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Everything posted by dickparker

  1. Look at this topic near bottom of posting, you will find both. http://forum.simflight.com/topic/76191-tower-schedule-creator-14-now-in-zip-file/
  2. Glad to hear you got it working. Sorry, I cannot help you much on your other concerns/questions.
  3. Did you make the appropriate entry in the "airplanes.txt" file in the "databases" folder?
  4. I think this behavior was reported on the old forum a long time ago and was never resolved. Search the forum for more details, but maybe all the old forum topics are no longer available.
  5. If I am not mistaken, Real Color is only for installations using Real Traffic. The fact that you want to change the airline names to "real" ones suggests that you have the default airlines (ficticious names) installed. You should investigate using Real Traffic, available from feelThere.
  6. The Schedule Creator series creates a schedule for one airport of your choice only (currently 14 selections). However, if you made a schedule for LAX, for example, and then used that schedule at SFO, you would still see flights between LAX and SFO only. When you first looked at SFO you will probably see a few aircraft parked at the gates--these are the various flights that will eventually depart for LAX. Your arrivals would probably be few and far between.
  7. Yes, you would need to create a new schedule for each airport because Tower/Tracon only recognize the file name "schedule.txt." However, when creating the schedules, you can name the schedules something like ATL-schedule.txt or PHL-schedule.txt and save those in a convenient location. You could then copy the one you want to the Tower/Tracon databases folder and rename it "schedule.txt." Personally, I just create a new schedule every time I change airports as each one is a new experience. Be sure you have saved a copy of the original Real Traffic schedule file in case you ever want to use it. Thanks for your comment.
  8. You are only getting Taca because you are running the Real Traffic schedule with the airline file from the default installation which contains the made-up airlines. One of the made-up airlines has the same IATA code as Taca, TA. You need to reinstall Tower making sure you are installing with the Real Traffic option. I am not sure has this crossover error occurs. Did you install the Real Traffic schedule manually?
  9. To see file extensions, go to Control Panel, Folder Options, Show Hidden Files/Folders. Uncheck "hide extensions of known file types."
  10. Replace .txt with .exe, and double-click the .exe file. This has been done by lots of users without problems. I have tested it myself many times. If it still does not work, you may need some files on your system that are associated with Microsoft Visual Studio. Check out the Schedule Creator 14 Comments file.
  11. Yes. You need to know the two-letter IATA code for Amerijet, which is M6. However, Amerijet does not appear in Real Traffic or the default airline file so you would have to add it to the "airlines.txt" file. The file entry would be: AJT, M6, AMERIJET, AMERIJET INTERNATIONAL, USA Then you would have to assign AJT to the cargo terminal at MIA (or any other terminal you want). The terminal assignments are found in the Tower "airfields" folder. Then you need to create schedule entries in the "schedule.txt" file found in the databases folder. A typical line for a flight from MIA to JFK would be: MIA, JFK, 727, M6, 1001, 12:00, 9:00, 180, M6 where 1001 is the flight number (you can pick any 1- to 4-digit number as long as it is not duplicated), 12:00 is the arrival time, 9:00 is the departure time, and 180 is the flight time in minutes (I just assumed three hours flight time; you can look it up on FlightAware to be more accurate). The arrival and departure times are local 24-hour time; they will appear in Tower according to their UTC time. MIA is -5 UTC. To create arrivals, just switch MIA and JFK in the above example but use different flight numbers. You can add as many of these lines to "schedule.txt" as you wish. That's "all" there is to it.
  12. The airline charts simply show how many flights are in Real Traffic in a given UTC hour. Flights will not appear at an airport unless (a) the airline is present in the “airlines.txt” file, ( b ) the arrival/departure airport is present in the “airports.txt” file, ( c ) the airline has been assigned a terminal in the airport’s terminal file, and (d) there are empty parking spots at the assigned terminal. I usually keep my departures slider set higher than my arrivals slider to try to ensure parking space. Thanks to "spsunset" for the plug for Schedule Creator!
  13. I saw that announcement of intent but I didn't think it had been released yet.
  14. Los Angeles, Las Vegas, London, and Miami have already been released, too, or am I mistaken? I have seven sectors in "Schedule Creator TRACON 7" available on the forum.
  15. You must select at least one runway on the runway map to get the game to start. Click on one of the "balls" on the runway map on the start page.
  16. Thanks. Now I remember. I haven't had to do that for a long time now.
  17. Glad you found the answer. Contact me if you have any questions or comments. BTW, how do you repair those programs?
  18. Just another thought: what are your compatability settings under the file "properties?"
  19. I am stumped. I hope another user has some suggestions. All I can suggest is downloading it again and try again. This program has gone through about 10 versions now, been downloaded and used hundreds of times, and this error has never been reported. Very puzzling. I don't how this might affect your problem, but my "User Account Control Settings" are set to "never notify" -- available through control panel. I'm sure you have done this, but if you enter that error message into "google," for example, there are many, many references -- maybe one applies to your situation.
  20. I have never seen that before, nor has it been reported before. Questions: (1) Did you change the extension from .txt to .exe? (2) Are you using "run as administrator?" (3) Do you have either Microsoft Visual Studio or C++ Express installed on your computer? The software was developed on a Windows 7 64-bit system using Microsoft Visual Studio 10. I have seen some errors when C++ was not installed on a system but never the one you are reporting. I note that you are in the UK. I don't know if there are differences between US and UK versions of Windows 7--but I seem to have quite a few European users who have reported no problems. You can also try running in "clean boot" mode -- search the internet for the Microsoft instructions on doing that.
  21. Let us try again. 1. Download the .txt file from the forum by left-clicking the link. Save the file on your desktop. 2. Left click on the file to highlight, and change the .txt extension to .exe. 3. For Windows XP, right click on the .exe file and you should see an entry "Run as..." Click on that and you will see a place for "administrator." The file may not run on your system unless you have downloaded and installed either Microsoft Visual Studio (purchase) or Visual C++ Express (free). The last link I had for the free Express is for Visual C++ 2010 Express. Should read the comments file at http://forum.simflight.com/topic/76191-tower-schedule-creator-14-including-newark-kewr/ about error messages you might receive. I found a friend who still has Windows XP installed and we had trouble running the program. I suggest you switch to Windows 7 if you can.
  22. You cannot read .exe files with Notepad. I am confused about what you are doing. Right-click after you rename the file to Schedule Creator Tracon 6 v1.exe. Did you try holding the shift key when you right click? You can also just double-click the .exe file and see if it runs.
  23. You must change the extension from .txt to .exe before you right-click to "run as administrator." Please let me know if the program works on your system. It has only been tested on Windows 7.
  24. Have you tried holding down the shift key while right-clicking? You should also be able to go the properties of the file and choose run as administrator as the default.
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