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Thomas Richter

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Everything posted by Thomas Richter

  1. Hi, non of your headline is correct or makes sense! Neither FSUIPC5.153 is destroyed in any function nor it doesn't read the wrong P3D version, as Your log file clearly shows. This is from your log file, you can may check as well: Maybe you can describe a bit more what you have changed? If you also have a look into FSUIPC5 Offsets Status.pdf and looking for the Offset you read and complain about that it is wrong, you will find Offset 0x3308. I think this makes it very clear that your return of FS version 12 is correct. Documentation/ Manuals are lots of work and for sure helpful. Thomas
  2. Woh, something new I never heard about! Good to know, thanks for letting us know. Thomas
  3. Hi, in case FSUIPC is not used by PMDG, so FSUIPC doesn't control anything in PMDG. Best is to go to PMDG forum, they might have an answer> Thomas
  4. Hi, delete the FSUIPC4.ini file in Modules folder and run FSX, maybe a corrupt INI file. Thomas
  5. Hi, WideFS installs with FSUIPC4 / FSUIPC5 when running its installer. At the end of registration it ask to register FSUIPC and/or WideFS. WideClient is running on a client PC, there is no WideFS to install or running. The latest installers are, depending on which FS version FOR FSX, FSX-SE and Prepar3D Install complete FSUIPC version 4.974 Install FSUIPC4.974 for FSX, FSX-SE and Prepar3D versions 2.5, 3.0 - 3.4 (32-bit only: all versions to date of release) or FOR Prepar3D 4 (64-bit) Install complete FSUIPC version 5.153 Install FSUIPC5.153 The Installer zip file contains as well an installation guide pdf file. Thomas
  6. I guess they use then for the conversation in one direction the simplified 3.281 instead of 3.28084. Thomas
  7. Hi, but the additional elevation in meter wouldn't change the outcome in Runways.txt file. Pete changed already the precision to 2 digits right of decimal for fsAerodata for their data problem. In case ft is ish a third of a meter, that means you are already down to 3 thousands of a meter (0.01 ft = 0.003048 m = 3 mm). A value of 3 mm difference will not make a difference. Also with your given example, which Elevation is wrong.? Thomas
  8. Hi, you will need to send in any case the FSUIPC LOG and INI files and as well the FSUIPC5.JoyScan.csv file, after a short and fully closed FS session. All files not altered or shortened please. All of those files are located in Modules folder. Attach as zip or copy and paste their content to your message here. Thomas
  9. Hi, to see some operations I asked and also to send complete not altered files. First line of log file and the rest after FS start finished is missing, not of any use. Did you try having 126 macro files only> Thomas
  10. Hi, as the WideClient.log file is not fully written it is not a normal close. A normal closed log file for WideClient would look like this example: Thomas
  11. Hi, which version of MakeRwys are you using? The runways.txt file is a log file and shouldn't be used as a data source. I.e. the runways.xml file is a source file. By searching the forum you would have come across the this thread, couple weeks ago: MakeRwys and airports elevation with decimal precision First make sure you use latest version, Make Runways utility version 4.891 MakeRwys.zip Thomas
  12. Hi, but not in the official place to buy a licence, SimMarket. FSUIPC5 is a different product than FSUIPC4 and needs its own licence key, any other FSUIPC key doesn't work. Thomas
  13. Hi, they are but you might have ticked the box in explorer settings to don't show extensions of known file types. Then files don't show there extension like .log / .ini and might be displayed as text files. Also if the folder location is not clear you can use the button on FSUIPC Logging tab to open the correct location within explorer. Thomas
  14. Hi, very good you could solve the problem. When having problems like that it is always very handy using the Logging facilities in FSUIPC as it gives very often already a clue or direction where the problem might be. Have fun and Mary Christmas! Thomas
  15. The WideClient is then crashed, not normal closed? Is the client PC wired to the network or wireless? In WideClient.ini you use one or the other, ServerName= or ServerIpAddr= , to select the server? Thomas
  16. Hi, to get an idea of what you running in relation to FSUIPC, please send the related FSUIPC LOG and INI files and as well the WideClient.log file. All files please after a fully closed session and not modified or shortened. To see what the switches are doing just activate in FSUIPC Logging tab IPC writes. Then copy and paste the content of those files or attach them zipped. Thomas
  17. Hi, as all files didn't finish, FSUIPC5.log included, we can guess that actually P3D crashed. If it it not that case then pleas run a session and after P3D has fully closed then send the files again, as there are important information at the end of those logfiles. Thomas
  18. Hi, if FSUIPC5 isn't loading you wouldn't be able to open it in FS but as you say you can. In that case the installer log doesn't help. You have to attach or copy and paste the full and NOT modified content of the FSUIPC5.log and FSUIPC5.ini file of a short run and fully closed session. For that go to Logging tab and mark Button and key operations, operate then of course some buttons related to what doesn't work. Thomas
  19. Hi, for any help you will have to supply some information other that the headline. As described in this thread above READ BEFORE POSTING FSUIPC PROBLEM REPORT , please attach those current files, FSUIPCx.log / FSUIPCx.ini / FSUIPCx.Joyscan.csv . The x stays for the FSUIPC version you use. Thomas
  20. Hi, any possible value that can go into a profile will then be used when that profile (AC) is active and the standard value will be ignored. So what you say is not true. If the lines show only when you created the CRJ profile then you created something different or used an AC without profile. Thomas
  21. Hi, to do so you can write a script in Lua that then runs within FSUIPC or WideClient. Check the manual for that and have a look at the Lua examples that come with with FSUIPC installation. Thomas
  22. Hi, checking the FSUIPC version number would give you a way to differ. Also the specific version number or used FS can do, maybe in combination to be more precise on FS side (FSX or P3D . . .). Thomas
  23. Hi, you try to install FSUIPC4 but that doesn;t support the latest Beta version of FSX-SE! You need to install and run latest FSX-SE release version and install then the FSUIPC4.974 with its installer. After that you activate the FSX-SE Beta but you have to use then the latest FSUIPC4.974c DLL as FSX-SE Beta will not work with the installed FSUIPC4 version. Thomas
  24. Hi, I think you are here in the wrong place as this is the support forum for FSUIPC but not for Ardunio, ProSim or IOCP. It might be that some other user is able to help but you might be better off at IOCP forum. Thomas
  25. Hi, somehow it looks like you didn't what windows ask for? Move the handle in complete circles mean you just move your controller to all full deflections, mechanical, couple times. Then leave it in center press the next button and so on up to the end where you confirm with OK. The pic above shows that the controller is not in center and it seems you set an extreme wide dead zone, -5201 to 512 for elevator, that's nearly half way in one direction with no function. Thomas
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