. They will not exit quicker. They are already taking the first possible exit based on their flight dynamics so they can't exit sooner than their landing length.
  21. Unfortunately the command panel is limited (be design) to a number of spaces for commands but we will look into this in the future.
  22. Thank you Folks. The problem is identified and will be part of the soon to be released SP.
  23. Thank you!
  24. Thank you very much!
  25. Please let me give you an insight; if we would post an SP announcement here and we would always add every single request, the SP would never reach you :) The SP is now locked and will be released with the current fixes. If it will make sense to release another SP in the future then we will :)
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