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John Dowson

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Everything posted by John Dowson

  1. There is now an installer ready that includes the WebSocket server + integration into FSUIPC7 (via an Add-ons menu entry). You can download from here: http://fsuipc.simflight.com/beta/Install_FSUIPC7.zip http://www.fsuipc.com/download/Install_FSUIPC7.zip There is an issue if the WebServer is already running when FSUIPC7 is started as it currently doesn't check for this. I may add this at a later date. Also, there is currently no indication if the WebSocket server is running or not (apart from entries in the log). I think I'll update the FSUIPC7 title bar to include this information at some point. Let me know if you have any issues or suggestions. John
  2. Hi Joshua, as described in the Announcement and in the provided README.txt file: John
  3. How are you running the lua? On a button press or from the [Auto] section? Maybe you can attach your FSUIPC6.ini file and I'll take a look. Otherwise, you could try activating debugging of Lua plugins to see what that tells you.
  4. Yes. Lua functionality is only available in the registered version of FSUIPC.
  5. Sorry, but it is still not clear what you issue is. Is it the loss of controls, or with Pilot2ATC? For loss of controls, check that you have power management disabled on your usb devices/hubs. You can also try activating logging for Axes Control in FSUIPC7. Monitor the console log (i.e. Log -> Open Console) and see what is logged, if anything, when you experience the loss of control. However, as you say that you lose control of your mouse, it sounds more like an MSFS issue as FSUIPC7 does nothing with the mouse. You could also check to see if any keyboard shorcuts have any affect when this occurs. For issues with Pilot2ATC, you really need their support forum.
  6. Where the documentation uses the term 'Modules folder', it refers to your FSUIPC installation folder. Previous to FSUIPC version 6, FSUIPC was, by default, installed in a folder called Modules, located under the main P3D folder. So its the folder that you select to install FSUIPC6 into. if you don't know where this is, there is also an 'Open Folder' button in the FSUIPC6 logging tab that will open Windows Explorer on this folder. Sure. No, you need to restart the lua. i.e. kill it (if its running) and start it again. The file will be re-compiled each time it is ran. No, it isn't But as I said, you just need to stop the lua running and then restart it.
  7. Still waiting. This has already been asked many times, e.g.
  8. After you have installed FSUIPC6 and you start P3Dv5, you should have seen a pop-up dialog asking if ok to enable the add-on: didn't you see this and give permission? So when you tick the option, select 'Ok', then close and restart P3Dv5, you still don't see the Add-ons menu option with FSUIPC... menu option? Your installation log looks fine, so I'm not sure what is going on. I suggest that you uninstall the FSUIPC6 installation in P3Dv5 by running the uninstaller (located in your installation folder: C:\Users\onebo\Documents\Prepar3D v5 Add-ons\FSUIPC6\uninstallFSUIPC6.exe). Then re-run the installer and try again. I would also suggest that you choose a folder outside of your Documents folder for the installation. This is just a default and is where the add-on.xml will be created, but it is better to actually install FSUIPC6 in a different folder (e.g. C:\FSUIPC6).
  9. There is no change with this functionality in the latest build, and I just tested in the Lomgitude and its working as expected. You can try logging Events and Axis Controls. Before you activate the toggle, you should see the THROTTLEn_SET controls with a positive Param: When the assigned button is pressed, you should see the toggle control: and after this, the Param for the THROTTLEn_SET controls should be negative: Are you using the same FSUIPC7.ini file? You could attach that and I'll check it for you.
  10. Hi André, I don't think this is currently possible as there are no assignable controls/events for this. However, this is already on the 'wishlist': https://forums.flightsimulator.com/t/mappable-controls-to-toggle-labels-aircraft-airport-poi-etc/153732 A zendesk issue has also been raised: https://forums.flightsimulator.com/t/suggestion-keyboard-shortcut-to-toggle-traffic-labels/116033/3 I also though i'd seen a mod that implements this a while back on the MSFS forums, but couldn't find this with a quick search....
  11. I'm not that familiar with the c# library, but I doubt it very much. I think lvar access is a lot simpler via lua, and you would probably have to implement your own 'event' type mechanism. But check the documentation, or you can ask in the client dll for .net sub-forum: https://forum.simflight.com/forum/167-fsuipc-client-dll-for-net/
  12. Sorry, but I can't support ProSim, especially v1. @Pete Dowsonuses ProSim, so maybe he can advise...
  13. Looks like you are running from a fresh install (i.e. no FSUIPC7.ini) as the ini you posted is completely empty. As the ini shows that you do not have 'event' logging activated - please activate that if you want to see the events logged. If you have previously configured FSUIPC7, you need to copy the latest FSUIPC7.exe file to the folder that you previously used to install/run FSUIPC7. Or, alternatively, copy your previous FSUIPC7.ini file to the new folder for FSUIPC7. FSUIPC7 uses the FSUIPC7.ini file (containing all your assignments and logging configuration) located in the same folder as the FSUIPC7.exe file that you are running.
  14. Presume that you mean the initial call of the function, but no, this cannot be prevented. However, you can handle in your function by returning straight away if its on the first/initial call. You can determine this by using a global variable, and checking/changing the initial value in the function, exiting if it is the first call. For most use cases, this initial call is needed to initialise/sync the offset value in the script with the actual offset value.
  15. Is that the "Events" category from the FSUIPC Log menu? No. To activate SimConnect logging, create a file called SimConnect.ini in the FLT UNC Path (or FLT Path), as reported at the beginning of your FSUIPC7.log file (for Steam installs this will be C:\Users\<YourName>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft Flight Simulator\, and for MS Store installs, this maybe under the LocalCache folder) with the following contents: replacing <path> with the path specification (e.g. file=C:\SimConnect%01u.log).
  16. The SDK contains the following sim variables related to the bus, but nothing for the tie switch (unless its maybe the bus connection): BUS BREAKER PULLED TODO UNITS_BOOL TYPE_BOOL BUS CONNECTION ON TODO UNITS_BOOL TYPE_BOOL BUS LOOKUP INDEX Asobo (bpelmoine) Should be deleted once simvars support multi paramters UNITS_NUMBER TYPE_UINT32 EXTERNAL POWER CONNECTION ON Boolean, The state of the connection between a bus and an external power source UNITS_BOOL TYPE_BOOL If its not the bus connection, think you would need to submit a feature request for an additional event to allow this switch to be controlled.
  17. These buttons don't log any events and there doesn't seem to be anything to control these either in the MSFS assignments or in the SDK events/variable lists, so I don't think this is currently possible. I can raise a zendesk issue/feature request, asking for events to control these be added to the SDK.
  18. This has been fixed in the latest update. The problem was that FSUIPC7 was keeping the UserOpt.cfg file open after reading, preventing it from being updated. @Thomas Richter spotted this - thanks! John
  19. You could try activating SimConnect logging, to see if anything is reported when the crash occurs. other than that, you should raise a zendesk issue with MSFS/Asobo, and include the windows crash report from the event viewer. If you want to test with a fresh ini, you could let FSUIPC7 generate a fresh/clean one, and then copy/replace all sections apart from the [General] section, and also remove the Path variable from the [Sounds] section, together with your missing yoke in the [JoyNames] section:
  20. If the problem is with the client programs that use FSUIPC7, you really need to talk to their support. Do you have any issues with FSUIPC7 when not running those clients? If the previous version was with a build date of 26/09, then there were very few changes between the versions, the main one being the change to simconnect Also, if it was a problem with FSUIPC7 and LINDA or ACARS, I would have thought it would affect many other users.
  21. The latest documents should already be included in your FSUIPC installation. For FSUIPC4 & 5, this will be in your FSUIPC Documents folder, under your Modules folder. For FSUIPC6, you need to select the documentation during installation, and it is installed in a folder called FSUIPC6 under you windows Documents folder. You don't need this. FSUIPC has its own lua interpreter. There are various documents included with FSUIPC on the lua interface provided. However, for an introduction to lua or its standard libraries, please google.
  22. Hi Marc, so MSFS is crashing, but why do you think this is related to FSUIPC? With FSUIPC now being an exe rather than a dll, it should not crash the sim. Even if its a problem in the server side of simconnect, it is still an issue with MSFS. There will be nothing in your ini that would cause this. You can try disabling the option 'Exit with FS', and FSUIPC7 will then still be running once MSFS has a CTD.
  23. Yes, I'm not changing the version number at the moment, just the build date. This should be in the properties, as well as logged in the first lines of the log file.
  24. You can see if its assignable in MSFS. If so, you can assign it to a keypress there, and then assign your switch to the keypress. If you do find something, let me know and I'll see if there's an available simvar or event that I can add. I'll also check the documentation to see if I can see anything that resembles this...
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