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Everything posted by FeelThere_Vic

  1. :) Happy New Year to you too :)
  2. Dear Folks, In the recent year I learned one important thing; chats and any written causal talk is pretty much a straight way to someone misunderstand a tone, a word etc. I had a serious personal thing that turned to be out a misinterpret word that no-one meant the way as the other side of the conversation heard. Why am I saying it? Because my question is absolutely innocent. I thought you wanted to do some schedule hacking or some other thing that need a more in depth answer than a simple "we remove some flights" but it landed at your side as an offensive "what the hell do you want" which I didn't mean for sure :) So please let's go back where we were; you are asking how the system works and I ask our programmer how did we code it and I get back to you with the answer, OK? Vic
  3. Oh I didn't say anything.. :) All I was saying EDDS... :D Vic
  4. Please make sure to use the latest P3D4 version.
  5. Is it the latest P3D4 version?
  6. Did anyone say EDDS? Vic
  7. Dear Folks, Please let us know (and I'm not saying it sarcastically) how do you wish to use this data and I'll do my best to answer the most useful way. Happy New Year Vic
  8. You can also send one of the plane back to departure. It will the re-sequence it for you.
  9. We are aware of this issue. It's on our radar and if we will release a new SP we will try to include this too.
  10. Please try to update your video driver and let us know if it happens again. Vic
  11. You can also assign a different runway for one of them.
  12. Hi Wayne, Thank you for the kind words! Yes the game can make the laptops a bit warmer, I experience the same thing. If you are using your notebook for gaming I highly recommend some sort of cooler for it. Vic
  13. When I said next version I meant a brand new version :) Happy VR-ing :) Vic
  14. Please make sure you installed it to the same directory where your Tower!3D Pro is installed. Vic
  15. wsuch, Please check the forum, we have an ongoing talk with Alan just a few topics below. Let's continue in that topic. Vic
  16. Alan, When you say infrequent, we answered you every single day. By all due respect we took Christmas off ourselves too. There is nothing to fix on our software related to this problem; obviously something is happening on your computer that is blocking even our bat file to create a log file (which does for pretty much everyone). So please make sure you fix your computer's read/write permission, firewall and antivirus. Once you can provide us the log files we can help you. Until you can't then you need to make sure your computer is not blocking the software. Vic
  17. It is working with FSX. You are using it with FSX: SE Vic
  18. Hi Mert, We don't have any Airbus product for P3D4 Vic
  19. Dear Folks, First and most importantly I'd like to thank you for your ongoing support throughout the year. It was an exciting one with the release of Tower!3D Pro. It was a small step for the simming community but a huge leap for FeelThere :) It was our first 3D title and we learned so many things that will open many new opportunities in the future. You may heard it we just announced our first non aviation related title to be released next year. It will be a turn based SteamPunk wargame (more: https://www.oneangrygamer.net/2017/12/steamcity-turn-based-tabletop-game-bringing-steampunk-sexiness-pc/46904/) Surely (don't call me Shirley...) it doesn't mean we will leave Tower!3D and focus on other games in the future. In fact it's the opposite. We have a larger team that will work on the new Tower!3DX version once the SteamCity development ends. Without promising anything here are a few things I'd personally like to see in the new version: -no Windows and language restriction solving the difficulty of setting up voice recognition -VR! Recently I bought an Oculus Rift and it changed the way I fly and drive in sims. I would love to have VR option for the next Tower version -perhaps Tower!3D on Xbox Of course we will open a wishlist topic once the development begins and we will try to accommodate most request you'll make :) So thank you very much for this awesome year and we wish you happy holidays and a happy New Year! Vic & team
  20. Did you try using the line up behind the landing.. command? Vic
  21. It's a known issue.
  22. Also please make sure the FMC is programmed correctly.
  23. This is just a straight port for 64 bits. If it's missed during the process then it is possible it will be missing.
  24. Please try to reinstall and let us know. Thank you Vic
  25. Unfortunately without the log we can't do too much. Please see if your antivirus and the firewall doesn't blocking Tower or it's components and the folder has a read/write permission. Thank you Vic
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