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Thomas Richter

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Everything posted by Thomas Richter

  1. Hi, the Installer ask only if you "want" to register, but you don't have to. Just select the option "Not Now", also make sure you use latest installer, Install FSUIPC5.152 and to install right click and select "Run as administrator". Another thing, don't install in \Program Files\ folder, what Windows like to do, instead choose a simple folder or what ever you like (i.e. drive F:\P3Dv4\) Thomas
  2. Hi, if you use FSUIPC only as an interface for programs to connect to FS/P3D via Offstes, then you can just install it. But if you want to use the build-in facilities like Joystick/ Button programming, many other functions and the ability to run your own (or existing) lua scripts then you need to buy a key from SimMarket. As long the programs you use are not restricted to a FS version, you should be Ok. Thomas
  3. Hi, there are three different versions of FSUIPC, FSUIPC3 for FS2004 (and earlier), FSUIPC4 for FSX/ P3Dv1-v3 and FSUIPC5 for P3Dv4. They are independent version and their key have to be bought separate. So the kye you bought for FSUIPC3 (FS2004) will not work for FSUIPC4 or FSUIPC5. Thomas
  4. Hi,, the structure of the used windows API checks only for the first buttons 0 to 31 (your buttons 1 to 32). It means any possible button above that is not seen, so there is no way to force something as Windows itself doesn't look for it in the first place. Thomas
  5. Hi, seems an unwanted line of code has been left in their program. At least you know and can let them know to asap fix it. Thomas
  6. Hi, as far as I know Brunner uses SimConnect only you can check with Events from Logging tab. IPC writes would only show if they use FSUIPC. You can also use P3D SimConnect logging, described in their manual how to setup. FSX HELP: Logging SimConnect Thomas
  7. Hi, in addition if you cannot locate the \Modules\ folder, just open FSUIPC panel in P3D Add-On menu and go to Logging tab. On the bottom the button Open File will open the Modules folder in FileExplorer, like you would do it yourself. Thomas
  8. Hi, did you try John's suggestion in relation to possible corrupt WX files of saved flights or wxstationlist.bin file? To stop FSUIPC entirely to force FS to read weather you'd need to add the following to [General] section NoWeatherAtAll=Yes to FSUIPC4.ini file. Thomas
  9. Hi, as it is as well for PMDG ac's highly recommended not to use the FSUIPC calibration facility and send the control instead 'Send to FS as normal axis', it might be the same problem for the add-on you use. Thomas
  10. Hi, you haven't been thrown out of the the Forum but suggested to ask for that problem in ProSim Forum , or even better at their support. The error from the log file clearly stated as the instance of an object in that case is one of the Offsets they call and want to refresh/update its value. But in case the offset seems not to be correct declared in their code it throws that error. In program code there are those calls to different routines and sub-routines with readable names for the programmer. Her, in case the programming language that is used is based on .Net Framework, they obfuscated (encrypted) the source code so it is unreadable and not to de-obfuscate without their personal key. As they might use 100 or more different Offsets from FSUIPC for the different data the read from FS or write to FS, it is absolute impossible to know where the error lies or which Offset causes it. Because of that you were suggested to ask in their Forum. In case you use a Beta version of ProSim you might switch back to the latest release version instead to try if that solves the problem. Beta versions are often quick and not fully tested version that can cause crashes or don't work as expected. That is btw. what I do if a beta version doesn't give the correct/expected result. Thomas
  11. Hi, that is an internal ProSim software problem only related to FSUIPC but not produced or an error of FSUIPC. You are better off at ProSim support with this problem than here. Thomas
  12. Hi, FSUIPC4.971 is not latest version but already very old. Please use latest installer, Install FSUIPC4.974 , and run the installer as Administrator, right click on it and select "Run as Administrator". Thomas
  13. Hi, version 4.971 is already very old. Please use latest version with the installer, Install FSUIPC4.974 , and run the installer as Administrator, right click on it and select "Run as Administrator". Thomas
  14. Hi, what latest version of FSUIPC do you try to install please? Did you follow the installation guide? Thomas
  15. Hi, the one I use is in WIN10 stored in Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\Setup\Upgrade\PnP\CurrentControlSet\Control\DeviceMigration\Devices\USB\ plus then the VID-PID part. Yours 'could' then be Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\Setup\Upgrade\PnP\CurrentControlSet\Control\DeviceMigration\Devices\USB\VID_231D&PID_0125 just have a look in that location maybe. Thomas
  16. You can change the Name, removing the space, in the registry. I tried here the opposite and added a space in front but that doesn't effect FSUIPC, it accepts the space but leaves it out for the letter joystick line. May be try the change in Registry and restart the PC. Thomas @ John, JoyScan file was attached already with first post.
  17. Seems WIN didn't update the presence. Good it works! Thomas
  18. Hi, is the change, removing the space ahead done when starting FS? Thomas
  19. Hi, please provide as well your FSUIPC5.ini file. Thomas
  20. Hi, it works correct as it should be. You must have something wrong assigned to monitor. Thomas
  21. Hi, the only Transponder related Offset in FSUIPC4/5 is The Offsets you try to read are related to internal AI traffic only. FSUIPC doesn't 'know' anything of the multiplayer stuff, so it doesn't support it. Multiplayer/ Online traffic like SquawkBox supplied their own Transponder ID, not injected into FS, in an customized Offset you could use. Other Multiplayer programs might do the same but bet is to check their forums for that. Thomas
  22. Hi, by installing FSUIPC from Download section above it will install as well all Manual's In \Modules\FSUIPC Documents folder of your FS path. All information about value/data you can read/ write are in FSUIPC5 Offsets Status.pdf . There is also a SDK available in Download section with an example in different programming languages. An excellent easy to use .Net library by Paul Henty is also available in the sub-Forum above To read/write data/values to/from FS there is no licence needed. The licence is required for the user facilities of FSUIPC, they are all described in the Manuals. Thomas
  23. Hi, you don't give any useful information. Please follow the instruction above your post, 'READ BEFORE POSTING FSUIPC PROBLEM REPORT' and please supply the following three files. Thomas
  24. Positive value gives a progressive curve. Just play with the value and see what fits best for you. Thomas
  25. Hi, when you defined in FSUIPC I guess you calibrated as well in FSUIPC. On Joystick Calibration tab you will find as well for each axis the slope button, see pic, where you can fix your problem by using a positive number. Thomas
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