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Thomas Richter

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Everything posted by Thomas Richter

  1. Hi, FSUIPC uses the provided SDK's (in case of earlier versions than FSUIPC5 also hacks into FS code direct). A quick search brings up this, what might be helpful. Thomas
  2. Hi, you say you have bought with same name and email address. If so then remove from your key file this line: WideFSaddress=marc.berthomeaux@orange.fr So that it only looks like this (XXXXXX with your keys) [User]Name=Berthomeaux MarcAddress=m.berthomeaux@orange.frFSUIPC=XXXXXXXXXXXXWideFS=XXXXXXXXXXXX Thomas
  3. Hi, but you noticed that you actually use different email address? Make sure you copy and paste, not read and write in, from your order/ SimMarket account to avoid any mistake. Thomas I removed the post in FAQ.
  4. Hi, in your original post you have the problem that the reverser don't work for the PMDG 777. But in your current INI file you sent there is nothing set for PMDG 777, only for PMDG 737? If you look at the SDK .h file from PMDG for their different types you will find for example PMDG_777 #define THIRD_PARTY_EVENT_ID_MIN 0x00011000 // equals to 69632 #define EVT_CONTROL_STAND_REV_THRUST1_LEVER (THIRD_PARTY_EVENT_ID_MIN + 499) #define EVT_CONTROL_STAND_REV_THRUST2_LEVER (THIRD_PARTY_EVENT_ID_MIN + 503) But for example you use for the PMDG 737 standard FS control but for PMDG (and other add-on AC) you have clearly to use their controls from their SDK, a well known problem. [Buttons.PMDG B737-800W] 0=R2,20,C65602,0 -{THROTTLE_DECR}- 1=U2,20,C65604,0 -{THROTTLE_CUT}- Try the correct PMDG controls instead for the related PMDG profiles. Thomas
  5. Hi, when looking at your INI file you i,e, for all aircrafts two controller assigned with the same functions. That is already something that will give trouble as bosth controller are connected. Also you should use: [JoyNames] AutoAssignLetters=Yes In addition you use profiles, again for the A2A Cessna 182 double assignments. For PMDG 777 you created a profile but there are no Assignments for axes or buttons. I would first clean that out and start proper with the assignments with one controller for axes and not having two assigned as the one that is not in use might sometimes overwrite the other. Also make sure you have Controller disabled in P3D in Options->Controls->Other As for PMDG you have to send the axes direct to FS and not to FSUIPC for Calibration, that is a know problem with PMDG and a very common mistake. Thomas
  6. Hi, first thing to do is to update to latest FSUIPC5.152 as you run a very old, no longer supported, version. The download link is Install FSUIPC5.152 Then run again and close the session. Please send all three files, FSUIPC5.ini. FSUIPC.log and FSUIPC5.JoyScan (best zipped). Thomas
  7. Hi, I don't use Linda, so I don't know what it is looking for to add. Best would be, if it doesn't tell exactly what to add, to ask on Linda Forum instead. Thomas
  8. Hi, you need to un-mark the option 'Hide extensions for known file types', then you can see the file types ini / log / txt ... Thomas
  9. Hi, did you not look up those in FSUIPCx Offset Status.pdf? Thomas
  10. Hi, checking the PSXseeconTraffic manual would have already answered this. 4.19 Lateral range (40) All live aircraft within the lateral range will be injected. You can change the range in the text box between 5 and 100 nm. If you are using FSUIPC make sure that the settings for "Limit TCAS range" on the misc tab are equal to the value in PSXT. And don’t use the FSUIPC Traffic limiter! Thomas
  11. Hi Urs, there is still the option to start another 9 programs with the Run1= to Run9= function. The difference is that the Run1= starts the program as soon you start WideClient, were RunReady1= starts the program after WideClient has mad a connection to FS/P3D after it is ready to go. Same for CloseReady1=yes and Close1=Yes, CloseReady will close the started program (with RunReady) as soon FS shuts down, but Close1=Yes will close the program only when WideClient closes. Of cause that can be controlled by FS UIPC on FS PC to send a Close signal. So if you choose the programs out fo the list you can start already when WideClient starts and don't have to wait for FS to be ready, you can still start up to 18 (9 + 9) programs and close. For example you previous file part could look like this RunReady1=D:\HiFi\AS_P3Dv4\AS_P3Dv4.exe DelayReady1=3 RunReady2=D:\IOCards\sioc.exe DelayReady2=3 RunReady3=D:\ProSim737-2.0\ProSim737-CDU\ProSim737-CDU.exe DelayReady3=3 RunReady4=D:\ProSim737-2.0\ProSim737-CDU - FO\ProSim737-CDU.exe DelayReady4=3 RunReady5=D:\ProSim737-2.0\ProSim737-Audio\ProsimAudio.exe DelayReady5=3 RunReady6=D:\ProSim737-2.0\ProSim737-Display - Lower\ProsimDisplay.exe DelayReady6=3 RunReady7=D:\ProSim737-2.0\ProSim737-Audio\ProsimAudio.exe DelayReady7=3 RunReady8=D:\ProSim737-2.0\ProSim737-Display - Upper\ProsimDisplay.exe DelayReady8=3 RunReady9=D:\ProSim737-2.0\ProSim737-Display\ProsimDisplay.exe DelayReady9=3 Run1=C:\Users\Urs Roth\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Whisky.exe CloseReady1=yes CloseReady2=yes CloseReady3=yes CloseReady4=yes CloseReady5=yes CloseReady6=yes CloseReady7=yes CloseReady8=yes CloseReady9=yes Close1=yes Thomas
  12. Hi, if the WideClient.ini file you attached is what you actually use the try those lines instead. Also make sure that the ServerIPAddr= to your FS PC is the correct one. You can also try instead the ServerName= Thomas [Config] ServerIPAddr= Protocol=UDP Port=8002 Window=42,122,160,39 Visible=Yes ButtonScanInterval=20 ClassInstance=0 NetworkTiming=5,1 MailslotTiming=1000,1000 PollInterval=2000 Port2=9002 ReconnectMinutes=0 ResponseTime=18 ApplicationDelay=0 TCPcoalesce=No WaitForNewData=500 MaxSendQ=100 OnMaxSendQ=Log NewSendScanTime=50 Priority=3,1,2 ; ----------------------------------------------- [User] Log=Errors+ RunReady1=D:\HiFi\AS_P3Dv4\AS_P3Dv4.exe DelayReady1=3 RunReady2=D:\IOCards\sioc.exe DelayReady2=3 RunReady3=D:\ProSim737-2.0\ProSim737-CDU\ProSim737-CDU.exe DelayReady3=3 RunReady4=D:\ProSim737-2.0\ProSim737-CDU - FO\ProSim737-CDU.exe DelayReady4=3 RunReady5=D:\ProSim737-2.0\ProSim737-Audio\ProsimAudio.exe DelayReady5=3 RunReady6=D:\ProSim737-2.0\ProSim737-Display - Lower\ProsimDisplay.exe DelayReady6=3 RunReady7=D:\ProSim737-2.0\ProSim737-Audio\ProsimAudio.exe DelayReady7=3 RunReady8=D:\ProSim737-2.0\ProSim737-Display - Upper\ProsimDisplay.exe DelayReady8=3 RunReady9=D:\ProSim737-2.0\ProSim737-Display\ProsimDisplay.exe DelayReady9=3 RunReady10=C:\Users\Urs Roth\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Whisky.exe CloseReady1=yes CloseReady2=yes CloseReady3=yes CloseReady4=yes CloseReady5=yes CloseReady6=yes CloseReady7=yes CloseReady8=yes CloseReady9=yes CloseReady10=yes ; =============================================== [Sounds] Path=F:\WideClient7141\Sound\ Device1=Primärer Soundtreiber Device2=Lautsprecher (Realtek High Definition Audio) Device3=Realtek Digital Output(Optical) (Realtek High Definition Audio) Device4=VK246 (2- NVIDIA High Definition Audio) Device5=Realtek Digital Output (Realtek High Definition Audio)
  13. Hi, I have also FS2004 installed under WIN10 but I needed to run it Compatibility Mode as Windows XP (Service Pack 3). Did you try a Compatibility mode? Thomas
  14. Hi, did you run the Installer with 'Run As Administrator' (right click). If not, that will be the problem, because FS9 and FSUIPC are running with different Privilege level. Just re-run the installer with 'Run As Administrator'. Thomas
  15. Hi, using the original assigned key 'I' for smoke toggle the event gets sent once, same if I assign a key to Smoke On or Off or Set the vent gets sent only once. So works correct, something you must do different. May show your key assignment from INI file and which Offset you use for the hardware button. Thomas
  16. Hi, you posted in the right Forum. There is also an important info above your post, READ BEFORE POSTING FSUIPC PROBLEM REPORT . The reason is that what you posted on information is not really anything we can help with. You need to send as well to the description/ symptoms the actual full FSUIPC5.log and the FSUIPC5.ini file. There we can see what is assigned (INI file) and might need a correction. Latest FSUIPC5 is 5.152. Thomas
  17. Hi, definitive not a FSUIPC problem. You will have to check you Registry where windows must have mixed something up. Did you try a different USB port, as windows redefines the device to that port. Thomas
  18. Hi, the new key works here correct, sent you email.
  19. Hi, it's never a good idea to have FSX/ P3D installed in Programs Files folder as Windows always doesn't like programs to write to files (INI / CFG files) in that location. I would run the latest FSUIPC4.974_Installer again as Administrator (right click on it), rename your FSUIPC4.ini file to i.e. FSUIPC4_org.ini. Delete also the FSUIPC4.log file to make sure you have only a new one existing. Check the FSC.cfg that the flight that will be loaded is one with a default AC. Then start FSX and if it ask to run FSUIPC4.dll press OK/Yes. Also I would check the DLL.XML and don't load other programs than FSUIPC4 to find may the problem twith other programs running. Thomas
  20. Hi, what is the installation Path of FSX and did you run the FSX installer with 'As Administrator' ? Also can you show the FSUIPC install log file. Thomas
  21. Hi, to First: Try just to see if you get FSUIPC to load again. to Second: You go as I did here (Win10) to the following Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\Layers Thomas
  22. Hi to eliminate any weather problem you can add to your FSUIPC4.ini file to the [General] section NoWeatherAtAll=Yes There was also some registry problem in Windows 10 after programs crashed that they were added to as harmful and don't load then anymore. Have a look here Thomas
  23. Hi, I removed the details and sent them to John, as he asked you for. Thomas
  24. Hi, most likely this is done by A2A_C182 aircraft you are using. Just use a default C182 from FSX to check. Thomas
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