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Posts posted by GaryGB

  1. Hi Brad:

    Ah yes, Bremerton: how could I forget such an evening (...and how could I hope to remember either, after so many shots of Old #5 chased down by Beer!) :shock:

    Its a good thing you never got around to having that burger; they are, as you may know, $100 anyway, and in today's economy that buys a fair amount of AVGAS (or OLD #5). :idea:


    Oops I almost forgot, Old #5's performance in aircraft and pilots is about the same, so that's why some bush pilots consider them to be interchangeable (after building up a tolerance assisted by the antidote

    In fact that's why we sometimes keep Old #5 handy at the ("man" fuel... not "main" fuel) pump at Emma Field for bush pilots or the occasional errant Olympic Peninsula militia pilot under the code name "E-Rations"! :lol:

    Regarding the "morning after cleanup", Dexter Thomas was having so many problems with this very scenario down at his "Dexter's Bar and Grill" near Hoodsport, that he had Madaz (our intrepid EFFC member from down under) send him some special "Aussie Agent Orange" cleaner which he now keeps handy in an old pesticide sprayer for impromptu use on hung over pilots and their aircraft.

    Although "Aussie Agent Orange" was first developed as a mole eradicator, it apparently works well as a multi-purpose cleaner, so a spray of that, followed by a squirt of "Steaming Bob's Wonderous Dog Polish" (THE number 1 dog shining system... for Freight Dogs... it's sorta' like Aussie Mane n' Tail Shampoo) under the cold water faucet in the restroom finished off by a blast of hot air under the electric hand dryer blower on the wall can freshen things up rather quickly! :idea:

    On many a hung over morning at several virtual PNW airports, after falling to the ground from the cockpit, I've always tried use that hygienic protocol to make myself presentable before staggering into some unsuspecting nearby hash house cafe to order "Howie's Colossally Huge Breakfast" (more on that one later!)

    I always try to sit in the back near the restrooms so if any further "hurl-aciousness" transpires, I can be in and out of the facilities in a jiffy (...this time even fresher what with that overpowering "Mothballs and Cherry" scent clinging to me from being exposed to the air therein for mere seconds!) :roll:

    Oh, and I'll have to get my pics developed to see if I can come up with any screenies of that wild night in Bremerton! :)

    PS: Gotta' go reload my special Mark Smith KPWT version in FS!


    Well, well, well... guess what I found lurkin' in the "My Pictures" folder :!:

    After the big bash at Bremerton, Pups waits for GaryGB to snap the picture; he dozes off dreaming of the new Nurse at the EFFC infirmary! :P

    The morning after, Brad is still in dreamland as Security stops by with "Detective Bacon" to check out strange aromas reported near the restaurant! :mrgreen:





  2. Well, the EFFC Emergency Convoy of Old #5 and Cheese being sent to Plum Island MA... will be taking the scenic cross-country route. :wink:

    Here they are in Darrington (1S2) just off the taxiway in the tie-down area after parking there overnight ('cause Richard said they could?). :)

    Unfortunately, early the next morning (nearly as Tim Arnot had feared) after pilots complained of a smell like toxic waste (EFFC's Limburger cheese starter culture) as they passed the big tandem tank truck, the local HAZMAT crew was called in for an inspection. :oops:

    They had modern isolation suits, but their old fire engine had a flat tire and had to be towed by the equally old tow truck! :lol:

    After repeated explanations that the culture really was Limburger cheese, and that EFFC pilots really did eat the stuff for their "intestinal fortitude" while stunt flying (and to offset the "loosening" effects of their beverage of choice... Old #5), authorities allowed them to resume the journey East. :P

    PS: This saga is being presented a wee bit out of sequence! :oops:

    SEE EDIT at: viewtopic.php?f=19&t=72247&p=446989#p446989



  3. Are you sure that wasn't "AREA 51" ? :P

    But seriously, I'm quite confident that with a litle further patient tinkering, this will ultimately be solved succesffully. :)

    Brad, perhaps we can talk again by phone this week and try once more to see if there is anything different/problematic in your Vista 32-bit setup which might cause the recurrent (but inconsistent) issues you've reported with FS9 and FSX add-on package installers (both freeware and payware) not finishing the setup process completely. :roll:

    Just let me know by PM when you might be available.

    I now return you to your current programming. 8)


  4. :D Bought it the first day and have been flying all over the area. All we need is a little # 5 and some cheese and we could have a home away from Emma, while the improvements are in progress at Emma.

    I bet we could even arrange for a security escorts for the cross country shipment of # 5.

    Good job on Plum Island. :D

    Thanks Denis..... we'll head for the woods tonight and prepare a few boxes for shipping tomorrow ! :lol:

    Fritzois, always a man of his word, sends off a generous "EFFC Emergency Convoy" to Plum Island! :mrgreen:

    PS: Cecil vowed never to go East of the Mississippi River again, so his "Little Buddy" drove on his behalf! :P


    The Mason County DUI / Traffic Safety Task Force heads back to Shelton after seeing the tank truck safely beyond Emma Field's outer perimeter, and out of reach from EFFC members (infamous for staging a feeding & drinking frenzy when they encountered large quantities of their "victuals of daily existence"). :twisted:

    As the EFFC Emergency shipment tank truck drives Northward, it is followed by a lone motorcyclist, wearing stylish black riding gear, a silver NoLan classic 100E helmet, and riding a silver BMW 1150 RT; he in turn is followed by a silver Jeep Liberty not far behind. :shock:

    Who could these motorists possibly be... and what is their purpose for following the shipment that Fritz so graciously entrusted to the treacherous U.S. roadways between the Olympic Peninsula and the Atlantic coastlines of Massachusetts? :wink:

    Just when a conclusion was about to be reached, CBris disrupted all thinking by roaring overhead... flying inverted again! :mrgreen:




  5. Hi Gabe:

    Thanks again for the followup (sorry I lost track of this thread! :oops: )

    I'd always give initial attention to setting up a system with the proper paging file and "/3GB" switch with either FS9 or FSX, but certainly when one has a sudden onset of symptoms associated in time with a recent scenery BGL edit, one would want to inquire as to where the conflict might be coming from. :)

    Thanks for the heads up on that little known issue involving the apron light creation procedure.:shock:

    Would you mind telling us please what version of FS and what "Airport" BGL creation software was involved in the tests you performed? :wink:

    Other FS scenery builders all might benefit from such info to avoid one of those mind-numbing wild goose chases trying to identify the cause of their travails when they could be moving on with creating some great scenery for others to use as they enjoy flying FS! :D


  6. Outstanding work, Bill! :D

    I really like the ambiance of Plum Island as a... dare I say... "delightfully eccentric" little airport with 'feuding' neighbors, and a mix of interesting scenery objects in a captivating geographical area. :P

    I also like the high key lighting and the way scenery objects are illuminated in the daylight (nice texturing IMHO!). :)

    An excellent contribution to the FS community's list of great places to fly, and a definite "Must Have" for FSX GA VFR enthusiasts! :!:

    Many thanks for all your creativity with this project! :mrgreen:


  7. Hi Guys:

    Mighty slick looking plane... I'll bet it's fun to fly! :)

    Anybody tried out these freeware versions yet? :roll:

    FSX (RTM?) http://www.simviation.com/fsxprops1.htm

    FSX-SP2 - http://www.simviation.com/fsxprops18.htm

    FS9 - Required Base Installation: http://www.simviation.com/fs2004props5.htm

    Fs9 - Manual/Checklist (Legacy): http://www.simviation.com/fs_manuals7.htm

    FS9 - Texture set and 2-D Panel: http://www.simviation.com/fs2004props123.htm

    The AVSIM original author's FS2004 files:


    ...Or does anybody know of a highly regarded payware version? :?:

    Happy Flying! 8)


  8. Hi Brad:

    I believe this is the KWPT / Bremerton FSX add-on that you were referring to? :roll:


    I did not encounter any visual anomalies with it in FSX SP2, but then, I do always fly without crash detection on, so I haven't tested yet for collisions! :)

    Many here at EFFC have enjoyed using the KWPT / Bremerton built by local Seattle area EFFC member Mark Smith, graciously hosted by Francois at FS-Addon's free download area:


    Mark put a lot of TLC into that fine scenery for FS9, as it is a place with special personal memories for him. :wink:

    Perhaps you might wish to try out this version as well? :D


  9. Hi Travis:

    Let the search engine be your friend on AVSIM Forums, with the query string "Active Camera FSX" at: :roll:


    Particularly noteworthy is the EZDOK Ezdok "Walk & Fly" Camera software (freeware!)


    NOTE: Be sure to see the high-resolution version of these videos by clicking the links above the YouTube embedded windows:

    Simply AMAZING!!! :shock: :!: :!: :!:





    Other threads:



    Alternatively, one can set up one's own FSX "Camera Views" using FSX itself:




    Hope this helps! :D


  10. My sincerest condolences to you and your family, Francois. :(

    I see you are letting the imagination seek solace flying in FS recently, as many of us do to seek new inspiration.

    I got so enthused by your great screenies in the Screenshots Forum, that I too got out today and flew over some beautiful scenery again... for the first time in a while. :)


    Thanks for once again sharing the "FS-Inspiration" with us all ! 8)


  11. I felt a little foolish after spending hours looking at other causes of OOM errors - when I did a Search for all files modified in the past 24 hours...guess which BGL file popped up? Yes - the filthy rotten perpetrator...!

    Thanks for following up, Gabe! :)

    Your expression reminds me of a comedy movie I saw last night on BBC (via Dish Network in the USA):


    We all get files that "mis-behave" as we are learning (...I've got lots of them waiting to be cleaned up on my hard drive!) :wink:

    As long as we don't re-distribute others' modified files, I'd like to think we can freely experiment with anything on our own systems. :P

    The worst that will happen is we'll end with a "FRANKENSIM" ! :oops:


  12. Hi Gabe:

    For others to be better prepared to identify a suspect BGL , it would be helpful if you told us: :idea:

    1.) What FS scenery creation program you used to create that BGL in

    2.) What FS scenery BGL type was it that you had created

    NOTE: There are many FS BGL types; most often "landclass" BGL files located in a "\Scenery" folder accompanied by a "twin" \Texture folder are the cause of memory leaks and crashes in FS2004 (FSX is more tolerant of these types of errors). :wink:

    Another common FS BGL-related error causing crashes is a missing or damaged texture file that a BGL tells FS to load.

    There are other BGL-related errors as well, but please try and describe that BGL you made, and its intended function. :roll:

    Also, have you distributed that particular scenery BGL to any other FS users (or posted it for download anywhere)? :!:

    Thanks for your good intentions in sharing this info with us. :)


  13. Very Funny, Larry! :lol: :lol: :lol:

    Another fine contribution of improvisational humor at Emma Field... where, as we "broaden our field of exploration", we see that there are "hardly any reasons, except those of tradition, for considering the classical notions of space and time as absolutely true". :P

    Indeed, Emma Field story-telling seems to "bring us to regions where these deviations become so very large that the classical notions could not be used at all"! :shock: :mrgreen:



  14. PM me for a time for a little chin wag, Gary...Bill

    Will do soon, Bill! :)

    Here's a quick screenie I snapped a few minutes ago, after returning from a test of the FS9 Super Cub flying with Cecil from Emma to Aberdeen near Hoquiam along the Chehalis River Valley today. :wink:

    PS: That's the ever-present Emma "cloud" above the plane (not a blown engine!) :lol:



  15. Wow... that looks excellent Bill! :shock: :P

    I'd be delighted to try out that new scenery sometime (if you'll post it for download somewhere!) :roll:

    I really enjoy the way you create these fun new FS environments drawing from so many personal experiences in the PNW. :)

    Here's hoping to see some more soon (whether FS9 or FSX) ! :mrgreen:

    PS: Glad to hear that new Super Cub brought back happy memories for you. :wink:


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