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Everything posted by aua668

  1. ... and please user the support forum (and not this reserved forum for user contributions) please. Reinhard
  2. Pete, This will be a great enhancement. Thanks for implementing this feature. Rgds Reinhard
  3. Hi, In the FSUIP document for the offsets it's 0x060C (and not 0x060E as stated in the title). Maybe that's the reason for your problem. Rgds Reinhard
  4. Hi, FSUIPC is just an interface (a very useful btw) between the simulator and addon programs exposing useful information but doesn't know anything about your flightplans. You can program some timer in LUA, that it fires the Toggle Pause command after a certain time period. But this must be done on your own. Rgds Reinhard
  5. Hi, Why aren't you toggeling the lights directly by sending the right control via FSUIPC or by setting the correct offset? Check the documents provided with FSUIPC. Much easier and straight forward out of LUA directly. No need to take the bypass via keys. Rgds Reinhard
  6. Hi, If you use the event.key function trigger, you get the keycode, shift and downup as parameters. So whatever key was pressed you could react in your LUA function triggered by this event. Lua library manual page 23. No need to use the FSUIPC key assignment in that case. You trap the key directly in the LUA. Rgds Reinhard
  7. Pete, Perfect - this answers my question. All modules are event based just waiting for some hardware buttons or other inputs. I am fine with the modular approach as the single scripts are easier to maintain. The only thing where I felt uncertain, was the possible overhead for starting several LUA environments in parallel. Thanks! Reinhard
  8. Pete, One question to the expert: Is it in principal better to have for all programmed stuff one LUA thread, where you pack all your code and all your event handling into it, or is it better to create seperate small LUA scripts, which you start in seperate threads from one master LUA script? I raise this question in terms of performance, as this is even on the top machines always a factor in the flightsim environment. I run P3d 2.4 on Win 7 64-bit. And if you have a multi-monitor, every single frame counts. Do you have a hint out of your long-time experience? My modules are quite independent (controlling mainly my GoFlight hardware and showing several panels and cameras). So there is no big need for sharing variables between them. At the moment I have seperate modules (around 50-80 depending on the aircraft I fly) running in parallel. Any input from you (or the LUA community) is appreciated. Rgds Reinhard
  9. http://www.prepar3d.com/news/2015/01/97696/ :???: Reinhard
  10. Hi, The only chance to get Pete these days to your convention is: You must organize a very special, unique steam train event at the same time there - then you have a minimum chance :razz: :razz: :razz: Reinhard
  11. Hi, It does not pop-up automatically (I run it on my second PC manually providing weather, etc. as part of my startup procedure) and if it does stop automatically refueling: I don't know. I use Prepar3D 2.4 and I don't think, that they are automatic refueling. Have not seen this. But I am more a jet flyer than GA and on the jet parking spots there are typically no refuelling spots ;-) Rgds Reinhard
  12. Hi, Alternatively you could use FS Refuel: http://www.sprucesim.com/products.html This tool does a nice job. You also can run it on a second PC, if you have one in your configuration. Rgds Reinhard
  13. Rob, I have the GF-T8-II and I interface with them via FSUIPC (had this with FSX and now with P3D 2.4). And I see no problem. I get ON/OFF states/triggers. Maybe you check your EXE.XML. GF tends to add some programs here, which are not needed, if you communicate via FSUIPC only. Just set them to disabled in this file. Maybe these programs create some conflicts with FSUIPC. Just an idea and as a confirmation, that normally these devices are working fine with FSUIPC. Rgds Reinhard
  14. Simconnect is working as expected? Rgds Reinhard
  15. Hi, Did you install the FSGRW bridge? Are the necessary ports open on your firewall? It's definitely not FSUIPC producing this error. Please follow the installation guide and it will work (as for many other users) Rgds Reinhard
  16. Hi, You might check your camera.cfg file (or your aircraft specifig camera definitions in the aircraft.cfg file). There are two parameters per camera controlling this behaviour: snappbhreturn panpbhreturn Details for these parameters can be found here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc526984.aspx#CameraConfigurationFileFormat You should check, which camera view you are using and if this parameter is set to False. Rgds Reinhard
  17. Hi, I tested the new Version and forced the sim near the OOM Limit - and it was quiet. My wife is happy :razz: Many thanks for this quick improvement. Reinhard
  18. Great !!! Thanks from my wife ;-) Reinhard
  19. Pete, One question regarding to the VAS alarm: Is it possible to suppress the audible alarm without stopping also providing the actual VAS value in the offset? I have a small routine running on a second PC connected via WideFS showing the actual VAS value in a small window. So I have it always in sight and if I reach my critical level it turns red. And it's a great help to tune the settings in a way to avoid thos OOMs. But I wanted to disable the audible alarm (as my wife always gets nervous :???: hearing this sound). I was able by setting the OOMcheck=No to suppress the "dong" but then my VAS readout on my WideFS PC was always 0. P3D 2.4, FSUIPC 4.937a, WideFS 6.999m, WIN 7-64bit Rgds Reinhard
  20. Hi. Copy and Paste it here as a code block in the normal post field. Rgds Reinhard Sample Code Block Sample Code Block Sample Code Block Sample Code Block
  21. Deleted
  22. Hi, In the "Advanced Manual" on page 21 you will find the samples. So in your case it should look like: 0=R1,4,C65966,0 1=R1,4,C65971,0 2=R1,3,C65976,0 3=R1,3,C65981,0 So button 4 does the two commands for engine 1&2 and button 3 does the same for 3&4 as requested. But these changes only can be made in the editor as advised in the manual. If you reassign values via the interface, you will destroy these manual settings potentially. Rgds Reinhard
  23. Hi, Later: I am just seeing, that you have devices with the same name. In that case you have to follow exactly the procedure in the user manual. In that case you could eliminate the numbers completely. I think this might lead to confusion. So every GUID only once, then it should be working. Rgds Reinhard
  24. Hi, Did you clean your [JoyNames] section? Comparing your configuration with mine shows, that you have 4 entries per joystick while I have on ly three. Your config: [JoyNames] : A=Cyborg evo Wireless A.GUID={16217900-FA10-11E3-8002-444553540000} : 0=Cyborg evo Wireless 0.GUID={16217900-FA10-11E3-8002-444553540000} My config: [JoyNames] : Y=Saitek Pro Flight Yoke : 0=Saitek Pro Flight Yoke 0.GUID={35A598E0-AAF5-11E1-8002-444553540000} So you need one GUID entry associated to one number, the name associated to this number and the letter associated to the same name. That's all. Show your current section after switching to manual assignment of the JoyNames. Rgds Reinhard
  25. Hi, Don't let FSUIPC auto assign letters. Set your own and nothing changes from start to start. And your joystick section looks very cluttered. Here is mine for your reference: [JoyNames] AutoAssignLetters=No R=Saitek Pro Flight Rudder Pedals Y=Saitek Pro Flight Yoke T=Saitek Pro Flight Throttle Quadrant G=GoFlight GF-TQ6 Throttle System 0=Saitek Pro Flight Yoke 0.GUID={35A598E0-AAF5-11E1-8002-444553540000} 1=GoFlight GF-TQ6 Throttle System 1.GUID={317A1330-B07D-11E1-800C-444553540000} 2=Saitek Pro Flight Throttle Quadrant 2.GUID={7EC7D4F0-B1C3-11E1-8001-444553540000} 3=Saitek Pro Flight Rudder Pedals 3.GUID={35A598E0-AAF5-11E1-8001-444553540000} Rgds Reinhard
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