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  1. * UPDATED 3rd December 2021 * Version History: Vs 27.0 Published 3rd December 2021 - Updated with Nyerges Design Tower! 3D Pro Real Colors Add on Pack 1 details Vs 26.1 Published 21st September 2021 - Updated with WSSS RC details following release of NygeresDesign Singapore Changi Airport I try and keep these lists as up to date as possible for use by forum members but if you spot errors or have additional information please feedback using this thread or PM me with details to investigate. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE NOTE IN PURCHASED REAL COLOR FILES FOR SOME AIRPORTS (BE THEY THE ORIGINAL VERSION OR SPECIFIC FORUM REQUESTED UPDATES) NOT ALL LIVERIES/AIRCRAFT TYPES ARE IN THE PUBLISHED REAL TRAFFIC SCHEDULES. THESE HAVE BEEN ADDED TO SUPPORT THE REQUESTS OF THE CUSTOM SCHEDULE CREATORS (WHO CREATE THESE FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE COMMUNITY) OR HAVE BEEN ADDED FOLLOWING SPECIFIC REQUESTS FOR NEW OR UPDATED LIVERIES BY FORUM MEMBERS. THIS WILL FURTHER ENHANCE THE END USER EXPERIENCE WHEN PLAYING TOWER! 3D PRO AND REDUCE THE POSSIBILITY OF "WHITE" AIRCRAFT SHOWING UP IN GAME PLAY IN CUSTOM BUILT SCHEDULES. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ There are now 5 worksheets in the file these being: Manifest List - detailing the list of RC currently produced by Nyergesdesign Full RC List - columns detailing the Aircraft Type code in each texpack, the airport released in, the Texture Pack number, the IATA code, Airline name and any special comments if applicable Master Code List - columns detailing the IATA code, ICAO code, Airline Name, Call Sign, Comments field (ie Cargo Operator, Ceased Operations etc), Country of Registration and Global Region (ie Canada, Europe, Pacific, United States etc) Default Airlines List - As in the default version NON RC version of released airports Airplane_codes based on NygeresDesign Airplanes_Pack1. Manifest file Copyright © Tower! 3D Pro is a registered product of FeelThere Inc. Copyright © Real Traffic and Real Colors are registered products of Nyergesdesign Real Color Manifest Master List_vs 27.xlsx
    9 points
  2. Dear Folks, We would like to thank you for your continuous support in 2019. It was an interestingly challenging year, for your request we bumped up our airport productions and we almost got to the one airport per month schedule. We would like to keep this in next year too and provide you more airports and perhaps a look of the next Tower!XX Thank you very much and a Merry Christmas to you and all your loved ones. Vic & Team
    9 points
  3. I've been trying to get a confirmation email so that I could post for/regarding the new V3 eJets, but, alas no reply. Strange -- so I changed my email. Anyway, loving the new eJet V3, but the night lighting in the Virtual Cockpit is a problem indeed. Not sure when the SP will be out and how it will be addressed. I'm going ahead anyway and posting this to help out the community with the problem in the VC with night lighting. I have created FSLabs Spotlights Profiles for the 170, 175 and 190. I'll try to finish the 195 as quickly as possible. The link to the files is below along with a link to the FSLabs SpotLights page. Drop each FSLSpotLights.ini file in the folder of the respective aircraft (same folder where the aircraft.cfg file is). You will need the FSLabs Spotlight utility installed; it's free. The lighting follows the real world EJet. I have tested these with P3D V4.5. Links: FSLSpotLights.ini file for the E170: https://www.dropbox.com/s/jun2uz3jhkbobc3/FSLSpotLights.ini?dl=0 FSLSpotLights.ini file for the E175: https://www.dropbox.com/s/3tphfni953ay4tk/FSLSpotLights.ini?dl=0 FSLSpotLights.ini file for the E190: https://www.dropbox.com/s/u9bkpmly0soh3g9/FSLSpotLights.ini?dl=0 FSL Spotlights.ini file for the E195: https://www.dropbox.com/s/jkquqzcy5cq3s8r/FSLSpotLights.ini?dl=0 FSLabs Spotlight Utility: https://www.flightsimlabs.com/index.php/spotlights-2/ Enjoy, Jeffrey S. Bryner
    8 points
  4. With Dubai Airport in the pipeline - here's an interesting cool video inside Dubai's ATC. Hey @FeelThere, any plans to update our equipment (ADIRS, DBRITE, STRIP) to something more current like we see in the video?
    8 points
  5. Important notice: My Tower!3D (Pro) and Tower! Simulator 3 tools/websites will be discontinued in March 2024. All related content and subdomains will be removed from the servers. Access to the tools/websites will no longer be possible. --------------------------------------- Dear Community, Enclosed are the tools I created for Tower!3D Pro. Maybe they are a help for one or the other. Note: You can only download files in this forum if you are registered and logged in. Alternatively the downloads are available on my website. SCHEDULE BUILDER TOOL Easy creation of schedules according to your specifications. https://builder.eligrim.de SCHEDULE CREATOR TOOL Create real or fantasy schedules from scratch. https://creator.eligrim.de (not optimized for mobile devices) TOWER3D.REC MOD (reference card included) Modified version with enhanced commands. (Latest update: July 03, 2021) tower3d_rec_mod_vc_rc_v204.zip VOICE COMMANDS - REFERENCE CARD (v2.04) A (more or less) concise summary of all voice commands. (Latest update: July 03, 2021) Tower3D_Pro_Voice_Commands_DIN-A4_v204.pdf REFERENCE CARD APPX. FOR GA "TYPE" FROM SCHEDULE BUILDER Overview of phonetic a/c identifiers GA pilots use if type "TYPE" is selected using Schedule Builder. Schedule Builder_GA_type_cheatsheet_DIN-A4_VCv204.pdf SCHEDULE INFORMATION TOOL A quick graphical representation of schedules. https://schedule.eligrim.de (not optimized for mobile devices) CALLSIGN INFORMATION TOOL Search and display callsigns used in the schedule being played. https://callsign.eligrim.de (not optimized for mobile devices) CLIPBOARDER Predefine your frequently used commands and insert them into the game via copy & paste. A little helper when no microphone can be used. (Latest update: Jan 15, 2020) clipboarder.zip T3Dpathfinder v0.3 - for users of the STEAM VERSION ONLY Get correct install paths for add-ons like Real Traffic or Real Color. (Latest update: Sep 05, 2020) T3Dpathfinder.zip TIMETABLE TOOL Generates a list of flight strips from schedules created with the Schedule Builder Tool. https://timetable.eligrim.de (not optimized for mobile devices) Criticism is welcome. Please let me know if you encounter any issues, errors, typos or strange use of the English language (I'm not a native speaker). These are small projects from a player for other players. There are no advertisements to be seen, no cookies to be used, no personal information to be requested. If you notice anything like that, please let me know immediately.
    7 points
  6. G'day, mate! I am very pleased to share my next real-life custom schedule - YMML - Melbourne Tullamarine. Like my previous schedules, you will be experiencing traffic in a typical week in the Australian state of Victoria. What you see will be what the controllers at Melbourne saw. Melbourne is a fairly busy airport. It is the second-busiest airport in Australia. It saw over 36 million passengers in 2017-2018. It serves as a hub for Qantas and Virgin Australia, and as a home base for Jetstar and Tigerair Australia. It is also served by a multitude of international carriers from around the world. Along with plentiful passenger flights, there is a health air cargo presence by the likes of Qantas, Toll Express, and others. However, you will notice below that there are very few GA flights. As always, every effort has been made to use existing Real Color aircraft and liveries. There may be a few white aircraft, but, by and large, you will find Melbourne is a colorful place! Like with my previous offerings, you will find, within the main YMML-battlehawk77 folder, a folder for each day of the week, along with snippet file folders within each day to allow you a smoother and more robust traffic feel. Also included is a listing of the GA operators, a PDF taxi chart, graphic and text files of the traffic levels for each day, and a text file within each day folder of the hourly traffic breakdown. It is recommended to place the YMML-battlehawk77 folder in your main YMML folder, then copy and paste the files needed (after you back up the originals, of course). If you have any questions, comments, or notice any bugs, please feel free to message me here or on Discord. So, grab your boomerang and some shrimp off the barbie and enjoy! Gavin (battlehawk77) YMML-battlehawk77-v1.0.zip
    7 points
  7. While I managed the Discord multiplayer server (Tower_MP) we had a dedicated channel for wishlist items for the next version of the Tower series. Below is an unedited/just as they were submitted compilation of all 69 wishlist items. Wishlist Number: 1 wishlist Item: that all previous airports be upgradeable to work with in the new version with minimal cost. Wishlist details: All airports currently in the base game of tower 3d pro and its expansion airports. WISHLIST NUMBER: 2 WISHLIST ITEM: Cross runway commands included WISHLIST DETAILS: As above WISHLIST NUMBER: 3 WISHLIST ITEM: Taxi speeds to be realistic WISHLIST DETAILS: When planes have landed, plane holds speed until close to its exit taxiway WISHLIST NUMBER: 4 WISHLIST ITEM: Action cameras to be more customisible WISHLIST DETAILS: To be able to choose when to zoom and to be able to hold zoom, choose position of camera (eg from behind, from above) WISHLIST NUMBER: 5 WISHLIST ITEM: Multiplayer TRACON inclusion WISHLIST DETAILS: Expand the game to include a TRACON section, and integrate it with multiplayer. This could create a simulation of at least 4 player games (Ground, Tower, Approach, Departure) WISHLIST NUMBER: 6 WISHLIST ITEM: Reduce the approach distance from 20NM to about 10NM WISHLIST DETAILS: A 20NM finale is not realistic most Towers don't get the call more than 10NM out(here at CYYZ its about 5-7miles out is their control range) EDIT: I really don't care if they decide to show us 20NM out like it is now but having control that far out is as stated before unrealistic and does not happen WISHLIST NUMBER: 7 WISHLIST ITEM: Some form of emergencies/special situations WISHLIST DETAILS: Have some type of emergencies(eg:low fuel or something) or have a departure have to return for some reason(which can happen) or have a plane come in diverted from another airport or something.... somethings could be difficult to implement but something more dynamic like emergencies would be neat and keep gameplay fresh and exciting and not just clearing planes for takeoff and landings Wishlist Number: 8 Wishlist Item: Realistic Weather and Seasons Wishlist details: see above The weather afffecting incomeing and outgoing planes ie snow storms that turn into blizzards and the Clearing of runways WISHLIST NUMBER: 9 WISHLIST ITEM: Be able to see what gate an arrival is going to park at before giving the command to taxi to ramp/terminal/apron WISHLIST DETAILS: see above- its annoying to have to give an additional taxi to ramp command because you just guessed at where they wanted to park WISHLIST NUMBER: 10 WISHLIST ITEM: Granular parking assignments WISHLIST DETAILS: Assign parking at the gate (instead of terminal) level WISHLIST NUMBER: 11 WISHLIST ITEM: Differentiate regional airlines by carrier WISHLIST DETAILS: A common example I use is that Compass flies for both American and Delta into LAX. The national carrier they are flying for should determine the livery and parking assignment. WISHLIST NUMBER: 12 WISHLIST ITEM: Improve runway assignments for arriving planes WISHLIST DETAILS: A major issue I have at some airports (KBOS, KPHL, and KLAS come to mind) is that the sim will assign runways to planes that wouldn't realistically land there. Medium to big planes getting sent to 17/35 at KPHL and large waives of commercial jets at KLAS sent to the 19s (primarily used by GA) when the 26s are open with little to no traffic. A possible solution would be to add a new function where the next X number of arrivals are previewed (before they show up on radar) with the proposed landing runway. The proposed landing runway could then be changed. This function could be the responsibility of another player/controller or an existing position (most likely tower). Bottom line, it's really not our place to figure out a solution - it just needs to be improved. WISHLIST NUMBER 13 WISHLIST ITEM: Airport Ops WISHLIST DETAILS: Having basic Airport Operations on and around the airport. Such as tugs moving from ramp to ramp communicating with ground or Ops vehicles performing runway inspections. It could add a lot more realism and immersion into what its like working Ground/Tower. wishlist number 14 wishlist item: being able to pushback on every taxiway wishlist details: sometimes I've got the problem that planes dont always pick up the command to hold short of a certain taxiway so planes get on a collision course on the same taxiway with no exit. Being able to get out of that situation with things like a pushback truck would be nice. WISHLIST NUMBER: 15 WISHLIST ITEM: Taxing on Runways WISHLIST DETAILS: I'd like to be able to command planes to taxi on a runway. KBOS in real life has planes taxi on the crossing runways to the ramp to avoid planes having to slowly taxi on the landing runway to the end. Ex: Planes arriving 04R will taxi on 15L to N to the ramp. WISHLIST NUMBER: 16 WISHLIST ITEM: Ground vehicles perform realistically WISHLIST DETAILS: Ground vehicles follow correct roadways, ground vehicles dont drive through/get in the way of taxiing planes WISHLIST NUMBER: 17 WISHLIST ITEM: Planes use runway exits correctly WISHLIST DETAILS: Planes exit at high speed exits at speed, when exiting runway the plane doesn't dead stop before continuing taxi, planes don't stop with their tail out onto the runway WISHLIST NUMBER: 18 WISHLIST ITEM: Give Way WISHLIST DETAILS: I'd like to be able to command planes to give way to a plane pushing or to one coming out of the alley. WISHLIST NUMBER: 19 WISHLIST ITEM: The ability to rotate the map within the ADIRS WISHLIST DETAILS: Would like the ability to be able to rotate the taxiway map within the ADIRS to maximise the amount of space within the window. So if the map is say at a 45 degree angle, I would like to be able to make it at 0 degrees (diagonal slant to horizontal) WISHLIST NUMBER: 20 WISHLIST ITEM: Updrade of 3d Game graphics to HD level WISHLIST DETAILS: The quality of the current graphics are old school now and need to be far sharper than currently and at least HD level. Lagging way behind the standards of modern games being released now at similar prices. WISHLIST NUMBER: 21 WISHLIST ITEM: One for Gabor which he could do now...Cargo plane model skins not to have windows and defined as F (ie 748F, etc) WISHLIST DETAILS: Hopefully speaks for itself and would look great when combined with better graphics as in WL 20 above WISHLIST NUMBER: 22 WISHLIST ITEM: Completely re-model all current aircraft to be modelled to all the same scale. WISHLIST DETAILS: Aircraft can be seen currently in game to be different scales. i.e. the b739 seems large compared to a b767. Plenty of other instances of this. WISHLIST NUMBER: 23 WISHLIST ITEM: Modding Tools WISHLIST DETAILS: To provide modding tools to the community so we don't have to develop our own. Main ones I was thinking of were: a) Schedule Developer b) Airport Editor (sort of like AFCAD design for Flight Sim is what I am thinking here) c) Ability to repaint default aircraft skins using PS or other image editor WISHLIST NUMBER: 24 WISHLIST ITEM: Better terminology in given instructions. See details below. WISHLIST DETAILS: As much as I appreciate that the developers primary language isn't English; I think the current statements given are really poor and could be improved. This isn't a given for every single command. WISHLIST NUMBER: 25 WISHLIST ITEM: Modernize the equipment (ADIRS, DBRITE, STRIP) and take advantage of multiple screens in the design/use WISHLIST DETAILS: The Dubai ATC video I posted shows that the equipment used by controllers has advanced quite a bit while FeelThere keeps us in the 20th century. I can't find anything on ADIRS anymore. ASDE-X has been around for quite a while and in use at most US airports released thus far. I'm sure there are alternatives also. The DBRITE is pretty basic and could use some enhancing. Our STRIPs are digital but have none of the digital functionality (like status updates and categorization). Regarding the second part of my wishlist. I can understand having less functionality and keeping these items small/compact for single screen users. But for those that use multiple screens, take advantage of the real estate. WISHLIST NUMBER: 26 WISHLIST ITEM: Progressive taxi WISHLIST DETAILS: Currently when routing a plane on the ground we must provide an entire route to the endpoint (RAMP/APRON/TERMINAL or RUNWAY). In real life this doesn't always happen as a controller is just trying to get a plane from A to B. Additionally if we get to handle occupied gates, progressive taxi will be necessary. Theoretically, this is already on the list for the next version (https://forum.simflight.com/topic/85206-ai-routing-issues/?do=findComment&comment=515395) but I don't want to let FeelThere off the hook. WISHLIST NUMBER: 27 WISHLIST ITEM: Use preferred callsign pronunciations (Group form and heavy/super) WISHLIST DETAILS: Tower!3D Pro and Tower!2011 only use single digits (example: "United Five One Seven") for callsigns. The preferred method by the FAA is called group form. The following are examples in the official policy: “American Fifty−Two”, “Delta One Hundred”, “Eastern Metro One Ten”, “General Motors Thirty Fifteen”, “United One Zero One”, “Delta Zero One Zero”, “TWA Ten Zero Four.” Additionally the FAA states that the word super/heavy must be used as part of the identification in all communications with or about super/heavy aircraft. Example: "“United Fifty−Eight Heavy". WISHLIST NUMBER: 28 WISHLIST ITEM: Enhance generic use of handoffs WISHLIST DETAILS: (a) In most airports you very seldom hear the pilot contact Tower - it's usually the other way around - Tower contacts the pilot. Once Ground has given final taxi instructions and is ready to handoff, they will say something like "Monitor Tower 118.1". At this point control passes to the tower controller but the pilot doesn't talk (no "with you") but switches to the tower frequency and listens. (b) In some handoffs the frequency should be passed (Example; "Contact Ground 121.65") and at some airports a specific name is used ("Contact SoCal Departure" ). WISHLIST NUMBER: 29 WISHLIST ITEM: String/combine commands together WISHLIST DETAILS: The current process is basically one command, one transmission. I would like to see the ability to string/combine commands together. Simple examples would be issuing a taxi via and hold short together -and- issuing a cross runway and contact ground together. WISHLIST NUMBER: 30 WISHLIST ITEM: As tower controller, have the ability to request that an arrival aircraft approach at a given speed (increase or decrease it's approach speed). WISHLIST DETAILS: e.g. "[callsign], increase approach speed to 150 knots" or "[callsign], decrease approach speed to 140 knots". Realism would be required here on the developers side due to different aircraft sizes and weights obviosuly. This happens in reality at most UK airports. e.g. At "medium-small" airports tower controllers control the approach speed of aircraft for seperation purposes. At major airports such as Heathrow, the arrival controller will control the approach speeds. WISHLIST NUMBER: 31 WISHLIST ITEM: If commands are issued, have the aircraft follow them immediately without the need to stop, unless instructed to via hold short command OR due to airport hold short points (e.g. runway entry points). WISHLIST DETAILS: i.e. If a controller issues a "continue taxi" command to an aircraft with a hold short command, the aircraft ignores the original hold short command and follows the given new command immediately without stopping. WISHLIST NUMBER: 32 WISHLIST ITEM: Strip info auto update improvements WISHLIST DETAILS: Add the following strip info automatically: - Arrival exits for the tower controller - Departure takeoff hold short points for ground controller WISHLIST NUMBER: 33 WISHLIST ITEM: Controller annotations (if used) on the strip to be automatically visible to both controllers. WISHLIST DETAILS: The strip currently holds the ability to add custom notes. However at this current time, only the controller who makes the notes can see them. I feel it would be handy to have an auto sync function so that both controllers can see each others notes. WISHLIST NUMBER: 34 WISHLIST ITEM: Inclusion of SIDs and STARs (inc. clearances). See details below. WISHLIST DETAILS: Was thinking more along the lines of including a SID (standard instrument departure on this one) as it would be so much more realistic. WISHLIST NUMBER: 35 WISHLIST ITEM: Introduce Control Customisation. WISHLIST DETAILS: Allow users to customise controls such as the PTT key. WISHLIST NUMBER: 36 WISHLIST ITEM: File Sync option in game for making sure users have the same files prior to starting a MP session. WISHLIST DETAILS: Have an option in the MP menu to allow the host to sync files between both parties so they have the same files. Would be great for custom schedules. WISHLIST NUMBER: 37 WISHLIST ITEM: Follow "Call Sign" WISHLIST DETAILS: Same as "Follow Company" but with aircrafts from other companies WISHLIST NUMBER: 38 WISHLIST ITEM: Read Back, then Next Request WISHLIST DETAILS: In the current version, when a plan has a request (to push/taxi/land) they will call the controller regardless of if the controller just gave another plane instructions. I’d like for the instruction read-back to occur first, then the next request. WISHLIST NUMBER: 39 WISHLIST ITEM: A cancel voice command button/control WISHLIST DETAILS: Add a control or button which we can click or press to cancel a current voice command that is currnetly being translated. I don't like the current system whereby if you make a mistake or the sim mis-understands you, that you have to hold the PTT key down so that the command can be forgotten in order for you to retry. A control or button in the sim to cancel this would be useful, so you do not have to wait. WISHLIST NUMBER: 40 WISHLIST ITEM: Ability to decide how many hours of flights should be loaded WISHLIST DETAILS: Currently 8 hours of flights are being loaded when you start a session. This results in overfilled airports and in result of that in arriving planes that don´t even spawn or even departing planes that don´t get an available gate at the start of the game. You should be able to decide how many hours of flight you want to load to make both (long session players and short session enthusiasts) happy..... (eg: slider to pick from 1-8 hours of loaded flights) WISHLIST NUMBER: 41 WISHLIST ITEM: Able to use more than 6 taxiways in a single instruction WISHLIST DETAILS: The game currently has it hard coded that we can only use 6 taxiways in a single command. Seeing as LEBL has just been released with a rather large number of taxiway labels, I feel it would be beneficial if we could have unlimited taxiways when issuing taxi commands. WISHLIST NUMBER 42: Multi player lobby WISHLIST ITEM: Have a multiplier party finder lobby. WISHLIST DETAILS: As a User I want the ability to go to a multiplayer lobby join on people wanting to play the game. So that I don’t need to hunt the forums to find a friend to paly with. The lobby could also check for version compatibility. WISHLIST NUMBER 43: Dedicated server API WISHLIST ITEM: Allow payers to setup a dedicated server(s). WISHLIST DETAILS: As a User I want the ability to set up a dedicated multiplayer server(s) that players could easily find and connect to so that players don’t need to relay on the in-game multiplayer mechanics. The idea is that I could host a game on a dedicated server, then the players could see that they were open and join in on the game. Dedicated server would do the heavy listing and, also maintain all the map and traffic files. That why players don’t need to spend hours trying to see if they have compatible files. WISHLIST NUMBER 44: updater tool WISHLIST ITEM: version compatibility and updater tool WISHLIST DETAILS: As a user I want the game to inform me if a DLC (addon) is out of date so that I know to patch the DLC. If possible, it would be nice to have the game ask if we want to download the latest files. That way we don’t need to go hunting for the emails, keys and downloaders. WISHLIST NUMBER: 45 WISHLIST ITEM: Multiplayer pause function WISHLIST DETAILS: The ability for either player to pause the game whilst in a multiplayer session. WISHLIST NUMBER: 46 WISHLIST ITEM: Ability to save the current session and reload from that point. WISHLIST DETAILS: I've always thought it would be beneficial to be able to save a session, both in single player and multiplayer. Thus allowing the player to resume a session from a specified save point. With regards to naming of said save files, it could either be the user responsibility or be generic e.g. USER 1 USER 2 DATE _ AIRPORT WISHLIST NUMBER: 47 WISHLIST ITEM: Control live airplanes with the use of real-time data WISHLIST DETAILS: With ADS-B and other real-time data feeds becoming more available (and required on aircraft), why not take advantage of the technology and use real-time data as the schedule. Incorporating this along with real-time weather and runway configurations would definitely be a unique experience. WISHLIST NUMBER: 48 WISHLIST ITEM: FeelThere continues to support base game as long as airports are being developed/released WISHLIST DETAILS: Pro was released in Jan/Feb 2017 and support stopped for the base engine in Mar 2018 - barely a year later. However, there are serious bugs/flaws in the base engine that plague both old airports and new releases. If this is their support model in the future, is there any reason to trust/support them if they have chosen to not support their customers and products? WISHLIST NUMBER: 49 WISHLIST ITEM: Improve documentation (game manual) WISHLIST DETAILS: This one is more for the "just bought the sim for the first time" players. The documentation (game manual) needs seriously improving. I personally learnt more from this community, the manual provided by rameus and threads on the forum. WISHLIST NUMBER: 50 WISHLIST ITEM: Traffic Pattern WISHLIST DETAILS: Seriously improve this as it doesn't work as it should in game at all. OR just totally get rid of it completely. WISHLIST NUMBER: 51 WISHLIST ITEM: Improve overall pushback WISHLIST DETAILS: Pushback communication, including direction of pushback rather than runway. Pushback is realistic, the tug doesn't push then pull the aircraft halfway up the taxiway WISHLIST NUMBER: 52 WISHLIST ITEM: Multiple ground/tower controllers WISHLIST DETAILS: I added this as a discussion point for #5 but it really should be a separate item. At game setup, there should be an option to have more than 1 tower and ground controller. Example: north ground, south ground, north tower, south tower at LAX. At busier airports (like KATL) this would be a real plus. And, if FT adds some of the other features that we are requesting the responsibilities of each position will increase making multiple positions almost a necessity. Implementing it where the split in duties is user-defined would be an added bonus. WISHLIST NUMBER: 53 WISHLIST ITEM: Military aircraft WISHLIST DETAILS: As an example, at KPHX, there is an Air National Guard ramp on the north side of the field. It would be wonderful to see military movements at airports that have such ramps. Plus, seeing a flight of F-16s or a C-17 would definitely break up the humdrum of pushing civilian tin. WISHLIST NUMBER: 54 WISHLIST ITEM:Fix last plane called on MP WISHLIST DETAILS: The "Last Plane Called" command on multiplayer is totally screwed up. If the host calls this command, the client gets the reply for themselves as well and visa versa. WISHLIST NUMBER: 55 WISHLIST ITEM: Consistant installers WISHLIST DETAILS: All the DLC installers at the moment are not consistantly installing directly to the main Tower 3D Pro folder. This has caused many issues for those who are not so technically minded to realise the installers aren't installing files to the correct locations. It's been all over the forum. WISHLIST NUMBER: 56 WISHLIST ITEM:Each installer needs its own uninstaller WISHLIST DETAILS: Currently each installer for DLC installs a default "uninstall.exe". Each installer needs to have a seperate uninstaller in order for a user to uninstall the entire T3D Pro sim fully (e.g. uninstallkjfk.exe, uninstalljfkrc.exe ... etc). Not just uninstall the last DLC that was installed. i.e. If you install all airports, all RC and lastly RT. If you run the uninstaller for any of those you have installed, you will only uninstall RT as that was the last item to be installed. WISHLIST NUMBER: 57 WISHLIST ITEM: Career Mode? WISHLIST DETAIL: I would love for there to be a Career Mode feature whereby you have to rank up to be able to control at certain airports. Also introudction of more detailed stats would be great! WISHLIST NUMBER: 58 WISHLIST ITEM: File System designed for community made add-ons (like Flight Simulator) WISHLIST DETAILS: A good example of what I mean is how FSX/P3D handles AI aircraft. Models would be provided and the community could use paint kits to develop airline liveries. With dynamic (next wishliste iten) schedules this would be a must have to avoid white planes WISHLIST NUMBER: 59 WISHLIST ITEM: Dynamic schedules WISHLIST DETAILS: Some service that could provide dynamic and live schedules. I was thinking of grabbing parameters from FlightAware or Flightradar24. To be able to choose on a 24-hour timetable it would use flights from 2-3 days ago having problem with editing.... I didn't mean to get the information directly from FlightAware of Flightradar24... was just meant to give an idea WISHLIST NUMBER: 60 WISHLIST ITEM: Realistic landing or departure runway requirements being met WISHLIST DETAILS: Currently the Sim is coded so that aircraft use a fixed length interger when departing or landing on a runway - regardless of destination / origin. In real life, even though aircraft specs for runway requirements are the same - due to the weight of an aircraft being considerably smaller for a short haul flight compared to a long haul, the aircraft that weights less due to having less fuel onboard etc will use less runway to depart or land on. I would love to see dynamic runway length for departures / landings being implemented - based on aircraft destination / origin. i.e. if it is a long haul, the aircraft uses a greater distance to depart or land; whilst a short haul uses a smaller amount of runway to depart or land. WISHLIST NUMBER: 61 WISHLIST ITEM: Consistancy in game coding files (schedule and ga traffic) ! WISHLIST DESCRIPTION: Currently when coding custom schedules, there seems to be alot of inconsistancy: i.e. GA traffic file uses ICAO codes for the airports whereas commercial use IATA codes! And in the commercial schedule.txt file you see the departure iata, arrival iata ... then later the times are arrival, departure ... great logic here! WISHLIST NUMBER: 62 WISHLIST ITEM: See short taxiway´s names when zooming in WISHLIST DESCRIPTION: For example at KPHL I recently noticed that taxiways R, V, Q, TA can be used in the game. Would be nice to be able to see them at least when zooming in in the ADIRS. WISHLIST NYMBER 63 WISHLIST ITEM: more buttons for mouse controllers WISHLIST DESCRIPTION: lot of typing when you have to type in contact ground/tower at every aircraft WISHLIST NUMBER 64 WISHLIST ITEM: New Airport KDFW WISHLIST DISCRIPTION: DFW should be added to Tower3d because it is the busiest airport in Texas, and it would be cool to have a home state airport to control. WISHLIST NUMBER: 65 WISHLIST ITEM: aircraft crabbing animations in high winds WISHLIST DISCRIPTION:I would love to see aircraft "crabbing" in high winds 😃 Whether they are on approach or departing 😃 WISHLIST NUMBER: 66 WISHLIST ITEM: movable flightstrips WISHLIST DISCRIPTION: Could help managing the planes in realistic way in own preference WISHLIST NUMBER: 67 WISHLIST ITEM: different planes colors on "ADIRS"/ASDE-X WISHLIST DISCRIPTION: Would be easier and more real to manage a huge traffic to have an eye on those leaving/entering some terminals/gates WISHLIST NUMBER: 68 WISHLIST ITEM: Cargo Flights WISHLIST DETAILS: have a separate ramp to where cargo planes could be included and used WISHLIST NUMBER: 69 WISHLIST ITEM: Aircraft Sound WISHLIST DETAIL: In-game aircraft use real sounds (takeoff whine, idle/taxi, reverse thrust) that are also
    7 points
  8. Guten tag, meine damen und herren! I'm pleased to share with you my latest addition to my real traffic schedules - EDDF - Frankfurt am Main Airport. As with all of my other schedules, you'll get to experience a week in the life of a controller in western Germany. What you'll see is what they saw. Frankfurt Airport sits southwest of its namesake city. It is the busiest airport in Germany and the fourth-busiest in Europe, seeing over 70 million passengers in 2019. This places it as the 13th-busiest airport in the world. With its four large runways, Frankfurt is Lufthansa's primary hub for the parent airline and its many subsidiaries, and it serves as a focus city for Ryanair, SunExpress Deutschland, and TUI fly Deutschland. There is also a great number of carriers from around the world that pay the airport a visit, often bringing their most modern aircraft. Those that enjoy cargo operations are going to be very happy campers here, as Aero Logic, Lufthansa Cargo, and FedEx, among many other cargo carriers, operate here, and at differing hours of the day. There is a small amount of GA traffic, too. As with my other airports, every effort has been made to use existing Real Color aircraft and liveries. There may be a few white aircraft, but, for the most part, you will find Frankfurt to be a colorful and busy place! And, if you'd like to see the schedule and airport in action, take a look at this! Like with my previous offerings, you will find, within the main EDDF-battlehawk77-Winter 2020 folder, a folder for each day of the week, along with snippet file folders within each day to allow you a smoother and more robust traffic feel. Also included is a listing of the GA operators, a PDF taxi chart, graphic and text files of the traffic levels for each day, and a text file within each day folder of the hourly traffic breakdown. It is recommended to place the EDDF-battlehawk77-Winter 2020 folder in your main EDDF folder, then copy and paste the files needed (after you back up the originals, of course). It is also HIGHLY recommended to review the included Readme file, as it contains important operational information, along with where you need to put the included files for best results. If you have any questions, comments, or notice any bugs, please feel free to message me here or on Discord. Genießen! -Gavin (battlehawk77) EDDF-battlehawk77-Winter 2020-v1.2.zip
    6 points
  9. Konichiwa! I'm pleased to share with you the latest in my series of real traffic schedules: RJTT - Tokyo (Haneda) International As with my other schedules, you'll get to experience a week of air traffic around downtown Tokyo. You will see what the controllers saw. Tokyo International, commonly known as Haneda Airport, sits between downtown Tokyo and Tokyo Bay. In 2018, it handled just over 87 million passengers, making it the fourth-busiest airport in the world. When combined with Narita, Tokyo is the third-busiest city airport system in the world, after London and New York City. Haneda serves as the primary base for both JAL and ANA, as well as Air Do, Skymark, Solaseed, and StarFlyer. This airport is, by far, a passenger airport. While most air cargo for Tokyo comes into Narita, there is a daily ANA cargo flight that visits Haneda. GA traffic is also very rare here. As always, every effort has been made to use existing Real Color aircraft and liveries. There may be a few white aircraft, but, for the most part, you will find Tokyo to be a very colorful (and busy) place! Like with my previous offerings, you will find, within the main RJTT-battlehawk77-Autumn 2019 folder, a folder for each day of the week, along with snippet file folders within each day to allow you a smoother and more robust traffic feel. Also included is a listing of the GA operators, a PDF taxi chart, graphic and text files of the traffic levels for each day, and a text file within each day folder of the hourly traffic breakdown. It is recommended to place the RJTT-battlehawk77-Autumn 2019 folder in your main RJTT folder, then copy and paste the files needed (after you back up the originals, of course). It is also HIGHLY recommended to review the included Readme file, as it contains important operational information, along with where you need to put the included files for best results. If you have any questions, comments, or notice any bugs, please feel free to message me here or on Discord. Sutekina tsuitachi o! -Gavin (battlehawk77) RJTT-battlehawk77-Autumn 2019-v1.1.zip
    6 points
  10. Here is my first custom schedule I've created for Tower 3D Pro! All traffic is based of Flightradar24 playback feature. This took longer than anticipated, as all departures are shown up as 00:00UTC, so I had to look at each plane that departed, search the flight number in FR24 Data search, scroll down to the 6th August to find it's booked departure time. So all departure times in this schedule are as booked, not what time they actually pushed back on the day. Arrivals, however, are exactly how they arrived on that day, in that order. DOWNLOAD FILE VERSION V1.1 WITH MINOR FIXES https://www.dropbox.com/s/h5r85xc416svkg9/EGLL-Monday-2018-V1.1.zip?dl=0 INSTALLATION First you need to backup your airlines.txt file in ..\..\Tower 3D Pro\Extensions\Airfields\EGLL to somewhere else, or rename it to airlines-BACK.txt Then replace it with the airlines.txt folder in the ZIP file. This changes the airline CO (Continental) to CO (Cobalt Air) which is used once. Then backup your schedule.txt file in ..\..\Tower 3D Pro\Extensions\Airfields\EGLL to somewhere else, or rename it to schedule-BACK.txt There is various folders (0700 - 0900, 0900 - 1100 etc) each containing a schedule.txt file. This is 2 hourly schedules so pick one 2 hour session you wish to run and drop it where the original file goes. A full day schedule in one text file doesn't work, probably as the gates are overloaded! In reality a fair amount of aircraft are towed away from gates and parked up. REALISTIC OPERATION If you want to have the exact runway operations that were in use that day, then you should use 27R for the first hour of landings. Between 0600 and 0700 you should open up BOTH 27R AND 27L for landings. This is the hour when just about everything comes from the USA and Asia. There is arrivals just about every minute and both runways are used for landings. There are some departures, you can try and shoot these in gaps, or just hold them at the holding points, don't leave them at the gates or you'll get penalties! From 0700 to 1500 you should use 27R for landings, and 27L for takeoffs. From 1500 to 2300 you should use 27L for landings, and 27R for takeoffs. The above is for real operations, but of course you can run it in any format you like! NOTES - For arrivals on 27L, keep an eye on aircraft using Terminal 4 on the South side, you will need to give the 'Take Next Available Exit On Left' instruction, otherwise they will exit right, and then you have to taxi them round on A, crossing 27L to come back onto S. KLM, Air France, Air Malaysia, Korean Air, Gulf Air, Aeroflot, Saudia and Air Malta are ones that come to mind that use this terminal. - When using 27L for landings, FlyBe Dash 8's can take a long time rolling out to the turnoff. You'll find the aircraft behind is rapidly catching up and the runway isn't clear, meaning you'll have to give a go around instruction. If you can remember to look early when a FlyBe is calling in on approach, you can get the plane behind to land on 27R instead. I did this once and it works, as the Dash 8 is then (just!) clear for the number 2 arrival to land on 27L. - Try to push back aircraft sooner than later. Sometimes T5 can become a mess and littered with BA arrivals and departures, but you can always use 'Hold Position' on taxiing arrivals so you have room to pushback some planes. Forgetting to do this results in waiting penalties. Once you've pushed one back or holding one at holding points you can delay them then if needed, you won't get peanalised. - If you need to asses something, use the pause button! I had to try to figure something out on the taxiway route, and because I was distracted for no more than 10 seconds, I missed a landing clearance! Demo video here: I hope you enjoy it! I have tried each 2 hour slot and I have yet to get no penalties! Every time I seem to get at least one delay penalty. If highly requested, I might try to carry on the weeks schedule, but it would only be if there's enough interest as it is tome consuming, and soon I'll need to buy another months Business subscription to FR24 for me to carry on Tuesday - Sunday schedule. Any feedback is most appreciated! James.
    6 points
  11. Well I played Dubai a second time with the Real Traffic schedule and while fun I know the airport is busier and I really wanted to play the very well designed and well mapped airport with actual traffic so I pulled the data for Saturday the 14th and made a schedule. I test loaded the completed schedule to ensure it loaded without issue which it did. I played through 4 am without any problems (other than my errors :p) as well. I have not played the other periods just yet. In total there are 1056 handles to enjoy. I broke the day up into several periods you can reference the grouped folders against the below chart. I didn't want the airport to be empty for some of the slower periods as an explanation for the groupings. I will be playing through more periods looking for any errors or problems. I may have put a few airlines at the wrong terminal. Some I could not find listings for or flight data showing where they parked but tried to be accurate. Will correct as I find mistakes and feel free to post any you find. If they are things I can I will correct. Video of 4am Play Through Download Here and I hope you enjoy! Edit: 9/16 - Corrected a flight Edit: 9/17 - Corrected some aircraft Edit: 9/25 - Replaced Terminal File with one from Biosuit1
    6 points
  12. A Very Big Thank You for all the people at Feel There and all the people who created all those custom schedules for the airports that are released for Tower 3D Pro. All of you are very much appreciated especially during this quarantine summer of 2020! 😀 Thanks again.....
    6 points
  13. Hi everyone. As a real-world pilot in this aircraft, I'd like to point out some of the issues I have seen when comparing it to the real aircraft. Some of these may seem picky, but thought I'd throw in what I can for the first SP. Also some of these issues may be epic load dependent, so in advance, sorry if that is the case. Also note I have only flown the E175 product. Going to fly it some more today and will report if I have more. MCDU/VNAV/FMA/PFD/AT Intercept course line does not work correctly. What currently happens is the aircraft will sequence to the next waypoint once it comes within 5 miles of the waypoint. FMA does not drop out flight modes (Track, GA, etc.) after landing. This causes an issue where if you are turning the aircraft after arriving, the TOGA button does not present the proper FMA display of ROLL and TO. You have to press the TOGA button several times before it resets to ROLL TO. Currently, the VNAV system has no magenta FLCH (for descent). Magenta FLCH is just like the green FLCH, except it will comply with altitude restrictions in the MCDU. There is no vertical direct with the current system. You should be able to take ***** fix at 250 knots/10000 and put 250/10000 back in on top of the restriction and it should adjust the descent angle to redirect to a constant path to meet that restriction instead of the angle you input in PERF INIT. The VNAV path with a between restriction only takes the top or bottom altitude (forgot which it was), it does not calculate an altitude between. In general, VNAV needs to be worked on. The autothrottle system needs to be tweaked. The autothrottle likes to add more thrust coming to within 10 knots of selected speeds, which is too sensitive. You should also get a LIM T amber message on the FMA if it is unable to accel/decel at a proper speed schedule to the selected speed. AT is overly sensitive with the speed brakes out in VNAV or on an ILS. Works perfect in FLCH. There is no RTE page. This is where you would actually input the flight-plan initially. This is normally where you'd put in the ADS-B flight ID as well. I was flying into EYW which should have an LNAV/VNAV with a GP and there was no VNAV GP. I Had a VNAV disconnect when leveling at CHIPR at 13,000 on the CHIPR1 into ATL FMS autotune on radio page should be green, not cyan (EPIC load dependent?) The green triangle showing localizer deflection went out of the black box (http://prntscr.com/qeuk0c) Flight Dynamics/Engines/Other Systems Way too high of a VS on climb out through 10,000 (4000-5000fpm even at an higher weight). Above 10,000 is much better. (http://prntscr.com/qeuqvz) Taxi light glitches at full rudder ("Tiller") deflection. When retracting flaps from 1 to up, the retraction happens too fast. The brake temperature seems rather low after landing when applying full brakes on landing (should be at least close to amber). When Anti-Ice is set to all and no ice is detected on the initial climb, the associated EICAS messages should disappear at about 1700AGL or 2 minutes after departure, but the messages are still staying on the EICAS. The engine start up is not correct. Should take around 45-55 seconds. Also the fuel flow is way off for the start. Should only be 300-600pph during start and about 550pph at idle per engine. (http://prntscr.com/qeutdz) Other Flight timer does not reset with the associated button/switch (switch does move though) on the ground. However, once you take off it does reset. Also, on the panel chronometer once it hits 60 minutes, it should continue to go to 61, 61, 63; but this one resets back to zero and continues. APU shutdown sound can be heard when shutting down APU with engines running (should not be able to hear it). I'm guessing this is a flightsim-ism though. Wiper speeds not correct. They are way too slow. I'm guessing it may be hard to model. Also the rain effects, with a higher speed, aren't accurate; once again probably hard to model.
    6 points
  14. Let them first make a new version of T3D. The graphics are a joke for this era. It looks like a game that was made in the early 2000's
    6 points
  15. How ya doin'? It is my pleasure to introduce my fourth offering for week schedules - CYVR - Vancouver International! Like Gatwick, Barcelona and Orlando, you get to experience a typical week in southwest Canada, taken, as always, from actual traffic data. You will be seeing what the actual controllers saw. Vancouver is the second-busiest airport in Canada, which served over 25 million passengers in 2018. As one might expect, Vancouver is a hub for both Air Canada and WestJet. There is also plenty of international traffic to provide lots of heavies, and lots of small traffic for those that enjoy a more active GA experience, and cargo traffic is also quite plentiful. As always, every effort has been made to use existing Real Color aircraft and liveries. There may be a few white aircraft, but, by and large, you will find Vancouver is a colorful place! Like with my previous offerings, you will find, within the main CYVR-battlehawk77 folder, a folder for each day of the week, along with snippet file folders within each day to allow you a smoother and more robust traffic feel. Also included is a listing of the GA operators, a PDF taxi chart, graphic and text files of the traffic levels for each day, and a text file within each day folder of the hourly traffic breakdown. It is recommended to place the CYVR-battlehawk77 folder in your main CYVR folder, then copy and paste the files needed (after you back up the originals, of course). If you have any questions, comments, or notice any bugs, please feel free to message me here or on Discord. So, grab you some Timmy's and enjoy! Gavin (battlehawk77) CYVR-battlehawk77-v1.0.zip
    6 points
  16. I've had a virtual meeting with the associated virtual parties that are affected, and we have come to the decision that since we are such short staffed at LAX that only 1 controller is responsible for tower and ground operations, normal departure sequencing can be "tossed out the window" for the foreseeable future 😁
    6 points
  17. Sorry Folks, we are pretty busy with the development and we were a bit quiet. So first of all let me give you some information about the release date. We have an internal release date planned and it's for this year for sure (I mean it's surely planned for this year 🙂 ). Also on Steam we don't need 3 months for a release, so it should not give you any relevant expectations. Please let me post one of my favourite screenshot of the game. Thank you so much for your excitement, we are working very hard to deliver Tower! Simulator 3 as soon as we can. Vic
    5 points
  18. KEWR custom Schedule Files hope that this works for everyone there were some errors but I fixed them so these are the updated files. The only files that are not there yet are the GAANDLOCALTRAFFIC files. these files are coming I have to fix this file that came with the airport and when I have I will add them to this. kewr_airplanes.txt kewr_gaandlocaltraffic.txt kewr_airports.txt kewr_schedule.txt kewr_airlines.txt kewr_terminal.txt
    5 points
  19. https://www.faa.gov/airports/planning_capacity/profiles/ The FAA have released up-to-date revisions. If you enjoy controlling realistically, these documents provide information on how the US airports operate 🙂 (i.e. runway setup for specific wind directions). Enjoy 🙂
    5 points
  20. Howdy, y'all! I'm pleased to share with you the latest in my series of real traffic schedules: KDFW - Dallas- Fort Worth International. As with my other schedules, you'll get to experience a week of air traffic in northeast Texas. You will see what the controllers saw. They say everything is bigger in Texas, and this airport is no exception. In the first half of 2019, DFW was the 11th busiest airport in the world in terms of passengers, serving just over 36 million people in that six-month span. In the US, it is the second-largest airport by land area, behind Denver. Dallas has been a hub for American Airlines since 1981. It accounts for over 68% of the airport's passenger traffic. DFW also serves as a hub for Boutique Air, Ameriflight, and UPS, while Spirit and Sun Country each have it as a focus city. Along with the hefty amount of passenger traffic, there is also a largo amount of air cargo that come in daily, including FedEx, UPS, and Amazon's Prime Air, along with a small amount of GA traffic. As always, every effort has been made to use existing Real Color aircraft and liveries. There may be a few white aircraft, but, for the most part, you will find Dallas to be a colorful place! Like with my previous offerings, you will find, within the main KDFW-battlehawk77-Autumn 2019 folder, a folder for each day of the week, along with snippet file folders within each day to allow you a smoother and more robust traffic feel. Also included is a listing of the GA operators, a PDF taxi chart, graphic and text files of the traffic levels for each day, and a text file within each day folder of the hourly traffic breakdown. It is recommended to place the KDFW-battlehawk77-Autumn 2019 folder in your main KDFW folder, then copy and paste the files needed (after you back up the originals, of course). It is also HIGHLY recommended to review the included Readme file, as it contains important operational information, along with where you need to put the included files for best results. If you have any questions, comments, or notice any bugs, please feel free to message me here or on Discord. Y'all enjoy! -Gavin (battlehawk77) KDFW-battlehawk77-Autumn 2019-v1.11.zip
    5 points
  21. Dear Folks, I just want to give you a quick update regarding the SP. It's 99% done, we are checking one last issue in the FD. Once it's cleared we will release the SP. It's our goal too to get you the fixes asap. Thank you for your patience Vic & team
    5 points
  22. Autumn 2019 - Gavin must have been holding on to this for a while.
    5 points
  23. This took Google 0.59 seconds to give me the correct answer:
    5 points
  24. You knew this was coming didn't you? 😂 With KDFW being my home airport, having worked and volunteered there, you knew I had to lovingly 😍 scrutinize RT/KDFW to make sure it met the standards of realism. Overall, I'd say good job but I would like to make some suggestions to @nyergesdesign for some improvements as I do feel an SP will be needed. Terminal Assignments AIJ - Interjet is an international carrier and needs to be reassigned to Terminal D. At KDFW, all international flights (excluding Canada) arrive at Terminal D (and gates B1-B3) in order to go through customs. AMF - Ameriflight is a cargo part 135 airline and should be moved out of terminal D (they have no commercial passengers) to a cargo area on the west side (their headquarters are actually located there) ANT - Not in schedule and needs to be removed from the terminal file BTQ - Boutique Air flies out of the Corporate Aviation Terminal (GA?) and not terminal E Real Color Skywest actually flies as an AAL regional carrier at KDFW. It looks like Skywest is included in the RC for KDFW but I assume is it the same generic livery? @Pedantic G? Schedule (this is where the SP is definitely needed) In looking at the flight volume (which is very low, especially when compared to @battlehawk77's schedules) I found a major discrepancy between the number of arrivals and departures. In doing a deeper dive, I noticed two major gaps where there were no departures and only arrivals. This would point to a data problem versus the airport being shut down. The gaps are between 10:53 - 12:15 and 12:49-13:51. This is well over 2 hours of no departures during relatively busy time periods. As a result, I would suggest an SP to fix this gap in departures in order to provide a fully playable schedule. Again, an improvement by the ND team (no duplicates this time) but I would say further research and quality control is needed. Thanks!
    5 points
  25. Actually, @battlehawk77 is slipping! Last airport he had his schedule out before the airport release announcement. 🙂
    5 points
  26. Dear Folks, Recently the forum became a less than friendly place. Some of the members are picking on each other and posting just to pick a fight. Could you please refrain from it? It would be pretty unfortunate if we would have to start deleting comments. The holidays are almost upon us, let's just keep this forum a happy place too. We are about to release KDFW and Nyerges Design is planning another release for this year so there will be enough to talk about 🙂 Thank you Vic
    5 points
  27. Wow, even before the official announcement - it’s almost as if you have inside info. 😀
    5 points
  28. more than likely u are the only 1 becuz both cpc and clx are not even in the RT schedule for omdb so their is no patch needed since the problem is on you're end and if u r using a custom schedule then maybe u need to ad them too the terminal file.
    5 points
  29. @pete_agreatguy - I just wanted to say thanks for maintaining the list. It's obvious some are not as appreciative of your efforts as they should be.
    5 points
  30. Hi, Just two things to add: First: FSUIPC is the most valuable add-on for the simulator and it's absolutely worth the price, if you seriously work with external hardware. Second: The support is outstanding in the community. Every single question/problem is handled by Pete and brought to a solution. And all enhancements are free of charge Think about that. Reinhard
    5 points
  31. I also think this is a great idea, thank you @winsaudi. This way, we can make Real Colors more flexible and it will be more beneficial for the Community. We can try it out wuth the next airport. I will send the new airport's Real Color list here, then you can make your wishlist. I would like to maximise the number of new liveries to 10. The deadline would be one week for making the list. I hope this system is acceptable for everyone here. Gabor
    5 points
  32. Yep, moved to the area about 10 years ago and this is what got me hooked into aviation. It first started with - I wonder where those planes are coming from? So, I stumbled across the amazing FlightAware and FlightRadar24. The first step into making this a hobby was buying camera equipment and plane-spotting at Founders Plaza at DFW airport (which I highly recommend) where they broadcast air traffic control communication between the tower and pilots. This naturally led me onto the awesome LiveATC which eventually morphed into an interest in commercial airplane travel logistics. So, onto the next step. I was "slightly" over 30 so that meant a career change was out of the question, as a result I did the next best thing. This is when I bought Tower!2011 (25 total airports) and later Tracon!2012 (7 total sectors including 1 self-created). I stubbornly did not make the Tower!3D plunge until the release of Pro ... had to have voice. It was tough to wait, but I'm glad I did. In the quest for more realism I became interested in multiplayer, so I selfishly created the Tower_MP Discord server to hopefully make this happen. Little did I know that this would become a vehicle to play the sim with people all over the world. Mind blown! And now we are on the brink of the next version of Tower ... a version that will take the franchise to the next level. I'm at my station, with headset on, and ready for my shift. Let's do this @FeelThere! 🙂
    5 points
  33. I didn't need to "reconsider" as I hadn't decided way back at the beginning of the year. There will be an FSUIPC5 for P3D4, but first release won't coincide with the rather rushed (in my opinion) release of P3D4 on Tuesday. And FSUIPC5 will be a new product, not an upgrade. It's been too much work to have it as just an upgrade. The user weather stuff is stripped out, and some other facilities do not yet work (mouse macros, menu diversion, frictions just to name three). They are dependent on further P3D development. Pete
    5 points
  34. In a recent thread, Pete Dowson wrote: Dear Pete, Threads that go this direction sadden me. Not because of opinion differences or ruffled feathers (which is only to be expected in a written medium, where facial expression, voice intonation, body language all are missing), but because of the perception that your efforts are rarely appreciated. It is only that misconception, of which I would like to disabuse you. I, and I'm sure thousands of other enthusiasts, have nothing but the deepest appreciation and respect for your efforts, and sincere admiration that quite frequently borders on awe. In the years I have been simulating flight, there is absolutly NO product that has promoted my enjoyment of this hobby more. There is NO other application or addon that has even come close to contributing more to my understanding of the workings of FS9, FSX, and P3D more than FSUIPC. Your documentation of FSUIPC's power and scope, the inclusion of a miriad of sample lua scripts to learn from, your support though this forum, and the contributions and advices from many of the outstanding the users of this forum are extremely appreciated. I cannot renummerate the tremendous return I have received from a one-time modest investment, which even provides life-time support and updates! You and a handful of your peers are a rare and much-appreciated breed in this enthusiast field. Your efforts have provided so much more to this hobby than I can easily convey. I have never seen any program, written and maintained by a single individual, that is more conscientiously and consistently improved and updated, in which the author consistently accomodates and provides a means to incorporporate a tremedous array of end-user requests for functions, and personally answers a huge number of user questions so quickly -- frequently within an hour or two of posting. Such service and support is superlative and increasingly rare in any field in todays world, not to mention a hobbiest or enthusiast genre. If, and when, you hang it up (which I hope is later rather than sooner) -- you will leave behind a wonderful legacy and contribution to this hobby, and a void that will be all but impossible to fill. But you will NOT leave unappreciated by a huge body of flight simulation enthusiasts whose enjoyment and understanding of the hobby have been greatly enriched and enhanced by the fruits of your labors. I thank you, and salute you Pete! And by all means, damnit, get some flying time in anyway, even before you retire completely! Best, Don
    5 points
  35. Current Versions Sheet TOWER!3D/PRO Tower!3DPro: Tower3DProSP3.3c_installer Tower!3D: Tower3D_SP3 AIRPORTS CYVR: Release EDDF: Release EDDM: SP1 EDDS: SP1 EGKK: SP1 EGLL: Release EKCH: SP1 FAOR: Release KATL: Release KBOS: SP2.0 KDFW: Release KEWR: Release KIAD: Release KJFK: SP4.2a KLAS: SP3 KLGA: Release KMCO: Release KMEM: Release KPHX: SP1 KRDU: Release KSAN: SP2 KSEA: Release KSFO: SP1 LEBL: SP1 LFPG: Release LTFM: HOTFIX.exe OMDB: Release PHNL: Release RJTT: Release WSSS: Release YMML: a.exe ZBAD: Release REAL TRAFFIC Real Traffic for Tower 3D/Pro: RT_Tower3D_PRO_sp6v31.exe REAL COLOR Real Color Bundle for Tower3D/Pro: RC_Tower3D_TIST_KPHL_KLAX_sp4v3.exe Real Color Update for Tower 3D/PRO: RC_Tower3D_Update.exe Real Color Retro for Tower 3D/PRO: RC Retro for Tower3D.exe Real Color CYVR for Tower3D/Pro: RC_Tower3D_CYVR.exe Real Color EDDF for Tower3D/Pro: RC_Tower3D_EDDF.exe Real Color EDDM for Tower 3D/Pro: RC_Tower3D_EDDM_SP1.exe Real Color EDDS for Tower3D/Pro: RC_Tower3D_EDDS.exe Real Color EGKK for Tower3D/Pro: RC_Tower3D_EGKK_SP1.exe Real Color EGLL for Tower3D/Pro: RC_Tower3D_EGLL.exe Real Color EKCH for Tower3D/Pro: RC_Tower3D_EKCH.exe Real Color FAOR for Tower3D/Pro: RC_Tower3D_FAOR.exe Real Color KATL for Tower 3D/Pro: RC_Tower3D_KATL_sp2.exe Real Color KBOS for Tower 3D/Pro: RC_Tower3D_KBOS.exe Real Color KDFW for Tower3D/Pro: RC_Tower3D_KDFW.exe Real Color KEWR for Tower3D/Pro: RC_Tower3D_KEWR.exe Real Color KIAD for Tower3D/Pro: RC_Tower3D_KIAD.exe Real Color KJFK for Tower 3D/Pro: RC_Tower3D_KJFK_sp3.exe Real Color KLAS for Tower 3D/Pro: RC_Tower3D_KLAS_sp2.exe Real Color KLAX for Tower 3D/Pro: RC_Tower3D_KLAX_sp2v4.exe Real Color KLGA for Tower 3D/Pro: RC_Tower3D_KLGA.exe Real Color KMCO for Tower3D/Pro: RC_Tower3D_KMCO.exe Real Color KMEM for Tower3D/Pro: RC_Tower3D_KMEM.exe Real Color KPHL for Tower 3D/Pro: RC_Tower3D_KPHL_sp4.exe Real Color KPHX for Tower 3D/Pro: RC_Tower3D_KPHX_sp2.exe Real Color KRDU for Tower 3D/Pro: RC_Tower3D_KRDU.exe Real Color KSAN for Tower 3D/Pro: RC_Tower3D_KSANv2.exe Real Color KSEA for Tower 3D/Pro: RC_Tower3D_KSEA_SP1a.exe Real Color KSFO for Tower 3D/Pro: RC_Tower3D_KSFO_sp1.exe Real Color LEBL for Tower3D/Pro: RC_Tower3D_LEBL_SP1.exe Real Color LFPG for Tower3D/Pro: RC_Tower3D_LFPG.exe Real Color LTFM for Tower3D/Pro: RC_Tower3D_LTFM_SP1.exe Real Color OMDB for Tower3D/Pro: RC_Tower3D_OMDB_SP1.exe Real Color PHNL for Tower3D/Pro: RC_Tower3D_PHNL.exe Real Color RJTT for Tower3D/Pro: RC_Tower3D_RJTT.exe Real Color TIST for Tower 3D/Pro: RC_Tower3D_TISTv2.exe Real Color WSSS for Tower3D/Pro: RC_Tower3D_WSSS.exe Real Color YMML for Tower3D/Pro: RC_Tower3D_YMML.exe Real Color ZBAD for Tower3D/Pro: RC_Tower3D_ZBAD.exe DATES FOR LATEST UPDATES DATE DLC VERSION 22-Dec-21 T!3DP Hotfix 1-Dec-21 Real Traffic RT_Tower3D_PRO_sp6v31.exe 1-Dec-21 Real Color RC_Tower3D_Update.exe 22-Jul-21 Real Traffic RT_Tower3D_PRO_sp6v30.exe 22-Jul-21 RC WSSS RC_Tower3D_WSSS.exe 22-Jul-21 WSSS WSSS_airport.exe 13-Jul-21 RC LTFM RC_Tower3D_LTFM_SP1.exe 13-Jul-21 LTFM LTFM_airport_HOTFIX.exe 14-Jun-21 Real Traffic RT_Tower3D_PRO_sp6v29.exe 14-Jun-21 RC LTFM RC_Tower3D_LTFM.exe 14-Jun-21 LTFM LTFM_airport.exe 02-Apr-21 Real Traffic RT_Tower3D_PRO_sp6v28.exe 02-Apr-21 RC ZBAD RC_Tower3D_ZBAD.exe 02-Apr-21 ZBAD ZBAD_airport.exe 09-Dic-20 Real Traffic RT_Tower3D_PRO_sp6v27.exe 09-Dic-20 RC EGLL RC_Tower3D_EGLL.exe 09-Dic-20 EGLL EGLL_airport.exe 19-Nov-20 Real Traffic RT_Tower3D_PRO_sp6v26.exe 19-Nov-20 RC KIAD RC_Tower3D_KIAD.exe 19-Nov-20 KIAD KIAD_airport.exe 09-Oct-20 Real Traffic RT_Tower3D_PRO_sp6v25.exe 09-Oct-20 RC KEWR RC_Tower3D_KEWR.exe 09-Oct-20 KEWR KEWR_airport.exe
    4 points
  36. You can use the blinds to reduce the light bloom from the Sun or the window reflection. Just some small detail but it makes Tower! Simulator even more realistic 🙂 They are not just ON or OFF you can roll them up and down freely 🙂 . Vic
    4 points
  37. Background PMDG Aircraft for FSX and P3D do not typically use the normal controls provided by the flight sim. This means that many of the aircraft's switches cannot be assigned to buttons and keys using the list of controls in the FSUIPC dropdown boxes. Assigning a standard control in FSUIPC will likely do nothing in the PMDG aircraft when the button or key is pressed. Solution Instead of using the standard list of controls shown in the FSUIPC dropdown box, users must use a different set of controls provided by PMDG for the specific aircraft. These are known as custom controls (or custom events). The custom controls vary for each aircraft and are listed in the SDK that is installed alongside the aircraft. This guide will show you, step-by-step: How to find the SDK files How to calculate the custom control numbers How to work out the parameter value How to assign the control to buttons/keys in FSUIPC The specific examples shown will be taken from the PMDG 737NGX, but the same method works for any PMDG aircraft with an SDK and custom controls (e.g. 777, 747). 1. Locating the SDK From your main Flight Sim install folder, or your MSFS Community folder, and open the PMDG aircraft folder Then select the folder belonging to the aircraft you want to use. e.g. PMDG 737 NG3 or pmdg-aircraft-737 Then select the SDK folder or Documentation\SDK folder for MSFS2020 Locate the file with the .h extension. For the 737 it's called PMDG_NG3_SDK.h (or maybe PMDG_NGX_SDK.h, depending on the sim and variant you are using) You can open this file with Notepad or your favourite text editor. As an example, the document you need for the 737 in MSFS2020 will be: [Community]\pmdg-aircraft-737\Documentation\SDK\PMDG_NG3_SDK.h 2. Calculating the control numbers 2.1. Find THIRD_PARTY_EVENT_ID_MIN The first thing to find is the definition of THIRD_PARTY_EVENT_ID_MIN. Search for the following text: #define THIRD_PARTY_EVENT_ID_MIN You will find a line like this (from the 737 file): #define THIRD_PARTY_EVENT_ID_MIN 0x00011000 // equals to 69632 Note the decimal value at the end. In the case above it's 69632. You will need this value to calculate the control number in the next step. 2.2. Find the control you want to use. Search for the control by name, or look through the listed controls to find the one you want. They are helpfully grouped together by panel. The controls are listed under a comment: // Control Events You can search for this to find where the list of control numbers starts. As an example we'll use the Autopilot CMD A swtich on the MCP. This is the relevant line in the 737 SDK: #define EVT_MCP_CMD_A_SWITCH (THIRD_PARTY_EVENT_ID_MIN + 402) To calculate the control number for this switch we just add 402 to the value of THIRD_PARTY_EVENT_ID_MIN we found earlier. 69632 + 402 = 70034 We have now calculated the control number. We will use this in step 4 to program the button/key. 3. Finding the parameter value PMDG controls need a parameter value. These can one of type types: 3.1. Mouse Click Codes (Shown in the example) You can use these to simulate a mouse click on the particular switch. Mainly it will be the left mouse button, but other clicks types are available (e.g. Right button, left double click etc). To find the codes for each type of click, search for MOUSE_FLAG You'll find a block of #define statements for each type of mouse click. Here are a couple of examples from the 737 sdk: #define MOUSE_FLAG_RIGHTSINGLE 0x80000000 #define MOUSE_FLAG_LEFTSINGLE 0x20000000 Find the click that you want to simulate and get the code. For example, we'll have our key assignment simulate the left mouse button clicking on the CMD A autopilot button. So we'll need 0x20000000 as the parameter value for the control. 3.2. Direct Values (Not shown in the example) Alternatively, some controls can accept a direct value to set the switch to a specific position. To find the direct values you need to look at the top part of the .h file to find the switch definition. These are named differently than the events so you need to search. Taking the battery selector switch as an example, we find the control: #define EVT_OH_ELEC_BATTERY_SWITCH (THIRD_PARTY_EVENT_ID_MIN + 1) For the parameter value we can find the same switch in the top part of the .h file: unsigned char ELEC_BatSelector; // 0: OFF 1: BAT 2: ON This tells us that in addition to mouse clicks, we can also send direct values. In this case: 0 for the OFF position, 1 for the BAT position and 2 for the ON position. It's possible to make a key or button set the Battery Selector directly to the ON position by setting the parameter value to 2 instead of a mouse click code. Simple ON/OFF switches will not have values listed (and will be declared as 'bool'). For these types of switches you can just pass the value 0 for OFF and 1 for ON. 4. Assigning the control to a button or key in FSUIPC Select the [buttons + swtiches] or [key presses] tab in FSUIPC and select the button or key to program. From the "control sent..." dropdown select <custom control> (it's near the top of the list) A popup window appears asking for the control number. Type in the control number you calculated in step 2. For our 'autopilot CMD A' example, we enter 70034 and click OK. The controls dropdown box will now show the control number in angled brackets. In the "parameter" box (below the controls dropdown), enter the parameter value from step 3. This can be a mouse click code or a direct value. Mouse Click Codes: Do not include the first 0 from the number listed in the PMDG SDK. Start with the x. With our example, we would enter x20000000 for the left-button single-click. Note that this code is in hexadecimal. FSUIPC will convert it to the equivalent decimal value. This is nothing to worry about. It's the same number. Entering the value in Hex is more convenient. Direct Values: Just enter the value as a number. Do not add the x at the start like mouse codes. If you're programming a key press, remember to press the [confirm] button. Here is our example control assigned to a button in FSUIPC: Your button or key press should now operate the switch in your PMDG aircraft.
    4 points
  38. Request List Closed. Final list (see below) sent to Gabor at Nyerges Design today for review and action. Once I know estimated release date after testing I will update the topic. Thanks Gary Nygeres RCAOP1 List_FINAL.xlsx
    4 points
  39. All, to keep you all updated I have conversed with Gabor at @nyergesdesignand based on the results of the poll he has decided to move ahead with at least the first RC Update Pack and then review the requirement for interest. Life is busy for me at present but as soon as time permits I will create a new posting with the updated list of liveries asked for to date, timeframes etc and also the mechanism for getting your further requests to me. Many thanks Gary
    4 points
  40. Dear Folks, The latest development blog is out at this time some information about autogen and the new terrain system. Please visit https://feelthere.com/tower-simulator-3-developer-blog-2/ for details. Vic
    4 points
  41. Update v1.05 Files can now be conveniently downloaded as zip archive and no longer need to be clicked on individually to download. (If creating the zip file fails, the individual download is offered automatically.) The download of the sorted schedule is kept as an option to check the schedule (if needed) before downloading the zip archive. This is optional, the sorted schedule is also included as ScheduleInfo.txt in the zip archive as well. As of today, all non-mandatory work on the Schedule Builder will be discontinued. The Schedule Builder Tool is now considered finished. If there are any changes in the real world, such as closing or opening a terminal, they will (officially) no longer be reflected in the Schedule Builder. At this time, it is planned to keep the Schedule Builder website available for at least the next 2 years. Schedule Builder Website
    4 points
  42. After a much needed break to attend to family matters (including an 800-mile move), I'm back in the tower. In time, I'll be releasing schedules for some of the airports that have come out in the past few months (I see FT and ND have been busy!). It feels good to be back. 🙂
    4 points
  43. Update v1.0 SCHEDULE BUILDER REACHES VERSION 1.0 Retro fuse option: Seven randomly selected airlines from the Real Color Retro Pack can be merged into a regular schedule New pages: Support, Updates, Airport List Minor code changes and backend optimizations Enjoy! Schedule Builder Website
    4 points
  44. Things in life you can count on: death, taxes, and @Braf123456. 🤣 Hey @FeelThere, he said please. That means you have to do it. 😉
    4 points
  45. Yep you are speaking for yourself on this one. I held out on purchasing tower 2011 for tower 3d pro simply because of 3d graphics. If you want just 2d only, play tower 2011 because there you have 2d and better commands and better use of features that they decided to take away. If feelthere is going to charge us for a whole new game, then I am hoping that it will be better than tower 3d pro and tower 2011. Because there would've been no point for this thread and there would be no point to purchase something later down the line.
    4 points
  46. 4 points
  47. Hey all, I've now completed a United Express (Skywest's N202SY) for the E175, the repaint can be downloaded here under E175: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/v4vix6aalhs8ew8/AAAc-3sMDBd2tNOYGjkXHut5a?dl=0 Merry Christmas all. 🙂
    4 points
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