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707FAN last won the day on July 28 2021

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    Brisbane Australia

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  1. Looks good Vic. I have been quiet lately, sitting on the side but need to comment on this one. Your definitely on the right track. This gives us the flexibility back that Tower 2011 had with extras. Most people probably wont change very much but others incuding myself will relish the opertinity to fine tune as we did in 2011. Kev M
  2. I have been int the fltdk for many pushbacks. Some crews start to push as soon as the clearance is given. "Gnd push back approved- brakes off, start push". Other times the crews have asked for pushback clearance when their not fully ready to apease the "On Time Performance" gods. Are we going or not?? So differences in the commencement of the physical pushback vs the time the pushback was requested can be quite different at times. In fact It makes it more realistic expecially if you have to handle a slow pushback. Kev
  3. As I have said before, when making a schedule that doesn't load properly, I always load it into Excel as a comma deliniated file. Any mistakes in typing, etc. will show up there as the entries in the columns that are wrong will easly show up as they will seem different to the rest of the entries. It is a good practice to run filters on each column & scan down the entries. Any odd ones will whow up there as well. Kev
  4. For some unknown reason, that is the title of the release of YMML. There have not been any changes to my knowledge KevM
  5. Loads for me in Brisbane Australia in about 8 seconds and after that is as fast as I need it. I am on a coax cable coneection then through a WIFI so lose a bit there. I noteced that the prices are in AUD. That is a big help. Kev M
  6. I usually inport the file into an Excell spreadsheet and use the various find/search filter butons etc to see what is out of place. If you import the file as a comma deliniated file, the colon will stick out as there will be a misalignment of the data in the columns. Kev
  7. @hexzed That's what I have done in the past. Usually increment the flight number by one, provided it doesn't give duplicate numbers for the same operator. If so, I find some a unique number. This mostly happens to US domestics & some Foreign flights. I am interested to see what happens. @DeltaVII I am doing SFO and there only seems to be QF & BA that do through flights. I'll give it a go & arrange the Arrival to be early in the hour and allow about 1.5 hrs transit and see what happens. I do hourly schedules with each hour starting from about 45 mins before the hr. and includes the playing hr + 4 hrs i.e. a total of five hours. Thanks to both for the info Kev M
  8. A quick question for the schedule guru's (I'm being lazy) Can the program handle an arrival and a departure with the same flight number and operator in the same session. e.g. BA 590 Arr 19:02 from HNL BA 590 Dep 19:59 to JFK This would be in the same hour session. I am assuming that for this to work, the arrival time would have to be first and a reasonable time lag (transit time) for the departure. I would imagine that it would get confused if the times were not in that order. This is for a realistic Retro schedule that I am creating. (well, as realistic as possible) All info helps Kev M
  9. @nyergesdesign Gabor, When I intially installed EDDM RC I did not require a key. The initial install only required me to extract the files to the Textures folder and worked fine. I purchased the RC file in Apr 2018 via BMT Micro. I am updating all the RC files that I have and now need a key to install EDDM SP1.exe. which of course I don't have. Can you help?
  10. @Eric G Welcome to the world of Tower. With all the banter that goes on, the guys on the forum are very helpfull to all. I am sure there will be other home made retro schedules appearing over a period of time and of course @EliGrim schedules are a great way to start or use all the time. Enjoy the experience Kev M
  11. SFO at the momement but any retro (or real) schedule can be mofidied for any airport providing you don't care too much about schedule realism. @andredragt and @DeltaV Thanks for the info I will try that method Kev M
  12. For the game Guru's I am creating a retro schedule using a combination to real and fictitous time tables from various sources. As there is a lot of wide body A/C in the retro pack and limited W/B bays/gates at the A/p's in the game, is it possible to assertain how many bays are W/B bays at each terminal from the game log of each A/P. If so it would make it easier to schedule the W/B A/c such that there is always a bay available. Kev M
  13. I noticed in the latest and last RT airlines.txt file that the 707 is shown as AIRBUS 707 whoops!!
  14. Ron One last Reply I have a relatively new and fairly powerful setup. If I remember rightly, It took me a couple of goes to get the other screens to stay on the 2nd monitor. Once they wer there all was fine after that and still is. One other thing is that this is the only game that stretches my PC as far as heat is concerned. It makes the CPU & graphic card work hard. Perhaps your CPU/GPU/RAM just does not have enough grunt to run 2 screens at a resonable frame rate. Sounds like it might be time for a new PC. Kev
  15. Just a quick thought but probably a red herring but could the problem be a difference in resolution settings between the monitors as it look like they might be different types/sizes/ resolutions. Just a thought. Kev M
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