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John Dowson

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Everything posted by John Dowson

  1. Can you also set Debug level logging in the WASM and show me the FSUIPC_WASM.log if this happens again - please also exit MSFS before attaching a WASM log file. Also check the build date in the first line of your FSUIPC7.log file - if this is the 1st November, please download again and re-install. It should say 3rd November. John
  2. This indicates that you are experiencing a WASM crash. Are you using the latest version of FSUIPC, 7.4.18? If not, please switch to that version. If you get the same issue, you will need to disable the scanning for lvars - see the following FAQ entry on this issue: John
  3. What aircraft are you using? Can you please show me / attach your FSUIPC7.log and FSUIPC7.ini files. As a new forum user, you will have a low upload limit, so you may need to compress/zip the files, or use a file-sharing service. Your upload limit will increase the more you post. John
  4. Cam you both check the build date of the 7.4.18 version you are using, on the 1st line of your FSUIPC7.log file. If you see the build date of 1st November:: Then please download again and re-install. It should be: The initial release of 7.4.18 was accidentally compiled using the SDK for MSFS2024. I corrected this but did not change the version number. Note that you may need to clear your browser cache as the initial download may be cached. Please let me know if that was the issue. John
  5. I didn't see this...and there is no such request in your activity. Anyway, check the Documentation section - there is a french translation for FSUIPC4: John
  6. Please see the README.txt file, included in the zip file you downloaded - this section: John
  7. Are you no longer using your JetMax737 throttle or your Alpha Flight controls? If not, you should remove from your ini - I have done this in the attached if you want to use that. FSUIPC cannot see your FMS and is doing nothing with it... However, it has been reported that sometimes FSUIPC's calibration can affect the PMDG737, although this is usually the climb rate and nothing related to the flight plan. Anyway, I have also removed unneeded calbration entries in the attached ini, so you could try that, If you get the same issue, try switching your assignments to use 'Send to FS as normal axis' rather than 'Send direct to FSUIPC calibration' and remove/reset any and all calibration settings, You also attached the log file when FSUIPC was srill running, and it ends after 31 seconds and so doesn't show much. Please show me a log file generate when you experience your issue, and ALWAYS exit FSUIPC before attaching files. John FSUIPC7.ini
  8. Your files are a bit strange,,, First, you have disabled the WAPI: Why have you done this? Your log indicates that you had assignments to presets: but I can't see any assignments to these in your ini, but you do have (now invalid) assignments to custom control 0: Maybe these were assigned to presets, and as they are no longer available they have been removed - although this shouldn't really happen... I will check this. Also, please use substrings for your aircraft profile names, i.e. change to This will prevent issues with your profile not loading when you use a different variant. As for your actual issue, I cannot help with this as this is done by the CPFlight driver/software, so you need support from them really, and I do not own or have access to any CPFlight equipment. There are other CPFlight / FSUIPC users who may be able to help - maybe @fischkarl, @ppatys or @Ron Vogel can help?
  9. Ok - when you get strange connection issues, ir is normally down to windows and a reboot us needed, The upload limit is rather restrictive for new forum members - it will increase as you post more. You can also zip/compress the files as they reduce very well, but no need to see your files if its working. FSUIPC provides access to all FS controls (and more) - there just aren't any for the PMDG 737 runway lights, You can use the available presets though, by checking 'Select for Preset', then click the Find Preset... button and navigate to the PMDG 737 presets. You can also use the MF HubHop site to search for presets - the following are available for the runway lights: For PMDG aircraft, you can also use the custom controls provided by the PMDG SDK - see the following article on how to use these (although many are available via presets, but not all): John
  10. Your file shows that FSUIPC could not connect to MSFS: Nothing is going to work if it can't connect. I don't understand why it can't connect, or why it didn't log another 'SimConnect open event not received ...' message at 164250 and try again. Did MSFS reach the main menu stage, and if so how long does this take? Can you reboot your PC and try again. If FSUIPC again fails to connect by the time MSFS is in the main menu, exit FSUIPC and show me the log file again (please always exit FSUIPC7 before attaching files). Then restart FSUIPC7 manually - does it then connect or not?
  11. First, please check the build date with this version - the first version I initially uploaded was incorrectly built against the MSFS2024 SDK. I later re-released, with the same version number, but with the build date updated. Check your FSUIPC7.log file - if you see this on the 1st line: then download and re-install. It should be: Otherwise please clarify: was this working in earlier versions, and if so which version were you using? This can be very aircraft dependent,, and is nothing to do with FSUIPC...FSUIPC only sends the controls what you have assigned... Is this controlled by FSUIPC? Please show me / attach your FSUIPC7.log and FSUIPC7.ini files. John
  12. Strange question...I try and help everyone who posts... Please check the build date with this version - the first version I uploaded was incorrectly built against the MSFS2024 SDK. I later re-released, with the same version number, but with the build date updated. Check your FSUIPC7.log file - if you see this on the 1st line: Then download and re-install. It should be: Otherwise: But they follow the dial or not? Is this a speed issue (i.e. the numbers update slowly)? What aircraft are toy using? Can you please give me a more accurate description of your issue, and please show me / attach your FSUIPC7.log and FSUIPC7.ini files. John
  13. Why didn't you read this thread before posting? You need to reinstall. See my previous comment. John
  14. Can you not change this yourself if building from source? Looks like it needs the following added: FSX, P3Dv3-6, MSFS2020 (and soon MSFS20204!). I guess I can/should also change this and also maybe rebuild the lib with VS2022. I have been reluctant to do this up until now - I will take a look at some point, but for now you can just update for your needs, or just leave it as unknown - I don't think this matters that much, just for logging purposes I think... John
  15. Can you download 7.4.18 again and re-install please. When O released 7.4.18 on the 1st, this version was (accidentally) compiled with the SDK for MSFS2024, as I was investigating this SDK and forgot to switch back. I corrected this and recompiled on the 3rd and re-uploaded, so can you please download and use that version. Your shows: whereas it should show: Be careful when you download again - your browser may have cached the original download, so clear your browser cache first. I should maybe update the version number for this build... Note that this was also previously reported here: If you get the same issue with that version, let me know and I will look further. Btw, why have you not installed the FSUIPC WASM module? Don't you use presets or lvars/hvars? John
  16. That is the install location for FSUIPC5 and earlier versions. From FSUIPC6 and onwards, you must select/choose the installation location - if you don't, a default location will be used - maybe now C:\FSUIPC6 but in earlier versions it was under the P3D add-ons folder, under Documents. John
  17. It is installed in the folder you chose when you installed - this may be under your Documents folder... To uninstall FSUIPC6, run the uninstaller, either via the windows app management panel or by running the uninstaller directly from the installation folder.
  18. I am not familiar with the G1000 and am not sure what that key/symbol is...these are the control pad presets available for the G1000: There are also many presets available for the MFD, PFD and MID: Could one of those be what you are looking for?
  19. This really shouldn't happen... I have realized that I made a mistake with the 7.4.18 release...I have been testing the SDK for MSFS2024 and accidentally built the final release of 7.4.18 with the SDK from this version, instead of the version for MSFS2020. Sorry about that - I have corrected this now and have updated the installers with this correct build. Could you therefore please re-download and try again. if you get the same issue, please show me / attach your FSUIPC7.log file. Note that I have kept the version number the same, at 7.4.18, but the build date has been updated to 3rd November, so please check thar you are using this version (you may need to clear your browser cache to download this version. I have also attached this version below, but you should really re-install as the WASM has also been rebuilt. You can prevent this by setting the following ini parameter under the [General] section of your FSUIPC7.ini file: OpenOnStart=Never John FSUIPC7.exe
  20. The new fuel system simvars have not been added to any FSUIPC offsets as if these are added, they flood the MSFS console with error messages when using an aircraft that does not use the new fuel system. I did add the new fuelsystem pump simvars to FSUIPC a while ago which produced this error, which can cause stuttering due to the number of messages logged, I therefore removed these by default. and added a new ini parameter NumberOfPumps which can be set to re-enable these offsets. For the new fuelsystem tank variables, you can add these to spare/free FSUIPC offsets yourself via the myOffsets.txt file (see Advanced User guide for details). If you do this, make sure this file is only loaded/used when you use an aircraft that uses the new fuelsystem. John
  21. Thanks for your kind words. Pete has retired now and doesn't check the forums often, but I will pass on your message. Regards, John
  22. Your upload limit will increase the more you post. The files also zip/compress pretty well, as they are just text, so you can also try that next time. Your log files don't show any issues, other than your device not being detected on COM1. You need to determine what COM port your device is using, and I can't really help with this. Your device is or has previously been detected as a HID joystick type device though: Although there are no entries for that device with a joyId number, which makes me suspect it was added earlier when you were using a different COM port number. Maybe try removing that entry, and go through the COM port numbers again and see for which COM port number that entry gets added Other than that, I am not sure what I can advise... maybe some other PFC Cirrus !I users can help - both @Logan Greenlee and @Jeff Enlow are PFC Cirrus II users I have helped in the past, maybe they could help with this?
  23. Did you install the driver that comes with the cable? Then I guess the drivers are installed... Does the test app tell you which COM port is being used? Did you try COM1? Most modern PC's don't have COM ports, so the cable may be on COM1, so at least try that. If that doesn't work, show me / attach your FSUIPC7.log, FSUIPC7.ini and PFCcom64.log files and I can take a look, although I'm not sure I can help much if its not detected...
  24. No - that ini parameter just specifies the just delay between aircraft load and the first scan for lvars. It seems to be repeated scanning for lvars that is causing this issue, and that will still occur. That is very interesting...that does indicate to me that there maybe is a memory issue somewhere un the WASM - I will look into this (again).... Thanks for your files/input on this. I will update if/when I find amything. Regards, John
  25. Glad its now working. Yes, using event.com is much more efficient. That is probably a better long-term solution, as you are already writing your own code to drive the LCD. Via the SDK, you can either write the COM1 standby frequency (in Hz) to offset 0x05CC (as a 4-byte int), or you can use offset 0x3110 which operates a facility to send any control to the FS. Cheers, John
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