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John Dowson

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Everything posted by John Dowson

  1. Hi Buzz, No, its not - or shouldn't be! Can you PM me you SimMarket purchase email (with your provided key) and I'll check it. John
  2. You could also try ignoring that button by adding IgnoreThese=1.7 to your [Buttons] sections of your ini file.
  3. If you have a new issue, could you please start a new thread - your problem does not seem to be related to this threads title! More information is also needed - what version of FSUIPC are you using? What sim? How did you install on another computer - if you just copied across your ini file, this most likely won't work as your joystick ids (and GUIDs) will have changed. Please start a new thread with the above information, and also attached your ini, log and joyscan.csv files (all from your Modules folder). John
  4. Thats very strange...I don't think its possible to have two copies of FSUIPC running... Maybe check (or post) your DLL.XML file (in your AppData\Roaming\Lockheed Martin\Prepar 3D vd folder) to make sure there is only one entry for FSUIPC5. Thats strange - it should be 5.152. I'll check and update - thanks for pointing this out. You can always get the latest versions from our download page over here on simflight: This all sounds very strange, especially if you have new issues and nothing has changed... Try removing FSUIPC completely and check P3D is working ok. To do this, rename your 'Modules' folder and remove the FSUIPC entry in the aformentioned DLL.XML file - this section: Save the file and restart P3D. If all is ok, download FSUIPC 5.152 (from the link above) and re-install. You don't have to register again - copy your key file from your old (renamed) Modules folder to the new one. You can also copy across your ini file if you have anything there you want to keep. Cheers, John
  5. Hi Detlef, no problem. Looks like a nice piece of kit - lots to program to get that all connected - good luck! Cheers, John
  6. Again, I have no idea what this means, sorry.... Does it matter? Make a backup of your registry and you can always revert back to it later if it causes issues. I'm sorry, but I don't understand what support you require. Please follow the instructions. If that doesn't work, then post the results here and we'll try to help. John P.S. You are hijacking a FAQ thread. If you have any issues, can you please start a new thread in the support forum (not the FAQ). If the support request requires a different solution to that posted in this FAQ entry, then I will update accordingly. I'll leave these comments in the FAQ entry for a while, but they will be deleted as they are really not appropriate to a FAQ entry. Thanks.
  7. Hi Detlef, the second lua script does not end as you have an infinite loop, so the timer is never called. Try this instead: ipc.display("Timer event test") gCount = 10 ----------------------------------------------------- function MyTimer() gCount = gCount-1 ipc.display(gCount) end ------------------------- init ------------------------ event.timer(100, "MyTimer") Ok, then you don't need to auto-start. So, after starting a script with the 'L' key, you then wait for an 'L' key event? Sounds a strange thing to do, but ok if thats what you want.... The script needs to end/finish (not exit! That will kill the lua), then it will react on the events. It won't react to events if the script is still running (i.e. you are in an internal loop). There are various ways to achieve this, although the recommended way using FSUIPC is to use the provided ipc.get and ipc.set functions - see the lua library documentation. Cheers, John
  8. So you haven't tried the fix mentioned? Sorry, I don't know what this means... John
  9. If you choose to continue, does FSX crash? If so, does the fix mentioned in this FAQ post not work?
  10. And do what with it? Why do you need FSUIPC for this? FSUIPC stores all data in memory at specific offsets - see the Offset Status document for a list of data available. John
  11. Hi Detlef, how are you activating this lua? As you are using events, it should be activated from the [Auto] section of your ini file. However, this line ipc.exit() will cause your lua program to exit and no longer respond to events. You also have: event.key(TIC_MS, 86, 0, "KeyReceived") -- Key v (normally make screenshot) event.cancel("KeyReceived") where you are asking a function to be called on a keycode (of TIC_MS, which is not a valid keycode) with shifts of CTRL-ALT-TAB-APPS (=86...really?), and are then cancelling this event straight away, so it will never be called. Probably quite a few other mistakes - I haven't checked it all. I think you need to review the examples again, especially on events. Basically when you add an event (and don't cancel it or stop the lua!), the lua sits in the background waiting for the event, and then calls the appropriate function. Also, lua logging is your friend - try activating this to find errors and see what your lua is doing. Cheers, John P.S. You posted in the FAQ - I moved your post to the support forum - please post in this forum for all support requests,
  12. Your macro file is not valid - you are missing the first line: [Macros] John
  13. Hi Scott, you can use just the shift key only by modifying the key definition 6=N220,8,1005,2560,1005,2560 -{\|key: Press=BUTTON FLAG Toggle: Joy 10 Button 0, Release=BUTTON FLAG Toggle: Joy 10 Button 0 }- to 6=N16,9,1005,2560,1005,2560 -{\|key: Press=BUTTON FLAG Toggle: Joy 10 Button 0, Release=BUTTON FLAG Toggle: Joy 10 Button 0 }- It seems that 16 is the keycode for null, not 0 as specified in the documentation (which I will update). Cheers, John
  14. Yes, that will be your problem! If you left-click the filename and hold for a second or so before releasing, you can change the filename and extension (or right-click and 'Rename'). You will have to confirm the change. Notepad++ is a good free source editor that a lot of people, including myself, use for this type of thing. Btw, your FSUIPC version is quite old now - the latest (and only supported) version is 5.152. please update at some point. Cheers, John P.S. Its a good idea to set the AutoAssignLetters ini parameter to Yes (or manually assign them - see the "Joy Letters" section of the User Guide, p24 in latest version). This will prevent possible problems if your USB device numbers change for some reason.
  15. Hi Scott, to have different functions on your joystick buttons depending upon whether a key is pressed or not, you can try the following: 1. First select the key to use. Unfortunately this cannot be just a modifier key (shift, ctrl, alt, etc). For this example, I will use the '|\ key (which is the key next to the leftmost shift key on my keyboard). 2. Program this key to send a 'BUTTON FLAG Toggle' event, using the FSUIPC 'Key Presses' tab. For the parameter, choose a joystick (and button) number that you do not use (<16) and multiply this by 256. I only have 2 joystick devices, so I choose joystick 10 (button 0), so my parameter will be 2560. Set to send the same control/parameter on both key press and release, and check for 'No repeats!'. This will set a button flag (joystick 10, button 0) on keypress, and clear the flag on key release. The entry in your ini will look something like: [Keys] ... 6=N220,8,1005,2560,1005,2560 -{\|key: Press=BUTTON FLAG Toggle: Joy 10 Button 0, Release=BUTTON FLAG Toggle: Joy 10 Button 0 }- 3. Modify your ini file to add the conditional on any buttons for which you wish to use this feature. For example, I have the following button entry in my ini file: [Buttons] ... 9=PS,0,C65752,0 -{PARKING_BRAKES}- ... To make this conditional on holding the key I defined ('\'), I would modify this to the following: 9=CP(F+10,0)S,0,C65752,0 -{PARKING_BRAKES}- and now I can add a new entry for using this button without the key modifier, e.g. [Buttons] ... 9=CP(F+10,0)S,0,C65752,0 -{PARKING_BRAKES}- ... 19=CP(F-10,0)S,0,C66079,0 -{GEAR_UP}- Hope that makes sense! Full details on button flags and compound button conditions are in the Advanced User Guide. Cheers, John
  16. Its normal for prop aircraft to pull to the left during take-off - see this post an explanation: https://www.boldmethod.com/learn-to-fly/aerodynamics/why-you-need-right-rudder-on-takeoff-to-stay-on-the-centerline/ You need to compensate with a bit of right rudder. John
  17. Roman already corrected this for you in the above post - it was this line: ipc.readLvar("L:QW_AFT_Transponder_Knob"} and the log gives the line number where the error occurs, as Roman said: John
  18. Hi Art6, is the P3D version number. The latest version of FSUIPC5 is 5.152. Your log indicated that you are using version 5.112 - this is quite old and no longer supported, please update to the latest version. This is not related to FSUIPC5. Do you not have the P3D option 'Show Scenario Startup Screen' selected? John P.S. You posted in the FAQ section. I have moved this post to the Support section - please post all support requests here.
  19. Hi Lars, the file should be called <something>.MCRO, e.g. A320.MCRO. Any macro files find should also be listed in your .ini file - could you post/attach this please? John P.S. I moved your post from the FAQ section - please post all support requests here, in the support section. Thanks.
  20. Hi Sunny, your GUIDs may change again with an OS re-install. After you re-install, use your original ini and start P3D, load an aircraft on a runway (to initialise FSUIPC), then exit. Then check your log an ini files - if your device GUIDs have changed, simply replace the new GUIDs for each device in your original ini. If you have any difficulties/issues, attach your log & ini files here and I'll take a look. Cheers, John
  21. Hi Scott, Pete has retired from FSUIPC development, although he is still active on the support forum. I've taken over development of FSUIPC5 since the beginning of the year (I'm Pete's son). I'll discuss this with Pete and have a think about it, but as Pete mentioned it looks like it could be quite a complicated/involved update. For your example though, a standard way of handling this using one rotary is with a lua script, which would time the requests and send different controls depending upon the delta between them, allowing you to rotate slowly for fine control and faster for course control. Cheers, John
  22. Did you manage to get any values for "L:Eng1_ThrottleLever,number"? Check out this post for monitoring specific lvars: John
  23. Hi Urs, is there a way to launch WideFS, which resides on a client PC, via FSUIPC on the main PC? No, this is not possible. Unfortunately, when WideFS starts at Windows startup, the program does not start what I want when launching WideFS. Do you mean that WideFS is not starting external programs correctly when it is automatically started at Windows startup? Does it work ok when you start WideFS manually? You could try adding Log=Debugallto the [user] section of your WideClient.ini (or add the [user] section if not already there), then let WideFS autostart (and exhibit your problem), and then post your log file. Cheers, John
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