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Thomas Richter

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Everything posted by Thomas Richter

  1. Hi, the install log show there are multiple users for that PC, maybe the installation was done under a different user? Make sure you run the installer with Administrator rights, right click on installer and select Run As administrator. In case you installed P3D in C:\Program Files\ folder, what is never a good idea as Windows will restrict file excess, you will find this line in the installer log file: Attempt to set the ACL entries for Modules access permissions failed, error = 1332 So check the Modules folder has not ReadOnly rights. Thomas
  2. Hi, the files are located in ..\FSX\Modules folder If you cannot see the file extensions, .log / .ini / .txt, make sure you have the following option in File Explorer un-checked Thomas
  3. Hi, seems more like a Yoke problem. I guess you did the calibration in FSUIPC after you re-calibrated in Windows. FSUIPC uses the Windows API, it means it gets the calibrated Windows data. FSUIPC calibration uses the Windows basic data. Also any earlier version than the current is not supported, you should update in any case, links are below. First using the installer for 4.974 before udating to 4.974b Also please always attach or copy and paste the content of a fully closed session of FSUIPC4.log and FSUIPC4.ini files. What do you see on Axis tab for the input value of elevator axis, already the same jerky? Thomas
  4. Hi, the control you use is correct. Would be as well good to have have some more information, please attach or copy and paste the content, after a closed session, of your FSUIPC5.log and FSUIPC5.ini files. To disable you can just rename it to i.e. FSUIPC5OFF.dll (or what ever you like) then it will not be loaded. In case the LDG Light switches also back to OFF when using the VC then something else is switching it OFF, maybe some Lua plugin running that is doing it? That would be then as well disabled whem FSUIPC is not running. You cal also activate event logging in FSUIPC but only for a short session and switch LDG Light. Then close the session before the FSUIPC5.log file gets too long. Thomas
  5. Hi, best is always to supply some information. Please attach or paste the content of the FSUIPCxinstall.log, FSUIPCx.log and FSUIPCx.ini files (x for the used FSUIPC version). From what you give on information it is not really clear what P3D version you actually use, P3Dv1-3 or P3Dv4? P3Dv1-3 needs FSUIPC4 and P3Dv4 needs FSUIPC5. The download for all latest version of the installer and interim version for FSUIPC4 and FSUIPC5 and older you will find here in this forum above under Download Links --> Updated Modules Thomas
  6. Hi, those drivers and as well always latest FSUIPC versions are in Download section above. PFC Drivers, the link is below: FSUIPC5 installer, the link is below: Thomas
  7. Hi Nico, very good. Thanks for info. Thomas
  8. Hi, if you have no axes assigned in ProSim why did you then activate in ProSim 'Directinput support for joysticks' ? If you don't need it then leave it off. Did you check nothing is assigned in P3D? A re-install of FSCUIPC makes only sense if you also delete its current FSUIPC5.ini file, or rename it to keep it as a reference if needed. Please send also your FSUIPC5.ini, FSUIPC5.log and FSUIPC5.JoyScan.csv files. Thomas
  9. Hi, the INI file shows only for ENG3 CUT that you use a Macro, not part of the INI file: 4=R1,1,CM1:3,0 -{Macro PMDG747: cut3: cut3}- Did you check that nothing in P3D Controls is assigned to the Button and the Macro has the correct PMDG control? Thomas
  10. Hi, you need to supply some information hon how you try to get FSUIPC to work. Best is to attach or copy and paste the content of the FSUIPC4 Install.log, it is located from where you did run the installer and also in Modules folder of FSX. The latest installer is here Install FSUIPC4.974 Thomas
  11. Hi, there was a reading mismatch in the code and FSUIPC didn't get the ZapCylinderAltDiff value. So it never switched to Cylinder Mode. I sent the fixed code to John, with the fix it works correct and takes the AirRange then for Ground. Thomas
  12. Hi, in case P3D did hang but not crashed there is no event triggered. I tried here with all traffic 100% but still no hanging or crash of P3D. Maybe you might have a traffic add-on that uses FSUIPC and causes the problem. Thomas
  13. Hi, the Zapping works as well for the Ground traffic. The selected angle is used for Horizontal and Vertical. In Cylinder mode the Alt is for the Cylinder upwards and for the Ground traffic it is still an angle but no longer related to the selected angle (0 to 4). So if you are in air and the AI is in a dead spot ahead of you it doesn't work. You can check that easily in SLEW mode as AI is alive. Thomas
  14. Hi, Win 10 wouldn't have an effect on that. The IN value is what FSUIPC reads via the WIN API. If there is any calibration done within FSUIPC the the OUT value will be modified, else it is 1:1. Best is always not to delete axes in FS/P3D, better is to disable Controls altogether. For P3Dv4 this is under Options->Controls->Other (Other is bottom left on Controls page). Did you assign anything in ProSim for Controls? You can have only one place to assign controls. Thomas
  15. Hi, yes. There is no upgrade available as FSUIPC5 is a new developed product based on 64Bit for P3Dv4 (64Bit). Thomas
  16. Hi, just going back to your initial post Just to note , FSUIPC5 doesn't change its code or update itself. In case you didn't do any updates on FSUIPC but what has changed? Please try also with a default AC in a default Airport to eliminate any other add-on. I installed here the 14-day test version of FSFlightControl and there is no crash or hanging of P3D4.5 when changing Time + Date, with FSUIPC5.152. Thomas
  17. Can you send your FSUIPC5.log and FSUIPC5.ini file please with the current settings you use. Thomas
  18. As FSUIPC doesn't behave different in that case there will be a problem with FSFlightControl and its SimConnect call that leads to crash P3D. Thomas
  19. You said did you try changing time/date in p3D menu instead to see what happens then? Thomas
  20. I guess you set the ZapGroundRange as this is still valid for Cylinder Mode. Did you try this with P3D traffic, as I said before injected objects are not visible to FSUIPC? Injected objects for traffic are sometimes used by traffic programs. To use those the program has an unique object id no controlable by other programs. Thomas
  21. I guess the Zylinder is still in front of you and the value to adjust the angle for the target. Did you try a Parameter? Thomas
  22. Hi, as the manual describes In P3Dv4.5 i.e. you set the Parameter to one of the above values, 0 - 4 Thomas
  23. Hi, using those values for example and using the Triffic Zapper with value 4 ZapSound=firework ZapAirRange=1.5 ZapGroundRange=0.25 ZapCylinderAltDiff=200 works ok and removed the traffic as well on ground when in air. Keep in mind that FSUIPC will not be able to remove a injected 'object' as it might not be seen as AI traffic object. Thomas
  24. Hi, are those in their sdk.h filelisted, I don't see them? // Electrical bool ELEC_CabUtilSw; bool ELEC_annunCabUtilOFF; bool ELEC_IFEPassSeatsSw; bool ELEC_annunIFEPassSeatsOFF; bool ELEC_Battery_Sw_ON; bool ELEC_APUGen_Sw_ON; unsigned char ELEC_APU_Selector; // 0: OFF 1: ON 2: START bool ELEC_annunAPU_FAULT; bool ELEC_BusTie_Sw_AUTO[2]; bool ELEC_annunBusTieISLN[2]; bool ELEC_ExtPwrSw[2]; // primary/secondary - MOMENTARY SWITCHES bool ELEC_annunExtPowr_ON[2]; bool ELEC_annunExtPowr_AVAIL[2]; bool ELEC_Gen_Sw_ON[2]; bool ELEC_annunGenOFF[2]; bool ELEC_BackupGen_Sw_ON[2]; bool ELEC_annunBackupGenOFF[2]; bool ELEC_IDGDiscSw[2]; // MOMENTARY SWITCHES bool ELEC_annunIDGDiscDRIVE[2]; Thomas
  25. Hi, to be able to help at all it is, as always, needed to attach or copy and paste the FSUIPC5.log and FSUIPC5.ini files If FSFlightControl doesn't use FSUIPC then FSUIPC will not do anything. You might have a corrupt weather file what gets reloaded at that point on FSUIPC request. To stop that entirely you'd need to add the following to [General] section NoWeatherAtAll=Yes to FSUIPC5.ini file. Thomas
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