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Thomas Richter

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Everything posted by Thomas Richter

  1. Hi, when you say 'but it appear to be unregistered, ' does it mean it actually shows Unregistered in the FSUIPC window or applications cannot connect to it? Thomas
  2. Hi, Lvars don't correspond to Offsets! FSUIPC doesn't know the Lvars. You can read them and write to them via Lua plug-in by using their names, you have to know them of course. You can only write to Lvars by using their name. By using free available Offsets you can of course write to a specific Lvar via functions in your script. Thomas
  3. Hi, then it will work, I run FS9 as well still here on WIN10. Make sure you use the correct registration with all information from the time when you bought the registration key, best copy the details rather than typing them. Thomas
  4. Hi, as with P3Dv4.2 FSUIPC5.123c doesn't connect to P3D it cannot have solved the problem in this Topic. Also you describe a problem that is not related to this Topic and confuses, please always open a new Topic if there is no relation like here. A existing WideFS key for FSUIPC4 has to be used with its original at the time used email address. The name was of course the same and so it is not asked. Thomas
  5. Hi, make sure you use latest Install_FSUIPC3999z9b.zip as earlier version will not work because of that long life, it was date limited. Thomas
  6. Hi, there is no error. Here you create a variable vvr and store the value returned by ipc.getLvarId("L:kompresszor"). Here you write to the Offset (value of vvr) the value 0 (zero). As in your case as you say the value of vvr = 0x73, it means you just write to Offset 0x0073 but not at all to the L:var you did read before. Check the maunual, ipc.write / ipc.read uses Offsets only. But Offsets are not linked to Lvars/ LvarIDs. Thomas
  7. Hi, the latest installer you use installs 5.123c, where the link I sent and the description how to do relates to lates DLL version 5.123e that solves the problem. Thomas
  8. Hi, please use latest FSUIPC5123e.zip , unzip the files and place them in ..\Modules\ folder. When asked then confirm to overwrite the existing file. Thomas
  9. Hi, it might be that you are not using latest FSUIPC5, if you are using P3Dv4.2 ? You didn't give any information of what FS version and FSUIPC version you use, then please send always a current FSUIPC log file (after FS was fully closed). If you are using P3Dv4.2 please use latest FSUIPC5123e.zip , unzip the files and place them in ..\Modules\ folder. When asked then confirm to overwrite the existing file. Thomas
  10. Hi, please use latest FSUIPC5123e.zip , unzip the files and place them in ..\Modules\ folder. When asked then confirm to overwrite the existing file. Thomas
  11. Hi, there is other deleting process than just delete the Modules folder in P3D installation folder. FSUIPC is not registered in Windows Registry when installing it. Installing FSUIPC by running its installer more than once doesn't do any harm to FS(P3D/ FSX) / FSUIPC itself or Windows. When settings/ definitions have bin done in FSUIPC they also don't get changed within a installation, as long the FSUIPC INI file was not deleted by you. Thomas
  12. Hi, please check with lastest FSUIPC5123e.zip and please report back. Thomas
  13. Hi, latest version is FSUIPC5123e.zip There is no risk in stability as latest FSUIPC is following changes made in P3Dv4.2. Btw- If no one 'goes the risk' of a new version, how can be a problem found that happens mostly not on all systems but on some? Thomas
  14. Hi, don't worry that's Ok for now as it is a new installer. Thomas
  15. Hi, please download and install Install_FSUIPC5123c.zip when FSUIPC was installed download and unzip FSUIPC5123e.zip file. Place the containing FSUIPC5.dll in your P3Dv4\Modules\ folder. When asked select overwrite existing file. Thomas
  16. Hi, make sure you run your application with the same privilegs as FS2004 runs, i.e. when FS2004 runs with Administrator privilegs you need to run your program as well with Administrator privilegs. If not then you program cannot connect to FSUIPC. Thomas
  17. Hi, there seems to be a problem with latest FSUIPC5.123c and P3Dv4.2. As others reported FSUIPC5.122 / FSUIPC5.123b would work OK with P3Dv4.2. Here are links to: FSUIPC5.122 FSUIPC5.123b Thomas
  18. Hi, as you don't use P3Dv4.2 you can still use FSUIPC5.122 as FSUIPC5.123c seems to have a problem (mainly with P3Dv4.2 but may effect as well P3Dv4.1). If this still gives problems try to run with a default AC to check. Thomas
  19. Hi, the problem will "ALL axis's are deleted in P3d.". The reason is that you may have deleted all axes of only one controller, better and suggested is to "Disable Controller" in FS so you don't miss any automatic FS asigned functions. Thomas
  20. Hi, the correct version would be FSUIPC5.123C but because of a problem with latest version FSUIPC5.122 will work. You will not have to re-asign when using an existing FSUIPC INI file. Pete returns on 20th and will for sure have a look. Thomas
  21. Hi, there seem to be a problem with FSUIPC5.123c and P3Dv4. FSUIPC5.122 and FSUIPC5.123b seem to work OK. Here are links to: FSUIPC5.122 FSUIPC5.123b Thomas
  22. Hi, here are links to: FSUIPC5.122 FSUIPC5.123b Thomas
  23. Hi, as you can find in couple late topics there is a problem with FSUIPC5.123c and P3Dv4.2. It seems FSUIPC5.122 works ok. Pete returns on 20th and will for sure look into that. Thomas
  24. Hi, no, FSUIPC5 supports P3Dv4.1 and newer. Seems then you didn't update P3D to minimum v4.1. Thomas
  25. Hi, there is no FSUIPC demo version. Buying a registration key from SimMarket enables user facilities described in the manual. As the FSFX pages clearly says their program will work as well with the free version Best way to find out how this program connects/ interfaces with FSCUIP would be their Support as they will know best how to set-up their program. Thomas
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