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Everything posted by JSkorna

  1. Hi, Make sure you are on the ground to work on your visibility situations.
  2. Hi, Just installing the SKD will not do anything becuase you would still need to run the SimConnect installer. The better way is to uninstall FSX working backwords until you have your base FSX, then install SP1 and SP2/Acceleration.
  3. Hi, You might want to see what the FSInn folks have to say about this. It looks like the error is from their program.
  4. Hi, Please make sure you have installed at least SP1 for FSX and hopefully SP2/Acceleration as well.
  5. Hi, You have never read a "get lost" post here. People spend hundreds to thousands of hours developing and writing manuals. They are there to inform, help and educate, but are only useful if people actually read them.
  6. Hi, Did you install SP1 for FSX?
  7. Hi, The information you enter needs to be the same as the purchased information, not your information now.
  8. Hi, AUTOPILOT_OFF 65791 AUTOPILOT_ON 65792 Did not find control wheel steering but: STEERING_DEC 66817 STEERING_INC 66816 STEERING_SET 66818 You do know that all the FSX controls are listed in the List of FSX Controls.pdf document, right?
  9. Hi, Just answer yes and FSX may never ask you again. It is not an error, but a form of protection within FSX and has nothing to do with Win 7.
  10. Hi, Start up Task Manager and look on the Processes tab for FS9.exe still running in the background. Or reboot your computer and try the install as the very first thing you do.
  11. Hi Pete, Just a bit more information here. If FS undergoes either a position change or if the time gets changed by more than one minute, FS does re-load the scenery. This re-load does trigger ASE to download and re-fresh the weather data. We are trying to determine what is causing his scenery refresh in FS.
  12. Hi, Yep, your post got answered each day this week and your one thread at AVSIM a few months ago got answered too.
  13. "ActiveSky's support is not the best in the world to be honest." Where have you posted about your issue? Please don't think I visit other forums to increase my knowledge of FS and their workings, and so when I read this type of stuff, it makes me a bit mad.
  14. Hi, Go to your SimMarket account and it will be there.
  15. Paul, It's OK that he posted this as others may know the answer, and he did not make any comment to Pete about "hurry up", or "why haven't you answered" What I am confused about is why you made your post?
  16. Hi, Please post your FSUIPC Install.log I know that this version works just fine with Active Sky and ASE. Thanks,
  17. Hi, This happens because Windows re-assigns those devices a new ID number each time you plug them in. I am not sure there is anything you can do, but leave them plugged in. Pete will return in a few days.
  18. Hi, Delete the FSUIPC.dll file.
  19. Hi, Your piece of code for this will help!
  20. Hi, Different operating systems are OK, but we are learning that the same Workgroup name must be used. Win 7 by default uses a different name, but this can be changed in Win 7.
  21. ...and 3.70 is very old and you should be using 3.98: http://www.schiratti.com/dowson.html
  22. Hi, Firewalls on both computers allowing FSUIPC access?
  23. Hi, Nothing in FSUIPC, but just open the plane's .cfg file with NotePad and make your changes, save, and then start FS.
  24. A new topic with a title and a post would have worked!
  25. Pete, The link is here: http://www.genixsoft.com/AITimeTable2.html It does mention FSUIPC, but not WideFS. To the OP: Their e-mail is: info@genixsoft.com
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