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Salad last won the day on September 2 2022

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  1. Thanks for the sharing the schedule, much appreciated. My attempts seem to take forever and never get finished anyway. I have played the snippy from 0800 to 0900 and no issues to report, all good.
  2. Hi All, I think Nandrews10 may be referring to the situation where a plane makes its initial call. When responding to it the camera doesn't seem to know where it is and looks in the wrong direction until it is closer? If that's the case I don't think there is a way around that.
  3. Spot on Vic, that was just my preference in playing it. Every user is entitled to play it the way they want, after all it is for enjoyment not ATC school.
  4. Must agree with the comments above. When playing LAX I have all the northern departures leaving from the northern complex and the southern from the south. Makes a lot of work but the pattern does look great when they take off and naturally turn away from each other. Taxiways look good to when the flow is going.
  5. Yes a bit remiss of me to download and not say thanks. Works well with some nice peaks and troughs, well done.
  6. Nice one Craig, thanks for sharing. Sequencing was the reason I put exit gates out of the sector on my wish list for Tower 3, I note from what I have seen it is a big part of moving efficiently. Graham
  7. Thanks Gabor, I posted it more for amusement than rather a bug report, as mentioned it was the first time I had seen it and hasn't happened since so I put it down to "one of those things". Thanks for looking all the same, enjoying the airport.
  8. Hi Kev, Once an arrival contacts you they are already on final, you only need to give a "Kookaburra 123 Runway 25 Left cleared to land, unless you want to switch runways. In that case give them Enter Final XYZ. Not played multiplayer so don't know that one. No save function I believe the DBRITE are 5 mile rings (I hope so as that's how I separate heavies with mediums or less following) I think you can enter information (type in) on strips, not something I have tried though The way I have determined direction on take off with a new release is to sit there with an excel open and enter each departure and record which direction it went (ie N-NE-E etc). Then when I play I have the spreadsheet alongside my Tower view with just two columns of the spreadsheet visible for easy reference.
  9. Hi All, Had to close down the tower in turkey due to safety reasons.... Never seen that before or since, oh and the settings were on clear. 🙂
  10. Salad


    Hi MJKERR, yes you are the controller so therefore have to issue instructions accordingly. If you see potential conflict areas issue a "Hold Short of XX" (although holding short sometimes blocks the intersecting taxiway but that's another story). Whilst it is unrealistic for aircraft to ram each other because the other is in its way, you will find a controller will issue something like "wait for the company traffic to pass and follow it" or something similar. That is they will generally always know which aircraft will have priority when approaching intersections. For example, if I have a BAW come off at A9E I will have it taxi via B, if the next is a BAW and comes off at A10E I will have it go via A so that there is no conflict. Also I will issue a Hold Short of C to the one that came off A10E just in case I am distracted elsewhere. With your example of aircraft taxiing on Foxtrot conflicting with Bravo, just give one the command to hold short of the other ie Aircraft on Foxtrot "Hold short of taxiway Bravo" and so on. In your first example give the second aircraft arriving at A10E a hold short of either Echo or Bravo if the other will conflict it there.
  11. Thanks for that Ron C, the chart I found whilst researching Dubai on release which is here... https://www.skybrary.aero/index.php/Airbus_A380_Wake_Vortex_Guidance -Graham
  12. Ron C, That's how I like to play it also, I have attached my list which I use. As you can see I just gave them indicate which direction they will go on departure (game wise that is). I keep the spreadsheet in simple two column form alongside the main window of the game for quick reference (also includes other RJTT & EGGL on the other tabs). My taxiways which I don't have documented are identical to yours at KLAX, although I've never tried pushback facing a particular direction, didn't know that was available. I have used the work around by giving it a different runway than intended just to get it to face the way required. T3D Directions.xlsx
  13. Interesting, thanks for posting.
  14. Thanks for that MJKERR, out of curiosity when does the 90 seconds start, commencement of takeoff roll or when the wheels leave the runway?
  15. I have aWake Turbulance Catagories.docx sheet with the times on it but I go off another I found which has distances. Much easier than looking at the clock I can use the range rings as a guesstimate.
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