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John Dowson

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Everything posted by John Dowson

  1. This lvar holds the correct value, but if you manually change the value of this lvar it does not change the lighting. Therefore you cannot use this to control the lighting, but you can use it to get the current value of the lighting, then increment/decrement this and send the new value via an Input Event. You would need to write a lua script to do this. The script should wait for a button press on your rotary buttons (event.button), and in the button press handling function it can read the current lvar value (ipc.readLvar), inc/dec the value to the new value and then send this on using ipc.execInputEvent.
  2. Does it also validate? If it works, then why didn't the one you created manually work (it should be exactly the same)? If it validates, why doesn't it validate when you entered the key (the details will be the same)? I would like to know what your issue was... John
  3. The key details for that order work fine here. I have PM'ed you a key file - please save that to your FSUIPC7 installation folder and run FSUIPC7 and see if you have access to the Assignments menu to confirm it works. If so, then re-run the installer and see if that validates.
  4. You need to add them - use a value of 185. John
  5. Some events take a parameter (e.g. all *_SET events), others not. If you do not know, check the documentation: https://docs.flightsimulator.com/flighting/html/Programming_Tools/Event_IDs/Event_IDs.htm Those presets are incorrect as those events do not take a parameter. They will work, but the parameter is not necessary and is ignored. If you want different/alternating commands to be sent on successive keypresses, you would need to overload the key press assignment (i.e. have both assignments on the same keypress) and then use an offset condition to only send one of these at a time, depending on the state of the offset. So, for the ignition switches, for example, you can use offset 0x02C0 (TURB ENG IGNITION SWITCH EX1:1) for the left switch, and 0x02C1 for the right switch. These offsets will hold 1 when the switch is off/NORM, and 2 when on. You cannot currently read the value of an Input Event- this is something I would like to add. You need to determine if there is something else that also holds the value (a simvar or lvar) and use that - as I showed above with the ignition switch. It is easier to use an axis for such controls, and you would assign the axis value to an offset and use a lua script to pick-up changes to the offset value, calibrate this to the required range and then send the input event with the calibrated parameter. If using a rotary, this will use buttons and you need to use button assignments, and you will need to know the current value so that it can be incremented/decremented. Note that LIGHTING_PANEL_1 is also available as an lvar, so it would be easier to use this. Just add that to a free/spare FSUIPC offset (using the facilities provided), and then you can just assign your rotary buttons assigned to the offset inc/dec controls.
  6. Please let me know your order number (do not post your key details) and I will check your key here. John
  7. Please post what you have used. This helps others who come across this topic. If posting for help, you should always post the solution once found. John
  8. Try looking at the Offset Stratus documents for the heading - there are several... As I suggested in your other post w.r.t. the altitude, ty logging the offset values. Writing to thee offset may work (if writeable) to update the heading, but it may not - this can be aircraft dependent, You need to use what works for your aircraft. You should always specify the aircraft for such questions. John
  9. It seems that admin privileges are needed to run the uninstaller. When the installer is ran, it is windows that either asks for the permissions to be elevated or requests an admin login. The installer code only has access to this user's details, so if you change to an admin login, it is not possible to retrieve the user details from the standard user account. Therefore you need to follow the instructions in the README.txt. If this is not possible, then you would have to manually install the auto-start component and maybe also the WASM module. John
  10. @Capholland Please note that this issue is already documented in the README.txt included in the zip file: The only possible thing I can do with this issue is to see if I can get the installer to run without admin privileges, as these are not even necessary. I think I have looked at this before (hence that note in the README on this issue), but I will check again when I get time. John
  11. No idea - perhaps @andresb can explain what solved his issue. Note if using 7.4.11, please tune your connection parameters as described in this post: If not using 7.4.11, please update and then tune this parameter. John
  12. Which aircraft are you actually using? There is no Asobo C510, as far as I am aware. I have the Cockspur C510 Mustang, and for the starter/ignition switches for this aircraft you should use the Input Events, not presets: ENGINE_Starter_1<;FLOAT64> ENGINE_Starter_2<;FLOAT64> ENGINE_Starter_Disengage<> ENGINE_Ignition_1<;FLOAT64> ENGINE_Ignition_2<;FLOAT64> Input Events are used to control the B-type variables, which you cannot use via calculator code.
  13. But is that the target altitude or the actual altitude, and is that calibrated or not? As I said, FSUIPC has several offsets for altitude, try logging them and see which one matched (with any conversion applied) to the one in the FMC. I suspect you need the AUTOPILOT ALTITUDE LOCK VAR:3 simvar (Selected Altitude in FCU), which is held in offset 0x0798, or AUTOPILOT ALTITUDE LOCK VAR:1 (Autopilot constrained altitude value) in offset 0x07D4. Try logging these, as well as the other offsets, and apply appropriate conversion (i.e. divide by 65536 to get meters then multiply by 3.2808 to get feet) before comparing it to the displayed value. Are you using the development or stable version of this aircraft? Note also that the altitude of the FMC also works differently in managed and selected modes - see https://forums.flightsimulator.com/t/altitude-management-with-the-a320-on-autopilot/477984/2 (for example). There should still be an offset that holds the displayed value though... John
  14. This has already been reported - see It will be a false positive. The RefistrationChecker.exe was recompiled with the latest VisualStudio update for this release, no other changes. I do not understand why this is now being flagged by BitDefender. Thanks for reporting this. John P.S. You posted in the main support forum - please use the specific FSUIPC7 sub-forum for all issues with FSUIPC7. I will move your post.
  15. You cannot do this. Offsets are in FSUIPC7 only, and calculator code is executed in the FS. To change an offset that holds a simvar (a-type variable), then you would just set that variable and this would then update the corresponding offset. As I said, use the key assignments dialog. And if the key presses are not recognised, you will have to try with a keyboard hook. Looks like you haven't taken @ark1320's comments into account. You don't need the '>' symbol when reading an simvar (only for setting), and the k event TOGGLE_STARTER1 does NOT take a parameter (at least according to the documentation https://docs.flightsimulator.com/flighting/html/Programming_Tools/Event_IDs/Aircraft_Engine_Events.htm). So they should be: C510_Starter1_On#(A:TAILWHEEL LOCK ON, Bool) 0 == if { (>K:TOGGLE_STARTER1) } C510_Starter1_Off#(A:TAILWHEEL LOCK ON, Bool) 0 == if { (>K:TOGGLE_STARTER1) } but then they are exactly the same! If you want a toggle function on a button for this, then you would need to know the current state of the ignition switch. Maybe try TURB ENG IGNITION SWITCH:index or TURB ENG IGNITION SWITCH EX1:index (see https://docs.flightsimulator.com/flighting/html/Programming_Tools/SimVars/Aircraft_SimVars/Aircraft_Engine_Variables.htm). Also maybe take a look how these work in the presets defined for other aircraft - for example, this is the calc code for the C208 Engine Starter Switch Start preset: 1 s0 (A:TURB ENG IGNITION SWITCH EX1:1, enum) != if{ l0 (>K:TURBINE_IGNITION_SWITCH_SET1) } (A:GENERAL ENG STARTER:1, Bool) ! if{ 1 (>K:SET_STARTER1_HELD) } I can and do help out with preset definitions when I have time, but I am very busy at the moment with various issues and don't really have time for this at the moment. The best place to discuss presets for specific aircraft would be on the HubHop discord server, in the msfs2020 channel. Otherwise I can take a deeper look maybe later in the week (or next week), when things calm down a bit... If you only want your assignments to work when the tailwheel lock is off, it is better to remove this check from the actual presets and add this as an offset condition to your assignments. So remove this check from your preset code for the time being. Once your assignments are working, you can add an offset condition to your FSUIPC7.ini. To do this, find the assignment, e.g.: 46=PS,14,CPC510_Starter1_On,0 -{Preset Control}- then add an offset condition for the tailwheel lock which is 0x2A90: 46=D2A90=0 PS,14,CPC510_Starter1_On,0 -{Preset Control}- John
  16. If you have updated to 7.4.11, please see this post: If not using 7.4.11, please update to this version and then follow the instructions in that post to tune the DetectToConnectDelayAuto ini parameter. John
  17. But why are you registering again anyway? You only need to do this once, to generate your key file. When you update FSUIPC7 you do not need to re-validate your registration - your previous key details will be shown in the registration page, and you can just Skip. But if the key won't validate, please see the section Invalid Key Details in the Installation and Registration guide. John
  18. But as it says in the very first post: Note that time-limited/trial licenses are not validated by the FSUIPC7 installer. To use the trial license, you just need to download it and copy/move it to your FSUIPC7 installation folder and you are good-to-go. Sorry, but why are you doing this with the trial license - just use the key file as provided. If you have purchased a license and it will not validate, please see the section Invalid Key Problems in the Installation and Registration guide. John
  19. That is interesting! I also used to have the phantom xbox controllers issue but I haven't seen this for a while. I will need to go over the old posts on this subject to refresh my memory... However, if it is due to FSUIPC7 trying to connect when MSFS is starting-up which is seems like, then could you please try with the latest version of fSUIPC7, 7.4.11. With this version, please tune the DetectToConnectDelayAuto parameter, as described here: Once you have done that, please try again and see if these phantom controllers have disappeared, If not, try increasing the , DetectToConnectDelayAuto parameter again by 5 (seconds) each time, to see if you can arrive at a value where these controllers disapear. John
  20. The RegistrationChecker program was recompiled with the latest version of VisualStudio in release 7.4.10 - this was the only change. This has happened many times before and is always the result of a false-positive by the anti-virus software, I do not know how to investigate this issue "more serious" - what do you expect me to do? What you can do, as a BitDefender user, is to report this false-positive at the following link and this will be investigated/corrected by BitFinder: https://www.bitdefender.com/business/support/en/77209-343054-resolving-legitimate-applications-detected-as-threats-by-bitdefender.html From that page: The installer does non of those things mentioned, so I do not know why it is being flagged. John
  21. Yes, by using the key assignments panel, and checking Select for Preset. Are your key presses recognised in that window? It has been reported that some special keyboard-type controllers (i.e. controllers that send key presses but are not actual keyboards) can have issues with key assignments. To fix this, you can use a keyboard hook by setting: UseKeyboardHook=Yes in the [General] section of your FSUIPC7.ini file. Don't set this if the keys are recognised without this setting. Not sure what this means... FSUIPC7 normally receives key presses from MSFS to trigger its key press assignments. It only sends key presses when configured to do so, and will only get the key presses from windows (not MSFS via simconnect) if a keyboard hook is being used. I don't have time to look into your other questions at the moment, I will take a look tomorrow. But why are you checking the status of the tail lock before controlling the starter/ignition? And rather than checking this in the preset, you can use an offset condition in offset 0z2A90 (see Advanced User guide for details on how to use offset conditions). More tomorrow.... John
  22. What anti-virus software are you using? This is a false-positive and needs to be reported to the provider. You should add an exception to allow the RegistrationChecker.exe to run. Note this is a known issue with McAfree and has also been reported with other anti-virus software. It is also documented in the provided README.txt: It is also documented in the Installation and Registration guide, under Installation Problems. Please also note that you do not have to validate your registration each time you update FSUIPC7. This needs to be done once and only once, and a successful validation will generate an FSUIPC7.key file that contains your registration details. On subsequent updates, your details from the FSUIPC7.key file (previously generated) will be used to poulate the fields on the registration page, but you do not need to validate these again - just press on Skip. John
  23. See I now consider this topic closed. If anyone is still having issues, please create a new topic and describe your issue there and attach your FSUIPC7.log and FSUIPC7.ini files. Make sure that you are using the latest available version (currently 7.4.11) and that you have configured the DetectToConnectDelayAuto and/or DetectToConnectDelay properties correctly for your system, as shown in that topic I referenced above. John
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