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John Dowson

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Everything posted by John Dowson

  1. Ah, ok. Not familiar with UGCX, but I can see that they repurpose this control as a soft mute on a 'push-to-hold' basis, so I guess that makes sense. Did you try logging to confirm that all your assignments are being used? Btw, John not Pete!
  2. The propeller sync is a toggle - why would you want to repeat a toggle? Maybe this is ProSim related, which I do not have.
  3. All entries will be recognised... Your first two (highlighted) entries are on key repeat ('R'), and the third entry is on button release ('U') - do you really want these on repeat? Try changing the 'R' to a 'P'. The 2nd and 3rd entries are also sendng the same control... Try logging 'Events (non-axis controls)' and 'Button and key operations' (from the FSUIPC Logging tab) to verify what is being sent when you press the button.
  4. The initial value will not reflect the controller position - values are only received from the controller when it changes/moves. What do you mean by this? Do you mean that you cannot see the controller in FSUIPC, or you can see and assign/calibrate the controller in FSUIPC but it has no effect in FSX? Have you installed the Saitek drivers for the X-55? If so, try removing them. And controllers disabled in FSX?
  5. When you re-assign, the entry will be updated. But I don't understand - why do you want to use this if it never worked?
  6. Brief instructions (although you are better off reading the manuals!): Set up one control on your button. Open your FSUIPC ini in a text editor and locate that button entry and save it. Then re-assing your button to the second control (or keypress). Open your ini file again, and post the entry you saved at the end of the [Buttons] section (or your [Buttons.<profileName>] section if you are using profiles) , making sure to change the initial number of the line you posted to 1 greater than the last entry in that section.
  7. If you want multiple assignments on a button, then you can only achieve this by manually editing the FSUIPC ini file. Please see the section entitled Button Programming in the FSUIPC Advanced User Guide, starting on p16. Alternatively, you could assign to a compound (or multi-action) macro - see Multiple actions in one macro control, p35. John
  8. You do not need to remove FSUIPC to reinstall.
  9. Ok. I have just ran some tests with multiple macro files being called from a single lua and cannot see any issues. You could also try logging Debug/Trace Lua plugins and maybe Events (non-axis controls) (from FSUIPC' Logging tab) to trace what is happening. You can also attach this log with your lua/mcro files.
  10. You can monitor the axis values being sent by activating the 'Axis controls' logging from the logging tab. You can also monitor the throttle values by monitor the appropriate offset in the right hand side of the logging tab. For example, Throttle1 lever value is at 088C (2 bytes). However, as Thomas says, you may be better off sending to FS as a normal axis rather than using FSUIPC' calibration facilities. John
  11. So you just want to remove FSUIPC and not solve your problem? Removing the Modules folder will (obviously) stop FSUIPC from running - you could also just rename the dll file so that it cannot be found. To remove FSUIPC completely, as well as removing the Modules folder, you can also remove the section in the dll.xml file (in your <user>/AppData/Roaming/Microsoft/FSX folder) which starts the FSUIPC4.dll. John
  12. your FSUIPC4.log and FSUIPC4.ini files from your Modules folder, with the log file generated from a session when you had your issues What version were you previously using? There have only been very minor changes to FSUIPC4 in the recent releases... Did you upgrade anything else besides FSUIPC? John
  13. John, not Pete! Could you post your ini file, your lua file and your two macro files and I'll take a look.
  14. You can Reload all assignments from the Axis Assignment tab, or Reload all buttons from the Buttons + Switches tab. Yes, you should be able to refer to any loaded macro file. I'll look into this later, but could you check that the .mcro file & macro that you are referencing are correct (i.e. the .mcro file is loaded/referenced in your ini, and the macro name exists in that file).
  15. Hi Eric, What do you mean by this? Is FSUIPC installed and running ok? Could you post your log and ini files please, and maybe also your install log if FSUIPC4 is not installed correctly. Thanks, John
  16. Could you try the following dll which should ignore the spaces - haven't had time to test this, sorry, so please report back: FSUIPC5.dll
  17. Yes, sorry - missed the JoyScan.csv file in the initial post. As Thomas says, try editing the registry to remove the space from the start of the device name. I'll check with Pete to see if I should update FSUIPC5 to handle this automatically. Cheers, John
  18. Your Yoko is also missing: Y=VirtualFly - YOKO+ << MISSING JOYSTICK >> Is this attached? Could you also please attach your FSUIPC5.JoyScan.csv file. There may be a problem in FSUIPC5 if the device name starts with a space, which is very strange. I'll take a look at the code over the weekend. Cheers, John
  19. Mouse macros do not work well with PMDG aircraft, you are better off using custom controls. Please see this post:
  20. There is no 'best response curve' - it is totally up to personal preference, and may also vary from aircraft to aircraft (via using the 'profiles' mechanism). FSUIPC is hardware independent - there are no recommended settings for particular hardware. Just try different slopes and stick with what feels good for your hardware/aircraft. John
  21. Hi, generally it is not recommended to use the SAITEK drivers when using FSUIPC. Try uninstalling them and see if your device is recognised by FSUIPC without them. John
  22. Hi, usually such issues are caused by the editor adding a .txt extension to the file name - check the file extension is correct, and if not then rename. If thats not the issue, can you attach your FSUIPC4.ini file and your 1F111.mcro file. Any macro files found in your directory should be in your ini in a [MacroFiles] section. John
  23. Hi Ray, looks like it was due to the size allocated to the drop-down entry (composing macro file name + lvar name) being too small. Please try the attached version. Cheers, John FSUIPC5.dll
  24. You are also using an old (unsupported) version of FSUIPC5 - please update to the latest version, 5.152. John
  25. Hi Ray. I just checked this and it worked for me, although I invented an LVAR name that didn't exist. This is what I got in my ini: 11=PT,0,CM1:1,44 -{Macro longMacro: L:MyExtremelyLongLvarNameToCrashP3DWhenUsed set}- The lvar name is truncated in the UI, but can still be selected and used. I'll need to investigate further. John
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