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achilles1971 last won the day on October 31 2020

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  1. "bleak" to say the least...
  2. New Tower graphics ???
  3. For your pleasure...a total fictional timetable for ZBAD... With all the airlines that operate from ZBAA... 00-24.txt 6-9.txt 9-12.txt 12-15.txt 15-18.txt 18-21.txt 21-01.txt Schedule_Beijing Daxing.xlsx zbad_airlines.txt zbad_airports.txt zbad_terminal.txt
  4. Yes, the terminal is definetely out of proportion...shame...
  5. I need the new real traffic file for proper testing...
  6. Oui Monsieur....excellente idée🤣
  7. Not fast...at all... From Switzerland
  8. IF...........
  9. Hello Feelthere !! Hw can you do an airport like this, testing it and still have gross bugs like these ?? Heavy gates, hello ???
  10. Why all these issues with airports are not fixed is beyond me...
  11. This is the kind of stuff i can't understand....
  12. Hello everbody ! Still no available cargo terminal....Is a update possible ?? Thanks Achilles1971
  13. EDDF works fine....stop the madness
  14. Hello everybody ! Is that so complicated to create two different cargo terminals in JKF ? This issue has been discussed for months... Is that so complicated to do a SP for this ???? Oh...we have to wait til the next version of Tower.... I get it....money talks...again... Paul
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