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Everything posted by FeelThere_Vic

  1. It would be me who would be very disappointed if you would be disappointed by Christmas :)
  2. Sorry, no estimates. We have an internal release date and we are right on schedule so far.
  3. Interesting. I will check it asap.
  4. If it happens, can you please let us know in a separate topic? We thought we fixed it for good, but if it still happens that would be a major concern for us. Please let us know (ith a log and possibly a screenshot). Also we need the Tower version (SP2 or SP2a). Thank you Vic
  5. That is a camera clipping the top of the tower.
  6. Please highlight (or select the airplane) at the gate so we can see which gate is this. Also; to avoid spinning planes we have a code that may force the plane for such a thing (based on it's size). This is something we can look into but possibly can't fix to avoid spinners
  7. Noted, we will fix it soon. Thank you
  8. Yes, they will be compatible for add-ons. The same add-on will work with both.
  9. This is the 3rd time I ask you to STOP distributing our bat file! We need the LOG file. Any further post without the log file will be removed without notification.
  10. Log file not bat file. Please open a new topic to report a problem not here in the generic one.
  11. You can re-download your product from the same link that you received during purchase.
  12. Unfortunately you have to wait until Dovetail push the SP2(a) to Steam. Hopefully it will not take too long.
  13. Viperone, Please confirm you have the Steam version of Tower!3D which is not yet updated to SP2. It's about the main game, not KJFK. Thank you
  14. Thank you, we are checking it.
  15. KJFK was released in less than a week ago, please be patient :)
  16. You know it for a long time; no screenshot or log=no bug :) Without these we can't do anything.
  17. Is it spinning at the American terminal?
  18. 31L is noted. For the other one please post a screenshot.
  19. From Friday we begun testing the new voice recognition system for Pro (It's brand new, we dropped the previous one which was almost perfect and rewrote it from scratch to make it even better for the new more complex commands. I'm amazed by it. No need for training and in fact no need to know anything about the Windows voice system to use it. We will try to test if it works on non US English windows as well so we could stop require the English (US) version.) Currently we use the left shift button to trigger the mic (for Pro). p.: it's amazing to say it out loud "XXXX, runway XX line up behind the next landing plane" :)
  20. Also, we rewrote the logic for reusing arrived airplanes for departure. By the time we developed T!2011 a turnaround time was about 2 hours. In these days no airline can afford it so you will see turnaround as fast as 20 minutes. If a plane gets delayed on arrival there are times when it will depart again almost immediately. I agree this is sometimes funny, but this is the only way to make some realistic average turnaround to be programmed. Yes we could take account delays etc, but it would require a very complex scheduling system (which in fact my wishlist for a possible next version of Tower :) )
  21. I didn't take it in a wrong way I just wanted to give a clear explanation :)
  22. Unfortunately not likely. Creating an airport for T!3D requires much more than it was for T!2011. Also by the time we begun working on the exporter (in fact we don't even have an exporter tool we use the source to do that) there was not a single developer who released any airports for T!2011 so we thought there is no demand. Since we got about 3 developers who are developing T!2011 airports and 2 of them already told us they will be releasing 3D airports for T!3D too. We will work them closely but a public editor is unlikely at this moment. It may change in the future but as much as I'm sorry to say that it's not up to a vote or anything. It would be a major major job. Likely it will see the next version of Tower!XXX. Please let's not start an argument about it, we understand your point but we need to give reasonable goals to us too.
  23. Perfect, thank you. We will fix it and release an SP asap.
  24. Thank you for the info, we are checking it.
  25. Please give us more info. Screenshot and log.
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