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Posts posted by GaryGB

  1. Cecil reports that the dreaded Cheese Shortage has now spread to the Emma Field clubhouse bar; supplies are dangerously low, and Fritz spent this weeks food budget stocking up on mystery meat from Madaz' friend's Australian supply business "Beef-aroo" for the barbeque grill in preparation for the Spring Fly-in season. :wink:


    Regular Patronage and generous tips are needed at the Emma Field clubhouse bar to boost the budget and prevent embarrassing events such as depicted in the infamous Monty Python Cheese Sketch! :oops:


    Cecil has linked to this shocking file footage to show just how dangerous this shortage could become for Emma Field's proprietors! :shock:

    Word of the day: Esurient


    GaryGB :mrgreen:


  2. Chris:

    You had me chucking at my desk all by myself again today (looking over my shoulder to see if anyone would pass by and spot me laughing at the computer), picturing a big vat of wine and cheese on the table next to you inspiring you to innovate amazing new repaints! :lol: :lol: :lol:

    I salute CBris, survivor of many "varicose" calls with volleys of barrel rolls, squinting to see through the smoke, pegging many legs in his journeys through out the Olympic Peninsula, emerging victorious with sense of humor intact:

    "Officer Barbie, patch me through so a mighty goes out through the ether to the Pirate with a "Norwegian" Blue parrot in every port!" :P

    BTW: when you wrote "should be ripe enough to party on in about another half bottle", I assume you had to drink that other half to get the "liquid gumption" to eat the sandwich make of the "varicosi-cheeze"? :shock:

    Hmmm... I do love a poser now and then. Lets see, that filcher in the work of fiction: a lyric in the Beatles song perhaps?

    "Semolina Filcher, climbing up the Eiffel Tower"? :idea:

    Oops, that was pilchard wasn't it, but comparably odious mayhap! :oops: :mrgreen:


    PS: Tsk-Tsk... feedin' parrots wine; the very IDEA! [/sTORYLINE ACKNOWLEDGED] :wink:

    Sitting on a cornflake, waiting for the (Looney-Tune) van to come... near Seattle 8)


  3. But wait... We've just received word that one of our Emma Field "Natural Guard" has taken up the habit, and since he can't be served at the clubhouse (they keep shouting "SCAT!"), maybe Harry's the one with a Quest For Cheese over at the Cabin? :roll:

    Let it never be said Cecil doesn't know squat when he sees it, because he always knows when something is afoot; so Harry is now a "Person" of Interest too! :P



  4. Cecil has a new suspect... apparently a great consumer of the Emma Field Bar Cheese in order to maintain intestinal fortitude (and retain his lunch!) while performing unauthorized, high speed, low altitude, stunt flybys over Emma's RWY 36/180, this guy is now a "Person of Interest" as well. :wink:

    Er, well... you know how it goes: "where there's Smoke, there's fire"! :mrgreen:



  5. Hi Peter:

    The users who had solved their NForce stability and RSL OOM issues appear to have done so by loading older revisions of their NForce chipset drivers! :shock:

    Kinda' disappointing when we have to move "forward into the past!" with our whiz-bang video card drivers, computer operating systems, and "DirectX10.x capable" Flight Sims now and then isn't it? :roll:

    Patience is a virtue for end-users as much as it is for programmers! :lol:

    On a practical note, not that anyone would necessarily regard Windows re-installation as fun, but you mentioned that it has been 3 years since your last installation ("bless me Father for I have "simmed"... its been 3 years since my last installation!").

    Perhaps it's time you might consider at least a "refresh" Windows XP install and see if it cleans up the registry core architecture while re-importing all your existing installed apps and reg-strings for payware etc.... not a bad investment of 45 minutes to an hour depending on your system speed. :idea:

    Hope this helps! :D


  6. Hi Peter:

    Thanks for your reply! :)

    One more question: What motherboard Manufacturer and Model are you using in your system? :?:

    There are a few rare hits suggesting a motherboard ("mobo") driver issue from NVidia affecting the NForce chipsets which causes this specific error. :idea:

    Only certain NForce driver revisions are implicated, but it apparently involves several versions of the NForce chipset.

    I see where a few people with NForce mobos were able to get the error to stop via the RSL / PPS "reghack" approach without changing their NForce chipset driver revisions, but again, I would still be concerned that other aspects of the problem are not being addressed which could cause problems elsewhere in terms of system stability and/or performance.

    Although most such threads had no followup posts reporting problems after the above reghack was applied, a couple did report eventual and recurrent fatal system crashes after using that reghack. :!:

    I recommend looking into properly-written NForce motherboard driver revisions for the future use of that mobo, as it appears certain revisions encroach into memory address space that should be kept available for use by the Windows registry. :wink:

    Earlier ATI video card drivers used to have a comparable problem causing instability and eventual damage to the registry when the "System Cache" option was chosen in Windows by users in Start > Settings > Control Panel > System > Advanced Tab > Performance Section > "Settings" Button > Advanced Tab > Performance Options dialog > Processor Scheduling. :?

    (Perhaps this has something to do with driver programming efforts at maximizing use of data I/O address ranges presumed to be available "in most users systems" while striving and/or "gambling" to provide end users with greater hardware performance?) :roll:

    I would further look into what your physical registry hive file SIZES are on disk, and see if they are even truly candidates for a registry compaction operation; (and if they are larger, to determine why YOUR registry might be larger than those of other users... as these errors seem to be highly rare in the online Windows XP community based on the paucity of hits about it on search engines!)

    I would also suggest that you be sure to keep Windows System Restore active (something I personally don't do... my own form of "gambling" in favor of faster performance!) :twisted: as you might need to do backups, set restore points, and perform restores more often on your system if the reghack does not address issues evolving elsewhere in your system with regards to stability.

    Hope this helps! :D


  7. The message actually says "Windows low on Registry Space" and then something like "Your system has reached the maximum size allowed for the systems part of the registry. Additional storage reguests will be ignored."

    Is this to do with PagedPoolSize and RegsitrySizeLimit? I could create a pagedpoolsize entry in the registry and set the maximum value of '0xffffffff ' - any thoughts? This an ASUS mobo Nforce 4 sli and there may be an issue with the mobo drivers - I have the latest installed.

    SORRY :oops: - I got it wrong on my first post



    Hi Peter:

    This is indeed interesting and intriguing! :)

    However, a Registry Size Limit (RSL) OOM (Out Of Memory) error obviously just should not be happening in Windows XP as the RSL function has been removed, and the System hive was made accessible via the virtual memory cache allocation; the registry hive loadup itself should not be the cause of an OOM error. :idea:

    I would be concerned that you may have a damaged registry hive or a rogue keylogger storing data inside the registry to hide from mainstream malware file scanners. :!:

    I have found some links which do discuss the old info dealing with separate allocations of the RSL and PagedPoolSize (PPS) specific to NT and earlier versions of Windows Server 2000 and 2003, but they should not pertain to Windows XP.

    If this is a clean XP install (not a transmigration/improvised upgrade from Windows Server), you should not have this happening! :roll:

    I suppose it is possible an improperly written application seeking to initialize in a larger address space than it ultimately uses afterward during run time could trigger this error, but again it should not be happening.

    I wll look into this further later today and post back with some links to references, but in the mean time I would run a basic HijackThis scan, trial SpySweeper Scan, freeware AVG antiviral and anti-malware or trial 90 day Norton Antivirus 2008 scan, then run CCleaner and clean up the registry. :wink:

    Please note that many registry cleaners/optimizers have come and gone, and nearly every one released by Microsoft themselves to work with their OWN code have ultimately been withdrawn from availability due to problems! :shock:

    CCleaner has recently proven to have the best track record that I am aware of at this time (there certainly could be others worthy of consideration!) for a conservative registry cleanup along with, of course, a number of cleanup operations elsewhere in Windows; but my point is that I would not use just any "also-ran" utility to perform maintenance on the registry if you were to try and optimize/compact it... as your registry hive size is unlikely to be the cause of this error!

    The only reliable tools I am presently aware of from Microsoft to safely back up and restore copies of the registry are discussed here:

    "How to back up and restore the registry in Windows"


    More on this later; in the mean time, I'm still curious as to what your answers might be to my other questions in this- and my post above- when you get a moment to reply. :?:

    PS: I would not apply the "PagedPoolSize" reghack, since it is not documented as applicable to the Win XP codebase, and may complicate or perpetuate your problem; even if it "works", it might only be doing so as an indrect suppressor of symptoms stemming from another problem arising elsewhere!).

    Hope this helps! :D


  8. Hi Gary

    Any Ideas - when I use the /3GB /USERVA 2560, I get an error message at the desktop screen after booting up saying that Windows is low on Registry Memory and that I need to increase the size of the Paging file???

    Any suggestions?? Is there a workaround? I have a total of 5630 MB allocated (over two drives) to the paging file



    Hi Peter:

    That's a relatively obscure error message if your computer is actually running Windows XP! :shock:

    Have you also at any time seen this message on your system: "Not enough server storage to process this command"?

    Regardless, my first question would be: what version of Windows are you running?

    Assuming you're running Windows XP installed on- and booting from- drive C:\Windows: :)

    1.) Checking under Start > Settings > Control Panel > System > Advanced Tab > Performance Section > "Settings" Button > Performance Options dialog > Advanced Tab > Virtual Memory > "Change" Button:

    Do you have a minimum 126 MB size Paging File "component" on your C:\ boot drive? (...if not, create one in addition to any existing Paging File components on other drive letters", and reboot Windows!).

    NOTE: Paging File 'components' on a given drive letter are properly termed "volumes". Also, if Windows is installed and booting from a different drive letter, you should create a minimum 126 MB size Paging File "volume" on that drive letter instead of and/or in addition to drive C:\ !.

    2.) After re-booting Windows, if the problem persists, I must ask:

    Are both Paging files you already have on 2 different drives "non-system managed" sizes with specified Min and Max MB sizes? (...if so, try re-sizing them so the "Maximum" Paging File "volume" size in MB for any individual drive letter is not larger than 4095 MB and reboot!)

    [EDITED]: Whoops... IIRC, Max Page File size in 32-bit Windows' limited 4 GB memory address space @1024 MB/GB x 4 GB = 4095 MB per individual Paging File volume; Windows insists on having 126 MB of space reserved for a debugging information memory dump file for STOP errors on each Paging File "volume" drive letter host!)

    So, if you boot and run Windows from drive C:\ you should have a minimum 126 MB Paging File "volume" on it!

    Here's an example fixed/non-system managed Page File configuration:

    ....126 MB Minimum and Maximum Paging File "volume" on drive letter host C:\

    + 4095 MB Minimum and Maximum Paging File "volume" on drive letter host D:\

    + 4095 MB Minimum and Maximum Paging File "volume" on drive letter host E:\

    = 8316 MB "Total Paging File Size For All Drives"

    3.) If the problem still persists, it is possible that you have one or more corrupted Paging File "volumes" which must be deleted and re-created, so I would thus suggest you again browse to:

    Start > Settings > Control Panel > System > Advanced Tab > Performance Section > "Settings" Button > Performance Options dialog > Advanced Tab > Virtual Memory > "Change" Button

    Then, for each drive letter which has a Paging File "volume", "tick" the radio button for "No Paging File", click the "Set" button, and then click "OK".

    Now back at the "Performance Options" dialog box, click apply, then click OK as needed to return to the Windows desktop; now reboot Windows.

    NOTE: This procedure will delete your Paging File components on all drive letters!

    Bearing in mind that one must be very patient, as Windows may boot and run MUCH slower in the present temporary configuration without a paging file, once the Windows desktop has finished loading completely, we will again browse to:

    Start > Settings > Control Panel > System > Advanced Tab > Performance Section > "Settings" Button > Performance Options dialog > Advanced Tab > Virtual Memory > "Change" Button

    We will now re-create your "new "Paging File here:

    Be sure to FIRST create the minimum 126 MB size (EDITED!) Paging File "volume" on your C:\ drive in addition to any other Paging File "volumes " on the other desired SEPARATE physical hard drive letters.

    NOTE: These must NOT merely be "logical" drive letters in an extended partition on the same physical hard drive.

    The exception to this rule would be if you are using a RAID 0 striped array "volume" consisting of 2 or more drives.

    BTW, in this same regard, it is reportedly preferable to not overburden one's system by creating a Paging File on a "non-destructible" RAID volume such as a RAID 1 or RAID 5 if it can be avoided: locate the Paging File on a separate physical hard drive if available to avoid system lag from interrupts associated with the extra redundant drive read/write process.

    If one has ONLY a RAID 1 or RAID 5 volume available for use, I would speculate that creating a "system managed" Paging File would be an invitation to poor performance, and the "Lesser of The 2 Evils" in that scenario would be to use a "non-system managed" Paging File with a specified Min and Max MB size. :roll:

    Other questions which may possibly be related: :idea:

    1.) Checking under Start > Settings > Control Panel > System > Advanced Tab > Performance Section > "Settings" Button > Advanced Tab > Performance Options dialog > Processor Scheduling:

    Is the radio button "ticked" for "Programs" and NOT System Cache? (... if NOT, set it "ticked" for "Programs" and reboot ASAP!)

    NOTE: Setting "Processor Scheduling" to "System Cache" puts your registry at risk for irreparable damage over time!) :?

    2.) Related to this, are you using an ATI Radeon video card? (...if so, what ATI Catalyst driver version is installed?)

    3.) Are you running specialized server/file server software? (... if so, does it specify "Registry Memory" and "Paging File" settings?)

    4.) Finally: are you running Norton Internet Security and/or Norton AntiVirus? (... if so, is it being allowed to do live updates?)

    [EDIT]: Oh, and be sure you re-seat your system RAM modules snugly in their motherboard sockets. :!:

    I hope this gets you started towards a solution; I'll watch for your reply... :D


    Particularly Relevant References:

    "What is the Page File for anyway?" - Windows Server Performance Team


    "How to move the paging file in Windows XP" - MSKB


    "How to overcome the 4,095 MB paging file size limit in Windows" - MSKB


    "How can I optimize the Windows 2000/XP/2003 virtual memory (Pagefile)?" - Alex Nichol, Mike Lee et al.


  9. Hi all:

    Here's a guide for setting the FS9 and FSX "/3GB" switch in Windows XP. smile.gif

    NOTE: Results may vary according to one's hardware and software configuration. :idea:

    [EDIT]: Cloud9 and/or FSDreamTeam add-on users please note you will likely need to replace BGLMAN.DLL in the [FS2004 install path]\Modules and/or [FSX install path]\Modules folders with a new version at:

    FS9: http://www.fsdreamte...d/setanager.exe

    FSX: http://www.virtualis...narienagerX.exe

    NOTE: Apparently Umberto Colapicchioni of http://www.virtualisoftware.com has thus far ONLY re-programmed the Addon Manager and BGLMAN.DLL for use with the"/3GB marked" NO CD version of FS9.EXE

    (I assume that Umberto's new DLL is for use with the NO CD "FS 9.1" edition of FS9.EXE which is different from the NO CD "FS 9.0" edition of the RTM FS9.EXE!)

    (NOTE: The "non-3GB marked" default 9.0 or 9.1 FS9.EXE files (which require FS2004 install CD #4 in your CD-ROM drive when starting FS) reportedly do NOT work with Umberto's new DLL!)

    See also:



    Considerations for use of the "/3GB" switch in Windows XP:

    In 32 bit Windows (which the vast majority of us use), the OS (operating system) normally limits a windowed task to use of no more than 2 GB of address space and/or mapped physical memory.

    The /3GB switch does not make all of the 3 GB of address space accessible for exclusive use by FS because some of that address space must be reserved for the Windows kernel itself.

    The /3GB switch also does not make any more than 3 GB accessible, so even after successfully setting 32 bit Windows and the specially "marked" application to run as a task in a windowed session with access to more than the default 2 GB of address space, Windows XP and Vista reportedly will not allow for FS to use a 4th GB of RAM if it is installed on one's system.

    Implementing this "/3GB" switch reportedly requires at least 2 GB of physical memory installed on the motherboard, and supposedly works whether or not one actually has 3 GB of physical memory (RAM) installed. ;-)

    [EDIT]: 2 GB of physical memory (RAM) needs to be installed, but apparently that amount does NOT have to be "free" for this to work!

    FS2004 (FS9) "/3GB" switch in Windows XP

    Make an archival backup copy of FS9.EXE

    `1.) Open My Computer (aka: "Windows Explorer" ...not to be confused with Internet Explorer)

    `2.) On the menu bar of that Windows Explorer session started via My Computer, click "View" > "Details" to enable a 2-pane view

    `3.) Navigate/browse to the [FS2004 install path] folder (default is C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator 9)

    `4.) In the right window pane, locate FS9.EXE, and "select" it with a single left mouse click (filename turns blue if selected)

    `5.) Right-click the selected FS9.EXE filename and choose "Copy"

    `6.) In the left window pane, "select" the above [FS2004 install path] folder name (folder name turns blue if selected)

    `7.) Right-click the selected [FS2004 install path] folder name and choose "Paste"; press {F5} to refresh Explorer's view

    `8.) In the right window pane, locate "Copy of FS9.EXE", and "select" it with a single left mouse click

    `9.) Right-click the selected "Copy of FS9.EXE" filename and choose "Rename" (name is now "selected' inside a text frame)

    10.) Type over the existing file name and use instead a name such as "FS9_EXE_Before_3GB.bak"

    11.) Click in any white space outside the text frame to verify the rename was successful

    12.) Close the My Computer > Windows Explorer session and return to the Windows Desktop.

    Download "Explorer Suite" NTCore Editing Utility

    `1.) Download "Explorer Suite" http://www.ntcore.com/exsuite.php home page)

    `2.) Run the downloaded "ExplorerSuite.exe" to install it, accepting all defaults

    `3.) Click Programs > Explorer Suite > "CFF Explorer" to run that utility program ("CFF Explorer VII" window loads)

    `4.) In CFF Explorer, click File > Open and browse to the [FS2004 install path] folder

    NOTE: Default [FS2004 install path] is C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator 9

    `4.) In the right window pane, locate FS9.EXE, and "select" it with a single left mouse click (file name turns blue if selected)

    `5.) At the bottom of the CFF Explorer File > Open > "Select File" browse dialog box, click "Open"

    `6.) Now back in CFF Explorer, one sees a 2-pane view with a virtual folder tree on the left, a table on the right

    `7.) In the left window pane, locate NT Header > File Header and click "File Header" (table on right changes)

    `8.) In the right window pane, locate the bottom table row "Characteristics"

    `9.) In the far right cell labeled "Click Here", single left click that cell ("Characteristics" checkbox list dialog pops up)

    10.) Add a "Check mark" to the check box "App can handle > 2GB address space"; leave all other check boxes unchanged

    11.) Click OK, then Exit CFF Explorer.

    Back Up Windows XP's "BOOT.INI" File

    `1.) Right-click My Computer > and choose "Control Panel" and run the "System" applet

    NOTE: In "Windows Classic" Theme Mode one can also click Start > Settings > Control Panel and then run the "System" applet

    `2.) Click the "Advanced" Tab; under "Startup and Recovery" click the "Settings" button ("Startup and Recovery" opens)

    `3.) Click the "Edit" button (Windows NotePad opens "Boot.ini" for editing) [EDITED!]

    `3.) In that NotePad Boot.ini edit window, click File > "Save As" (Save As dialog box opens)

    `4.) In the "File name" field, type over the pre-selected "boot.ini" file name and instead name it "boot_ini_Before_3GB.bak"

    `5.) In the "Save As Type" pick list choose "All Files", leave "Encoding" set on "ANSI" [EDITED!]

    `6.) Click "OK" to save the backup copy; Keep this notepad window open so we can now:

    Add "/3GB" Switch parameters to Windows XP's "BOOT.INI" File

    `1.) Drag the Notepad window edges out to eliminate any wordwrap so single lines are properly displayed

    `2.) Edit the long line under [operating systems] by adding this text to the end of the existing line: [1 space here]/3GB[1 space here]/userva=2560

    NOTE: Don't use /userva=2048 (same as existing 2GB limit!) or MORE than 2560 (Win32 kernel needs room too!)

    `3.) The edited Boot.ini line should now read:

    [operating systems] <-- Section Heading on line ABOVE the line to be edited

    multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS="Microsoft Windows XP Professional" /noexecute=optin /fastdetect /3GB /userva=2560

    `4.) Double check your edit for accuracy, then click File > "Save As" (Save As dialog box opens)

    `5.) In the "File name" field, type over the pre-selected "boot_ini_Before_3GB.bak" file name and instead name it "boot.ini"

    `6.) In the "Save As Type" pick list choose "All Files", leave "Encoding" set on "ANSI"; click "Save" and Exit NotePad

    `7.) Restart Windows XP and test your new settings! tongue.gif

    NOTE: Some users may notice an initially longer Windows re-boot, and initially longer load times for FS9 and/or flights.

    Keeping all FS settings otherwise unchanged, take a test flight in a familiar aircraft at a familiar airport and see whats new! :mrgreen:

    I hope this purposely very detailed step-by-step guide helps folks new to these procedures enjoy a better FS experience. :roll:

    Happy Flying! :cool:


    Particularly Relevant References ( "ParRelRefs"... not to be confused with "PIREPs" ):

    PTaylor's WebLog: FSX and Win32 Process Address Space - Phil Taylor


    "OOM Error" explained in comprehensible English" - Bill Leaming (aka n4gix) et al.




    [ EDITED ] NOTE: See above threads by Bill Leaming and Nick Needham for Vista / WIN-7 and FSX "/3GB Switch" setup procedures :!:

  10. Hi Joe:

    I too had initially seen only as far as the red ribbons, and then I realized that she had a knife sheath in her left hand when Francois pointed out the knife! :wink:

    If I squint real hard, it looks like her Parrot flew away with my Parrot (hers was probably fearing for it's life anyway since the knife edge was facing inwards!); maybe she couldn't see how she was holding the blade because of the patch on her right eye? :P

    And I guess I couldn't see as far as the knife at first due to the outfit I was wearing in the bar that night to "fit in", since it was "Treasure Island Night" at the Emma Field Clubhouse bar! :idea:

    That darn big 3-cornered hat kept getting knocked off anyway, people kept tripping over the fake peg leg, and then of course my view was restricted by the patch (oops, sorry... "Service Pack!") I had applied to my left eye! :mrgreen:

    Arrrrgh... Methinks we be the "Pirates of Potlatch", Matey! :twisted:

    "Wench... I need some more Grog here, please!!!" :lol: :lol: :lol:


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