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winsaudi last won the day on April 9 2021

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About winsaudi

  • Birthday 02/21/1961

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  1. Over the many years (25 I think?) that I have been a member of this forum, that is the best post I have ever read! (And some have been close to priceless, but this one wins the cigar/goldfish/biscuit *delete as applicable) Moral of this tale? Do not ever try to bullsh!t an expert. Not ever! Never. I said "Never!" Got it? I'm now going to have a beer and will raise a toast to @WildCard& @MJKERR Cheers fellas! You've made my day! One of you in one way and the other one in another! All the best, Wayne
  2. Oh look! Yet another installation problem. Perhaps it really is time for FT to finally take action?
  3. Is it not about time you had a better installation package? This forum continues to be littered with people having installation issues yet nothing is done about it. What is it now? More than 4 years of continuous problems and nothing gets better. Very disappointing.
  4. The BMT Micro servers in Fremont, Atlanta, and Newark all give me v27.
  5. I did the same and it gave me v27. Weird.
  6. Did you download from BMT Micro or elsewhere?
  7. I disagree, RT does not seem to be updated. The BMT Micro webpages still download v27 which was released in December and does not include ZBAD.
  8. STRING LINE ERROR: 8 - JFK,LHR,764,DL, 001,07:29:12:00,1,DL Have a look at this line in your schedule and replace the colon between the 2 times with a comma.
  9. @smirabal Shawn, Just looking at your screenshot above shows that your microphone is not set up. “Set up your mic for speech recognition. Get started” suggests how you might fix your issue. I recommend selecting “Get started” and follow the prompts. Wayne
  10. Yes, thanks Craig. For some reason my iPad would not let me quote the incorrect statement by MJKERR.
  11. Not true. London Heathrow switches runways at 1500 each day.
  12. But in the meantime you are going to perpetuate the confusion by continuing to produce add-on airports (one per month according to a recent boast) that have default installation paths to an incorrect folder? As a previously loyal customer, I find that a very disappointing decision given that the problem could be fixed so easily.
  13. @scoobflight @FeelThere @FeelThere Ariel This installation path problem has existed for years. Can you not add a smart installer such as that used by @nyergesdesign for his RC add-ons? Wayne
  14. @WildCard that method would fix the voice callsign but unless @nyergesdesign does something in the manifest files of the RC pack to account for this, then one of those lines will result in white aircraft. Simply copying the .ba entries and also labelling them similar to “dot whatever fake IATA code” is used for the domestic shuttles would work.
  15. Yes. They didn’t do it for Gatwick and I don’t expect they will do it for Heathrow but I would love to be proved wrong. Both SPEEDBIRD & SHUTTLE, after all isn’t it called “Real Traffic”?
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