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Posts posted by GaryGB

  1. That night at the Emma Observatory, Uncle Elmer discovered that the rumors about the moon were actually true! :P

    Back on Mars, Marvin... as usual, had other ideas in mind! :wink:


    Horrors...could this actually happen? :shock:





  2. It’s odd… Many a time when I have my telescope out some neighbors will come over and ask if they can look too. I always oblige. They usually are astounded when they see the mountains and craters on the moon, but the showstopper is always Saturn. When people see the rings they can hardly believe it.

    I’ve also asked some of my buddies if they’d like to look at Saturn, Mars, the Moon or Jupiter and some of them look at me and yawn. I guess I get excited about space, but it’s not everyone’s bag. As you may have noticed, I didn’t mention Venus. It’s a waste of space! The reason I say that is there’s nothing to see. It’s covered in clouds so all you see is a bigger view of… clouds. :wink:


    Hey Pups:

    That guy at the car dealer in the white coat and gloves called; he said something about wanting to see... [your guess here] :oops: :roll: :wink: :P


  3. That was "hi-Larry-ous", Pups!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

    How refreshing to see some of that 'special' humor again in the EFFC Forum to keep things "live and kicking" ! :P

    For a while there, I was afraid few here would get behind and push, to keep the insidious "loss of speculum function" from spreading into the EFFC Forum through the back door... as it were! :oops:

    Indeed, although such a contribution to the EFFC "economy of humorous communications" has been overdue for some time, Pups has once more decided to honor us <-onerous-?> with that installment to his ongoing commitment, thereby preventing his EFFC stature as a "regular" chronicler of prodigous and probing insights from sliding into arrears as the butt of jokes. :D

    And 3 cheers for Pups... a survivior of the auto retail inquisition at the gloved hands of those "nether-do-wells"! :mrgreen:


  4. If you Google, they send you to the car SAAB ...not that I have anything against Sweden, because my Dad was born there; and the cars are great. :lol:

    But the Saab 340 turbo prop plane is what I'm looking for. NWA uses them quite for puddle jumping in my area :D

    Hi Brad:

    See the above post for info on searching for the FFS Saab 340. :wink:

    Gary; I think I'm in trouble: I loaded the SP1 yesterday. So that's it for me, I guess. :( Good old Vista :x

    Which SP1... the one for Vista, or the one for FSX? :roll:

    What trouble are you experiencing after loading that "SP1"? :?:


  5. Hi Brad:

    I guess the concensus is, if you wanted to try the existing FFS Saab 340, you'd need to be running FSX Acceleration in the DX-9 mode, which is the default "out-of-the-box" configuration you'd be running if you haven't yet gone through the extra steps described in above posts to activate the DX-10 mode). :)

    Otherwise, as Ian kindly shared from his insight: "If you're running DX10, neither of the FS9 (FFS Saab 340...?) models will work in it."

    I don't recall you mentioning that you had activated DX-10 on your computer under Vista yet, so you may already be configured to immediately try out the FS9 Saab 340 (assuming you find a copy) on your computer with the existing DX-9 mode... since it is likely you don't have the DX-10 mode active right now. :wink:

    So you might wish to do a Google and/or Yahoo search to find a "FFS Saab 340" still available to download somewhere (since the company is apparently out of business, I would guess that they themselves are no longer selling anything via download or shipped CD, but there might be someone else out there willing to part with their copy!). :idea:

    Here's an example of the "flood" of hits one gets searching on Google; there is so many out there, one might almost say there is a "raging torrent" of such hits available if one just does a search with the right query string! :lol:

    http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=FFtnG=Search <-- Click to unleash a "Google Torrent" of info on the FFS Saab 340!

    Perhaps monitoring the ongoing interest in the AVSIM thread I linked to in my post above will prove to have some interesting developments to assist porting the "FFS Sabb 340" from FS9 to FSX.

    Hope this helps! :D


  6. Pups paid Wabbit to take his new car over to EagleSkinner's Body Shop at nearby Valley Field to be "detailed" and jazzed up with decals. :wink:

    The Little Puppy said he wanted it come out shiny, spiffy, and looking like it really had "balls" under all that blue paint. :twisted:

    Wabbit instead secretly took it into the old hangar and had Fritz do it, pocketing the difference paid for Fritz's job compared to a top flight job done by EagleSkinner. :shock:

    When Wabbit picked up Little Puppy at the Emma fuel tank, Pups knew something went horribly wrong with the "Bump Mapping"! :mrgreen:

    And WOW... did it ever have BAWLS :!:


    PS: Hmmm... Do the windscreens reveal this to be an FS9 port to FSX? :P



  7. Hi Brad:

    I believe you and Ian are obviously both referring to "Flight Simulator X Acceleration Expansion Pack" (as it reads on my box). :lol:

    I think what Ian is referring to is whether you are using FSX with the "DirectX-10 Preview" option under Windows Vista, or if you are running FSX in the normal "DirectX-9" mode under Windows Vista or Windows XP.

    To display DirectX-10 (often written as "DX-10" for short) features under Windows Vista, one must also have a video card which is DirectX-10 capable or "compliant".

    Your "FSX Accellerated" software, and the downloaded free FSX-SP2 (sometimes referred to as "FSX X-pack") has an option included in it which allows a preview of certain special graphical features and a modest speed increase in rendering of graphics in general (results on speed reportedly vary widely).

    Here's an "Artist's Impression" of what DX10 was originally anticipated to show us (...thought that pic was GONE did ya'?) :mrgreen:

    Brad, as I happen to know you do run under Windows Vista 32-bit, and you do have a NVidia 8800 video card (all 9 versions of which are DX-10 compliant), we just need to know if you have activated the DX10 preview button on the FSX Settings > "Graphics" tab.

    Here's a quote from the FSINSIDER website (which might explain this better) at: http://www.fsinsider.com/downloads/PageeadMe.aspx


    Flight Simulator X Service Pack 2 previews the new technology of DirectX 10 to enhance environmental effects such as bloom, realistic water, and virtual cockpit shadowing. You must have a DirectX 10 graphics adapter to enable the DirectX 10 features (the check box for DirectX 10 is not visible if you don't have compatible hardware).

    Features and improvements include virtual cockpit shadowing, HDR bloom, water enhancements, and efficiency improvements to increase performance in some areas.

    To enable DirectX 10 in Flight Simulator X, open the Settings - Graphics dialog box.

    To open the Settings - Graphics dialog box

    1. On the main screen, click Settings, and then click Customize.

    2. Click the Graphics tab.


    3. On the Options menu, point to Settings, and then click Display.

    4. Click the Graphics tab.

    To enable DirectX 10

    1. Select the DirectX 10 Preview check box.

    2. Click OK.

    If you encounter any DirectX errors after installing Flight Simulator X, try manually downloading and installing DirectX from http://www.microsoft.com/directx.

    If you do not have an Internet connection, you can install DirectX from your hard drive:

    1. Navigate to the folder where you installed Flight Simulator X. The default location is c:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Setup\DX.

    2. Double-click DXSETUP.exe.

    PS: The DX-10 preview didn't give us the "God-Rays" through the clouds (crepuscular lighting) or smooth transitional display of autogen trees (alpha fade), but it did provide us with interesting white, gray, and black backgrounds on the "billboard" custom textured trees when Emma Field 2004 is loaded into FSX with SP2 installed. :P


    ...And I've still seen no clear acknowledgment by ACES of what was done in FSX-SP2 to change the alpha texture transparency rendering mechanisms for "legacy content" custom scenery objects (specifically trees!) along with a statement of what needs to be done via the SDK or a graphics utility to allow normal display of same under FSX-SP2! :roll:


    Hope this helps! :D




  8. Hi Brad:

    I believe you might be looking for the "FFS Saab 340" for FS2004 from "Flight-Factory Simulations" (who appears to no longer be in business). :roll:

    Here's a review of that aircraft:


    A recent discussion on that aircraft and possibilities for getting it into FSX:


    Perhaps a search on "FFS Saab 340" might reveal anyone who has copies still available via download (and to sell)? :idea:

    PS: Personally, I'd try porting the awesome FS9 DASH-7 into FSX; it's outstanding in its class... with an incredible sound set! :wink:


    Hope this helps! :D


  9. Hello:

    I haven't looked at it recently, but here's a review and some excellent screenies:



    Reportedly Milton Shupe's Freeware Twin Beech 18 is better than the Aerosoft model included, but generally the included Beaver models are regarded as "good" quality.


    Regarding the "Maule" for FS2004 (FS9), are you referring to Mikko Maliniemi's outstanding Maule?


    I would also recommend Joe Binka's fabulous Grumman Widgeon Twin Radial:



    PS: When it comes time to buy, I can recommend the good guys at simMarket: :wink:


    Hope this helps! :D


  10. Huh! ...What!!! :shock:

    Trouble? Fritz has unexpectedly returned? :!:

    I hope you didn't have your July Vacation cut short again like last year. :roll:

    Nonetheless, its always good to have Fritz back among us, 'cause where would we all be without him! :P

    So, does this mean you'll be around so we can consider a heavy-duty multiplayer flight on the server sooner than mid-August? :?:

    Maybe we can get BAWLS to sponsor an EFFC fly-in with simFlight to help defray the costs of the server use in exchange for screenies of a special repaint or 2 in action, and perhaps a couple of 15 second audio spots over the TeamSpeak server (as we fly past the occasional 3D billboard advertising "more bounce to the ounce" etc.)? :idea:





    PS: Hmmm... might be some benefits in "partnering", but I think folks might be happier with FS than console games!


    I do hope all is otherwise well with you and yours, Francois. :D


  11. The Summer Doldrums were in full force again at Emma Field; the silence was deafening! :shock:

    Wabbit sees it'll take a lotta 'Bawls' to keep EFFC Forum "Live & Kicking" while Fritz is away, so he hauls Bawls over to the EFFC office. :P

    Uncle Elmer... 'on patrol' atop the office, is 'be-fuddled' as to what Wabbit's up to now. :roll:

    When Uncle Elmer realizes it's 10,00 Gallons of "one of them damn energy drinks", it scares the crap out of him! :mrgreen:





  12. Hi All:

    I had not been following the progress of tech developments on Cell phones as screen resolution and data connectivity costs previously seemed impractical... if not unacceptable.

    But, I recently had a phone hardware failure, and I got an upgraded Cellular phone (not the IPhone... yet!) and finally decided to try out the extra $15/month "unlimited" data account option for web browsing and text (haven't used text yet).

    After seeing how limited the (advertisng-related?) WAP formatted pages were in the default AT&T MediaNet browser, I asked the sales rep if there was any alternative browsers which could be used with that phone under the terms of the "unlimited" (non-modem data mode) plan to motivate me to keep the data option. :?

    Under duress, he admitted that there was an "OperaMini" browser which could be installed as an add-on application. :P

    I found it here: http://www.operamini.com/

    Wow, this little Java-based browser is amazing! :shock:

    The opera servers pre-compress web pages up 90% (without reformatting to WAP layouts!) and then send them much faster to the OperaMini browser. :idea:

    One can Zoom entire pages out while moving a mouse cursor and selection rectangle around to target an area to zoom in on for remarkably legible detail (even pictures can be seen/scrolled in "higher resolution" mode).

    The page links and buttons are concurrently highlighted or "stepped through" in a "mouse-over" manner beneath the freely movable selection rectangle for convenience if you wish to zoom in or "click" that link.

    I was able to log in to simFlight Forums, check PMs, and browse threads with (relative) ease with no loss of essential functionality (other than the obvious inconvenience of extra cursor maneuvering and zooming on a tiny screen unlike a desktop or laptop). :mrgreen:

    The "3G" throughput ranged between 600 kbps (0.6 mbps) and 1400 kbps (1.4 mbps), not much different than an average US land-line DSL account speed.

    Rather cool how far technology has come recently; now I won't complain as much when my girlfriend compels me to drive her to shopping plazas without nearby computer or bookstores: Cell Phone Web Browsing might just keep me from getting bored while "patiently" waiting in the car! :!:

    Highly recommended to try this little browser out if you have a reasonably priced text/data account option on your web-compatible cell phone! :D




    OK folks, even less reasons now for the EFFC forum to be so quiet! :lol:

    PS: WAP= http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wireless_An_Protocol


  13. ...there used to be a flightsim hidden in Excel? :twisted:

    Ian P.

    Hmmm... Lets see: link the Rudder to a "Pivot Table"? :lol:

    Hidden Flight Sim Game

    "Busy office types need a little relief? Check out this hidden game inside Excel!" (Excel 97)


    At last... something Christian Buchner (cbuchner) of TileProxy reknown can use to fix all those outstanding issues in the FS codebase! :shock:

    Microsoft Excel: Revolutionary 3D Game Engine?


    I wonder if FS11 will give us a choice of fonts, and the option to use Cascading Style Sheets when creating Missions and Flight Plans? :idea: :mrgreen:


  14. Oops, I almost forgot: my RANT above is not complete without the occasional "Tongue In Cheek Conspiracy Theory" so here goes: :wink:


    Ever wonder why the FS SDK is becoming increasingly restructured to utilize XML code?

    "...a Word 2007 document is a zip file containing a directory of XML files and embedded resources. You can change the extension of any Office 2007 file to .zip and unzip it, inspect and possibly change the contents, the re-zip it. This opens up many new possibilities"


    I thought ACES implied they weren't in the browser business (for FS integration with MS Virtual Earth?) :!:

    Ahem... MS Office Virtual Flight Simulator? :lol:


    PS: I'm looking forward to more PNW flying and chasing the Stork with fellow Emma-ites again... this time in FSX! :P


  15. Hi 'Ya Cecil! :D

    Things sure are bigger in Texas... rumor has it Officer Barbie got altitude sickness when she was bouncing so high in the air on that huge Jackalope! :lol:

    Looks like Brewster the Rooster still hasn't gotten all his feathers back yet... he'd better watch out for that Texas wind! :wink:

    I wonder how he'd feel about your new "Big Chicken" restaurant joint venture with Fritz? :mrgreen:



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