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Weather Radar in P3D v5.1 E-175 and E-195 v3


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Does anyone know if the weather radar is turned off in the E-175 and the E195 ..... in P3D v5.1?
It concerns P3D v5.1
Does it have to do with the disabled “A2A_windshield.dll”?
I have the latest beta version of ActiveSky for P3D v5.1
As you can see in the picture, the tab with which you normally operate the weather radar is simply blank ....


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3 hours ago, scoobflight said:

Did the panel work for you w/P3D 4.5 & 5.0?

Yes, it works in P3D v4.5 perfect! I use now P3D v5 with hotfix 1 but no weather radar in P3D v5........

Edited by Milonas
to complete information
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I have exactly the same. 

I've been experimenting with the E175/195 v3 in P3D 4.5 HF3 and P3D 5.1 to decide which is more suitable.   In P3D v5.1 there is no WX option in the MFD dropdown and the Weather button at the bottom of the MFD is blank and inactive.  I can't test this further because I still need to install the latest beta Active Sky for v5,  but that should not affect the button modelling on the MFD.

I also found that using P3D 4.5 with HF3 the E175/195 weather radar does not work.  In this case the correct buttons do appear on the MFD and appear to activate, but then no radar image ever appears.

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I have now tried P3D5 HF1 with the latest beta Active Sky and the same issue is still there. The Wx radar option is still missing from the MFD drop down and the Weather button is blank.

In P3D 4.5 with HF3 the MFD buttons are visible and produce the correct responses showing STBY on the runway and changing to WX after takeoff, but no weather radar image appears on the screen,  regardless of the weather conditions. I tested this first with Active Sky for P3D4 installed, and then with the new beta version for P3D 4.5 and v5.   Same results each time.

Is the weather radar intended to work with weather themes and custom weather, or only with 'live weather' selected?   I tried both.

Setting up a massive custom thunderstorm with heavy precipitation produced no radar image.  Using live weather, in heavy clouds and some precipitation also produced no radar image.  The pc is high end Win 10, 9900k, GTX 1080ti etc. and fps were 35 to 40 in the storms, so not a resources issue.

I've tested this for a couple of hours using a range of graphics settings, with clean P3D installations and no addons apart from Ejets and Active Sky. Everything is installed and run as admin.   I also kept checking the configuration utility to confirm Wx radar was still ticked. 

Could the the P3D hotfixes have broken the link between the Ejet software and Active sky?

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1 hour ago, FeelThere said:

The WXR is (at least for now) is not working with P3D5 and we don't know yet if we will add it or not. 

I understand the problems with P3D5 which have also affected other developers. It appears most of them are waiting for HF2 from LM and a new release from Active Sky. 

But what about P3D4?   There is only one version of P3D4 that LM are now selling and that is P3D4.5 HF3.

Using this version I was not able to generate any weather radar images at any time, using either of the 2 versions of Active Sky that apply to it. See full details in previous post.

It will be a great pity if this cannot be implimented. It adds a lot to the immersion, especially with the much improved weather and cloud depiction in later versions of P3D. 

Ejets v3 since SP1 is potentially a very good product, and it would be great if the few remaining issues can be fixed


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I apologize, I cleared it up with Alex so I was wrong.

The WXR gets active when the plane detects ActiveSky installed

So far it's not officially available for P3D5
There is an open beta so you can try it. https://hifisimtech.com/asp3d/
It should work unless ActiveSky changed something in their API

In P3D4 it should work with AS.
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 Thanks for the response, but it slightly misses what Milonas, the OP, and myself have been trying to explain.

So far as I can make out, the WXR problems began when LM issued 2 hotfixes a month ago.  HF1 for P3D v5  was expected, but they also released HF3 for P3D v4.5 which was a complete surprise.  These hotfixes both caused problems with Active Sky, so a beta version of Active Sky was released. These changes do not seem to be compatible with the Ejets WXR.

The current position is that the Ejet WXR behaves differently in P3D5 HF1 and P3D4.5 HF3.

1. In P3D5 HF1 the WXR cannot even be selected, as the OP explained very clearly.  There are no buttons on the MFD to select it with.

2.  In P3D 4.5 with HF3 The WXR can be selected but appears to do nothing, regardless of weather conditions. I believe it used to work in earlier releases of P3D4, but the only one now available from LM is v4.5 with HF3 included.  Two versions of Active Sky are useable with this release (existing AS for P3D4 and the new beta for P3D 4.5 and v5)   Both versions are recognised in the sim and work as usual, but no difference with the WXR.

I believe that Active Sky have indeed changed something in their API to fit the changes made by LM, which is not very helpful to developers. Alex will probably know a lot more about this and hopefully can make any necessary fix.



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Hi everyone,

I have become wiser again with regard to the weather and the radar.
In P3D 4.5 it works but then you may not use the ActiceSky beta version which is also suitable for P3D v5 with hotfix1 because then there will be no weather projected on the radar .....

So for P3D v5.xx no weather radar yet .....
For P3D v4.5, however, radar reflection provided that you use the old ActiveSky and not the beta for P3D 4.5 and 5.xx
You can not change in the meantime as I did ....
First I used the ActiveSky beta for P3D v4.5 / P3D v5.xx
Which does not work with the E-175/195 v3 in P3D v4.5
Then started the ActiveSky regular version for P3D v4.5
but it then gives an error message about a xxx.dll file which gives a conflict and then ActiveSky closes automatically .....

So in summary,
Start P3D v4.5 with the E-175 / E195 and use the normal ActiveSky version 7410 then you will have reflection on your weather radar



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12 hours ago, Milonas said:

So in summary,
Start P3D v4.5 with the E-175 / E195 and use the normal ActiveSky version 7410 then you will have reflection on your weather radar



Which release of P3D 4.5 are you using?   Their are now several editions of P3D 4.5 in existance.  The earlier 4.5 releases, up to HF2, seem to have worked as you describe, but those versions are no longer on sale. 

In April LM released Hotfix 3 which updated P3D4 to version and this is the version now being sold.  It has some changes copied over from P3D5.

It is  this current version of P3D4.5  where I cannot get any weather showing on the MFD. I have tried AS7410  and the latest AS Beta. Both AS versions work to adjust the weather outside the aircraft, but neither gives a radar image.


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13 hours ago, Biggles2010 said:


Which release of P3D 4.5 are you using?   Their are now several editions of P3D 4.5 in existance.  The earlier 4.5 releases, up to HF2, seem to have worked as you describe, but those versions are no longer on sale. 

In April LM released Hotfix 3 which updated P3D4 to version and this is the version now being sold.  It has some changes copied over from P3D5.

It is  this current version of P3D4.5  where I cannot get any weather showing on the MFD. I have tried AS7410  and the latest AS Beta. Both AS versions work to adjust the weather outside the aircraft, but neither gives a radar image.


It's the latest version of P3D v4.5 with indeed Hotfix3.

Do you also adjust the radar angle?
In the small square on your EICA there I put it on +1.0 when climbing and when descending to -1.0

There are so many factors to get a good weather radar display, the cloud thickness etc, etc.

And then the question arises how ActiveSky CloudArt reacts and what kind of weather-clouds it generates .....

The future will tell us .....





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9 hours ago, Milonas said:

It's the latest version of P3D v4.5 with indeed Hotfix3.


thank you for confirming that.

It's frustrating, because I had thought it was Hotfix3 which was breaking the radar display. The fact that Active Sky is running a Beta for P3D4.5 exclusively when HF3 is installed, suggests that LM has changed something in HF3 affecting the weather generation. I don't use Cloud Art so I can't say if that has an effect, but I do adjust the radar angle as you describe.

Can I ask, does your WXR show any display when using a P3D weather theme like thunderstorm,  or if you set up custom weather with precipitation in Active Sky,  or is the display only when using AS live weather in suitable conditions.





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  • 3 months later...
On 5/28/2020 at 8:59 PM, Biggles2010 said:

2.  In P3D 4.5 with HF3 The WXR can be selected but appears to do nothing, regardless of weather conditions. I believe it used to work in earlier releases of P3D4, but the only one now available from LM is v4.5 with HF3 included.  Two versions of Active Sky are useable with this release (existing AS for P3D4 and the new beta for P3D 4.5 and v5)   Both versions are recognised in the sim and work as usual, but no difference with the WXR.


Can you plz look into this one. I am using P3Dv4.5 HF3 with AS for P3D (7410) and no weather is being displayed.



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As a follow up to my earlier post, I did eventually get Wx radar working with the v3 E195 SP1.

Previously I had been experimenting with P3D5  as well as my regular P3D 4.5 and was trying different versions of AS. It's possible this was causing the problem.

I've since removed P3D5 and the AS beta. I am currently using P3D 4.5 HF3 and AS 7410. With this the Wx radar is working correctly. I only use the E195 and it's still SP1. I will be trying it with SP2 when it's available on SimMarket.

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12 hours ago, sags said:

OK - I finally got it working by uninstalling AS and then reinstalling the official version (not the beta version) 😁

I think you've confirmed my suspicion that something in one of the the AS beta releases was preventing Wx radar working correctly. I found AS 7410 version worked for me with Ejets SP1, and it's also working correctly with SP2. 

If anyone wants to test their Wx radar, and their flying skills, select historic weather, mid day on 16 September at default KVPS, Eglin AF base.  Heavy rain and 70 kts plus, so plenty of red on the MCP.

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1 hour ago, Shom said:

I have SP2 and had a flight today using latest Active Sky P3D beta candidate in v4.5 HF3 and I was getting weather on my radar

The problem with weather radar occurred mainly with one of the earlier AS beta versions, rushed out when LM launched HF3 without any warning. Fixed in AS7410 and later releases.

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2 hours ago, Shom said:

I plan to upgrade to v5 once 5.1 is out, not sure if I understood from this thread if the e-jets are compatible with active sky in the latest v5 release?

I tried v5 HF1 with a one month developer licence when that hotfix was first released. The E175/195 worked fine but the weather radar did not seem to work back then. I think it was sorted, as it was with P3D 4.5, with later AS releases. But bear in mind when P3D 5.1 is released it will almost certainly need a new release of Active Sky.

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