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Pedantic G

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Pedantic G last won the day on October 25 2021

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About Pedantic G

  • Birthday 08/28/1960

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  1. Not sure on the retro livery as @hexzeddid the work on that one with @nyergesdesign. You will not get the B737 Max as the development on the old game has now finished
  2. To expand on @Braf123456comments and to explain my file in more clarity I have searched and highlighted the info you are after in the attached screenshots. If you filter on the airline required in the Full RC List tab in the file either in the airline name or IATA code (in your case Aer Lingus and WestJet) it will show you what is in each RC pack. For info the game loads using the latest Texpack as the default model used in the game/schedule so using the A333_ei as an example if you wanted this one in game play you would only need the EGLL RC pack, for the A332_ei the KIAD RC Pack and for B789_ws you would need the latest RC pack 1 for the correct livery etc etc. Hope this helps and explains how to use the file I created in a more informative manner. Gary (PedanticG)
  3. You mean this one 😉 https://forum.simflight.com/topic/85934-tower-3d-pro-real-colorsaircraft-master-list-by-airport/
  4. Greetings all. RC Package, Vs_27.0 of the Master file now uploaded containing the details of the liveries added in the Real Colors Add on Pack 1 plus comments on airlines who have ceased operating etc etc. Au revoir Gary
  5. Hi all, As you can see the RC Pack update is out and I will be updating the Master List shortly. https://forum.simflight.com/topic/85934-tower-3d-pro-real-colorsaircraft-master-list-by-airport/ Thanks to all those that contributed ideas. As @crbascottcorrectly pointed out, these will need to be added to any custom schedules etc. as they are not specific to any one of the previously released airports and all the airlines will need to be added to whichever airport you are running. Most of you probably have a Master Airlines file but if not here is one that I use in testing. Just change the xxxx. to the airport code for the airport you are running 🙃 Gary xxxx_airlines.txt
  6. All those requested in the final file sent to Gabor have been produced plus B38M_by as I accidentally put the B38M_tb in twice đŸ€Šâ€â™‚ïž
  7. Testing completed so should be out soon.....watch this space 😉
  8. Hi Brad, Just received the first batch of files for testing/review. No release date yet. Gary
  9. Well put Craig. Crashing into each other on the ground and don't even get me started on correct take off timing and type separation (or am I too pedantic! đŸ€Ș) G
  10. Request List Closed. Final list (see below) sent to Gabor at Nyerges Design today for review and action. Once I know estimated release date after testing I will update the topic. Thanks Gary Nygeres RCAOP1 List_FINAL.xlsx
  11. Just a reminder that the request list for Pack 1 will close at midnight Friday 22nd October UK time.
  12. Makes perfect sense to allow correct terminal assignments at some airports Get this as well. For example Sky West which have American Eagle, United Express, Alaska, Delta Connection and their own liveries etc. To be fair this is something that could open up a Pandora's box in terms of volume so wouldn't want to suggest this for this pack as its more than anticipated in terms of volume anyway at this stage but IF there is a Pack 2 I guess it could be considered. Who knows the new game may be out by then and it may be easier to create the type of terminal segregation you are talking about without the need to create a further raft of spoof codes.
  13. Thanks and done. Subject title changed to reflect that it is a to be purchased Real Colors add on pack for the current version of the game that may or may not have additional products in the future. Hopefully everyone is happy now 🙃
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