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Thomas Richter

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Everything posted by Thomas Richter

  1. Hi, there is no control in FSX/ P3D to do so. But by using a Lua script you can use Offset 0x32F6 and 0x32F8 to inhibit controls by writing the corresponding Bit(s) in regular intervals. Thomas
  2. Hi, for FSUIPC5 you use the licence info from your SimMarket account. Please copy and paste the details for the registration when you install FSUIPC rather than typing. FSUIPC doesn't need a de-activation to re-install it. Thomas
  3. Hi, did you check the manual and installed the Addon Organizer from http://www.lorby-si.com ? Thomas
  4. Hi, for PMDG it is much better and easier to assign controls, listed in their SDK, instead of Key commands. You will find lots of informations of how to and examples. There are also additional documentation in ..\Modules\FSUIPC Documents\ folder. Thomas
  5. Hi, first please you need to give some info - please show or attach the FSUIPC5.log file after a short and fully closed session - please show or attach the FSUIPC5.ini file - is any axis assigned to nose-wheel-steering? - did the nose-wheel-steering worked before 'latest' FSUIPC5 installation with your installed PMDG ACs? Thomas
  6. Hi, the dll.xml and exe.xml file are not from the correct location as the dll.xml doesn't include the FSUIPC part, that means FSUIPC wouldn't run at all but. The correct location is C:\Users\YourUserName\AppData\Roaming\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4\ Thomas
  7. Hi, they might use a different control than the default. I think LevelD 767 as also a SDK. Thomas
  8. Hi, seems you have a second axis defined to the Rudder that is centered. Make sure Controllers are disabled in P3D when defining axes in FSUIPC. The setting in P3Dv4 for that is on Controllers page and then press on bottom left Others Thomas
  9. Hi, here is the Download Links section from above in this Forum and here is the Install_FSUIPC4974.zip to install FSUIPC4.974 from that page. It will download the correct file and if it doesn't you have a problem on your side. Thomas
  10. If it is not in the aircraft.cfg then the setting is not active and you have to work on the calibration. Did you set a big enough dead-zone for brakes? Thomas
  11. Hi, in P3Dv4 the brakes are operated when rudder is used differential, rudder left -> brake left. Check this setting in aircraft.cfg differential_braking_scale = 1.0 //Delta on the amount of brake when the rudder pedals deflected Thomas
  12. Hi, the AC you use this for is it a default FS one or an Add-on? Thomas
  13. Hi, I guess GSX installed an older FSUIPC version FSX doesn't know. You might have to re-run the FSUIPC4.974 installer again. (only if the Message Box Named FSUIPC DLL as the problem) Thomas
  14. Hi, in the system requirements you list is P3D not listed and P3Dv3 is mostly equivalent to FSX/ FSX-SE but P3Dv4 is completely different. As FSC connects via SimConnect to FS, the problem might be you don't have a compatible SimConnect install. May be rerun the installer for FSX versions from redist folder. Thomas
  15. Hi, this happens any time you install FSUIPC as FSX does this check always. Just pres 'Yes'. Thomas
  16. Hi, P3Dv4.x needs FSUIPC5.124. FSUIPC4 is for FSX and P3Dv3 only. There is nothing that says FSC9.x would be compatible with P3Dv4 but it is clearly said that FSC10 is NOT compatible with P3D at all. It sounds like your problem is the compatibility of FSC with P3Dv4. Thomas
  17. Hi, there is no really information in what you write. Please attach or copy and paste the FULL content of the FSUIPC5.log (it's a text file) to your message. Also by saying that you might be better of at FSC support as when you disable FSUIPC it is not involved at all. Thomas
  18. Hi, do you mean to run those Lua scripts? If so, I think what happens is that you start that Lua script and before it stops because of the ipc.sleep you already start a new one. Each Lua file runs on its own thread and that takes resources. Did you check if the FSX load on the processor extreme increases that might prove that? Pete might correct me here if I'm wrong. Thomas
  19. Hi, when installing with administrator privilegs and administyrator has full privilegs then the folder cannot refuse files to be installed. Please show as well the complete new Install log file created when installing with administrator privilegs. Thomas
  20. Hi, but as you can see only the modules folder was successful created and the FSUIPC4-loader.dll placed. Do you run the Installer with Administrator rights, right-click on installer and selecting Run with Administrator Privilegs ? Thomas
  21. Hi, for latest files the best place is here in this Forum above Download Links Thomas
  22. Hi, it shows correct 5.124. May be it didn't install correct. You will also find the used version in the FSUIPC5.log file and on top of the FSUIPC5.ini file. Thomas
  23. Hi, FSUIPC5.124 and then insert into the [General] section of the FSUIPC5.ini file UsePDK=No , as Pete said. Thomas
  24. Hi, you might have the setting 'Hide known file extensions' active in explorer. If so, as fsuipc.log is a text file you will only see it as fsuipc without the file-type .log Thomas
  25. Hi, its a subfolder in your FS (P3D) installation path, i.e. here on my F:\ drive it is F:\FS\Prepar3D v4\Modules\ The Modules folder contains all FSUIPC files and documentation files, it is created by FSUIPC installer on installation. Thomas
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