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Everything posted by Matty260191

  1. 1535 per tank is correct for a 170/175 but the 190 values need changing as above.
  2. take it you know best feelthere since this is not even worth the reply. ill do my manual edits myself I guess
  3. feelthere is this not gonna be fixed? we have even provided the values you jestust need to change them in the install
  4. didn't see him ask for a date more of a question is it gonna be sooner or later?
  5. The hotfix doesn't fix the landing or taxi lights not being bright on the ground
  6. when doing the plan look and you will see the fp box will have the SID followed by the end way point of the SID then at the end it will have the start point of the STAR followed by the STAR just delete the text for the sid/star and analyse route.
  7. thats not the question I asked... i have the purchase from release day and now have downloaded the hotfix do i need to uninstall v1 or can i just install hf on top?
  8. can hotfix be installed without first install or is it designed to install on top of the base install?
  9. Maybe a database issue. Have you loaded the FS plan into the Flight sim planer first?
  10. Well you wanna make sure the AIRSC is the same and I know what Simbrief does as I use it for every flight I do. It does by default include SIDS/STARS in the flight plan. I have absolutely no issue and Thats how I do it so I'm not sure what more I can help with.
  11. does your simbrief plan aircac match the aircrafts airac and have you deleted the SID/STAR from simbrief plan?
  12. 100% sounds like your hardware is giving up. Blue screens are hardware failures. Maybe being triggered by workload Which will be increased when you turn lights on or load an aircraft with high red textures. If you have an OC on your CPU RAM or GPU try lowering it or removing it.
  13. Not normal doesn't happen too me.
  14. Matty260191


    ok unclear that it included this. thanks tough
  15. Matty260191


    I think the pitch reacts too quick to bring the speed down.
  16. Matty260191


    I hit +7000FPM out of OJAI at MTOW and a 210kt constraint with VNAV in open climb. Way too fast. Cause a FLAG on ACARS it was that bad.
  17. also the fuel figures are wrong see my post for the e190 corrections
  18. for people using any head tracking this wont work as the tracker is centered about the eyepoint 🙂
  19. looks like you have some kinda texture issue or something as thats not what the wx radar looks like with all that white.
  20. I have one being made by inbuilds G-LCYN
  21. is your actual sim data upto date as if the ils code in sim on the scenery if wrong then the fmc auto tunes the correct one with updated database ten they will mismatch.
  22. Cant wait for the JEYfly livery your doing for me 🙂
  23. i know the old version was capable and could do the LYC approach but you have to be setup at GS capture
  24. Noticed the same yesterday it illuminates the terminal walls at quite a distance but not so much ground in front of the aircraft.
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