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  1. A brief note to thank your and Pete for your wonderful FSUIPC product. I've been using it for about 20 years and have found it superior for controlling my aged CH products. They are still working in spite of their aging POTS while FSUIPC irons out the bumps and jerks of the old systems. Keep up the good work! Jim Driskell
    2 points
  2. This really shouldn't happen... I have realized that I made a mistake with the 7.4.18 release...I have been testing the SDK for MSFS2024 and accidentally built the final release of 7.4.18 with the SDK from this version, instead of the version for MSFS2020. Sorry about that - I have corrected this now and have updated the installers with this correct build. Could you therefore please re-download and try again. if you get the same issue, please show me / attach your FSUIPC7.log file. Note that I have kept the version number the same, at 7.4.18, but the build date has been updated to 3rd November, so please check thar you are using this version (you may need to clear your browser cache to download this version. I have also attached this version below, but you should really re-install as the WASM has also been rebuilt. You can prevent this by setting the following ini parameter under the [General] section of your FSUIPC7.ini file: OpenOnStart=Never John
    2 points
  3. Hello Aurel42, You can add the Lvars to myevents.txt and set a Parameter to convert them: If you don't have a myevents.txt in your fsuipc folder, simply create one, then paste in: // Blacksquare Duke Mixture BS_Mixture_1#$Param 327.680 / 50 + (>L:BKSQ_MixtureLeverPosition_1) BS_Mixture_2#$Param 327.680 / 50 + (>L:BKSQ_MixtureLeverPosition_2) This will work for an Axis like the Honeycomb brave which has a range of -16384 to +16384. Then assign your Axis by selecting Send Preset to FS and select the Mixture. If your Axis is inverted, you can inverse them by adding ,*-1 to the Axis in your Duke Profile f.e. 3=LU,256,F,PBS_Mixture_1,0,0,0,*-1 -{ TO SIM: Preset Control }- Btw, the Lvar range is 0-100 for the Mixture. Hope this helps and have fun with the Duke. Andre
    2 points
  4. Hello Fabio, At first, I had a similar problem mapping my yoke and rudder controls to SWS PC12 aileron & rudder axes. I found out thru their Discord channel they use the Lvars: L:ARI_AileronInput and L:ARI_RudderInput to control these axes. I use FSUIPC7: Axis > "Send to Offset" to map each control (ie yoke and rudder pedal) and use a lua event-driven program to read the offsets and then write to the Lvars. Please note that their Lvars range is from -100 to +100, so you may need to rescale your control values to match. I've attached my lua file for your review, I hope this helps. Gary PS: To John and Pete, thanks for a great program. Pc12Axes.lua
    2 points
  5. I have only seen one log file for this issue, but that log file indicates that the call to open the simconnect connection is not returning/completing in the required time-limit (5 seconds), and so it is continually re-connecting to try and obtain a connection. Can those experiencing this issue please try the attached version, and add the following to the [General] section of your FSUIPC7.ini file: DetectToConnectDelayAuto=300 InitialStallTime=30 If you still see lots of messages in the log like this one: then increase the DetectToConnectDelayAuto parameter until these disappear. Please show me/attach log files if this works or not. @GNeild Thanks for the log file - please try the attached and use the following (i.e. add to the [General] section of your FSUIPC7.ini file): DetectToConnectDelayAuto=190 InitialStallTime=10 John FSUIPC7.exe
    2 points
  6. Yes, but it is a different sim, and I have no idea what the issue currently is - previously it was due to the WASM not starting, which looks to be due to the strange permissions issues you are having. Are these now solved after a re-install? Did you try renaming the Community folder as I suggested? I really cannot help you if you do not tell me what you are trying and at least answer my questions - I have no idea what you have done and what the current state is... Is the WASM now running? Is an FSUIPC_WASM.log file now generated? Do you still have the same permissions issues? I am still waiting for this information and to see a log file if available....if the WASM isn't running, then you need to determine why, and if it the permissions are still an issue.
    1 point
  7. You can start MSFS via steam or however you like. The default auto-start is via the EXE.xml file, although you can select to auto-start via the bat file. By default, the desktop icon(s) installed by the installer just show a splash crean and call steam to start MSFS. If you are using the EXE.xml auto-start and dont want to use the installed desktop icon to start MSFS, you can opt not to have this installed by unchecking the checkbox at the end of the installation process. John
    1 point
  8. Cheers Paul! That is a very welcome update!
    1 point
  9. Version 3.3.16 of FSUIPCClientDLL is now on NuGet. When using FSUIPC7: Connection will now fail with FSUIPCError.FSUIPC_FS_NOT_READY if the flight sim (MSFS2020 or MSFS2024) is not running or is not ready Version 1.1.4 of the WebSocketServer is now on the website: http://fsuipcwebsockets.paulhenty.com Fixed problem of not detecting the Flight Sim version when using FSUIPC7 and the sim is still starting up. Paul
    1 point
  10. This issue is generally due to the axis of your device being defined as a digital on/off axis in the windows registry. See the following FAQ entry: That is specifically for Saitek devices but applies to all - just use the correct VID and PID numbers for your device,
    1 point
  11. okay, found the issue, @Paul Henty program did not have time to start the service 🙂 wil clean up my code and fix the code to read it here
    1 point
  12. I've tried this here using the Key_Press_and_Hold control. It may not do what you're expecting. It doesn't repeat the key until you call the release command. So you don't get the action repeating. You can try it for yourself and see if it does what you're expecting... Just paste this into your code and call. sendKeyHoldToFS - holds the key for the specified HoldTime (in milliseconds) then releases it. sendKeyDownToFS - presses the key down but does not release it. snedKeyUpToFS - releases the key. private void sendKeyHoldToFS(Keys Key, SendModifierKeys Modifiers, int HoldTime) { // First make sure FSX has the focus SendControlToFS(FSUIPCControl.Key_focus_restore, 0); // Wait for focus change Thread.Sleep(150); // Send the key down SendControlToFS(FSUIPCControl.Key_Press_and_Hold, (int)Key + ((int)Modifiers * 256)); // Wait Thread.Sleep(HoldTime); // send the key up SendControlToFS(FSUIPCControl.Key_Release, (int)Key + ((int)Modifiers * 256)); } private void sendKeyDownToFS(Keys Key, SendModifierKeys Modifiers, int HoldTime) { // First make sure FSX has the focus SendControlToFS(FSUIPCControl.Key_focus_restore, 0); // Wait for focus change Thread.Sleep(150); // Send the key down SendControlToFS(FSUIPCControl.Key_Press_and_Hold, (int)Key + ((int)Modifiers * 256)); } private void sendKeyUpToFS(Keys Key, SendModifierKeys Modifiers, int HoldTime) { // First make sure FSX has the focus SendControlToFS(FSUIPCControl.Key_focus_restore, 0); // Wait for focus change Thread.Sleep(150); // Send the key down SendControlToFS(FSUIPCControl.Key_Release, (int)Key + ((int)Modifiers * 256)); } Paul
    1 point
  13. Sorry, I do see 16 now, I forgot that numbers start at 0. Thank you for your involvement, Ihave uninstalled one controller that is rarely used for the moment and solved the problem of two devices having the same GUID by re installing one of them.
    1 point
  14. Hello John, And to confirm above : "my traffic" on ND has also returned with fsuipc 7.5.x ! Thanks for the help. Have a good Christmas and a happy New Year, Regards, Marinus Bergsma.
    1 point
  15. Would have been helpful, can't replicate that: - Created a Simple Button Action (Control, 65798, no Toggle) on 0.7.12 - Installed 0.8.4 - Checked Action: Toggle still disabled So for the Moment I can just assume you had actually set a Toggle Switch unintentionally. And that a Setup of Toggle Switch enabled +no Alternate Command+ no Monitor Address + no Monitor Value/Comparison just behaved differently with a on pre-0.8.0 Versions 🤔
    1 point
  16. Strange question...depends on the device, but generally yes (for HID joystick type devices - other devices may need additional drivers or lua), in a licensed/registered version. Device / controller handling in FSUIPC7 is exactly the same in MSFS2024 as for MSFS2020.
    1 point
  17. I haven't got time now to do a proper beta release, will do this tomorrow. but for now can you try the attached version, which is 7.5.0a. This is for both MSFS2020 and MSFS2024. I wo; release this in the Announcements sub-forum tomorrow. John
    1 point
  18. I experienced the exactly same problem when I had a new programmable keyboard that has rotary encoder, where inputs were very unreliable probably due to the too short interval between keydown and keyup events. After I added " UseKeyboardHook=Yes" to the ini file, FSUIPC works like a charm to capture the encoder input. Thanks!
    1 point
  19. Ok, thats good to know...and rather surprising! At least the installer needs to be updated to install the auto-start component. You could try manually adding the FSUIPC7 entry to the MSFS24 EXE.xml file, which should enable the auto-start. Did you try installing the FSUIPC WASM module into the MSFS2024 Community folder? Just copy from your MSFS2020 Community folder. This is needed for the functionality for presets, lvar & hvars. Well, they always have been, hence the need for presets... Anyway, I will review the MSFS2024 documentation on the available events/controls, when available. John
    1 point
  20. Please find FSUIPC6 v6.2.2a which contains the same fix. John FSUIPC6.dll
    1 point
  21. Merci Paul, c'est exactement ça, ça marche, je suis heureux . ça fonctionne !!!! Thanks Paul, that's exactly it, it works, I'm happy. it works !!!!
    1 point
  22. Just to close the loop for those in the future who may be having the same issue. I believe John's solution to be correct. The problem has not re-occurred in about 20 flights. And I see no ill side effects due to the changes.
    1 point
  23. John, I followed your instructions to a tee. I searched the Lvar, and found it using the Developer Mode. I noted its name and also its value (0-100). With that I had the 3 requirements to build the preset. Now to be honest, I have a difficult time remembering all the help I get from this forum as I only need to apply the recommendation once, and it will work forever ;-). So, some parts of the description went over my head. 🫳😮‍💨 But I did notice that the example had the same values I had. And so, I copied the ...$Param... part and created the following in the MyEvents.txt B727 Spoiler Axis#$Param 16384 + 327.68 / 0 max 100 min (>L:FSS_B727_SPOILER_LEVER_STATE, Number) I then reloaded the presets and assigned it to the axis I wanted. WORKS LIKE A CHARM !!! Cheers and thank you!
    1 point
  24. That would be a stupid assumption to make... I expect my customers to AT LEAST consult the documentation before posting. And for the majority of issues, there are only two documents you need to be familiar with - the User guide and the Advanced User guide. I am spending hours repeating things endlessly that are already documented, not only in the documents but in many support requests. As an example, if I ask for the FSUIPC_WASM.log, id you open the Advanced User guide, search doe FSYUPC_WASM.log, you will see the documentation oin where this is located. Quick and easy. It took several message exchanges and many hours for you to find this. And please can you refrain from such message and this ongoing criticism of my support (or perceived tone). The more you continue to do this, the less inclined I am to help you.
    1 point
  25. I don't have the GFC500 AP, but the below works with the Flysimware Lear35, and with the C414 which has a Garmin 605 AP. A user defined preset: SYNC_HDG_BUG_TO_CURRENT_HDG#(A:PLANE HEADING DEGREES MAGNETIC, degrees) (>K:HEADING_BUG_SET) or basically the same thing as a one line Lua script called SyncHeadingBug.lua ipc.execCalcCode(" (A:PLANE HEADING DEGREES MAGNETIC, degrees) (>K:HEADING_BUG_SET) ") Al
    1 point
  26. Ok, but strange - I don't know what could have caused this. There are two auto-start components included in the installer, via the EXE.xml file (the default) and via using the MSFS.bat file. You should first try with the default method. When using this, FSUIPC7 should be auto-started however you start MSFS. If you use the MSFs.bat method of auto-start, you must use the MSFS desktop icon installed by the FSUIPC7 installer to start both MSFS and FSUIPC7. Please see the following FAQ entry for all auto-start issues. Usually, if the EXE.xml auto-start method isn't working, its because another add-on has corrupted the EXE.xml file. John
    1 point
  27. FYI, I have now released FSUIPC6 version 6.2.1. Please update to this version. John
    1 point
  28. Hi John. I finished now to test. It works really well. Thanks!
    1 point
  29. There is not much documentation on that control as its very straightforward - it just updates the ipcParam lua variable in the script referenced, which will trigger an event,param function, and it can also be passed to a script as a parameter when it is started (to set the initial value of ipcParam). The documentation is in the Lua Plugins document: John
    1 point
  30. You can read the name of the current aircraft in offset 0x3D00.
    1 point
  31. If the throttle is going into reverse when low positive values are being sent, you can maybe prevent this by extending the throttle range by editing the calibration in your FSUIPC7.ini file. Find the throttle calibration line (Throttle1=....) and change the lower limit (which should be around -16384) and change that to say -22000. Try that and then adjust as needed, i.e. decrease further if you still get reverse thrust, and increase a bit if you cannot get to idle. As an example, this is my throttle calibration line for the Kodiak: Throttle1=-16320,-512,512,16380/32 I would change this to the following to restrict the lower value range sent: Throttle1=-22500,-512,512,16380/32 Do the editing with the axes assignments/calibration window open, and when you have saved your changes, click the Reload all assignments button (in assignments tab) to load the changes.
    1 point
  32. I am currently looking into adding/re-activating the PMDG 777 specific offsets. They will be available in the next release of FSUIPC7, which I am currently planning on releasing towards the end of the week. John
    1 point
  33. This is because you have installed the FSUIPC7 auto-start component. If you do not want FSUIPC7 to start with MSFS, re-install and de-select the auto-start component (there are two distinct methods of using auto-start - make sure both are unchecked). 'Open on Start' means to open the FSUIPC7 main window on start-up. Usually it starts iconised to your system tray. Yes, you come across as very impolite. I provide a lot of documentation with my software. You should at least try looking at that before posting. Try starting with the Installation and Registration guide. You should also actually look at what you are installing - it should be obvious that you are installing a component called 'Auto-Start'. John
    1 point
  34. Thank you very much. That helps me a lot. I am always enthusiastic about your DLL and your great support for us hobby programmers
    1 point
  35. I have the PMDG 777 now so it will be easier for me to advise on how to assign for this aircraft now. I have also noticed that some presets (130) have now been added to HubHop for the PMDG 737 now, so those not comfortable using custom controls can check to see if a preset is available. I have attached the latest events.txt file (from MobiFlight) below - use this to replace the one in your FSUIPC7 installation folder, and restart FSUIPC7 if running. I will now look into adding / enabling the additional PMDG 777 specific FSUIPC offsets. John events.txt
    1 point
  36. You should be able to use the PMDG custom controls for the PMDG 777 in the same way as for the PMDG 737. See the following FAQ entry on this subject: The PMDG-specific offsets for the 777 are not yet available (they are for the 737). I will enable these at some point (i.e. if/when PMDG provide me with the relevant information or a license to investigate this). John
    1 point
  37. Ok, just tried your idea and it works... You are a life saver! I will work with this, but will come back if I have any other problems.
    1 point
  38. Create a preset for this in the myevents.txt file (create this if it doesn't exist), then assign your button to the preset. It is pretty straightforward - why don't you just give it a go? Read the section Using Calculator Code Presets on page 49 of the Advanced User guide. If you have anu issues, post again and I can help further. John
    1 point
  39. Why have you installed FSUIPC7 under your Documents folder: start "" "C:\Users\Al\Documents\Al's Flight Simulation\AddOns\FSUIPC7\modules\FSUIPC7.exe" "-auto2" ? Re-install in a non-windows protected folder. If using the MSFS.bat method does not work for you (and I have no idea why this would be), then switch to using the EXE.xml method in the installation process. I have no idea what this means... As I have said many times now, if FSUIPC7 does not auto-start using the MSFS.bat auto-start method, re-install and select the EXE.xml method instead. John
    1 point
  40. Hi John I just have the answer of Bitdefender Support the detected Trojan when i tried to make the 7.4.11 is in fact a false positive infection. A correction of this false detection of Bitdefender will be implemented at next update Regards Thierry
    1 point
  41. I figured it out. The timer that does the processing for the offsets was missing. Had to stop the connection timer when connection opens and start the process timer. If the process timer throws an exception, restart the connection timer. It all works now. 🙂
    1 point
  42. I just figured it out from the previous thread about the 530. I defined a pfc.mcro file: [Macros] 1=GoAround+=CPAUTO_THROTTLE_TO_GA,1 -{Preset Control}- Thank you, Logan
    1 point
  43. Thanks, John (and hi!!) ... you're quite correct, as ever. It turns out I was forgetting to pass the axis through FSUIPC (I'd been fiddling with Axis & Ohs) .... mega DUH!!! I wrote the scripts almost exactly two years ago ... I'm amazed they still work, LOL! I'm amending it so it can work across the board (without checking for autopilot engage y/n) - mainly for the aircraft that use detents (FBW A320 or Fenix A320) where it's easy for the throttle to creep out of the slot. I think a more effective solution would be to do a hardware mod on the throttle (clear the jelly/gloop). Unbelievable how Saitek/Logitech produce this expensive cr*p! Thanks again, Adam.
    1 point
  44. This is what I use: [Buttons.PMDG 737] 1=PC,9,C65966,1 -{THROTTLE1_DECR}- 2=UC,9,C65967,0 -{THROTTLE1_CUT}- 3=RC,25,C65966,0 -{THROTTLE1_DECR}- 4=UC,25,C65965,23 -{THROTTLE1_INCR_SMALL}- 5=PC,10,C65971,1 -{THROTTLE2_DECR}- 6=UC,10,C65972,0 -{THROTTLE2_CUT}- 7=RC,26,C65971,0 -{THROTTLE2_DECR}- 8=UC,26,C65970,23 -{THROTTLE2_INCR_SMALL}-
    1 point
  45. It was probably due to the calibration - some aircraft don't play well with post calibration (i.e. calibrating the values received from the FS). Also see @Falcon49's post above if you want to use FSUIPC7 to control the rudder/ailieron for this aircraft. John
    1 point
  46. I have now released this version as a beta release, available here: Please download and use that version, which has a few minor updates compared to the version posted above, which I will now remove. For any issues with key presses or hot keys, please post here. For any other issues, especially with auto-tune, please use that announcement page. John
    1 point
  47. Ok, but please note that they are example values - you should tune those to your system. I have explained how to do this several times in this topic already, vut I will create a FAQ topic on how to tune this when I get time. This is actually an old parameter that has always existed, but I deprecated the use of this in the last few versions as it should not be necessary. I have added this back in the latest (beta) release though as it seems that it is needed for some systems where it is taking a long time for the return message of the initial connection request. This is an additional parameter. It is better to leave this as the default value and only update if absolutely needed. Better to adjust the DetectToConnectDelay and DetectToConnectDelayAuto parameters first. If you are starting manually, then the value of these parameters depends upon when you are starting FSUIPC7. If you are starting when MSFS2020 is running and either already in the main menu or you have loaded an aircraft, then you can and should use the default values. If you are starting FSUIPC7 before MSFS is started, then you should set the DetectToConnectDelay parameter to a higher value - start at 60 (seconds) and increase until you don't see any re-connection messages. Only tune the InitialStallTime parameter if continually receiving this message: I will tune/adjust the defaults for these for SU15 and rebuild against the latest SDK (currently for SU15) and release a new version once SU15 has been released. Please also note that for the next few days I will have limited time to respond to support requests....please be patient. John
    1 point
  48. Please read this thread, try the updated version posted above and tune the ini parameters mentioned above. This issue seems to be due to the slow start-up process of MSFS. The defaults are tuned for systems that take around a minute between starting MSFS and it getting to the main menu state, If you have a lot of add-ons and your system takes longer than this then increase the DetectToConnectDelayAuto parameter as well as the InitialStallTime parameter.
    1 point
  49. Sometimes corrupted code or data might cause strange errors, usually crashes (CTD's) immediately the Sim becomes ready for flying. The only such data which FSUIPC would instigate FSX reading and processing are the weather-related files, the wxstationlist.bin file in this folder: C:\Users\<yourusername>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft|FSX (or the LockHeed Martin\Prepar3D equivalent) and the .wx files in your FSX (or Prepar3D) documents folder (the folder where your saved flights are). If any of those are corrupted, possibly from a previous crash of FSX, then they can cause unpredictable errors when loaded. Unfortunately FSX's SimConnect doesn't check these files before use. So, the first step is to try deleting all of those files. The .bin file will be rebuilt, and .wx files will be created for new flights, and are largely irrelevant if you use an add-on weather program. Another test would be to insert "NoWeatherAtAll=Yes" into the [General] section of the FSUIPC4.INI file. That will stop FSUIPC asking for the weather data. Of course this will stop any FSUIPC applications you may have getting weather data, but perhaps you have none.
    1 point
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