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Everything posted by scoobflight

  1. The manual provided for the simulation? Have you watched the YouTube videos that are for the simulation?
  2. I hear the packs and fans. Normal airplane noises.
  3. I suggest you watch some of the YouTube videos that show programming the FMGC and conducting a flight. In addition try duplicating the introduction flight as outlined in the manual.
  4. I'm assuming that the AIRAC updates were working before with expected behaviors. As this latest updates is causing problems there is something in NaviGraph's files that is causing the problem. Have you communicated with NaviGraph that here update is causing issues?
  5. Try searching AVSIM's library.
  6. Are you running the NaviGraph utility as administrator? If above doesn't work you need to communicate with NaviGraph about a problem with their program.
  7. Give BMTmicro time to get back to you as it is a holiday weekend. Keep trying the links as the servers may be getting slammed. Confirm your firewall isn't blocking the IP address.
  8. Purchase this version of the Ejet 170/190 - https://feelthere.com/shop/airplanes/embraer-e-jets-e170-and-e190-v3/
  9. Is there a question? You just reposted Ariel's comments. 😕🤔
  10. Do you currently own the Ejet v1 for FS9/FSX?
  11. Use this tool to confirm the install pathway for Steam - 'T3Dpathfinder v0.3 - for users of the STEAM VERSION ONLY' found at - Once you confirm the path be sure to run installers as ADMIN.
  12. Download the updated RT using the link received when you purchased the product.
  13. Jens is there something that isn't working. 'where is' doesn't explain if you are seeing, not seeing, not able to control or other issue with the panel (?), exterior (?), landing/taxi lights (?) or other?
  14. Historical airport traffic data can purchased from sites like Flightaware. Very expensive.
  15. No updates to the utility are planned. Read in full the first post - https://forum.simflight.com/topic/88657-schedule-builder-tool-create-your-own-schedules/ Also read in full the 9 August '21 post - https://forum.simflight.com/topic/88657-schedule-builder-tool-create-your-own-schedules/?do=findComment&comment=564377
  16. Check your game, meaning the flight simulator not Ejet, settings that allows for random failures. Engine restart in-flight isn't modeled.
  17. As the manual outlines - "RTE (not modeled), CB (not modeled), ... DLK (not modeled)..."
  18. This is outlined in the manual's introduction flight.
  19. Glad you got it working.
  20. Have you turned off your computers WiFi?
  21. See - In the manual not MCDU. Set preferences using the configuration utility (be sure to run utility as admin).
  22. Log shows, from my understanding and a bit of using Google, repeating errors coming from your video card (GPU). Try reducing graphics settings.
  23. This means either you are entering the incorrect registration key or the key you received is incorrect. First copy the key from the confirmation email (<CTRL><C>) and then launch the installer. The key should appear in the registration fields (if not paste the code <CTRL><V>) If the key continues not to work contact feelThere using zendesk - feelthere.zendesk.com
  24. Refresh rate can be adjusted using the configuration utility.
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