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Thomas Richter

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Everything posted by Thomas Richter

  1. Hi, no multiple installation of FSUIPC or different versions don't conflict or do any harm. You can have installed FS9 (FSUIPC3) / FSX (FSUIPC4) / FSX-SE FSUIPC4) / P3Dv2-3 (FSUIPC4) / P3Dv4 (FSUIPC5), all together and that's fine. Openening FSUIPC is a call to Windows to open a Windows Standard-Window. To do this FSUIPC ask P3D to add the Menu Item for it. FSUIPC itself runs within FS, so if FSUIPC hangs with its window then FS hangs as well as you can not get back to FS. Does FS hangs then? How do you close FS when the FSUIPC doesn't react? I would first disconnect all controller and start feom there if that might be the cause. You said you use the configuration from a different installation, that might have been different. Also use in the setting Yes for [JoyNames]AutoAssignLetters=Yes Btw- the dll.xml file you sent earlier on doesn't show FSUIPC installed? <?xml version="1.0" encoding="Windows-1252"?> <SimBase.Document Type="Launch" version="1,0"> <Descr>Launch</Descr> <Filename>dll.xml</Filename> <Disabled>False</Disabled> <Launch.ManualLoad>False</Launch.ManualLoad> <Launch.Addon> <Name>VAInterface</Name> <Disabled>False</Disabled> <Path>Modules\VAInterface.dll</Path> <DllStartName>module_init</DllStartName> <DllStopName>module_deinit</DllStopName> </Launch.Addon> </SimBase.Document> After FSUIPC installation and a FS Run and Close the most important files to show are (all located in \Modules\ folder). May be zip them and attach the zip file. FSUIPC5 Install.log FSUIPC5.ini FSUIPC5.log FSUIPC5.JoyScan.csv Thomas
  2. Hi, when you reinstall FSUIPC and leave the old FSUIPC INI file the it will not automatic create a new one or overwrite it. Did you try delete the INI file before re-install and let FSUIPC create a new one? FSUIPC doesn't save anything of or in FS itself, for FSUIPC itself. Did you try a uninstall and new install of P3D client? If FSUIPC doesn't open or react when you try the third time then it is not a FSUIPC internal problem, as said, it is more a P3D or Windows problem. Thomas
  3. Hi, the log file doesn't show any error. To open and operate any buttons ... FSUIPC uses Windows facilities. If the FSUIPC window doesn't respond then that is related to windows itself. In the past there have been Graphic driver problems that could showed those symtoms when FS was running in full screen. Try running FS in Windowed mode and see if it happens there as well, also make sure your graphics driver is up-to-date. Thomas
  4. Hi, the FSUIPC.log file is not very helpful when FS wasn't closed, please close the session first and wait that the Log file file has been written before copy it. Thomas
  5. Hi, check the \Modules\FSUIPC Documents\ folder there is a Example LUA plugins.zip that includes all sorts of examples. Lvars are related to instruments and switches of gauges and if not covered by default functions then you will not find them in the Offset list. But with a Lua plugin you can then handle those Lvars. The Example Lua plugins.zip includes as well a plugin to read and log those Lvars. Thomas
  6. Hi, FSUIPC doesn't know the specific Lvars, you need to use them via Lua plugin. Thomas
  7. Hi, the general [Auto] section works OK. Make sure you use the correct syntax, i.e. to start log_lvars.lua you use: [Auto] 1=Lua log_lvars (tested with FSUIPC5.123c) Thomas
  8. Hi, make sure you enter the full details exactly as purchase confirmation, Name / Email / Key. Name or Email can not be different from your purchase! Also check the date of your PC is correct. Please don't show your key in public! Thomas
  9. Hi, there is neither a 'Try before you buy' nor any 'Demo' version of FSUIPC. FSUIPC is an interface that lets add-ons communicate with FS via Offsets. The unregistered version is doing this only, where the registered version enables additional User facilities, they are all described in the Manual(s) available after running the Install_FSUIPC5123c.zip (unzip the files first) in FS subfolder \Modules\ FSUIPC Documents\ Thomas
  10. Hi, please update P3Dv4 to latest version as FSUIPC5.122 is not capatible with P3Dv4.0, it has to be P3Dv4.1 or later. Please also use always latest FSUIPC5 installer, the actual version is Install_FSUIPC5123c.zip Thomas
  11. Hi, just download it from download section. Thomas
  12. Hi, just copy the FSUIPC4.ini file and rename it to FSUIPC5.ini. Thomas
  13. Hi, as the log shows you don't use P3Dv4.1 (or later), P3Dv4.0 is not compatible with FSUIPC5.122. Please intsall first P3Dv4.1 actual version. Thomas
  14. Hi, there is a missmatch with the INI file, that shows $.971, and the Install log file that shows you installed 4.972. Please send the FSUIPC4.log file as it would give needed information. Thomas
  15. Hi, if no FSUIPC5.log file was created then please send the Install log file as it would give as well some usefull information. Thomas
  16. Hi, files are looking ok to me either, and as the log states it opens successfully SimConnect and added the Menu. No, the Add-ons menu where FSUIPC is located is still in the main menu bar to the right. Thomas
  17. Hi, the only available Offset is But as the Note describes it returns only the last active window. I.e. if you open a Top Down window it will return value=5 but when closing that window and being on Virtual Cockpit back it will still return value=5 and not as expected value=2 because the now Virtual Cockpit was not the last selected one. Thomas
  18. Hi, FSUIPC sends only once when button pressed and hold, or switch is in ON position. You might have selected repeat sending while pressed function for that switch and then it will send as long pressed. Check as well the FSUIPC manual and use latest FSUIPC version. Thomas
  19. Hi, seems the Joystick ID/ registration changed. Make sure you use in FSUIPC4.ini (or if you use P3Dv4.1 in FSUIPC5.ini) file: [JoyNames] AutoAssignLetters=Yes Also please always send your FSUIPC Log file and if needed like for setting in your case as well your FSUIPC INI file, without there is not much to help with. Thomas
  20. Hi, as I said must be something on your side I guess? Thomas
  21. Hi, yes it works correct in p3Dv3.x. 0x024C length 4 (UINT). Thomas
  22. Hi, in addition you need to send the FSUIPC5.log file as the most important one. Thomas
  23. Hi, can you please provide the full log file, not modified and cut. Thomas
  24. Hi, first thing to see in your log file snip is that you have a USB or controller problem, maybe a bad USB hub. Is power saving for USB switched off in Windows? Thomas
  25. Hi, yes FSUIPC5.122 will need P3Dv4.1 or later. Normally you don't need to update the full installation, just the Client. Check the Update guide from P3Dv4 which modules you need to update. Thomas
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