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Posts posted by GaryGB

  1. Hi Onno:

    Aside from the usual impact of the Summer doldrums, I also have the impression there has been a general decline of participation in the FS MP and many FS forum environments. :(

    Although I understand that there are some very active VA's and special interest MP servers still out there, one might reasonably wonder now and then whether the cause of declining participation is due to the challenge of getting "everyone on the same page" now that we have so many choices available to configure our FS world as we see fit (not that having options and choices is bad thing!). :shock:

    It appears in various places on the internet that we have several different versions of FS still actively in use: :idea:

    FS98, FS2000, FS2002, FS2004;

    FSX-RTM, FSX-Sp1;

    FSX-SP2, FSX-Acceleration (either DX9 ...or DX10 in Vista)

    ...and probably the greatest number of Flight Simmers are of course using FS2004 (FS9.1) and FSX SP2.

    Aside from the issue of how sometimes "nobody else is out there on the MP server", in both FS9 and FSX there are increasing challenges to "get everyone on the same page" in a MP session due to residential world time zone differences among users having diverse installations of 3rd party aircraft, terrain mesh and terrain water body placement add-ons such as Ultimate Terrain.

    Then we have the possible issue of motivation among FS community members to fly because their favorite 3rd party aircraft and scenery add-ons no longer work properly (or at all!) when ported from FS9 to FSX, or when ported from FSX-RTM to FSX-SP1, FSX-SP2, or FSX-Acceleration before even mentioning the added complication of DX9 vs. DX10 compatibility!.

    That has been lamented as a "fractured / splintered marketplace" with a resultant serious decline in sales by many FS 3rd party add-on developers and retailers; and now we see a decline in on-line participation in forum and MP server activity too. :?

    These are challenging times of changing FS standards; lets hope the further changes brought by FS11 will be worth the wait and not as far out of touch with the realities of the FS community's ability to adapt quickly to "yet another set of NEW Microsoft standards". :cry:

    Meanwhile we must hope that the FS community will find ways to update favorite add-ons and achieve better functionality in solo and MP flying sessions before "FS-APATHY" spreads further. :P


    I believe it would be prudent that ACES make converters available to the FS community (for unrestricted use by both freeware and payware developers!) for at least some of the SDK basic format changes implemented in between FS2004, FSX-RTM, FSX-SP1, FSX-SP2, and FSX-Acceleration; it would seem proper that a basic converter also be made available for changes that FS11 might bring. :idea:

    If Microsoft had released Office 2007 with XML as the only document format without an integrated converter for people to port their "legacy content" from ALL prior versions in the DOC or RTF format, and if they did not make converters available to bring people's work into the Microsoft Office product environment from other competitors' "Office Suite" data file formats... would that product launch have been an initial- (much less a lasting-) success? :roll:

    Worse yet, if they changed the file formats 3 times since the release date of that product and said that they don't have time or a budget to write converters, you have to re-create and/or re-export all your work in the "latest" version of the Microsoft Office SDK for compatibility, would that have "flown" with the consumer base? :evil:


    Admittedly, even with properly converted and FS-version compatible aircraft and scenery file formats for a given flight, there can still be issues in some MP flying sessions that must be further addressed by end users to allow everyone to be "on the same page" in scenarios involving precision MP/AI aircraft positioning:

    * mis-matched terrain coordinate geo-positioning (major mis-alignments in FS9!) between FS9 and FSX

    * mis-matched terrain shape/complexity/positioning in even an all-FS9 or all-FSX MP session due to different FS slider settings/add-ons used.

    But certainly for most of us that might wish to just go for a scenic flight among our favorite airports with a fellow simmer visible in the general vicinity nearby, while also being able to talk with each other, we are no doubt fortunate and grateful to have the ability to fly in mixed FS9/FSX MP sessions with currently available software. :D

    But, in regards to the issue of diverse FS standards making it difficult to for people to feel motivated or able to participate in MP sessions, one might see a thought-provoking parallel in the "Confusion of Tongues" associated with the "Tower of Babel" in Biblical stories. :mrgreen:



    (Uh-oh... talking even indirectly about religion-related topics in a forum... that's asking for trouble!) :oops:

    Hmmm... maybe sometime we'll see an FSX add-on with a Seattle area airport called "FSX Memorial" featuring the (Control) "Tower of Babel"! :twisted:

    PS: Perhaps "The EFFC Lifestyle" might be of some assistance in resolving our worldly differences :?: (NO "TOWER"!)




  2. :lol: :lol: :lol: Gawd, You guys are cracking me up (-as if I wasn't already "cracked up" for some time now! :roll: )

    Well, I'm certainly open to other ideas on a logo for the air races or a fly-in poster, and hope we might be able to get some activities going this summer. 8)

    I'll be fairly busy through the end of July, but would be glad to lend a hand setting something up. :D

    PS: Oh boy, could I have some fun with this storyline! :P



  3. Red Butt Air Races?? Hmmm.... that has a certain.... errrrmm... twinge to it :mrgreen:

    Apparently the twinge is one of discomfort from too many "rough rides"? :wink: :mrgreen:

    The "Red Butt" Syndrome was first noticed in some of our "Natural Guard" members who rode their cycles so much their rumps ended up in an "altered state"... red and raw! :oops:

    Now with more EFFC flyers doing stunts and hard landings at Emma Field, they are getting "Red Butt" Syndrome too! :lol:

    Butt... (er, but!) that's tolerable as long as we don't get hemorrhoids too! :shock:




  4. Fritz awoke from a mid-morning rocking chair nap on the Cabin's front porch ...and was greeted by a startling sight out on Lake Cushman! :shock:

    No, it couldn't be, could it? :?:

    Is that construction of scenery at Emma Field for new activities after so many idle months? :!:


    Opportunities like these don't come about everyday, so grab it and run with it (er, "The Little Guy", I mean... and don't trip over all those empty bottles and cans!) :lol:

    Mfgr. Warning: Never confuse "The Little Guy" with your joystick while flying!

    Anyone game for some... er, "simulated" gamesmanship, at Emma Field? :)

    How about having our very own "Emma Field - WhoopAss Air Races" as a part of a Fly-in? :idea:



  5. Suddenly, "Big Ol' Can of WhoopAss" pylons started appearing around the Emma Field scenery area -amazing the Wabbit! :shock:

    Emma Field Emporium promptly begins selling this obscure but popular "100 octane" energy drink in cooperation with Seattle area custom beverage packager Jones Soda Co. :wink:


    (I've no association with them, but here's the website for those interested:)


    Soon Emma-ites start to "Run With The Little Guy" by drinking "Powerhouse Nukes" made from Old #5 and shots of WhoopAss. :twisted:

    The thought of so many Emma-ites in the clubhouse bar "popping their top" and debating whether Emma Field X will be released in 2008 scares the crap out of Uncle Elmer! :lol:

    PS: Hmmm... "Revitalizes attitude & restores faith in mankind.": -a sure winner in combination with Old #5! :mrgreen:



  6. Screeeeeeeeam



    :lol: My sentiments exactly! :P

    Yep, Brad, it is indeed too quiet lately with the summer doldrums upon us again... time to have a fly-in and/or a race. :idea:

    [EDIT] Maybe this video by Haldir (aka "Lotus") will motivate a few of the simFlight EFFC Forum Silent Majority and "Push The Tempo" at Emma Field! 8)


  7. Hi Ian:

    I was always afraid to try out the really strong stuff (like ink and toner) as I've heard it's really addictive! :lol:

    Although the more Espresso shots one adds to one's java, the more one seems at risk for becoming like Danny DeVito's "Penguin" character in dentition, countenance, and behavior! :wink: :P



  8. Speaking of expensive fuel required for the occasional high of "soaring aloft": :idea:

    Starbuck's "Triple Espresso Shot" Venti (16 oz.) Cafe' Mocha at $ 5.11 U.S. with local retail tax... that's $20.44 U.S. a gallon! :shock:

    Now the question is, just how many miles can I run wide-eyed and awake per gallon on that? :roll: :twisted:



  9. Speaking of evolving threads, when I went to look up "Llap Gogh", this is what I came up with:

    The "Romanian Mint Rubbing Association" (RMRA) at:


    On their (bogus... tongue in cheek!) Testimonials page, a notable quote:

    "Sirs, You have changed my life. In my 47 years on this planet, I have searched for true enlightenment. Rejected as a child, I grew into an unruly teenager, toyed with hard drugs, snorting Harpic and once mainlining Jeyes Fluid. I tried religion, converting from Church of England to Judaism, the circumcision hurt, but I failed to find a true meaning to my life on this planet. Shiatsu, Feng Sui even the ancient Welsh art of Llap Gogh failed to help me find my way and then today I discovered the RMA and immediately saw my future was there between my fingers. Initial mint rubbing was a disappointment, because I had not truly grasped the gospel you preach on the web site and so I learned that a jar of mint sauce will never live up to the texture and trued rewards that can only be harvested from real mint. Your web site has also given me a wonderful idea for assisting the meditational efforts of the RMA student, the mint scented candle, a design for which I shall be working on tomorrow. Thank you for changing my life." (Keith)

    Gawd, plenty of hyper-linked wild goose chases out there on the web (needless to say... a very slow, bored day off for me today!) :twisted:

    Oh, This Just In: Now I get it! :wink:


    Well then... try this one out:


    Notable quotes:

    # The Macedonian Buttock Attack: A specialised use of the hips and buttocks in close-quarters combat

    # The Parisian Halitotic Attack: In which an expert develops the ability to devastate an opponent merely by breathing upon them, after ingesting a diet of special herbs

    One might almost say these things are a "Thief of Time" :!:

    "Several martial arts occur in Terry Pratchett's Discworld series. Unless otherwise noted, these are practiced by the History Monks in Thief of Time who use their mastery of time to appear to move supernaturally fast. Most of the History Monk's martial arts can be assumed to resemble shaolin kung-fu more than a little."


  10. Yes, even "Pointed Sticks" can have their 15 minutes of fame here in the EFFC Forum... home of the evolving thread! :lol:


    My favorite "Pointed Stick Defense Techniques" quote:

    "Run away from the assailant. According to Einstein's theory of Special Relativity, if your velocity is equal to or greater than his velocity plus the velocity of the pointed stick divided by one plus the product of the two previous velocities divided by the speed of light squared, you should escape unharmed. If not, you may suffer acute paralysis, premature aging, and/or death."


  11. "Obscure" Fruit Facts: :idea:

    The coconut palm is grown throughout the tropical world, for decoration as well as for its many culinary and non-culinary uses; virtually every part of the coconut palm has some human uses.

    The origins of this plant are the subject of controversy, with most authorities claiming it is native to South Asia (particularly the Ganges Delta), while others claim its origin is in northwestern South America.

    Regardless of its origin, the coconut has spread across much of the tropics, probably aided in many cases by sea-faring peoples. The fruit is light and buoyant and presumably spread significant distances by marine currents. Fruits collected from the sea as far north as Norway have been found to be viable (and subsequently germinated under the right conditions)


    Note: Maybe coconuts really DO migrate... and Blue Parrots originated in Norway! :lol:

    Oranges originated in Southeast Asia. The fruit of Citrus sinensis is called sweet orange to distinguish it from Citrus aurantium, the bitter orange. In a number of languages, it is known as a "Chinese apple" (e.g. Dutch Sinaasappel, "China's apple", or "Apfelsine" in German).

    Fruits of all members of the genus Citrus are considered berries because they have many seeds, are fleshy and soft, and derive from a single ovary.


    PS: Random Facts you say? Well... IMHO there's always a practical application for such info! :wink:



  12. At least we were able to change the misplaced Landclass climate zones in FS when Palm trees showed up in Northern latitudes! :wink:

    Speaking of global warming, Bill Dick once told me some of his neighbors were beginning to grow Bananas on the South end of British Colombia, and he was considering becoming a Fruit Tycoon! :shock:

    I can see it now... an EagleSkinner repaint for the Super Cub with his nickname: "Banana Dick"! :P

    As to the "Natural Guard" squirrels around Emma Field, they are well suited to carry heavy loads:

    And of course, there'll always be controversy regarding the wherefores of coconuts showing up in Northern climates too! :mrgreen:

    PS: Aeronautics question of the day: "What... is the air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow? :?: "



  13. Heh heh heh... welcome to North America (with nations of "FOREIGNERS"): where everyone is from somewhere else (like mostly Europe!) :lol: :lol: :lol:

    Even American Indians are traced genetically back across the Bering Sea; interestingly, now some "Natives"refer to themselves as the "First Nation". :idea:

    It's also amazing what else is in the archaeology news: "Poop fossil proves human habitation in North America 14,340 years ago" :oops: :P



  14. Hi Brad:

    Nice save! :lol:

    OK, next time I fly into Ft. Lauderdale Florida on a commercial airliner, I'm packing a wireless BlueTooth keyboard so I can hit the F2 key to keep us from getting too close to the end of the runway! :mrgreen:

    Keep up the good work; "BT-Air... we'll get you there!" 8)


  15. Welcome to the EFFC! :)

    Just be sure MegaScenery PNW is below Emma Field and other Georenders in the FS Scenery Library user interface; this will allow its photorealistic textures to be displayed outside those other add-on scenery package coverage areas as ground textures. :wink:

    I will have to check and see what filenames are used for the 30 meter terrain mesh which I believe is provided with MegaScenery PNW if you find a need to disable it for better compatibility with Emma Field and other (earlier) Georenders.

    If I recall correctly, Emma Field 2002/2004, all Georenders from LAGO, and Orcas Island from FSAddon were designed for the default FS2004 terrain mesh; all subsequent Georenders came with their own 30 meter terrain mesh. :idea:

    Hope this helps! :D


  16. Well, apparently Fritz' famous recipe "road kill" fried chicken became so popular it was considered "de rigueur" (-de rigor... mortis? :shock: ) to stop and have some during visits to Emma Field. :lol:


    It was so successful he formed a joint venture with Cecil's relatives as a backup supplier for chicken from down on the farm in Texas, and they built a new fast food shack near the end of RWY 180. :idea:

    Fritz named their restaurant "The Big Chicken" to razz wimps who abort landings on the dreaded RWY 180 approach; RWY 36 flyers now have to hit their "Rooster Booster" briefly before quickly throttling back to drop down onto the tarmac. :twisted:

    Cecil had already been complaining that with all the recent emergency moldy cheese making (aka "The Stilton Cure"?) in the Emma Field infirmary to narrowly avoid the Cheese Famine, things were starting to smell, and all we needed now was to have the "fowl" odor of rancid fryer grease wafting Northwards over to the clubhouse patio and barbecue area; this got Fritz thinking of a solution. :cry:

    So Fritz, always the progressive thinker, arranged for a Mason County Public Utility District #1 ("PUD") erection pointing straight at Emma; that's right, he erected a wind turbine in partnership with the nearby Lilliwaup Falls Generating Hydroelectric facility! :roll:

    Fritz was so well liked for his years of providing special label Old #5 "Powerhouse" booze to the Lilliwaup powerhouse crew, he was able to convince them to install a backup electric motor in the armature to serve double duty as a fan blowing Southwards when the wind itself wasn't blowing from the North! :wink:

    Then as a final touch, the "Lilliwaup Fanboys" painted a personal tribute under the PUD#1 logo: "Fritz' Biggest Fan!" :P

    Of course, now powered flyers have to carefully maneuver on both RWY 36 and RWY 180 to avoid becoming er, "fan fare" for Fritz' "Roadkill Cafe". :!:

    And CBris, teaching the occasional student glider pilot, has been heard to exclaim: "Well, Blow Me Down!" near the North end of the grass strip near "Fritz' Biggest Fan". :mrgreen:


    Care to try Emma Field 2004 with these new "Challenges"? :?:

    They're attached below; just unzip into the [FS2004 install path]\Addon Scenery\Scenery folder and start FS! 8)

    PS: The Wind Turbine is animated, so try slipping through it (-remember...it's only a "prop" :? ) ; both objects are already in FS2004 itself, so nothing more to download! :D





  17. Cecil and Fritz have mobilized all available resources to forestall the impending Cheese Famine at Emma Field. :wink:

    Here we see efforts in the Emma Field Infirmary "Neonatal" Care Unit to rapidly mature newborn Stilton harvests into Faux-Limberger to supply the Bar. :shock:

    Officer Barbie, of course, saw this as an opportunity to put on her "Candy Striper" Nurses Aide outfit again! :P

    GaryGB :mrgreen:


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