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Everything posted by scoobflight

  1. New command for Tower 3?
  2. Read this post, the one linked not the entire thread, as it discussed steps for an ILS approach - https://forum.simflight.com/topic/88106-app-in-hdg-mode/?do=findComment&comment=535788
  3. The www-site is in the panels.
  4. Have you disabled the default airport?
  5. See this - https://forum.simflight.com/topic/95379-klax/
  6. You need to create a custom schedule.
  7. Read this thread - https://forum.simflight.com/topic/80923-erj-135145-fms-does-not-follow-flight-plan/
  8. Use the download link and key code you were emailed when the game was purchased.
  9. As Vic has stated many times - "... follow us by signing up to our newsletter, following us on social media or visit https://feelthere.com/news" Development pictures are also shared on FB and Instagram.
  10. All speech issues are answered in the speech issues thread Please go to the above linked thread and answer _all_ the questions asked in the first post of the thread. Post your answers in the speech issues thread.
  11. There will be no updates to Tower!3D. A new version of the game engine is under development. Updates available by subscribing to the newsletter at feelThere.com.
  12. The forum is for support and discussion of feelThere's aircraft. I suggest you contact the developer of the 'Fenix' plane on their forum or support email.
  13. Was your purchase from feelThere? If yes contact directly with purchase details - https://feelthere.zendesk.com If purchased from another storefront you need to contact that vendor.
  14. Known issue - search the forum for 'M1219U' for additional discussion.
  15. The quality and stability of the player's Internet connections are the issue. If one, both connections fault/lag/slow the game will stop.
  16. As Vic has stated many times - ... follow us by signing up to our newsletter, following us on social media or visit https://feelthere.com/news A few development pictures were shared a few days ago on FB and Instagram.
  17. Have you removed the default EDDF references? See the following for discussion (different airport same issue & solution) - https://forum.simflight.com/topic/95281-edds-scenery-on-msfs-not-loading-properly/?do=findComment&comment=577177
  18. You need to contact Orbx through _their_ customer service link. Try looking at Orbx contact page or FAQ on their main www-site. Orbx hasn't updated their server with the latest release of the airport. feelThere rolled the update out to the distributors and it is up to the resellers to update their servers.
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