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Flightsimpilot last won the day on July 24 2017

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  1. No problems here
  2. I must admit to not purchasing the last US airport, so to see that a UK airport may be on the cards is great to see, in fact any UK airport will do be just fine.
  3. Here are the files I am using for KLAX NON STEAM everything works fine for me.
  4. Unbelievable ! This new schedule is showing GA aircraft which was almost non existent before, plus cargo parked over the other side of the airport. Great stuff,
  5. Downloaded the SP6v4 Real Traffic update to find that TIST is at 99% and stuck, I have found the TIST forum regarding previous issues and downloaded the Terminal files hence TIST is working fine. I have sent this as to help if others have the same problems.
  6. Just changed the files for KLGA works fine, nice job Thanks.
  7. Good chance you need to load Real Traffic for the texture files. You can check on the KLAS airport folder, if there are no Text Documents present there's your answer. ( I THINK)
  8. This must be the first time I have downloaded an addon with the location files being correct, all I did was say yes to KLGA folder location everything went like clockwork.
  9. Just finished a session with Random Voice in Settings everything ok, as regards Male and Female voices.
  10. I have just realized that I download Real Traffic before KLAS airport hence the missing Text files . G:\ was just a temp location away from the default. I should have known to run Real Traffic after every new airport. Sorted
  11. I have the screenshots of the KLAS file showing the recent download for KLAS note the missing text files, I then copied over the text files to make KLAS work. So as I understand your views, the text files are entered through Real Traffic download, which for some reason didn't put them in the KLAS folder,
  12. RT Tower3D Pro SPv1 RC KLAS sp1 KLAS sp2 all fresh downloads. Real traffic was ok but not KLAS Airport sp2
  13. I have downloaded a new Pro with Traffic and KLAS Color and the KLAS Airport for Pro on to another HHD to see why KLAS will not run, ( this is in response to another member having trouble getting KLAS to work ) True it would not work so I had a look at my original files for KLAS to compare and noticed that the files for the new download was missing the Text files for KLAS, Believe it or not when I gave KLAS the missing text files it worked. If anyone can explain why this is and why the download is missing the text files I would love to know.
  14. NO is the answer, It works for me in both screen modes.
  15. C:\Program Files (x86)\FeelThere\Tower!3D Pro\Extensions\Airplanes Put your Texture file here. The file is around somewhere on your download.
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