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John Dowson

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Everything posted by John Dowson

  1. Which trim - elevator/pitch trim? How are you assigning - to the 'Elev Trim Up/Down controls? Do you have your button/switch/key set to repeat? Otherwise, if you have a spare axis, you could try assigning to the ElevatorTrim axis. Whats wrong with the 'Gear Down' control? Just tried this on the CJ4 and it works as expected. What aircraft are you using? John
  2. Ah, was just going to suggest that you check that offset! Also, check 0x3458 where that variable is also stored as a float64, although the offsets document for that offset does say 'But see preferred offset 07E2'!
  3. Yes, especially any of the offsets - see the included spreadsheet. Also ok to use this thread for such reports if they are TBM900 specific
  4. No, an empty profile for each one. Should take all of 2 minutes!
  5. That's interesting. Thanks Trev, I'll take a look at those when I get a chance.
  6. I'm sorry but I just don't have time at the moment. I would have to look them up and work out what the mapping is (from the FSUIPC and P3D documentation), just as you would. I've shown you what is wrong with your initial post, so hopefully you have enough information to do this yourself. Otherwise I can take another look when I have time, but I'm very busy on MSFS issues at the moment, and can't see myself having much time for this type of query for the next few weeks at least.
  7. Ok, good. Glad you solved it, but it would be helpful if you could explain what your issue was and how you solved it, in case others have the same problem.
  8. 65890 is AP_PANEL_VS_HOLD, which is not available in MSFS, at least according to the documentation. In fact, it seems that non of the AP VS controls are available, except for the incr/decr and var set metric. I'll try enabling the old VS controls (ON,OFF, Set Hold), including the panel versions, here to see if they are recognised. If so, I'll add them back in and let you know. Otherwise I'll report to Asobo.
  9. @bjoerntiemann Your calibration looks a little strange: The idle position is at your axis minimum value. Do you not want a reverse zone? For the separate throttle controls, the 'idle' position is the null zone between forward and revers. If you don't want a reverse, you should check the 'No reverse Zone' checkbox rather than setting the idle position to the start of the axis. Otherwise, you probably want an idle zone around the -12000 mark, with a small null zone, something like Throttle1=-16384,-12384,-11884,16383 Throttle2=-16384,-12384,-11884,16383 Also, is there any reason that you are assigning to the separate throttle controls for engine1 and engine2, rather than using the single 'Throttle' control? You could try switching to see if that makes a difference, but it shouldn't really (apart from maybe the calibration slopes). You could also check your axes calibration in windows game controllers, to make sure the full range of movement of the axis is being used by windows. Other than that, I don't know what to suggest.
  10. Really - even with a slope of -15? For my throttle, that gives me half the throttle axis movement range for manual use, and the other (top) half to select between the gates. Maybe you can show me your FSUIPC7.ini file and I'll check your calibration. Do you have the full range of movement on your axis (-16383 to +16384)?
  11. Well, activating those in the UI sends the TOGGLE_STARTER1 and TOGGLE_STARTER2 events. However, sending these via FSUIPC shows no movement. They do move with 'Engine Autostart' though. Ok, so sounds like they are working but the visuals are not updated. You can report this in the MSFS forums. Yes, just tried these and they seem to work. In fact, the Turbine Ignition Toggle function seems to toggle between CRANK and NORMAL. However, turning that switch in the UI shows no events. No, neither can I! I'll look into this more tomorrow and if I can't find anything I'll report to Asobo.
  12. The simvar used (NAV LOCALIZER) documented the same, as 'Localizer course heading in degrees' - maybe this needs reporting to Asobo? I guess I could subtract the magnetic variation before populating the offset if needed.
  13. Have you assigned and calibrated the throttle in FSUIPC7? Make sure you assign to 'Send direct to FSUIPC calibration' and calibrate with no slope active. If there is then too little movement in the upper range, to select the gates, try adding a negative slope, which will make the initial (manual) range more sensitive, but give you more movement to select between the gates. Try different slopes to see which feel good for you.
  14. So this is not correct, and the additional axis scanning I added for you to prevent this now makes no difference? If so, I'll remove this, as it shouldn't be needed anyway. And this is also no longer correct. Do you only get this issue when you restart after you have received the TransmitClientEvent errors and FSUIPC later crashes? If so, its that issue (i.e transmit client event failures) that needs to be resolved, and I wouldn't worry about this other problem for now. And as mentioned in the other post, you should clean your registry as it seems to be in quite a mess.
  15. Yes. It may be easier to disconnect your devices, remove all entries (back-up your registry first), and then re-connect them to get the entries regenerated. Make sure you are using the "JoyLetters" facilities first. If you don't know what this is, just set: AutoAssignLetters=Yes in the [JoyNames] section of your FSUIPC7.ini file.
  16. For the flight path angle, there is a lua script called 'HUD Parameters for FSX' over on avsim that calculates this - you could take a look to see how this is done: https://library.avsim.net/esearch.php?CatID=fsxutil&Name=&FileName=&Author=&DLID=&Sort=Author&ScanMode=0 Extracting the relevant parts from that script:
  17. ROTATION VELOCITY BODY X is 30A8, i.e. Pitch Rate ROTATION VELOCITY BODY Y is 30B0, i.e. Roll Rate ROTATION VELOCITY BODY Z is 30B8, i.e. Yaw Rate 31A8 is STRUCT WORLD ROTATION VELOCITY X 31B0 is STRUCT WORLD ROTATION VELOCITY Y 31BB is STRUCT WORLD ROTATION VELOCITY Z The rest are correct. Not sure about this - I'll get back to you...
  18. I've now reported this in the Asobo 3rd party devs forum.
  19. Btw, which aircraft are you using? Is this a general problem or an issue with a specific aircraft? And have you tried the AP Vs Var Set English/Metric controls? Or offsets 0x07EC / 0x07F2? I was wondering if these have the same issue as the AP_ALT_VAR_SET_ENGLISH event / AUTOPILOT ALTITUDE LOCK VAR simulator variable that needs to be reported.
  20. I believe LINDA is started via an entry it adds to the ipcReady.lua script, which is a different interface for Lua.
  21. There are known issues trying to load .flt files via SimConnect at the moment. This has been reported to Asobo and we are awaiting a fix.
  22. Correct. Yes. However, please check the provided guide, especially regarding windows workgroup names - you need to have both your main PC and client PC in the same windows workgroup. No. Registration is on the server side. You need to re-run the FSUIPC6 installer. This will uninstall and re-install FSUIPC6, but it won't change anything and all your files and settings will be preserved. Please download the latest version (6.0.10) before you do this if not using this version already. At the end of the installation process is the registration screen, where you register both your FSUIPC6 key (which will be pre-populated as you have already registered) and your WideFS key. Enter your details there (and remember to click the Register button) and your key file will be regenerated to include your WideFS license. John
  23. I tried adding this simvar to FSUIPC7. It updates correctly when toggling the button in the UI for the aircraft, but changing this externally seems to have no affect (i.e. its ok for read but not for write). There are currently quite a few reports on autopilot functionality not working via simconnect (especially for the G1000), so i think we need to wait for a simconnect update to get these fixed.
  24. I tried adding this simvar to FSUIPC7. It updates correctly when toggling the button in the UI for the aircraft, but changing this externally seems to have no affect (i.e. its ok for read but not for write). There are currently quite a few reports on autopilot functionality not working via simconnect (especially for the G1000), so i think we need to wait for a simconnect update to get these fixed.
  25. Pushback left/right are behaving in the opposite way of how theywere previously working - this has been reported to Asobo. For the time being, I will swap the controls sent so that previous functionality is maintained. Could you try the attached build please: FSUIPC7.exe
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